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Are any developers using the Doom3 engine besides ID (console or PC)?


Even in light of the UE3 engine, D3 is still a powerful engine. I know that a lot of people don't like the "plasticky" look of D3. However, wouldn't a lot of that have to do with how the engine is used; and the art direction?

Just curious


That's pretty awful though... Quake 3''s engine was used on WAY more games. id can't be too happy it's not been more popular with developers.
Unison said:
That's pretty awful though... Quake 3''s engine was used on WAY more games. id can't be too happy it's not been more popular with developers.
Well, they are being trampled by Epic and their new baby UE3.


Can't wait until id unveils their doom4 engine(or whatever) only to have it being destroyed by UE4. :p


half-wit retard monkey's ass
jett said:
Can't wait until id unveils their doom4 engine(or whatever) only to have it being destroyed by UE4. :p
Hehe, well at the time the Unreal 3 engine games will start appearing, (start of 2006) Carmack will be in full production of his new game on a new engine (PC, Xbox 360, PS3), so it will be nice to see if they are a step ahead on graphics over Unreal 3 then.

But if you ask my opinion. The technology's will be similar, it's all about the art by then. And about art there is nothing exact, it's all in the eyes of the beholder. You like it or you don't. There's no 'it's better or worse art' that counts for everyone.


jett said:
Can't wait until id unveils their doom4 engine(or whatever) only to have it being destroyed by UE4. :p

Doom3's tech hasn't really been destroyed as it was built for the current systems that was months ago. That isn't the case of UE3.


I remember when a lot of people were waiting for the Doom 3 engine to be used on other games. But then of course, UE3 came along and no one remembered.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Prey is the only game using it that isn't based off a property that id owns. It goes without saying that you're going to develop a game based on id's IP, you're going to use their engine.

Well, they are being trampled by Epic and their new baby UE3.

In terms of other developers using it for their own franchises, this is true. Epic really caught id with their pants down. I think Doom III as an engine would have had more impact if the game came out in 2003. By the time the game was released it had already been three E3's since it was announced, and people were starting to see next-gen stuff like the UE3 engine. Anyone starting development on a game now probably won't be releasing it until both Xbox 360 and PS3 are on store shelves, so it's gotten to the point where they might as well use UE3 until a comparitively powerful engine comes along that they can get a better deal on.


jett said:
Can't wait until id unveils their doom4 engine(or whatever) only to have it being destroyed by UE4. :p
on a tech side, probably. but from a tools and support side, no way. Epic has really focused on making great tools, having great support, AND having awesome tech. Epic sells a package, where ID just pretty much sends you a DVD with source code and asks for some money.


The Doom3 tech came a generation early. I think in a lot of ways the concepts being pushed by it (requiring enormous amounts of texture memory, completely unified lighting engine) are still being limited by the hardware on hand today. From a technical standpoint I'm still very impressed by it, but it's a different approach than most other engines on the market so I'm not too suprised by the slow rate of adoption.


element said:
on a tech side, probably. but from a tools and support side, no way. Epic has really focused on making great tools, having great support, AND having awesome tech. Epic sells a package, where ID just pretty much sends you a DVD with source code and asks for some money.

Uh, read what I said one more time. :p
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