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Borderlands 3 Review Thread



IGN: 9/10
Borderlands 3 sticks to its guns and outdoes itself with an amazing arsenal of weapons, humor, and missions.

Game Informer: 8/10
An old formula executed well, Borderlands 3 rarely takes chances or strays from expectation

GameSpot: 8/10
Borderlands 3 fumbles with its bosses, but the game ultimately continues its predecessors' tradition of fun, mayhem-filled looting and shooting.

USgamer: 4/5
Despite the formula growing a bit stale, Gearbox has expanded upon it in the right way, resulting in a great Borderlands experience.

Shacknews: 9/10
The Borderlands formula might be a bit dated with its raunchy jokes and cheesy dialogue, but that doesn’t change that it is a formula that keeps reeling players back in again and again. Despite the fact that I’ve already logged over 40 hours in the game, I still can't help but feel the want to dive back in with a new character just to experience it all again.

PC Gamer: 63/100
An endless font of bad jokes and cool guns in the series' most vapid story yet, Borderlands 3 skates by on watching numbers fly and goons explode.

Destructoid: 9/10
Borderlands 3 takes most of the good bits of Borderlands 2 and either rolls with them or improves upon them. It didn't need to reinvent the wheel either, as Gearbox pretty much had the formula figured out the second time around.

Polygon: Unscored
Borderlands 3, if it works well at launch, is a competent game that feels like a passable continuation of the franchise instead of an evolution. It’s the same general idea with new vault hunters, but with little of the joy and danger that I fell in love with in earlier entries.


I haven't seen a single bad thing about the game. In fact it looks like they have improved almost everything from a gameplay perspective. I loved all the games and I would be surprised if I didn't also love this one.

The quality of the writing is the only that that worries me.


Gold Member
I haven't seen a single bad thing about the game. In fact it looks like they have improved almost everything from a gameplay perspective. I loved all the games and I would be surprised if I didn't also love this one.

The quality of the writing is the only that that worries me.

Don't read the PC Gamer review then lol
Im gutted they ignored most of Tales but regardless I cant wait to jump in, couldn't care less if its too samey as these never get boring to play. Good to see its reviewing well


The quality of the writing is the only that that worries me.
Eh, this is exactly what I've been saying for months, I'm pretty sure (considering how they went through after Borderlands 2 - TPS was atrocious in this regard) the writing is gonna be awful. Hope I'm wrong. I'm never wrong.

If anything that gives me hope. BL2 humor was great.
Dude. High five.
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Gold Member
Liked 1, loved 2, never played the pre sequel... I guess ill wait for a discount for this one, maybe around black friday or cybermonday. I felt zero enthusiasm when the collection was given as a ps plus game, hell, downloaded it and never played it. I've seen preview videos and feel more of the same, not enough new features or gameplay improvements to me.


always chasing the next thrill
just got the super deluxe edition for my xbox one x
can't wait.

was thinking about the epic version.
But a bit risky imo since the game gets better with an active community


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
Doesn't sound like they are doing anything new. I was tired of that formula long ago, so this is a hard pass for me.
Played through the entirety of BL1 and that was enough for me. BL2 was boring as fuck. I legitimately never understood the hype for this game.
Gearbox being a shady as fuck developer with Randy at the helm only cements that there's really no reason for me to buy this.
BL1 was incredibly boring with its bland environments. BL2 was quite the opposite. The timed missions were terrible though.


Gold Member
Feels like the game is scored based on how funny the game is....63/100 PC Gamer? Wow

Also, welcome to the days where you can spend 100 bucks on a game and get no steelbook, no art, no soundtrack. I guess you get each DLC for 10 bucks each effectively. Super Deluxe my ass.

Still bought it.
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The Polygon review actually addressed my concerns about this game more than any other review (sorry PC Gamer). The writing and in-game action for NPCs appears to be very bland and lifeless, and the antagonists are a pale imitation to Jack (or any of the first Borderlands expansion antagonists even).

Am I getting the game? Yes.
Will I be playing with friends? Yes.
Am I going to have fun? Probably.

It's just a little disconcerting that this franchise is stumbling again somewhat on its fourth iteration. PreSequel has gameplay and story issues, but BL3 appears to just have story/writing issues...so progress?


pc gamer = EPIC BAD
Yep, and they have so many damn ads on their webpage. Also, Borderlands 3 is averaging at 85 so far on OpenCritic.

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I expected armor drops to be a thing in this game. You know, chest gear, boots, gloves etc. Stuff you'd expect in a game like this, Destiny, The Division, etc. Is it still just guns/shields/grenade slots all over again? That would be a big disappointment to me.
I expected armor drops to be a thing in this game. You know, chest gear, boots, gloves etc. Stuff you'd expect in a game like this, Destiny, The Division, etc. Is it still just guns/shields/grenade slots all over again? That would be a big disappointment to me.
Actually having those drops would hurt the pace so much in a frantic game like Borderlands.

Gimme only guns and attachments!


For those buying on PC, beware that polygon is reporting that the port is not great.
We experienced some serious issues. The game crashed frequently, and those crashes were experienced separately by three Polygon staffers playing on three different gaming PCs in different parts of the country. One of us lost a character after putting six hours into the game, and had to start from scratch. After a day or two of playing, random crashes became something I expected, not anything that surprised me — and they got worse as we went through the game.

Quests would glitch out; waypoints would refuse to show up until the game was restarted. A pop-up window randomly gave me instructions about what to do if a mission-critical vehicle was blown up or I got stuck in a level, even though nothing of the sort was happening. I guess someone on the team expected that to be an issue, but it wasn’t?

Gearbox may have fixed these problems by the time the game launches, and I hope it does. We’ve been told the game is receiving a substantial day-one patch, but if you’re worried about the game’s stability, you may want to proceed with caution until we (and other publications and players) are able to test the launch version on PC. Reviewing Borderlands 3 was frustrating — partly due to the often tedious nature of the game itself, and partly due to the fact that Gearbox was clearly still working on the game.


Gold Member
Haha. PC Gamer sounds salty as hell that this is a Borderlands-ass Borderlands game. I'm still taking a wait and see approach to how this pans out.

So this isn't Woke Simulator 3000?
It could possibly just of been PR. We'll have to see.


Probably. I didn't mean to imply that BL1 was better than 2. I never got far into the second one. I guess I just got tired of the formula by that time.
Why are you posting in a thread about a series you don't like? If I don't like a game, I simply avoid threads that discuss it.
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