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DDR'ers who you be?

Hey for a couple months now i've been getting into DDR heavily. I've downloaded stepmaina and almost ever song you could possibly get. Anyway i was just wondering who else on the boards is DDR nut? I selectivly play certain songs now on heavy and just play them till i get really good scores. My biggest accomplishment so far was a AA on Rhythm and Police on heavy mode with only 15 greats. I can pass alot of other heavy songs just don't get great scores because i've never practiced as much as i have on Rhythm and Police


elitehebrew said:
Hey for a couple months now i've been getting into DDR heavily. I've downloaded stepmaina and almost ever song you could possibly get. Anyway i was just wondering who else on the boards is DDR nut? I selectivly play certain songs now on heavy and just play them till i get really good scores. My biggest accomplishment so far was a AA on Rhythm and Police on heavy mode with only 15 greats. I can pass alot of other heavy songs just don't get great scores because i've never practiced as much as i have on Rhythm and Police

I played DDR (arcade) when it was free on Friday nights on my campus, some good times...

I also downloaded Stempmania to practice some patterns, but not till after a year of playing it...


the only one I've played quite a bit (more than 30 times at least) is DDR 5th Mix cause that's the one they have...

I love The Never Ending Story and Opps... I Did it Again, and hopefully there will be some free-play on Friday nights (there is a long wait in-between plays, but at least it's free)...


I used to play quite a bit, but haven't for awhile. Plan to start again soon... it's good exercise.


Mistaken iRobbery!
I haven't played DDR Extreme in a while. For me, DDR 3rd mix, 4th mix, Extra Mix, 5th mix where all good times. Max and MAX2 where okay but I found 3rd mix to be at its peak(stateside wise). Once we started to hit the MAx then I found some songs to be not that catchy anymore.
Defensor said:
I haven't played DDR Extreme in a while. For me, DDR 3rd mix, 4th mix, Extra Mix, 5th mix where all good times. Max and MAX2 where okay but I found 3rd mix to be at its peak(stateside wise). Once we started to hit the MAx then I found some songs to be not that catchy anymore.



Would be playing it but my roomate accidently took my mem card back home and I dont feel like unlocking all the songs again.
I've been playing for about a year and a half, off and on. I started playing it quite often about three months ago. I would say my biggest accomplishment is passing MaxX Unlimited, Max 300, and Bag 1x flat on the same set.

Edit: Oh right, arcade version for life. Fuck those home versions.

Justin Bailey

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I've had DDRMax2 for about three weeks. It's the first DDR I've ever played and I'm really into it. I've gotten to where I can get A's on pretty much all the light songs, but standard and heavy are a different story :D Fun when you're drunk, too.


Party Pooper
the setup downstairs...


i'm at the point where i can pass alot of stuff on standard, most 7 footers. but i feel like i've hit a wall... oh well, keep on practicing

edit: fan's have been added but not in the picture. games played are 5th and 8th


Yikes, I didn't know they make you dance for your freedom in those prison camps! ^_^

Anyway I haven't played for quite some time, I guess because of work. I used to play way too much...even d/l'd around 300 videos for Stepmania. I've been too lazy to put them into their songs and everything though (which would also mean getting the scripts for them as well).


I have StepmaniaX, Ultramix, and Konamix, but I haven't played in a couple of months. Time to get off my butt and start again, as I'm starting to gain weight from sitting around all day at work.


Used to be VERY into it, played for 3-4 years, but due to various reasons from other people no longer playing to just plain not feeling like it to Konami slacking off on any future arcade releases and me getting so, so tired of Extreme, I really have a hard time getting into it these days. I have a feeling that whether or not I continue to play depends on one of two things: a good, new arcade release or if the upcoming home versions of Extreme/Ultramix 2 are any good. If the former doesn't happen and the latter ends up sucking, I might as well just quit.
Per my gf's request, i just plunged 45 or bucks for DDR Ultramix for Xbox w/ non-slip pad! I haven't the slightest idea if that's a good pad or not, but me get skinny now!

So in short, i may or may not be a future DDR-nut.


I used to play it a lot back in 2001. I lived in a basement so I could rock on w/o disturbing anybody.

It was good for my shape. Then I moved on a 3rd floor so I couldn't play along with the fact that the pads were 1 foot away from the TV which is too close.

I am buying a house with a basement for me alone in november. Can't wait to put the DDR pad back into action.
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