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Famitsu Week 38: Dragon Quest X, Switch above 125k, Xbox Series above PS5


Xbox series is doing rather well, I wonder if it will match or surpass Xbox 360 :)

Obviously it's not going to come close to switch or ps5, but it's doing really well compared to what I can imagine many of us expected.

Hopefully they can keep up momentum and get more Japanese games on Xbox :)
I just love it when Xbox fans are cheerleading Nintendo. I get it bros you need something to root for.

I love it even more when they pretend they are long term fans of some of the franchises on the switch. You can tell they are trying their best. Don't get me wrong their are genuine people who are fans, but you can tell the frauds from a mile a way and they know who they are.
You need to start coping with the fact that people can have and enjoy multiple consoles :messenger_smiling:


Xbox series is doing rather well, I wonder if it will match or surpass Xbox 360 :)

Obviously it's not going to come close to switch or ps5, but it's doing really well compared to what I can imagine many of us expected.

Hopefully they can keep up momentum and get more Japanese games on Xbox :)
Which makes it even stranger than some people agree losing their minds that xbox outsold ps5 for ONE WEEK. The ps5 of course will outsell Xbox in Japan.

Maybe it's because these people thought things would go the same way as last gen? That was never going to happen. Xbox is going to close the gap that existed last gen. In Japan. In UK. In US. Everywhere. I guess some people don't like that.


Gold Member
Andrew House, Shawn Layden, Adam Boyes, a complete talent drain at the international top of Sony over the past 5 years. Studios closing, investments cancelled.
Only to be replaced by Jim "old games are shite" Ryan (which he never backtracked from, regardless of his further comments) as the CEO of SIE.
Call me a fake fan, but my Switch and Xbox serve me well. I don't need a PS5 to make me feel good. Not that I can find any, I think the Netherlands gets a shipment of
about 10 units a week.


Moderated wildly
Rakuten possibly, but that's also made up out of a lot of different sellers. From what it's worth, the Japanese gaming industry analysts I follow on twitter all say that Media Create is the one that is most accurate. So it could very well be that Famitsu's numbers are off.

Because it's on advertisements.

That's great. I live here too and I've not noticed any preference for smaller electronics outside of TV's. Nobody in Japan is going to look at the Series S and be like "Oh I'm buying that one because I have no room for a PS5." Come on now.

Huh? It's not doing better than any Xbox ever. It's not even close to the Xbox 360's numbers.

Well naturally being available in shops vs not being available in shops is always going to be a plus. In fact, I do think that this is actually one of MS's biggest challenges in the territory: convincing stores to actually carry the brand. Right now, most electronic stores and gaming stores don't seem to think that carrying the brand is worth it.

It depends on what you consider doing well. It's outperforming the Xbox One, but it's lacking behind the Xbox 360. The simple fact of the matter is that any kind of growth is going to be negligible in the grand scheme of things.

I meant how would customers know to wait for the deal before the deal existed and was advertised.

Also, I said since the reduction of console sales in Japan. I don't think the ps4 even did as well as the ps3 and the ps3 didn't do great.

Boy bawang

If anyone was doubting that the next Dragon Quest would release on Switch, you can put those doubts to rest. I would even argue that the Switch will probably be the lead platform for the next Dragon Quest.
If anyone was doubting that the next Dragon Quest would release on Switch, you can put those doubts to rest. I would even argue that the Switch will probably be the lead platform for the next Dragon Quest.

Hoping we get two different versions again. Having a 2024-25 console game tied to 2017 portable hardware would be a disaster
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Highly unlikely that SE would make a different version for PS5. Look at PS5 sales in Japan. It would be a huge waste of resources. DQXII might come to Switch 2. It is still a ways out.

Dragon Quest isn’t only being made for the 2m people that will buy it in Japan. Dragon Quest XI already had multiple versions so this theory doesn’t hold.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
My day one Switch is laughing at your schizo-posting. First the ambassador nonsense, and now the fake fans. Mental.



Dragon Quest isn’t only being made for the 2m people that will buy it in Japan. Dragon Quest XI already had multiple versions so this theory doesn’t hold.
You're talking about the 3ds version. The Switch version was a port of the PS4 version (with a lot of extra content the PS4 version didn't have). SE tried to make DQXI for a western audience and it didn't really work. Japan is where they will focus. DQXI sold 6m, 5m of which were in Japan. Think about it.


Gold Member
I just love it when Xbox fans are cheerleading Nintendo. I get it bros you need something to root for.

I love it even more when they pretend they are long term fans of some of the franchises on the switch. You can tell they are trying their best. Don't get me wrong their are genuine people who are fans, but you can tell the frauds from a mile a way and they know who they are.
Kind of like when Sony fans would cheerlead bring up Japanese sales between PS and Xbox in the past. Now, PS sales are so small in Japan nobody brings them up anymore even though they are still higher than Xbox because that would bring a spotlight to the low sales. Which is incredible because PS consoles used to dominate Japan. At last Xbox was always last there.

Not any different when PS fans cheered MP online was free on PS3 as arguably the best point about PS3 over 360. But when Jack Tretton announced on stage PS4 MP would be an online sub fee, suddenly they all shut their mouths about online fees and never bring up the topic ever again.
Andrew House, Shawn Layden, Adam Boyes, a complete talent drain at the international top of Sony over the past 5 years. Studios closing, investments cancelled.
Only to be replaced by Jim "old games are shite" Ryan (which he never backtracked from, regardless of his further comments) as the CEO of SIE.
Call me a fake fan, but my Switch and Xbox serve me well. I don't need a PS5 to make me feel good. Not that I can find any, I think the Netherlands gets a shipment of
about 10 units a week.

Well, you're definitely a fake something. Being reductive and disingenuous to the point of bold-faced lies just to make a point isn't a good look. You talk about studios closing, when the one notable studio that "closed" is Japan Studio...you know, the one that's mostly been reformed into Team Asobi, is actually expanding in team size, and being invested into? They solidified relationships with Insomniac, Blue Point, and Housemarque by purchasing them, this is after investing into & working with these studios for years if not decades.

Jim Ryan is actually the reason Sony are looking to invest more into indies again going by Shu Yoshida's statements but, of course, you conveniently ignored those, didn't you? The people who apparently can't even read Kickstarters, using Sony's passing on Armed Fantasia as a dig against them being anti-indie, must think companies blindly throw money at projects with zero proof of concept (I wish I were kidding). Jim Ryan never said old games were shit, just that they don't appeal to the majority of modern gamers. Which, as someone who enjoys retro games a lot, even I can say is true. You'd be better off being a fake fan than what you really are: a disingenuous commentator.
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PS5 is in dead last


Fucking abysmal Sony. Fucking abysmal.

For the Switch, hardware numbers are great. Splatoon should have done an extra million(so total is 4,5 million), continuing its streak as the monster it is. And DQ did... fine?I guess
Talking about an apples to oranges comparison/reaction.

The Xbox SX/S sold 4k more but is literally over a million and a half units behind the ps5. Stop it lol.


I would love to have Xbox be more popular here, but most people don't understand what the situation for Xbox is really like. The vast majority of Gaming/Electronic stores outside large cities do not carry the Xbox brand. Like, at all. You either have to order online or travel to a major city where you'll find a very small section dedicated to Xbox. A not insignificant amount of these consoles sold go to either American Military Staff stationed in Japan or scalped up by Chinese to be sold for massive profits in China. The idea that Xbox is "Growing" by any significant amount here in Japan is a complete myth as far as I'm concerned.

You imagine people are scalping Series S consoles to be sold for massive profits in China? The same Series S you’ve been insisting has been widely available since last year?


Gold Member
Jim Ryan is actually the reason Sony are looking to invest more into indies again going by Shu Yoshida's statements but, of course, you conveniently ignored those, didn't you? The people who apparently can't even read Kickstarters, using Sony's passing on Armed Fantasia as a dig against them being anti-indie, must think companies blindly throw money at projects with zero proof of concept (I wish I were kidding). Jim Ryan never said old games were shit, just that they don't appeal to the majority of modern gamers. Which, as someone who enjoys retro games a lot, even I can say is true. You'd be better off being a fake fan than what you really are: a disingenuous commentator.
Invest as in third party deals? Or invest as in making their own first party indie quality games? Because right now, there's barely any first party ones when in the past Sony made way more of them.

People love playing older games. WHy do you think sub plans are so popular? The vast majority of the games are year old or more games. Sony has shit loads on games going back to the PS1 days. If gamers didnt care about them, Sony wouldnt bother doing them and gamers wouldnt bother subbing.

There's hardly any next gen only games anyway. Were almost two years into next gen gaming yet almost all games are cross gen. Which can be argued these kind of are old games because most of them are just old gen games with higher res and frame rate and maybe some RT thrown in.

Most console gamers are still on Xbox One/PS4 era machines and software sales are still solid. So it shows people are still buying and playing games on 2013 machines.

If people cared that much about modern games, anyone with an old console would fizzle out their game playing, next gen gamers would only focus on next gen only games, and nobody would by PS+ or GP for old games.


I find it amusing that it was the Xbox Series S that drove the sales higher. I'm rather fond of this thing.
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Talking about an apples to oranges comparison/reaction.

The Xbox SX/S sold 4k more but is literally over a million and a half units behind the ps5. Stop it lol.

The PS5 is behind both MS and Nintendo this week. And has a fraction of what Nintendo has overall. The PS5 is around 25 million units behind the Switch. And if you compare them launch alligned, it should be 6 million units behind, give or take.

Its embarissong you guys trying to make excuses for Sony's poor performance in Japan. Just stop it.


Gold Member

The PS5 is behind both MS and Nintendo this week. And has a fraction of what Nintendo has overall. The PS5 is around 25 million units behind the Switch. And if you compare them launch alligned, it should be 6 million units behind, give or take.

Its embarissong you guys trying to make excuses for Sony's poor performance in Japan. Just stop it.
Since Wii and Switch have done so well globally, Sony fans typically try to ignore Wii and Switch. But they sure enjoyed it when PS1 and PS2 dominated every region of the world - including Japan.

Compare console sales of Nintendo and Sony systems since PS1 launched. It's like day and night from the first few gens to recent gens. It's not like there's any third company like Sega or MS that ate into their sales over the decades to make a noticeable difference. It's a two company console market in Japan, where one totally dominates now.

But it makes sense.

Japanese gamers like Japanese kinds of games. Sony and most big third parties skew their games to western style tastes which is gritty graphics, ultra realistic pro league sports and stats, shooters (including BR) and it seems almost every game has competitive MP modes. These markets have bigger sales potential. It's as easy as that. Aside from Nintendo games which have global appeal, RE, Gran Turismo and maybe some western gamers liking FF and DQ, the tastes in games are a 180. Of course Sony systems arent going to sell if Sony focuses on games like Last of Us, God of War and Uncharted. Even their samurai games wasnt even made by a Japanese studio. Made by a bunch of people at Sucker Punch in Washington State.

It's not even a console vs mobile thing because there's been consoles and mobile systems selling concurrently since Gameboy. Console sales did fine for decades. If pure console systems like PS systems now do lousy, it shows it's a game library issue. Consoles still sell fine elsewhere in the world.
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Naked Lunch

I just love it when Xbox fans are cheerleading Nintendo. I get it bros you need something to root for.

I love it even more when they pretend they are long term fans of some of the franchises on the switch. You can tell they are trying their best. Don't get me wrong their are genuine people who are fans, but you can tell the frauds from a mile a way and they know who they are.
This sounds like a videogame argument from middle school.
Straight up lunch table console warz.


Since Wii and Switch have done so well globally, Sony fans typically try to ignore Wii and Switch. But they sure enjoyed it when PS1 and PS2 dominated every region of the world - including Japan.

Compare console sales of Nintendo and Sony systems since PS1 launched. It's like day and night from the first few gens to recent gens. It's not like there's any third company like Sega or MS that ate into their sales over the decades to make a noticeable difference. It's a two company console market in Japan, where one totally dominates now.

But it makes sense.

Japanese gamers like Japanese kinds of games. Sony and most big third parties skew their games to western style tastes which is gritty graphics, ultra realistic pro league sports and stats, shooters (including BR) and it seems almost every game has competitive MP modes. These markets have bigger sales potential. It's as easy as that. Aside from Nintendo games which have global appeal, RE, Gran Turismo and maybe some western gamers liking FF and DQ, the tastes in games are a 180. Of course Sony systems arent going to sell if Sony focuses on games like Last of Us, God of War and Uncharted. Even their samurai games wasnt even made by a Japanese studio. Made by a bunch of people at Sucker Punch in Washington State.

It's not even a console vs mobile thing because there's been consoles and mobile systems selling concurrently since Gameboy. Console sales did fine for decades. If pure console systems like PS systems now do lousy, it shows it's a game library issue. Consoles still sell fine elsewhere in the world.
Exactly. Couldn't have said better.


Gold Member
Exactly. Couldn't have said better.
And here's another western trend which most Japanese gamers probably wont care about. VR.

If the argument people make about Japanese homes being cramped and they like small form factors, how many Japanese gamers are going to do PSVR, Oculus or VIVE for games where you got something the size of a brick strapped to your face and you might need room to move around blindly?



The PS5 is behind both MS and Nintendo this week. And has a fraction of what Nintendo has overall. The PS5 is around 25 million units behind the Switch. And if you compare them launch alligned, it should be 6 million units behind, give or take.

Its embarissong you guys trying to make excuses for Sony's poor performance in Japan. Just stop it.
When did I mention Nintendo? Your entire premise of your backhanded comment you put up was that the Xbox SX/S out sold the Ps5(by a grossly irrelevant amount) like it's some type of gotcha moment. Noone is making up excuses for anyone but you seem to be trying to cheerlead the laughable amount MS managed to sell in one week lol.


And here's another western trend which most Japanese gamers probably wont care about. VR.

If the argument people make about Japanese homes being cramped and they like small form factors, how many Japanese gamers are going to do PSVR, Oculus or VIVE for games where you got something the size of a brick strapped to your face and you might need room to move around blindly?
Yeah. Even in the west VR *still* isn't big.

Sad. I love Nintendo and all, and I do greatly enjoy Sony games, but a monopoly is never good, even if its a monopoly from a company with "morals" like Nintendo


When did I mention Nintendo? Your entire premise of your backhanded comment you put up was that the Xbox SX/S out sold the Ps5(by a grossly irrelevant amount) like it's some type of gotcha moment. Noone is making up excuses for anyone but you seem to be trying to cheerlead the laughable amount MS managed to sell in one week lol.
What? My post goes just as I wrote: Sony is behind everyone in this week. And that includes Nintendo. Being behind Nintendo AND MS this week makes it especially bad, that's all.

You are the one that came all proud mentioning Sony lifetime sales as if they are super great, and I just put those numbers into perspective, simply because MS is a non factor in Japan, a footnote, and Sony's actual competitor in Japan is Nintendo. And Sony is drowning when trying to go against Nintendo. This week just made that especially clear.
I just love it when Xbox fans are cheerleading Nintendo. I get it bros you need something to root for.

I love it even more when they pretend they are long term fans of some of the franchises on the switch. You can tell they are trying their best. Don't get me wrong their are genuine people who are fans, but you can tell the frauds from a mile a way and they know who they are.

You know what's funny? There was this guy on youtube, who would check gamertags of the biggest xbox guys on twitter and youtube. We've all heard their names.

Anyway, these guys barely play the games they hype. Most barely had an hour played on even xbox exclusives. They barely actually play games. It was weird.


You know what's funny? There was this guy on youtube, who would check gamertags of the biggest xbox guys on twitter and youtube. We've all heard their names.

Anyway, these guys barely play the games they hype. Most barely had an hour played on even xbox exclusives. They barely actually play games. It was weird.
Weirder than the guy stalking Xbox fans lol?
You forgot Nintendo numbers, which are almost 15 times higher than PS5's total.

Funny how you guys always have to focus on MS(which is doing better and better on a territory that historically had zero presence in) to make yourselves feel goos, when nintendo is selling 10:1. Sony being completely dominated in japan is a fact that its impossible to argue against. Sony is doing well worldwide, but they simply lost the second biggest market to Nintendo, and even is struggling against MS in some weeks.

If that's not a fall from grace, I don't know what it is.
A console from early 2017 has sold 15 times higher than one from late 2020? Omg how?


If anyone was doubting that the next Dragon Quest would release on Switch, you can put those doubts to rest. I would even argue that the Switch will probably be the lead platform for the next Dragon Quest.
This REALLY seems to stick in the craw of Squeenix; they want to break away SO HARD. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

NSW - 3.287.020
PS5 - 702.346

EDIT- That's year-to-date. Don't get me STARTED on lifetime sales!
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Famitsu is vastly overestimating xbox sales in Japan tho

People will ignore this, but the fact is Media Create is basically the NPD of Japan. There's a reason they can charge for their services and keep their numbers behind a paywall. They're just larger, have more sources, and are much more accurate. It's why Sony and Nintendo site Media Create, not Famitsu. But people going to need that copium.
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You imagine people are scalping Series S consoles to be sold for massive profits in China? The same Series S you’ve been insisting has been widely available since last year?
Is this some attempt at a "Gotcha"? The Series S is widely available in most major regions, such as North America and Europe. Not in every region and certainly not China.
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Before you all get too excited, still very few people in Japan even know that Microsoft even have a console. And 'Xbox' isn't a word that passes through pretty much any Japanese kid's lips.

And it's not the Microsoft are dead here. Office is everywhere (like the rest of the world), and the Surface line (except the Duo, lol) does brisk business here.
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Before you all get too excited, still very few people in Japan even know that Microsoft even have a console. And 'Xbox' isn't a word that passes through pretty much any Japanese kid's lips.

And it's not the Microsoft are dead here. Office is everywhere (like the rest of the world), and the Surface line (except the Duo, lol) does brisk business here.
The vast majority of these Xboxs are sold to Asia where they can't get stock. Even the ps5 has this situation. We'll have no Idea where real sales for both these consoles are in Japan until supply is easily available WW.


the only way for xbox to make a dent in this market by making Series S successor a handheld device that support same games as Series X successor but even that not enough, buying SE for example will help them a lot. all of that with GP.
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