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First Guns N' Roses - Chinese Democracy review from Spin.com

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It’s been a long time since Guns N’ Roses have released an album of new material. Everybody knows this, but it’s a fact that bears repeating. If you purchased a kitten on the day that Use Your Illusion I & II arrived in stores, it’s probably dead by now. As a consequence, there has been a great deal of pressure on Axl Rose to deliver a record that would validate a 15-year, $13 million wait. There is really only one way for Chinese Democracy to avoid utter and absolute failure: It needs to be the greatest rock album ever made.

Chinese Democracy is not the greatest rock album ever made.

Oh, it’s certainly awesome, but I don’t think it’s "15 years awesome." Had Axl released his album after a silence of, say, 11 years and two months (at a cost of, say, $11.5 million), Chinese Democracy would be an undeniable masterpiece, but considering the circumstances, some of this work seems shoddy. I get the impression most of the 13 songs were written between 1993 and 1999, and Rose merely spent six or seven years touching them up in the studio. One is forced to wonder if a track like "Madagascar" was only recorded 75 or 80 times, which calls Axl’s alleged "maniacal perfectionism" directly into question.

Does Chinese Democracy offer glimpses of the paranoid, misogynistic genius we once heard on the soundtrack of Interview With the Vampire? Absotively. "The Blues" might be Rose’s crowning career achievement: It’s an epic combination of mid-period Stevie Wonder, early Elton John, and side two of In Through the Out Door. This is the kind of gutter-glam boogie ballad that makes "November Rain" seem like a bucket of burro vomit warming in the afternoon sun. Chinese Democracy is simultaneously propulsive and ponderous, and there are some electrifying guitar arpeggios on both "Silk Worm" and "Thursday Morning Strip Club" (performed, I assume, by either Buckethead, Robin Finck, Zakk Wylde, Johnny Marr, or Brian May -- all five are listed in the liner notes). But this transcendence is sporadic at best: All too often, Rose’s sonic neurosis plunges into self-reflexive self-indulgence, most notably on the outdated 14-minute rap-rock anthem "Pound You (Good)" and an embarrassing "roots rock" duet with new buddy Dave Pirner titled "You’re Still Too Sweet Not to Be My Baby Anymore." Several songs make thinly veiled references to the architect who designed Rose’s backyard topiary garden, a move that may confuse casual listeners.

Obviously, the sexy albatross hanging around Rose’s wiry jugular is simple modernity: Could he create an album that would sound contemporary -- and competitive -- in today’s ever-evolving marketplace? As such, it is hard to understand why he elected to have Chinese Democracy coproduced by Bob Ezrin (Pink Floyd, Kiss) and Phil Ramone (Billy Joel, Barbra Streisand). Songs like "Catcher in the Rye" exhibit the sculpted sheen of Billy Joel’s Glass Houses, and the LP includes several tracks on which GNR bassist Tommy Stinson appears to be playing a note-for-note replication of the bass line from "Another Brick in the Wall." Skeptics might also bristle at the anger that still resides in Axl’s heart; his hairstyle and facial features have changed, but his inner intensity remains grizzly-esque. On the caustic rocker "Slash and Burned," Rose lashes out at his former bandmates now in Velvet Revolver with staggering specificity: "Your singer has cocaine eyes and a skeletonized trance / We’ll see if RCA recoups their advance." Rose has also retained his pathological distaste for the media, lyrically attacking the editors of Vanity Fair, MTV personality Sway, numerous teenage bloggers, and the city hall reporter for the Cincinnati Enquirer (who, curiously, has never written about pop music).

Still, Rose always possesses the potential to surprise us, as he does on a slightly reggaetón cover of Thin Lizzy’s "Cowboy Song" and a faithful (albeit befuddling) version of "Think About You," a tune actually written and recorded by Guns N’ Roses in 1987. But a deeper quandary remains: Does Chinese Democracy accomplish its goal? After all this time and all that money, will this album truly bring democracy to China?

I don’t know. I just don’t know.


So is Better (the demo) confirmed to be on the new album one way or another?
Spin heard the album? O'RLY -_-

The review is rather uneven. On one hand the reviewer declares that the album is awesome, but he then goes on to critisize it for the majority of the next few paragraphs.

And no mention of Better. That song is a freaking classic.


So does the record have a date? Is there a final track list? I can't imagine the record would not have "Better" on it since it is one of Rose's favorite songs according to a Rolling Stones piece in January.


He makes a reference to liner notes, so I guess actual review copies are now out?

Maybe this really will come out in April, as rumored, though I supposed the rumors of a tour with Slash and Duff are dead if that "Slash and Burned" song is on the disc.


One thing to keep in mind: Axl and Spin have a rather hostile history. He hated Spin so much for the way it covered G 'n R that he even dedicated an entire song to how much he wanted to kick the crap out of its editor Bob Guiccione Jr. ("Get in the Ring" off of Use Your Illusion II)


Suck it down GnR looooOOOOOooooooosers!

Seriously, that review is a little strange. "I don't know. I just don't know." sums it up nicely. :p I was hoping for the best...but a 14 rap-rock song and a goddamn reggaeton track? That garbage is so not worth waiting more than a decade.

MC Safety

I like this line a lot:

"Several songs make thinly veiled references to the architect who designed Rose’s backyard topiary garden, a move that may confuse casual listeners."

I only wish Axl would immortalize his garden's architect in a song.
MC Safety said:
I like this line a lot:

"Several songs make thinly veiled references to the architect who designed Rose’s backyard topiary garden, a move that may confuse casual listeners."

I only wish Axl would immortalize his garden's architect in a song.

Yeah, that's awesome.

(I do too.)


Oh great the 'review' is written by Chuck Klosterman, a pompous uppity 'late bloomer' whose writing is neither original nor charming. In other words he should be contributing to pitchforkmedia in some capacity.


medrew said:
Oh great the 'review' is written by Chuck Klosterman, a pompous uppity 'late bloomer' whose writing is neither original nor charming. In other words he should be contributing to pitchforkmedia in some capacity.

Oh shit, did Klosterman really write it? That should've been the first clue that this was a BS review. His book, Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs was entertaining in the parts I read, but he does make broad generalizations.
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