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From Software new Armored Core 6 job listing hints


Writes a lot, says very little
I don't think it will have anything related to "souls" in it as From Soft has done more of those games then "souls" titles and it would be like saying we have mechs or will have mechs in the Souls titles based on what they learned from Armored Core.... They'll treat it as they do the other titles in that IP as it has its own thing going on and all that they learn in Souls doesn't become some weird thing they force in all titles or something.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
Good lord I can’t imagine how horrendous the shooting mechanics would be from a from software game :messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_weary:

Used to love these games back in the day when I was less picky though.

Mech designs will be GOAT material

Here’s hoping they shock me
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Sad Cry GIF by Team Coco


I don't think it will have anything related to "souls" in it as From Soft has done more of those games then "souls" titles and it would be like saying we have mechs or will have mechs in the Souls titles based on what they learned from Armored Core.... They'll treat it as they do the other titles in that IP as it has its own thing going on and all that they learn in Souls doesn't become some weird thing they force in all titles or something.
There's a few differences between the FromSoft that made the last Armored Core and the FromSoft of today, so I think it's quite certain that we'll see some "Souls essence" in the new AC. That doesn't mean that I think it will be a "soulslike" in any shape of form, but the studio will definitly let the experience of the last 13-14 years bleed into any game they make from now on. And by that I don't mean that they won't treat the IP as its own thing, which i'm sure they will.

I hope the game feels fresh and new, and like someone else her pointed out, the designs is likely to be amazing.

With Miyazaki at the helm, this is bound to be brilliant. Without any info from here to release, this would still be a day 1. Easily.
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Miyazaki confirmed multiple times they are making a new Armored Core. This is nothing new and just further confirms what he said.
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Wonder what the budget of AC6 will be. I hope it got a big boost considering the past few successes of FROM.


The nicest person on this forum
Wonder what the budget of AC6 will be. I hope it got a big boost considering the past few successes of FROM.
The problem is Mecha games just dont do well in west for some reason, majority armored core did poorly in west.
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The problem is Mecha games just dont well in west for some reason, majority armored core did poorly in west.
Unfortunately you're right. Daemon X Machina whet my whistle, but I need a proper mecha game. This is probably the only decently budgeted game we'll get in the genre in the next ~5 years, so I'm hoping they get a little wiggle room.


Gonna be interesting to see a new installment of Armored Core. I never played any of the original games so I have no idea what to expect but I’ll keep an eye on it because it’s From Software. I don’t expect it to be anything like their more recent games though.
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I really hope those rumours of AC6 being open world with Factions and ‘Dungeons’ turns out to be true. If they can combine all of it with the massive bosses from For Answer that would be sick…
Please announce soon 🙏🙏🙏🙏


Writes a lot, says very little
There's a few differences between the FromSoft that made the last Armored Core and the FromSoft of today, so I think it's quite certain that we'll see some "Souls essence" in the new AC. That doesn't mean that I think it will be a "soulslike" in any shape of form, but the studio will definitly let the experience of the last 13-14 years bleed into any game they make from now on. And by that I don't mean that they won't treat the IP as its own thing, which i'm sure they will.

I hope the game feels fresh and new, and like someone else her pointed out, the designs is likely to be amazing.

With Miyazaki at the helm, this is bound to be brilliant. Without any info from here to release, this would still be a day 1. Easily.

I still think that is unlikely, they are contracted to make Armored Core, so I doubt they will go in and start forcing some concept in that series just cause they did Souls stuff in their own titles.

Artist can have many different directions and I don't care for this narrative that now suddenly they are stuck on this one thing or it will "bleed" into this or that as all they can do is that concept now or something as if that wasn't tailored to those titles or something. Not everything needs to be souls and I'm sure they know that. The few Gundam titles they did had no souls things in then and that weird VR title they did Déraciné has no Souls things in it either. So I don't know that they'll treat an Armored Core that way if they haven't treated other projects that way.

Danjin44 Danjin44 I would actually be surprised if its not open world, I think the concept you are saying could work well in this IP
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I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
I played the previous AC games, gameplay feels very slow and low budget.


What time is it?
I still think that is unlikely, they are contracted to make Armored Core, so I doubt they will go in and start forcing some concept in that series just cause they did Souls stuff in their own titles.

Artist can have many different directions and I don't care for this narrative that now suddenly they are stuck on this one thing or it will "bleed" into this or that as all they can do is that concept now or something as if that wasn't tailored to those titles or something. Not everything needs to be souls and I'm sure they know that. The few Gundam titles they did had no souls things in then and that weird VR title they did Déraciné has no Souls things in it either. So I don't know that they'll treat an Armored Core that way if they haven't treated other projects that way.

Danjin44 Danjin44 I would actually be surprised if its not open world, I think the concept you are saying could work well in this IP

I'm not sure about a Souls influence but Demon Souls didn't come out of thin air and some of the core principles can be seen in From's earlier titles from Kings Field and even Eternal Ring. The last Armored Core was in 2012 so it would be interesting to see what a new title could look like with From's modern sensibilities. It would also be exciting for them to not being working on something Souls-like.
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I really hope those rumours of AC6 being open world with Factions and ‘Dungeons’ turns out to be true. If they can combine all of it with the massive bosses from For Answer that would be sick…
Please announce soon 🙏🙏🙏🙏
lol are those seriously the rumors? As long as I can put on tank legs I'm day 1. From Software has been churning out too many souls games - always been an AC fan, not so much into souls games.


Jeez I just barely started DS Remastered, and want the platinum for all the souls games before Elden Ring. Meanwhile they're announcing a new game already. It's difficult to keep up with these guys.
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Writes a lot, says very little
I tink this has been brought up before. Someone said they actually would be needed because the code was a mess.

Probably, but they'd just need a few of their developers to help who ever is porting, remaster, remake etc. So I'm sure they'll need some folks from From Soft regardless for some of that.

I'm not sure about a Souls influence but Demon Souls didn't come out of thin air and some of the core principles can be seen in From's earlier titles from Kings Field and even Eternal Ring. The last Armored Core was in 2012 so it would be interesting to see what a new title could look like with From's modern sensibilities. It would also be exciting for them to not being working on something Souls-like.


Its likely they'll still have some Souls thing being made while they work on Armored Core as they seem to always have like 2 or 3 projects they are working on.
I tink this has been brought up before. Someone said they actually would be needed because the code was a mess.
idk, didn't the guy who made the 60fps patch say that the claims of Fromsoft spaghetti code were BS. I have no idea how true that is though. But I don't think the investment into a 4K/60FPS Bloodborne is even remotely close to the investment for a new Armored Core game.

Naked Lunch

The Armored Core series is secretly From's best franchise - but its never had the performance to match their ambitions. For Answer was perhaps the only one with acceptable frames per second. V and Verdict Day had the guts of a great game but ran at sub 20fps for gods sake.

Its been a long wait to finally see Armored Core developed (hopefully) at its full potential.
The Armored Core series is secretly From's best franchise - but its never had the performance to match their ambitions. For Answer was perhaps the only one with acceptable frames per second. V and Verdict Day had the guts of a great game but ran at sub 20fps for gods sake.

They NEED to release ports of AC4+For Answer and V+Victory Day. They're locked on old consoles right now, whereas at least on PC you can emulate everything prior. Actually, Victory Day is the only AC game I haven't finished so I could go for that, but 4+For Answer are better games (and Miyazaki's first directorial role if you want a marketing angle)
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Naked Lunch

They NEED to release ports of AC4+For Answer and V+Victory Day. They're locked on old consoles right now, whereas at least on PC you can emulate everything prior.
Im not sure what the deal is with Namco and ports of that era - but it seems its a pattern.
All the Armored Cores and Ace Combats from the PS2/3 - and Xbox 360 eras are locked to those platforms still.

The guts of Armored Cores were always great but its controls need a major overhaul. And like mentioned - the performance needs to finally be taken seriously to back up all the incredibly deep gameplay.
However, For Answer is pretty much perfect from my memory. Smooth and some of the most hardcore/difficult gameplay in gaming history.


lol are those seriously the rumors? As long as I can put on tank legs I'm day 1. From Software has been churning out too many souls games - always been an AC fan, not so much into souls games.
From what I remember yeah, HQ, Factions, Open World with Fortresses etc serving as Dungeons, grain of salt but I would love to see them go big.


So fun fact for anyone unfamiliar with From's non Souls games: Armored Core 4 is the first game to feature our favorite scoundrel, Patches.

Armored Core 4 was also the first game that Miyazaki was a developer for at Fromsoft.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Damn, when was the last Armored Core game? Must have been a decade ago.


Would love a VR mode in addition to the main game. From Software expressed interest in VR with ace combat but they said the ps4 hardware was underpowered for VR.
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