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Gamesradar - At E3 2019, Microsoft shows Sony the importance of simply showing up


Edge Magazine editor Nathan Brown considers whether Sony's decision to skip E3 2019 is a mistake it will later regret

The official PlayStation account on Twitter is a strange old thing at the moment. One tweet last night points out that Spiritfarer, one of the five dozen games shown off at the Xbox E3 2019 briefing yesterday, is coming to PlayStation next year. Scroll around a bit and you’ll be reminded that, yes, Cyberpunk 2077 is also being made for Sony’s console. As is Fall Guys, a new Mediatonic game announced by Devolver Digital last night, and Final Fantasy 7 Remake, which got a release date at a fan concert yesterday. Oh and hey, we’ve got a sale on too. Avert your gaze from the hype machine! Ignore all the new stuff! We’ve 35 per cent off Red Dead Redemption 2.

This is all a bit weird, a bit worrying and, as someone who still loves being swept up in the E3 measuring contest, also quite sad. Whatever you think of E3, it remains the video game industry’s focal point, a single week every year where everyone important goes to Los Angeles and everyone else gets very excited (and often quite cross) about what is unveiled. Sony is here too, no doubt: In meeting rooms and restaurants it is no doubt shaking hands and doing deals ahead of next year’s expected launch for PS5. But that counts for naught in the eyes of the public. Yes, Microsoft gave its best showing in years on stage yesterday – possibly its best ever. Sony needn’t have made it quite so easy.

I get why PlayStation didn’t show up. The logical consequence of building your E3 conference around games that are typically two or three years away from release, as Sony has spent much of this generation doing, is that you eventually run out of things to talk about; all you have left are games in development for a console you aren’t yet ready to unveil. But the fact that Microsoft managed to assemble its biggest-ever line-up of games shows that the well has far from run dry. There were 60 games on the Xbox stage yesterday. Fourteen of those were first-party. Chop the remaining 46 games in half, lean a little heavier than usual on the first-party games you haveannounced for the current generation, and there’s still plenty of material to build a press conference around.

Microsoft was left to stand unopposed

"E3 may be intended as a showcase for everything the industry has to offer, but it is really a battle for attention"
In a parallel universe, there was a Sony E3 2019 press conference. That beguiling eight-minute Death Stranding trailer opened the show, rather than being snuck out a week or so before it. At the end there was another look at the stellar The Last of Us Part 2, and in between another dive into the intriguing Ghost of Tsushima. Mark Cerny came on stage and outlined the vision for PS5. Sony, realising that still wasn’t quite enough, reached for its chequebook. Namco had some crazy new thing, a hook-up between Hidetaka Miyazaki and George RR Martin. Sony got Elden Ring (and while we’re dreaming, let’s say it didn’t leak). CD Projekt Red had unveiled Cyberpunk 2077 on Microsoft’s stage in 2018, and quite fancied a change of scenery. An offer of some stage time from the generation’s runaway winner was impossible to resist. Sony got Cyberpunk, and Sony got Keanu. They said it was one of the best E3 conferences of all time.

Instead, Microsoft was left to stand unopposed, and has naturally won by a landslide. It was an excellent conference, certainly, but was not without its problems. There was too much CG, and not enough gameplay. The running order was all over the shop. The plan for Project xCloud was poorly explained, and the Project Xbox Scarlett announcement lacking in substance. But with no point of comparison, there is nothing to particularly criticise. Perhaps it could have been better but hey, it’s all we’ve got. And anyway, they had Keanu.

E3 may be intended as a showcase for everything the industry has to offer, but it is really a battle for attention. It is not about owning the conversation so much as being involved in it, and you ignore it at your peril. Yes, some of the biggest players in the industry have pulled back a bit over the course of the generation. Nintendo abandoned press conferences in favour of Direct broadcasts. EA launched EA Play, Activision has no booth this year, and even Microsoft has decamped to its plush new digs down the road.

That doesn’t mean E3 is dying; it just means it’s a bit more spread out, and in duration and square footage it actually gets longer and bigger every year. I’ve been going to E3 for the best part of a decade, and for the first time nobody is talking about PlayStation unless it’s to question what the hell they’re playing at. They’ll be back next year, no doubt, with a new console and hopefully a banger of a launch line-up. But they’ll be doing so on the back foot, starting the new generation having willingly handed the advantage to their biggest rival. They may yet regret it. The world, after all, is run by those who show up.



First Engadget who claims Sony is not competition for Microsoft, and now gamesradar who claims Microsoft is winning. In fact Engadget claimed Xbox and PlayStation were trading market leader positions the last 18 years in their video too 🌝.

And I’ve been seeing lots of, Microsoft xcloud is the future articles, completely dismissing ps4 remote play and ps now. Sometimes not even mentioning that ps now exists.

Payola is all I’m saying.


Honestly, they won’t regret it. The biggest games from e3 are either exclusive or coming to PS4.

FF VII remake being the biggest game at e3. Watch dogs and COD and Cyberpunk also all coming to PS4. Everything else is 2nd in fiddle in comparison outside of Nintendo first party lol.

All they did was save money, time, and announcements for their own events. You don’t see apple doing anything at CES like everyone else, they have their own events. And considering that 60 percent of the gaming market is on PlayStation, I don’t see why that’s a problem.
well there is more talk about MS than Sony, idk how not showing up is a good decsion. i would have liked to see sony there, even with 1 exclusive announcement would be good enough.


well there is more talk about MS than Sony, idk how not showing up is a good decsion. i would have liked to see sony there, even with 1 exclusive announcement would be good enough.

More talk on the same sites that claim Xbox is switching places every other year for the last 18 years. Aka payed articles tbh.

Microsoft has not announced a single new thing other than repeating ps5 specs for their next gen console.

Everything big shown is also a ps4 game. And FF VII is currently ps4 exclusive.


They obviously didn't have anything to show. Last year they tried to stretch 4 games over an hour by having flute man and all of the other bullshit. If they had nothing to show, then I don't see a problem with it.

That said, shame on them for not having anything to show. They're a major player in the industry, and usually have a bunch of interesting things in the pipeline. I feel the same way about the end of PS4 as I did about the end of Xbox 360. They're just coasting by on a handful of exclusives and 3rd party paid timed DLC type bullshit.

I have nothing good to say about Sony since they moved their HQ to California.

Codes 208

Gold Member
"MS unopposed".

That's why Nintendo and Square still won it right.
For gaf, sure.
But look at that list, of the top 5 videos, three of them were at MS. They definitely dropped the ball for the hardcore gamers but it seems they got exactly what they wanted.


well there is more talk about MS than Sony, idk how not showing up is a good decsion. i would have liked to see sony there, even with 1 exclusive announcement would be good enough.

Of course this is your view. We are not surprised lol. Microsoft has been losing out to Sony and profits and revenue in the gaming side have shown this and not showing up at E3 to make a fool of yourself doesn't hurt Sony one bit. They will continue to lead in sales, profit and revenue next Gen easily. Ppl will know ps5 is coming out and they will run to pre order and buy. It's tht simple.
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"One tweet last night points out that Spiritfarer, one of the five dozen games shown off at the Xbox E3 2019 briefing yesterday, is coming to PlayStation next year. Scroll around a bit and you’ll be reminded that, yes, Cyberpunk 2077 is also being made for Sony’s console. As is Fall Guys, a new Mediatonic game announced by Devolver Digital last night, and Final Fantasy 7 Remake, which got a release date at a fan concert yesterday."

Sort of makes Sony's case. Why bother when pretty much everything is on PS4 anyway and you can let others spend the money to show it off then point it out for free on Twitter? I'd understand if Sony was competing to be the place where people play third parties but PS4 already dominates in that. At this point multiplat game reveals are pretty much free PS4 advertising if Sony aren't doing them.
Of course. It deserves the hype and it’s nice they are having gameplay presentations for press to play.

Cyberpunk 2077 was NOT playable to press last year or this either. Both years are off hands demos. They did the same thing with Witcher 3 as well at previous E3s. Not a single press person got to play it until the game's release/early copies.


MS did the right decision to host a conference, they had a lot of potential to make this a homerun, yet they mess it all up. If Sony has their line up of games they would’ve made it one of the best conference by showing a lot of really exciting gameplay demos plus trailers combined.


well that is one opinion. I personally did not necessarily feel better or hyped after the MS press conference. It was all water under the bridge, we knew it all before they said it. Nothing spectacular and a release date for 2020. Kind of expected.


Kind of wish they would have shown up too, but if last years E3 was any indication, they don’t have much to show. Was really hyped for their next flute concert.

Halo Infinite 4th place! :messenger_winking:

Was hoping the Blair Witch would crack that list but sadly no. That was one of the better games showcased in all of E3 if you ask me. Kind of surprised Halo slightly edging Fifa 20, hope this means it’s picking up some steam and excitemeant.

Kagey K

well that is one opinion. I personally did not necessarily feel better or hyped after the MS press conference. It was all water under the bridge, we knew it all before they said it. Nothing spectacular and a release date for 2020. Kind of expected.
Anyone who went into this expecting a next gen blowout only set themselves up for disappointment, this was all about getting these games out before next gen hits to not blow up development costs.

My biggest surprise was how many of them are not ready to go this fall. Spring 2020 is going to kill some games. There are just too many too close to next gen launch.
MS did the right decision to host a conference, they had a lot of potential to make this a homerun, yet they mess it all up. If Sony has their line up of games they would’ve made it one of the best conference by showing a lot of really exciting gameplay demos plus trailers combined.

I attended E3 this year as press and got to see a lot of stuff including the confercenes as well in physical form. I was pretty content with what I got to experience.

Microsoft's confernece was totally fine. Yes, we didn't get mega next gen blowouts but if they did that then they would have nothing to reveal in 2020 which is when you want to hype up your next gen console release and motivate the press and the market. I am glad they held back, I am sure they knew they would take a hit on it but they decided to do it because they know they need to save their mega guns for next year.

It makes complete sense, and when Sony shows up next year it will be smart for Microsoft to blow their load as well. I cannot wait. E3 2020 starts on June 9th to 11th next year. Meaning the conferneces are most likely on the 7th and 8th of June 2020
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I've already forgotten everything I saw at this E3. That's how much immediate impact the presentations had on me and how much they'll influence my purchasing decisions going forward.

The Internet has ruined most of E3's value except for those who can attend in person.

Kagey K

I've already forgotten everything I saw at this E3. That's how much immediate impact the presentations had on me and how much they'll influence my purchasing decisions going forward.

The Internet has ruined most of E3's value except for those who can attend in person.

Or it must be fun to be able to hide your own Easter eggs.


Or it must be fun to be able to hide your own Easter eggs.
I routinely put stuff somewhere it'll be safe and then forget where I put it. Just like all those games that were safely put in 2020 and beyond at E3. Maybe they're so hard to remember because there wasn't any gameplay footage.

Kagey K

I routinely put stuff somewhere it'll be safe and then forget where I put it. Just like all those games that were safely put in 2020 and beyond at E3. Maybe they're so hard to remember because there wasn't any gameplay footage.
Ok you proved it. I agree with you, your memory might be bad, and you should get it looked at.

There wasn’t anything shown beyond 2020 at this E3. In fact they only thing that was shown past Spring 2020 was Halo.

Unless my memory is failing me now.
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Microsoft outsmarted Sony by not playing into their game. Both companies are saving up their own haymakers for next year's E3 which can literally determine who will win the sales race in holiday season of 2020.


Anyone who went into this expecting a next gen blowout only set themselves up for disappointment, this was all about getting these games out before next gen hits to not blow up development costs.

My biggest surprise was how many of them are not ready to go this fall. Spring 2020 is going to kill some games. There are just too many too close to next gen launch.

I fully agree. The positive thing about MS conference was, that there is essentially no line-up potent enough to truly counter current Sony Pipeline for the next 9-12 months (let's assume release dates ranging until April-June 2020). Therefore, MS concentrated on Games Pass which is quite successful. MS took what they dominate right now and put even more resources into making it happen. The flipside might be that we will see more of this happening fast and that PC will be as viable as XBOX for playing "exclusive" titles. Didn't Phil say something like: ~ the money is not being made by selling consoles... Says a lot about MS trying to dictate this market segment for the future and not letting Stadia dominate.
Next year will be a slobber knocker. Just you wait and see.

I agree! This E3 was definitely a prelude for next year and just the Halo Showcase will blow people away :messenger_ok:

You know, what's funny about this adorable gif is that I was just watching this Japanese cat video made for cats to teach them about crossing the road and car safety. Here's the video if anyone is interested to see it :p


MS did the right decision to host a conference, they had a lot of potential to make this a homerun, yet they mess it all up. If Sony has their line up of games they would’ve made it one of the best conference by showing a lot of really exciting gameplay demos plus trailers combined.

They messed it up ? wtf you are smoking ? Is this some canada trudeo ideas where "if you kill enemy you lose ?"
The only party that failed is Sony because they didn't show up.

Kagey K

I agree! This E3 was definitely a prelude for next year and just the Halo Showcase will blow people away :messenger_ok:

You know, what's funny about this adorable gif is that I was just watching this Japanese cat video made for cats to teach them about crossing the road and car safety. Here's the video if anyone is interested to see it :p

I imagine that’s what the inside of Kojimas mind looks like in the morning after he has a piss but before he gets some coffee.

No wonder he gets so crazy.

In all reality he should stop making games and start directing music videos. His imagination could be super fun in 3-4 minute shorts.

If only he was super friendly with a company with a music label 😷
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They obviously didn't have anything to show. Last year they tried to stretch 4 games over an hour by having flute man and all of the other bullshit. If they had nothing to show, then I don't see a problem with it.

That said, shame on them for not having anything to show. They're a major player in the industry, and usually have a bunch of interesting things in the pipeline. I feel the same way about the end of PS4 as I did about the end of Xbox 360. They're just coasting by on a handful of exclusives and 3rd party paid timed DLC type bullshit.

I have nothing good to say about Sony since they moved their HQ to California.

Sony still has 3 major games in the pipeline for PS4:

Death Stranding
Ghost Of Tsushima
The Last Of Us, Part II

All 3 of these had a huge presence at their E3 2018 conference, and Death Stranding is releasing in November. The other two games are almost certainly TBD 2020. What else would they have to show?

As for the other Sony first/second party devs not working on these games, they're working on PS5 launch titles. But Sony isn't about to start unveiling launch titles for the PS5 when they aren't even ready to unveil the PS5 itself yet. Internally, the gaming division is gearing up for a console launch last year, and the PS5 needs content. Sony will advertise these games after unveiling the PS5.
I imagine that’s what the inside of Kojimas mind looks like in the morning after he has a piss but before he gets some coffee.

No wonder he gets so crazy.

In all reality he should stop making games and start directing music videos. His imagination could be super fun in 3-4 minute shorts.

If only he was super friendly with a company with a music label 😷

Japanese people in general have a quirky imaginative mind :messenger_tears_of_joy: Kojima right now is in his late 50's and the signs are showing if someone follows his Twitter account. Game development is becoming a lot more difficult for him and i won't be surprised if he takes a long sabbatical after Death Stranding.

I can definitely see Kojima delving into short films and music videos if he's given a long enough sabbatical!


Japanese people in general have a quirky imaginative mind :messenger_tears_of_joy: Kojima right now is in his late 50's and the signs are showing if someone follows his Twitter account. Game development is becoming a lot more difficult for him and i won't be surprised if he takes a long sabbatical after Death Stranding.

I can definitely see Kojima delving into short films and music videos if he's given a long enough sabbatical!

Kagey K

Sony still has 3 major games in the pipeline for PS4:

Death Stranding
Ghost Of Tsushima
The Last Of Us, Part II

All 3 of these had a huge presence at their E3 2018 conference, and Death Stranding is releasing in November. The other two games are almost certainly TBD 2020. What else would they have to show?

As for the other Sony first/second party devs not working on these games, they're working on PS5 launch titles. But Sony isn't about to start unveiling launch titles for the PS5 when they aren't even ready to unveil the PS5 itself yet. Internally, the gaming division is gearing up for a console launch last year, and the PS5 needs content. Sony will advertise these games after unveiling the PS5.
Based on what we know about marketing deals I could have made a Sony Conference that most people would have been satisfied with.

Death Stranding
Indie Reel
Ghosts of Tsushima
Sega (Catherine and Judgement)
Square Reel
The Last of us 2

If you thought this gen was exciting wait until what you see next.....

Good night,

Boom conference done. Sony wins again. E3 is saved.
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Kagey K

Japanese people in general have a quirky imaginative mind :messenger_tears_of_joy: Kojima right now is in his late 50's and the signs are showing if someone follows his Twitter account. Game development is becoming a lot more difficult for him and i won't be surprised if he takes a long sabbatical after Death Stranding.

I can definitely see Kojima delving into short films and music videos if he's given a long enough sabbatical!
I’m actually not kidding, I do think music videos is where he should have gone. He would see his vision come to life sooner and many more people could appreciate it.

If he worked with bands like Marilyn Manson, Eminem, Limp Bizkit back in the day or stuff like Chuvches and Billie Ellish now. There are always artists that want his
Creative vision for thier videos. Even BabyMetal might have a song he could would have the right direction for.
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Based on what we know about marketing deals I could have made a Sony Conference that most people would have been satisfied with.

Death Stranding
Indie Reel
Ghosts of Tsushima
Sega (Catherine and Judgement)
Square Reel
The Last of us 2

If you thought this gen was exciting wait until what you see next.....

Good night,

Boom conference done. Sony wins again. E3 is saved.

Three of these games have already been covered extensively by Sony. The majority of the rest were central parts of their publisher's respective conferences. Why would those publishers allow Sony to showcase their games and steal their own thunder?

Kagey K

Three of these games have already been covered extensively by Sony. The majority of the rest were central parts of their publisher's respective conferences. Why would those publishers allow Sony to showcase their games and steal their own thunder?
They have previously and the marketing money says they would?

Unless you don’t get how paying a publisher works.

When a daddy company loves a publisher.....
I’m actually not kidding, I do think music videos is where he should have gone. He would see his vision come to life sooner and many more people could appreciate it.

If he worked with bands like Marilyn Manson, Eminem, Limp Bizkit back in the day or stuff like Chuvches and Billie Ellish now. There are always artists that want his
Creative vision for thier videos. Even BabyMetal might have a song he could would have the right direction for.
That's true.....David Fincher and Spike Jonze are still music video directors to an extend so I could see an alternate timeline where Kojima ended up as a music video director.

It's a really odd career for Kojima to have taken in terms of videogames. He originally majored in economics and then decided to do filmmaking. Later on, he landed a job at Konami which gave him the metal gear series and other IPs of his own like Snatcher.

What he did in the medium of gaming was a breakthrough, literally. He broke gaming norms and traditions to the point of pissing off gamers. I, for some odd reason, fell in love with Metal Gear Solid (PS1) as a 9 year old kid who never experienced a game quite like it. Fast forward to 2003 and i'm playing one of the most complex stories in the PS2 era (MGS2) and oddly loving it as well.

The creativity he had was harnessed and bruteforced into video games instead of music videos, for better or worse.

Kagey K

That's true.....David Fincher and Spike Jonze are still music video directors to an extend so I could see an alternate timeline where Kojima ended up as a music video director.

It's a really odd career for Kojima to have taken in terms of videogames. He originally majored in economics and then decided to do filmmaking. Later on, he landed a job at Konami which gave him the metal gear series and other IPs of his own like Snatcher.

What he did in the medium of gaming was a breakthrough, literally. He broke gaming norms and traditions to the point of pissing off gamers. I, for some odd reason, fell in love with Metal Gear Solid (PS1) as a 9 year old kid who never experienced a game quite like it. Fast forward to 2003 and i'm playing one of the most complex stories in the PS2 era (MGS2) and oddly loving it as well.

The creativity he had was harnessed and bruteforced into video games instead of music videos, for better or worse.
But he took literally the longest way of any of the mediums to see his vision out, and that’s what causes the chaos with him. 2 years later he’s trying to rewrite stuff as he doesn’t see it the same anymore.

Had he gone into music videos it could be the Kojimaverse, where if you watched his videos from start to end he could still have a coherent? (Semi coherent?)story in it.
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But he took literally the longest way of any of the mediums to see his vision out, and that’s what causes the chaos with him. 2 years later he’s trying to rewrite stuff as he doesn’t see it the same anymore.

Had he gone into music videos it could be the Kojimaverse, where if you watched his videos from start to end he could still have a coherent? (Semi coherent?)story in it.
True, and he's a music buff as well. Music video directing is a very interesting field when it comes to displaying your artistry to the world. A lot of great creatives emerged from that scene and it's definitely more easier to achieve your overall vision in a short-form medium like music videos.

At the same time, I see Kojima repeatedly tweeting about James Cameron and his stories when it comes to the creative process of making films. From what I understood, Kojima related a lot to James Cameron and other directors who struggled to get their vision across the screen without any studio interference.

Kojima's a filmmaker by heart and has always made that clear through his works and persona. The problem is telling a really long and convoluted story in a videogame should not even make sense but I'd argue that he pulled it off a few times already. Is his execution flawless? No, but the fact that he dared to bring that form of storytelling to videogames tells me that his ambitions would go beyond just directing music videos.
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They have previously and the marketing money says they would?

Unless you don’t get how paying a publisher works.

When a daddy company loves a publisher.....

Right...but then this all comes back to Sony spending money it didn't need to. They certainly didn't spend their time in 2018 advertising games published by third parties. It was all about what they're doing. Sony has no need to hype up games like FF7 Remake and CoD. The former is a PS4 exclusive. The latter they already have the marketing and early access DLC for PS4. Spending the millions of dollars to put on a show for a few other third party titles and to show games like TLOU2 yet again with no release date would make them look like they didn't bother planning for E3. Sony can accomplish that for free by simply not showing up, so they did.

Kagey K

that form of storytelling to videogames tells me that his ambitions would go beyond just directing music videos.

Damn is that a burn? I’ve seen many music videos that explicit thought and expect something from the viewer.

It’s not all boats and hoes.

There can be a lot of artistry with the right song.

To dismiss music videos now is like dismissing comic books in the 50s.

It is a legitimate form of communication, no matter how cheap some people might try to make it.


Lets all be honest here, MS blew up their shot. it was a freaking open goal and they missed. they are holding another conv in november to talk about next gen, but its just too little to late by then. they hyped shit up just to show a 2 hour show with trailer after trailer and no gameplay.
Damn is that a burn? I’ve seen many music videos that explicit thought and expect something from the viewer.

It’s not all boats and hoes.

There can be a lot of artistry with the right song.

To dismiss music videos now is like dismissing comic books in the 50s.

It is a legitimate form of communication, no matter how cheap some people might try to make it.

Oh no, believe me, I wasn't saying anything bad about music videos as an art form.

What i meant was Kojima is a very ambitious person and would venture into different visual mediums, not just music videos. I personally think that Kojima saw an opening/opportunity when it came to storytelling in videogames and double-downed on it recklessly. The results gained him an undeniable rockstar reputation in the gaming industry but his games definitely rubbed off the wrong way for a segment of the gaming community.

I never knew all this until i started reading about Kojima and his history. He's quite fascinating, at least to me, and has an eclectic taste in music. I know for sure that he would've loved to collaborate with David Bowie!
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Kagey K

Right...but then this all comes back to Sony spending money it didn't need to. They certainly didn't spend their time in 2018 advertising games published by third parties. It was all about what they're doing. Sony has no need to hype up games like FF7 Remake and CoD. The former is a PS4 exclusive. The latter they already have the marketing and early access DLC for PS4. Spending the millions of dollars to put on a show for a few other third party titles and to show games like TLOU2 yet again with no release date would make them look like they didn't bother planning for E3. Sony can accomplish that for free by simply not showing up, so they did.
They have already spent it, the marketing deals were already in place, and it’s already working on you.

FF7 is not exclusive (it’s timed)

What they did by not showing up was leave a hole on the show floor and a sense that they don’t care about the public. As much as E3 used to be a press show, now it is a holiday for nerds where they can get sneak leaks at their next favourite games.

Sony decided to sit at home and not play and that’s thier choice, but you have already made up your mind so I’m not going to waste my time.

Kagey K

Lets all be honest here, MS blew up their shot. it was a freaking open goal and they missed. they are holding another conv in november to talk about next gen, but its just too little to late by then. they hyped shit up just to show a 2 hour show with trailer after trailer and no gameplay.
This is the difference between a hardcore and casual right here. If you paid any attention to E3 outside the conferences you’d know how wrong you are.

And yet Microsoft has nothing really special for this year and next year so far.
What does anyone else have after Nov 2020 so far?

I’m interested now.
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