How the fuck do you guys set up the controls in this game? The default controls are driving me crazy, I‘m amazed by my little 12 year old me who could play this game with a N64 controller, but the spoiled adult me can‘t play it with two sticks
Do you mean on the N64 or the new versions? On the N64 if you set the controls to the 1.2 scheme then the d-pad acts like the left stick and the stick as the right stick in modern FPS, Z trigger under the stick to shoot, buttons A B and to reload and use stuff, left shoulder button over the d-pad to enable the crosshair aiming mode (then pressing left and right while holding that you can lean while backwards crouches, if you hold it for a second you remain crouched even after letting go of the shoulder button/d-pad). It's a fairly modern scheme all things considered.
For emulation you can do the same, select 1.2 and remap you twin stick controller's left stick to act as the d-pad (or use the d-pad), the right stick to act as the analog stick, L trigger as L shoulder to crosshair aim, R trigger as Z trigger to shoot, A and B to whatever buttons you want to use for reload/use. You can also faff about more in the options and find the setting that uses two N64 controllers for dual analog controls and remap accordingly so you have analog control for movement also rather than the d-pad remapped or otherwise but it's hardly necessary.
I dunno how the new official versions are set up but I imagine they have something along those lines available to be comfortable to new users even if the defaults are weird like the N64 defaults instead of 1.2.
Edit: saw a Switch play and they seem to have controls reversed by default so left stick acts as right stick and right stick as left stick because it emulates the default N64 scheme where the c buttons acted as movement and the stick as the look/turn. Dig in the options, surely it can be switched.