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Known Leaker Tom Henderson reveals new details regarding Battlefield 6



Per sources, I can confirm that the next Battlefield instalment will simply be called BATTLEFIELD and takes place around 10 years from now. The title is set in a modern/very near future, which gives the developers a chance to be able to implement weapons and vehicles that are currently in military development today.

The game will feature a revolutionary campaign compared to other previous instalments. The campaign will focus on you and your specialist unit, where you’ll be able to chose which superpower you fight for. In BATTLEFIELD, there isn’t necessarily “Axis and Allies” as you will be able to chose your own path. Both the USA and Russia, who are the games only standing superpowers, will offer to “recruit” your specialist team and their skills throughout the campaign, which will be a valuable asset to both sides. It would also appear like this year’s campaign is a co-op experience.

I can also confirm that it would appear that the reveal trailer for BATTLEFIELD will not feature any gameplay, nor multiplayer, and will be somewhat similar to the beginning of the Battlefield V reveal trailer, which is something I’m sure we’ll all be a little upset about.

Claims the new trailer to be revealed around May,
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Man the naming of this series is such a fucking mess, why not just reboot the naming, putting numbers to a COD game is just as pointless.

Although when they make the next yearly update to this one, will this game then be BF1 and that new one be BF2?

Seth Meyers Lol GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers

When the number of games and numbers that tell you the lineage of the IP becomes an issue why not just go with a new name altogether?
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10 years from now? Hmmm. In sane hands that would be fine as it would be existing tensions playing out in a hypothetical way. But bit about “weapons and vehicles currently in development” gives me concern. Don’t want any advanced warefare garbage.
They made one. Renegade iirc. It was awesome but held back by being 20 years ahead of its time.

I agree though, cross genre gaming is where we should be heading.
Ive played it but was very laggy. I think this game engine and updated battlefield Renegade i think it would do perfect with big maps, steam rolling in tesla tank or a mammoth tank etc


Gold Member
Really wish they'd just revisit the future again. 2142 was so good, and some how still SO underrated.

Not a big deal though, I just really want a good BF game.


RU VS US again? Well... I guess it's ok, but can't we also have EU or China or some Arabs/ Israel conflict?

2142 was so good
Yep. Just like final BF4 DLC. So fun. Titans were teased and we got some flying tanks. I hope for actual Metal Gears from 2142 this time. Titan mode was so much fun too...


Ive played it but was very laggy. I think this game engine and updated battlefield Renegade i think it would do perfect with big maps, steam rolling in tesla tank or a mammoth tank etc
Can you imagine?

50 vs 50 teams, one side has a 'hero' who can build barracks (players can choose different load outs) War Factories (Players can choose different vehicles), refineries, power plants etc. Some of the team defend the base using pillboxes or tesla coils, other go on the assault in the Mammoth tanks and Prism Tanks. Oh man, that would be awesome.


At this point it feels like it is something to be expected... well that they are just going to release a CG trailer for like everything. Probably won't be seeing actual gameplay till like 3-6 months before proper release.


Can you imagine?

50 vs 50 teams, one side has a 'hero' who can build barracks (players can choose different load outs) War Factories (Players can choose different vehicles), refineries, power plants etc. Some of the team defend the base using pillboxes or tesla coils, other go on the assault in the Mammoth tanks and Prism Tanks. Oh man, that would be awesome.

Yeahhh natural selection style where you have a commander, terroritory control with base building. DROOL


Yeahhh natural selection style where you have a commander, terroritory control with base building. DROOL
Holy shit, can you imagine the super weapons being used? An 'iron curtained' Mammoth tank rolling in to base, using the Chronosphere to warp enemy tanks in to the middle of the ocean, or dropping all your tanks behind enemy lines. And the best of all, being ground ferkin zero when a nuke drops :messenger_tears_of_joy:

I just want a BF Bad Company 3 or at least a game as good as BF3/4. While the setting of BF1 was novel the way they scaled back gun unlocks and customization was a huge let down.

I only played the Beta for BFV but after the historical inaccuracies (in a game marketed as historical) and gaslighting pr bullshit I didn't have high hopes. It also didn't help that I played the beta on a One S, which was some blurry ass checkerboard 900p/40fps nonsense.

This was a huge downgrade visually from BF1's native 900p/50-60fps on the same system. It's clear the focus was the mid gen refresh consoles, which still didn't pan out because the game was a mess in general.

I'm predicting a similar mess if this game is crossgen and needs to still work on base X1/PS4.


With the way they are just calling it 'Battlefield', it makes me think that this may be a game that is around for a few years before any new Battlefield, and be a game they support and add to for a few years, almost like a GAAS game.

That’s literally what they’ve been saying this will be.

Boss Mog

Funny how 10 years from now they think the US and Russia will be superpowers when probably the only one will be China. But I guess they don't want heat from China this time around, I remember BF4 being criticized and banned in China.


The game will feature a revolutionary campaign compared to other previous instalments.

Lol. The leaker is a bit excitement at this part. Choose your side is not revolutionary at all. The right term should be 'a little different from previous BF'.
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do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
The most upsetting thing about this like is that (if true) we're in for another one of those 'reveals' that doesn't feature any gameplay whatsoever.

Wake me up in June I guess. 🤷‍♂️

Other than BFV reveal trailer (which i didnt hate) and it was even "spiced" gameplay havent all modern BF trailers been gameplay?

We already know how they will reveal it:
Trailer 1: Campaign
Trailer 2:


Nice. You can't fuck up historical accuracy with "active cyborg arms on WW2" levels of revisionism if you make a game about the future.


Why not just a Battlefield 2142 sequel though?


Gold Member
Honestly at this point I just hope it's a huge step up from Battlefield V. While it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be it just feels really off and I can't tell what it is.


What would be different on a battlefield in 10 years compared to now?

Most innovation will be in the air, more drones for example, but ground forces still will use pretty much the same systems they use now.


What would be different on a battlefield in 10 years compared to now?

Most innovation will be in the air, more drones for example, but ground forces still will use pretty much the same systems they use now.
Just frees them up to be more creative without being bound to the “that’s not accurate” people


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Lol. The leaker is a bit excitement at this part. Choose your side is not revolutionary at all. The right term should be 'a little different from previous BF'.
DICE cant make a good campaign. Most western studios cant. i dont think i have ever played a good FPS campaign other than the Bungie Halos, Resistance 3, Killzone 2 and 3, and Titanfall 2.
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