you can have an opinion so long as you've actually engaged with the media for a decent amount of time to form a conclusion on it. Not when you haven't touched it at all and are livid because it wasn't on your gaming box of choice
I never bought The Last of Us 2, because I found out that Sony lied to people about the game before it was released. I'm very opposed to that sort of thing, so I never bought it.* One of the VERY few ways I would have to register my frustration would be a review bomb. I've never review bombed anything in my life, and I didn't with that game either. However, there are very few options left that massive companies give customers in the way of having their voice heard about the products that they make, and those options are decreasing all the time.
But they'll push their censorship just like you tube did, by pretending they're doing it for marginalized groups, when really they're doing it to protect companies from controversy. You'll welcome the change with open arms for LGBT individuals, but you'll also have no way of complaining about pay to win elements being introduced in the latest Call of Duty unless you buy the game first. It's sad enough that companies themselves frequently remove all public feedback options, (can you imagine if Netflix still allowed text reviews for The Witcher and their other programs?) but now we're going to encourage 3rd party sites to silence people as well? It seems like a bad idea to me.
* My issues with the game had nothing to do with being "woke." In at least one interview before the game was released, they told people that you wouldn't have to kill dogs. It was a lie. I would guess that they were trying to "protect" players from a story spoiler.