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Microsoft wants to buy Metal Gear license from Konami


Tag, you're it.
This is big if true.
May be part of the deal between Microsoft and Kojima Prod.


From ACG:



Also (1h10m10s):

"Who owns the IP for Metal Gear ? Konami does right ? Yeah, APPARENTLY they are..."

And now the finish move:

Best case is Microsoft get the licence, and give it to Kojima for an exclusive game. I guess fan can only be happy (rather than watching Konami destroying the saga)
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rumors about this have been flip flopping all over the damn place. i would be happy just to get another proper metal gear game. if this is true though, i would become an xbox fanboy overnight. MGS is heavily associated with playstation. this would be kick in the balls to sony.
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This would be awesome if true. I wonder if they would give Kojima the budget and time to make a true MGS 6? I could easily see remastered versions of the first 5 games coming to Gamepass. It could be pretty awesome, and I definitely don't see Konami doing anymore with the series since they seem to be all in on mobile games at the moment


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Sure. why not. i dont care how it gets made as long as it gets made. sony or microsoft providing the money, what difference does it make as long as bluepoint is doing the work.

bluepoint has worked with ms before. they did the 360 port of titanfall.

sony seems to have their hands full with their own IPs, so maybe MS is the new Sony. at the end of the day, both console makers will be releasing their games on pc at one point or another so if people detest MS so much they can always build a pc.
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Buy ASAP, buy all Konami IP while you are at it and just port everything to PC. No new games.
This would be great, but unfortunately they are still using some of their IP pretty heavily for Android, IOS, and Switch games. Bomberman, Castlevania, and Contra are still being pimped out on every mobile system and some of the consoles. What other major IPs do they have that are dormant? I think the major ones would be Silent Hill, MGS, and maybe Dance Dance Revolution...


As with all rumors, always assume fake until proven otherwise.

That said, I cannot imagine the meltdown that would occur if this happened lmao; I almost want it to go through just to experience the salt


Gold Member
Unless he's changed his mind, Kojima has stated multiple times he didn't want to make any more MGS games. He's wanted to end MGS since his Konami days but Konami kept forcing him to continue the franchise. At this stage in his career, I find it hard to believe that he wants to return to MGS. The man has got so many game ideas in his head that he should go make more new IPs.


It seems Microsoft is being linked to just about every other potential deal.

Here's to hoping some good games come out of this.
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God. Fucking. Damn it.

I'm going to have to get whatever the hell the name of their new console is just for this (Series S? Series X? All the names sound the same.). On the other hand, a PS5 doesn't really look worth getting in comparison with PS4. But then PS5 will probably get Persona 6 3-4 years from now and I'll have to get it. I've never had to get all the big three consoles at once.

Buy Castlevania too!
And Suikoden!
And Dance Dance Revolution!
And Vandal Hearts!
And ZOE!
And Tokimeki Memorial!
And Contra!
And Silent Hill!
And Rocket Knight Adventures!
And Rumble Roses!

Would be amazing, but those are going to get lost as time goes by. I'd rather get whatever Iga cooks up next anyway - MS would never make a Castlevania game in that style.


At this point I don't care who gets the Konami IP's as long as something worthwhile is done with them.

Get me some Silent Hill as well while you're at it.
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