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North Korea foreign minister says may detonate nuclear bomb in Pacific

North Korean Minister of Foreign Affairs Ri Yong Ho said that his country may consider a test of a hydrogen bomb in the Pacific Ocean, according to a report from South Korea's official news agency Yonhap.
Ri said the potential test of "the most powerful detonation of an H-bomb" would be one possible "highest-level" action against the U.S., according to the report.
He added that he didn't know what actions would be ordered by Kim Jong-un, Yonhap reported.


Irradiate the oceans if old.
i know its cnbc but this ending is hilarious

The news sent the yen, considered a safe-haven play, higher. The dollar was fetching as much as 112.55 yen before the news, before falling as low as 112.20 yen afterward. The dollar/yen was at 112.26 at 8:57 a.m. HK/SIN.

South Korea's currency came under pressure. The dollar was fetching as much as 1,134.40 won after the news, compared with as little as 1,131.28 won earlier. The dollar/won was at 1,133.89 at 8:59 a.m. HK/SIN.

we're all gonna die and the markets are still looking how to make money


These guys know that Trump isn't going to stop the back and forth escalation right? But really, when we need to rely on North Korea to be the bigger person, we're already doomed.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Do you want kaijus? Because that's how you get kaijus.


These guys know that Trump isn't going to stop the back and forth escalation right? But really, when we need to rely on North Korea to be the bigger person, we're already doomed.

That's why China ordered their banks to stop dealing with NK today. They know Trump won't back down, so they're trying to yank NK's leash before they fuck everything up.


Won't this cause tsunamis and junk too?

That's why China ordered their banks to stop dealing with NK today. They know Trump won't back down, so they're trying to yank NK's leash before they fuck everything up.

Oh i missed that news. That's good.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Thats up for debate.

I knew they would threaten to do this, their actions leading up this said they would.

Extremely provocative and potentially an act of war depending where in the Pacific they would detonate.


Gold Member
Kim Jong Un’s response to @realDonaldTrump’s UN speech. Written in first person, released by #NorthKorea media ["This is not a rhetorical expression loved by Trump -- I will surely and definitely tame the mentally deranged U.S. dotard with fire."]

"Kim Jong Un of North Korea, who is obviously a madman who doesn't mind starving or killing his people, will be tested like never before!"
Would be far from the first h bomb that has gone off in the Pacific Ocean...

To be exact they would have to test 105 to catch up to trump.


Aren't nuclear bombs usually detonated either in deserts, underground or the ocean anyway?
It's not like people cared when other countries did that (even when they irradiated people in foreign countries)


Aren't nuclear bombs usually detonated either in deserts, underground or the ocean anyway?
It's not like people cared when other countries did that (even when they irradiated people in foreign countries)

US nuke tested the shit out of the pacific.




The French used to do this pretty routinely too

A widely held but incorrect belief. The French used drilled shafts for their Pacific tests, and didn't detonate the devices in water.

There were a total of 8 underwater detonations before the practice was banned under the Partial Test Ban Treaty, all carried out by the US & USSR.


A widely held but incorrect belief. The French used drilled shafts for their Pacific tests, and didn't detonate the devices in water.

There were a total of 8 underwater detonations before the practice was banned under the Partial Test Ban Treaty, all carried out by the US & USSR.

France did the more noble thing of using their colonies as testing ground


These guys needs to be stopped by the international community. Cut them off completely. They are insane. Moreover, they not competent. If something goes wrong, it would be disastrous.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Aren't nuclear bombs usually detonated either in deserts, underground or the ocean anyway?
It's not like people cared when other countries did that (even when they irradiated people in foreign countries)

People most certainly did care. I am old enough to remember people being livid and fighting tooth and nail to stop these kinda of tests. And eventually that opposition changed policy so it didn't happen anymore. The excuse that other governments made a shitty choices in the past isn't a blank check for current ones to do the same. You are supposed to learn from others mistakes, not use it an excuse to repeat them.
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