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Official Flipnic Thread + Impressions


Flipnic. It's out today in the U.S. and it's budget priced at $19.99.

I picked this up earlier today and have been playing for the last few hours. Here are some impressions:

So, Flipnic is a pinball game. It has everything you would expect from pinball. A silver ball, various boards to play on, tilt and lots of crazy gimmicks on the boards to screw around with. To accompany these boards, there are a set of missions that you must complete and a set of optional missions. The missions that you must complete unlock new boards.

The boards are divided within five themes. The five themes are Biology, Metallurgy, Optics, Geometry and Theology. So far, I have only been toying around with the two Biology boards that I have unlocked and trying to complete the missions on these two boards. At any time when you're playing on a board, you can press Select, to access a list of the missions and there is also a little blurb that accompanies every mission on the list so you have a good idea of what you need to do to complete the mission. You can also check these missions before entering a board and it keeps a running tally of which missions you have started, and which ones you have completed.

Now, moving on the design of the boards. I have played the two boards that I have in Biology extensively and have demoed the first boards in a few of the other categories. All of the boards a very well designed and they all look great. There are various lanes and different areas for your ball to reach and there are effects that can change the layout of these various areas. For example, on the first Biology boards, after completing a certain mission, the entire board will freeze and there is a waterfall that will freeze. You can then proceed to shoot the ball up a set of ramps that are created to destroy the frozen waterfall which will reveal a whole new area.

There are also FMV's that play when certain areas are reached, or certain missions are completed. Sadly, these FMV's are not skippable but are usually very short and at least a little bit entertaining. The voice work in the game is very well done. So far, I have only encountered a male and female voice which describe various things that are happening on the board.

Finally, the controls. To control the left paddle, you use the left directional button and to control the right paddle, you use the O button. To bump to the left, you press L1 and to bump to the right, press R1. To bump up, press both. In other pinball games I have played, you could abuse the bump feature but in here, if you use it too much, a warning will appear on screen, and then you will tilt and lose a ball.

Overall, the game is fun so far. I have yet to try out the multiplayer mode but I haven't played a good pinball game in a while and this is welcome, especially at $19.99. I would definitely recommend it. It's enjoyable and there are quite a few missions so you will get your 20 bucks worth.

Anybody else pick this up today? I am aware that this game was released in other regions earlier but I never bothered to import it and I never saw an official thread.

Oh, and sorry for the long post.
I had no idea it was coming out so soon, either. I'd run out and grab it right now, but all the stores are closed. Tomorrow, I guess.


My stores actually had quite a few copies, so I didn't really have to run around trying to find it. So I guess Capcom shipped several copies so it shouldn't be to hard to find.

Musashi Wins!

It's only showing up locally here today. I really, really want this. Thanks for the impressions.

There's a board called Theology?!?

How are the physics, good?

Hot damn.


force push the doodoo rock
The little blue red and yellow nub part of metalurgy really sucked.

So far im enjoying this game quite a bit (except that one part -_-)


It's an awesome game, I liked the atmosphere you get from the tables. I can understand why some people don't like it since it's not a "true" pinball game. Does the US version have the fishing monkey?


Musashi Wins! said:
It's only showing up locally here today. I really, really want this. Thanks for the impressions.

There's a board called Theology?!?

How are the physics, good?

Hot damn.
Physics! Damn, I made a mental note to discuss that in my impressions, but oh well. Here it goes: The physics are actually really good. The ball moves quite reallistically and you can really feel the weight of it. As you'd expect, the ball will not make it up ramps and lanes if you don't give it enough speed, and manuevers like transferring the ball from one flipper to another using the ball's speed all feel very natural. All in all, the physics are probably the most refined part of the game.

Yeah, there is a Theology theme, which should guarantee at least three boards. It's listed on the back of the box, but the manual doesn't mention it, and it's not accessible from the beginning so I am guessing that it's an unlockable.

sp0rsk, that portion was misearable. Ugh, I just want to forget about it.


force push the doodoo rock
pilonv1 said:
It's an awesome game, I liked the atmosphere you get from the tables. I can understand why some people don't like it since it's not a "true" pinball game. Does the US version have the fishing monkey?

Yes, it does.


Musashi Wins! said:
wow, this game did not review very well. i know it's only $20, but i hope you guys are shooting straight on this one.
Yeah, reviews are really low. I've disagreed with reviews in the past, so this is nothing new. Still, I am having a lot of fun with the game and there is enough to keep me interested long enough to get more than my 20 bucks worth.


Marconelly said:
Good but not great. It does not compare to best pinball sims (Pro Pinball series, Slam Tilt, Pinball Illusions) in the physics department
I agree with this. Even though I mentioned earlier that the physics are really good, the game is meant to be a little more arcadey so the physics are going to be set accordingly. A pinball sim will best it in physics, but not style.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Thanks for the impressions. I think I'll pass, however. I prefer pinball on my handhelds! :)


Mr_Furious said:
Thank you. I will call and get that sucker put on hold :D
Yeah, you should definitely do that. May want to pick it up ASAP though. I don't know how reliable they are on holding games.


Glad to hear you're liking it. Flipnic needs more love.

The FMV's are really what make the game strange. I was playing earlier today, and suddenly this FMV starts and it's a birthday cake with the word "Congratulations" on it and then the femlae voice says "Congratulations." So very odd.
God, the FMVs in this make me want to strangle somebody. One pops up and I mashmashmash to make it go away...these things really should have been made skippable. There's a LOT of them, too. I'm getting flashbacks of Gradius V's stage 2.

Nice presentation, nice interface. Not sure how much I like the game yet, though - it's reminding me just how frenetic and awesome Necronomicon and Last Gladiators are, and why I like them so much. I've got a feeling the repetition will get to me before I get decent at the game...but I'll keep at it.
OK, Metallurgy, Optics, and Geometry are growing on me. All three have a pretty good variety of things to hit and do per area and are fairly good about keeping control in your hands at all times. Geometry's music is pretty much shit (you can be retro without being grating and annoying), but the mechanics are neat and the board design is well-done. They all look pretty slick, too.

However, Biology is shit. There's too little to do in each section, there's too much time wasted passing between screens, it's too easy to constantly get the ball stuck in the chutes to other areas, and it takes control out of the player's hands WAY too often. Motherfucker needs to play Necronomicon to see how a multiball activation should be done (i.e. in a totally badass manner, not some artifacted overlay FMV that wastes 5-10 seconds of my time with "have a wonderful time") - and it shouldn't be given to you for free on stumbling into a new area. I also really don't like losing a ball (with another FMV) as a penalty for not completing that UFO subgame...afjeioafjewaiofaw.

So this brings up my main beef with the game, aside from Biology: to play the boards I enjoy for longer than five minutes at a time, I have to spend enough time on the board I hate to complete enough goals to unlock other boards. This false-sense-of-progress unlocking shit has been taken too far, and I'm sick of it.

I'll keep the game for now, and I'll see if I can stomach enough Biology to unlock other boards (but if it involves doing more than the first three red goals, fuck it). Maybe somebody will post a clear save soon.


Tag of Excellence
Man what a fun game, I haven't played Pinball in a while so the joy of getting back into it coupled with the fact that this is a solid and incredibly bizarre title makes me smile. I'll try the multiplayer later today with the girlfriend, hopefully she gets hooked.


i tried the demo and enjoyed it.

had the wife try it, but it didnt exactly grab her the way (good) pinball games usually do. maybe just bad timing, or she dosent like it.

ill probably pick this sucker up when i see it.

unskipable cutscenes suck though. :(


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
and I'll see if I can stomach enough Biology to unlock other boards (but if it involves doing more than the first three red goals, fuck it). Maybe somebody will post a clear save soon.
The hell? Biology is so simple to complete...

You do only need the red goals in order to proceed.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
I finally got around to picking it up as well. Its a fun enough little game, but it doesn't NEED to be in anyone's library the way some other quirky $20 games do. I played it a lot the day I got it but I've since moved on, and it's unlikely I'll ever get back to it...


go eat paint
Been playing this for a couple days, and you know, I am flabbergasted by the "low" review scores. The physics are very good, even if not perfect, the tables are large and extremely diverse... and the game just has a lovable Fantavision-esque vibe to it that makes me want to make love to a teddy bear.

I wonder if some reviewers were just turned off by all the missions / mini-games, or the FMV interruptions... or perhaps by Metallurgy, which is a stage I haven't bothered with much since completing its "super missions."

Yeah, there are some nitpicks--non-skippable FMV, slowdown in spots, disorienting camera shifts and text overlays... but they're not deal breakers.

I'm actually impressed with how slick and seamless the presentation is, between the camera changes, FMV interstitials, and mini-game transitions... hard to believe this game was originally published two years ago (!).

And it's only $20. Anyone with a remote like of pinball owes it to themselves to pick this one up.


mosaic said:
Been playing this for a couple days, and you know, I am flabbergasted by the "low" review scores. The physics are very good, even if not perfect, the tables are large and extremely diverse... and the game just has a lovable Fantavision-esque vibe to it that makes me want to make love to a teddy bear.

I wonder if some reviewers were just turned off by all the missions / mini-games, or the FMV interruptions... or perhaps by Metallurgy, which is a stage I haven't bothered with much since completing its "super missions."

Yeah, there are some nitpicks--non-skippable FMV, slowdown in spots, disorienting camera shifts and text overlays... but they're not deal breakers.

I'm actually impressed with how slick and seamless the presentation is, between the camera changes, FMV interstitials, and mini-game transitions... hard to believe this game was originally published two years ago (!).

And it's only $20. Anyone with a remote like of pinball owes it to themselves to pick this one up.

I think the fact that the game is "mission based", some people forget that getting high score is still the focus of a pinball game. I think if all you want to do is to move onto next level instead of enjoy getting highscore in this game, the missions can be really annoying and repetitive.


Game good game really good. Brain mush from optics level. Love the game thus far and its really just another one of those niche games that really is good. I wish they included some "normal" tables though that you can unlock. Not just theme based ones.

17.99 at gamecrazy 14.99 at gamerush for those that want to know.


Forgotten in his cell
Picked it up, great game. One thing that pisses me off about the physics is when you play multi-ball, and two balls hit together, they both just "die" and start falling down to the flippers, instead bouncing off each other and the balls go in different direction.

Overall, another great choice by GAF :D


I played the demo (OPM) last night after getting home from work and before I knew it an hour and a half had passed. My girlfriend was in the mood for some drunken video game playing so I went and picked up some booze and Flipnic (wondering how the hell I missed any info on this game) and preceded to play it till about 1am. The 2 player modes rock I just hope to god there are more unlockable ones. Highly recomend this game +++!


I can't clear the 2nd board (Metallurgy?) for some reason. I did destroy that metal squid/octopus thinking that was the end, but it just loops after that. Any tips?
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