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PMO: Canadians with dual-citizenship to the banned countries now allowed into US

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Canadian citizens can travel freely to the United States despite U.S. President Donald Trump's sweeping immigration order that bans visitors from seven Muslim-majority countries, the Prime Minister's Office says.

The news comes hours after the U.S. State Department told CBC News the 90-day travel ban covers all people who have a nationality or dual nationality with Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Iran, Somalia, Libya, and Yemen — which would include tens of thousands of Canadians.

"We have been assured that Canadian citizens travelling on Canadian passport will be dealt with ‎in the usual process," Kate Purchase, spokeswoman for the Prime Minister's Office, said in a statement.



Unless they're brown Canadians and they will be stopped and interrogated.

Edit; but even the fact that something like this has to be clarified is fucking terrifying and wrong on so many levels.


Is this only talking about Canadians; as in those who only hold citizenship in Canada? Because since Canada isn't on the banned list I'm not sure why anyone would think it's an issue.

If this is talking about Canadians who hold dual citizenship with Canada + BannedCountry, then why doesn't this ban also affect them since it's affecting Americans who hold dual citizenship with USA + BannedCountry?

Am I just misunderstanding what's happening anymore?
Is this only talking about Canadians; as in those who only hold citizenship in Canada? Because since Canada isn't on the banned list I'm not sure why anyone would think it's an issue.

If this is talking about Canadians who hold dual citizenship with Canada + BannedCountry, then why doesn't this ban also affect them since it's affecting Americans who hold dual citizenship with USA + BannedCountry?

Am I just misunderstanding what's happening anymore?

It doesn't affect US citizens with dual citizenship with those banned countries.
Is this only talking about Canadians; as in those who only hold citizenship in Canada? Because since Canada isn't on the banned list I'm not sure why anyone would think it's an issue.

If this is talking about Canadians who hold dual citizenship with Canada + BannedCountry, then why doesn't this ban also affect them since it's affecting Americans who hold dual citizenship with USA + BannedCountry?

Am I just misunderstanding what's happening anymore?

Originally it was thought those with Canadian and citizenship from one of the banned countries wouldn't be allowed entry. The initial reports are proving to be false.
Originally it was thought those with Canadian and citizenship from one of the banned countries wouldn't be allowed entry. The initial reports are proving to be false.
The latest from Air Canada still that as long as you hold a passport of these countries you will not be let in. Essentially it's unclear for many, and airlines are playing it safe.
The latest from Air Canada still that as long as you hold a passport of these countries you will not be let in. Essentially it's unclear for many, and airlines are playing it safe.

Yes, hopefully this proves true and the airlines can update their policies accordingly.

I know many people personally that this affects.


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
My finance and I were planning to take a trip to Texas to see her cousins in the summer, we are muslims....I think we may cancel.....


Unconfirmed Member
It's ridiculous that this had to be clarified.

Of course, none of this would be happening if the orange idiot hadn't signed the ban in the first place.
My finance and I were planning to take a trip to Texas to see her cousins in the summer, we are muslims....I think we may cancel.....
I wouldn't even consider going to a state like that. Better stay safe than sorry. Although visiting a great state like California might not be so bad.
Texas isn't really that frightening, especially if you're in the cities which are pretty damn blue and multicultural at this point.
I go to Dallas often. It's fine in some areas and other areas you just stay clear of. But even then, you can never tell what could happen in a state like that.

I miss the days when Americans didn't even need a passport to get into Canada. 2008 seems like so long ago
I visited Canada twice in 2002/03 on just my birth certificate. It'd be nice to go back, but I don't want to spend the extra money on a passport when I wouldn't be using it overseas.


I would advise Canadians to stay put. The US just isn't a safe place to visit anymore. If you aren't imprisoned at the border for the color of your skin, you'll be gunned down by cops on the way to your hotel.
But why would you want to at this point

apparently even flying over the states was a no, no with all the crazy hopelay

My friends cousin who has a dual citizenship was stopped in Toronto because his plane would fly over the US and the airlines wasn't sure if that was allowed


Happy that our government has been so aggressive about securing this exemption. Not so much for travel to the States but for international travel via the States to reach other destinations in Europe, South America and elsewhere.

It's not like we have much choice given our proximity. Nor is it cost-effective for many of these airlines to run direct flights to overseas hubs through Toronto or Vancouver.


Canada will be busy trying to separate itself from American silliness. PM will be constantly on standby. "What's he done now?"


I'm Guyanese and live in Toronto. I'm keeping my brown ass away from the USA as I have no desire to be profiled. Too bad tho as I'd love to go to the Cheesecake Factory :(


I'm Guyanese and live in Toronto. I'm keeping my brown ass away from the USA as I have no desire to be profiled. Too bad tho as I'd love to go to the Cheesecake Factory :(
Cheesecake Factory the restaurant? There must be one in Toronto.


My wife is a Canadian citizen born in Chile, and I have no doubt that we're going to run into difficulties at the border now when we try to make a day trip to Buffalo. Customs agents have been empowered to discriminate.

Cheesecake Factory the restaurant? There must be one in Toronto.

Nope. No locations in Toronto.


If you have two passports, a Muslim one and a Canadian one, you're supposed to roll your Muslim passport as tight as possible and tie it into a balloon and then swallow the balloon, and then show the Americans your Canadian passport when they ask to see your passport.

I thought this was common knowledge since Trump got elected?
I'm not Muslim-looking in the slightest (aka: not brown) and I would avoid visiting the US unless I had to right now. With the tensions between China and the US, I would not be entirely surprised if Chinese looking people (aka: Asians) were next on the list.

America is fucked.


Black Canada Mafia
I'm a Ethiopian Canadian Citizen with a Muslim name living in Toronto. Traveling to the U.S. was already a pain in my ass. A few weeks ago I got offered a promotion that would have me flying into the U.S. maybe twice a month.

I know Ethiopia isn't on the banned list, but I don't really appreciate the bullshit I'll probably have to deal with. I think my bosses want to meet with me tomorrow to talk about this, and I'm guessing it'll be about whether or not I'll feel comfortable traveling to the U.S. and I honestly don't know the answer right now.
I'm a Ethiopian Canadian Citizen with a Muslim name living in Toronto. Traveling to the U.S. was already a pain in my ass. A few weeks ago I got offered a promotion that would have me flying into the U.S. maybe twice a month.

I know Ethiopia isn't on the banned list, but I don't really appreciate the bullshit I'll probably have to deal with. I think my bosses want to meet with me tomorrow to talk about this, and I'm guessing it'll be about whether or not I'll feel comfortable traveling to the U.S. and I honestly don't know the answer right now.

It's both crazy and sad that Canada is right now is one of the few countries in the West that isn't fucked for minorities right now.


It's both crazy and sad that Canada is right now is one of the few countries in the West that isn't fucked for minorities right now.

Part of the reason is that the Canadian government has a decades old policy of promoting multiculturalism rather than integration, and as a result minorities have fit into society more organically and existing populations have become tolerant of and embraced the differences.

It's not without its problems, you have certain minority groups than tend to cluster in suburban areas and get trapped in a bubble, but people are generally happy.
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