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Politico: Trump's National Security Team Blindsided by His NATO Speech



What’s not is that the president also disappointed—and surprised—his own top national security officials by failing to include the language reaffirming the so-called Article 5 provision in his speech. National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson all supported Trump doing so and had worked in the weeks leading up to the trip to make sure it was included in the speech, according to five sources familiar with the episode. They thought it was, and a White House aide even told the New York Times the day before the line was definitely included.

It was not until the next day, Thursday, May 25, when Trump started talking at an opening ceremony for NATO’s new Brussels headquarters, that the president’s national security team realized their boss had made a decision with major consequences – without consulting or even informing them in advance of the change.

“They had the right speech and it was cleared through McMaster,” said a source briefed by National Security Council officials in the immediate aftermath of the NATO meeting. “As late as that same morning, it was the right one.”

Added a senior White House official, “There was a fully coordinated other speech everybody else had worked on”—and it wasn’t the one Trump gave. “They didn’t know it had been removed,” said a third source of the Trump national security officials on hand for the ceremony. “It was only upon delivery.”

The president appears to have deleted it himself, according to one version making the rounds inside the government, reflecting his personal skepticism about NATO and insistence on lecturing NATO allies about spending more on defense rather than offering reassurances of any sort; another version relayed to others by several White House aides is that Trump’s nationalist chief strategist Steve Bannon and policy aide Stephen Miller played a role in the deletion.

The best diplomacy.


And it suggests Trump’s impulsive instincts on foreign policy are not necessarily going to be contained by the team of experienced leaders he’s hired for Defense, the NSC and State. “We’re all seeing the fallout from it—and all the fallout was anticipated,” the White House official told me.

They may be the “adults in the room,” as the saying going around Washington these last few months had it. But Trump—and the NATO case shows this all too clearly—isn’t in the room with them.
This was a concern since day one.
I have a hard time believing he did it himself.
It sounds more like a Bannon thing.
Partly because It fits with his view and partly because he was surely itching to show he is still the inner circle.
Doesn't matter how it came about or who advised what or said what informally: Trump's rise is a signal that the US is an unreliable ally and unwilling to keep authoritarians in check.

Merkel called it: we need our own EU defensive posture that makes US might optional rather than a bedrock.
They all should resign. History has its eyes on them. Why is everyone enabling this man child?

Money, career advancement and/or being up for his backward policies and just frustrated blatant stupidity. Trump's "I could kill someone and still be supported" statement wasn't just for supporters but his fellow politicians and administrative staff as well.


another version relayed to others by several White House aides is that Trump’s nationalist chief strategist Steve Bannon and policy aide Stephen Miller played a role in the deletion.



The only sensical thing you can do is stopping him from talking, tweeting and making decisions.

Him fucking up is "you should have seen that coming" trough and trough.
I guess Bannon and Miller still have influence after all, unfortunately.

If you think that:

• Trump really does believe 3m people voted illegally
• Trump believes 'the silent majority' agrees with him and voted him in...

thats the reason why they have influence. That's how he won 2016 and how he thinks he'll get reelected.

He's obviously very wrong on all accounts; but it explains so much. Actually, assuming Trump knowingly lies, but those lies become truths in his mind is an easy shortcut to understanding his shitty mind.


For real.

The rumors about Bannon leaving are bullshit. That cancerous fuck is sticking around as long as the burnt caramel traitor.

It's Kushner who is on the outs, who do you think leaked that dirt on Kush to the press?

If you think that:

• Trump really does believe 3m people voted illegally
• Trump believes 'the silent majority' agrees with him and voted him in...

thats the reason why they have influence. That's how he won 2016 and how he thinks he'll get reelected.

He's obviously very wrong on all accounts; but it explains so much. Actually, assuming Trump knowingly lies, but those lies become truths in his mind is an easy shortcut to understanding his shitty mind.

I do think he believes it because he is such an egomaniacal narcissist that his mind needs it to be true. He creates his own reality. He lies to himself as much as he does to everyone else.


Neo Member
I'm surpassed I haven't seen this analogy on neogaf, but isn't trump basically Cartman at this point?



And his supporters still don't understand any of this or even care. I fucking hate people sometimes. Their biases turn them into fucking morons and it makes it almost impossible to have any sort of compassion towards other Americans.


I'm surpassed I haven't seen this analogy on neogaf, but isn't trump basically Cartman at this point?


The comparison to Cartman is accurate on every single level.

He is a fat, sociopathic, egomaniacal, narcissistic, racist, mysogynistic, ignorant, spiteful, greedy, uncouth, trashy, dangerous, child cartoon character.


I'm surpassed I haven't seen this analogy on neogaf, but isn't trump basically Cartman at this point?


The moment that Trump utters the complaint that people are not respecting him and the office of President, I hope every single held over Obama era official walks to him and does a spit take right into that weeping pus sack's face.


How many direct political enemies must he have made within his own administration after that? Of course, with his narcissism he probably thinks they still love him no matter what he does.


He is under direct orders to serve the President. He literally cannot leave, unless he resigns from the military, ending his career/pension.

He will still receive his pension if he chooses to resign. It's pretty much solely based on how long you've been in, and McMaster has been in over 30 years. He's still there because he chooses to be.


He will still receive his pension if he chooses to resign. It's pretty much solely based on how long you've been in, and McMaster has been in over 30 years. He's still there because he chooses to be.

Hopefully it's because he realizes whoever his replacement is will be far, far worse.
Russia won.

They won the 2nd cold war, and with some style.


We got lucky that the recipient of their help is such a transparent idiot and buffoon. Trump's stupidity will expose the depths of the Russian conspiracy and help us be better prepared for next time.

If they'd picked a competent person, they'd have gotten away with it... Now, there's gonna be a huge backlash against Trump, Republicans and Russia. You can already feel Europe is done taking Trump's shit and Putin's shit.

Caja 117

If you think that:

• Trump really does believe 3m people voted illegally
• Trump believes 'the silent majority' agrees with him and voted him in...

thats the reason why they have influence. That's how he won 2016 and how he thinks he'll get reelected.

He's obviously very wrong on all accounts; but it explains so much. Actually, assuming Trump knowingly lies, but those lies become truths in his mind is an easy shortcut to understanding his shitty mind.
Things are going to get very ugly if he looses the reelection in 2020, because he is not going to accept that result and do everything in his power to stay there.
They all should resign. History has its eyes on them. Why is everyone enabling this man child?

Why is McMaster still on this sinking ship???

He is under direct orders to serve the President. He literally cannot leave, unless he resigns from the military, ending his career/pension.

Yeah, McMaster is in a tight spot. If he resigns he doesn't just lose his post. Tillerson is just a piece of shit. He seems to have a lot of people fooled.
Things are going to get very ugly if he looses the reelection in 2020, because he is not going to accept that result and do everything in his power to stay there.

There's nothing he could do to stay in power if he loses. If he doesn't step down, he'll be removed


Article 5 - If one NATO member is attacked, everyone is attacked and is involved - "collective defense"

Why would Article 5 need re-affirming?

I guess Germany did say US and UK aren't to be relied upon.


Russia's main export by a large factor is oil to Europe.

Doesn't mean Putin isn't happy to see Trump causing divide between EU, US and NATO. US taking step back and withdrawing more into itself is cause for party in Kremlin as it weaken EU and NATO against Russia.


Doesn't mean Putin isn't happy to see Trump causing divide between EU, US and NATO. US taking step back and withdrawing more into itself is cause for party in Kremlin as it weaken EU and NATO against Russia.

Fair enough.

Trump seems to want an ally out of Russia and doesn't want to keep making demands to EU that they could reject. He's probably hoping it's still in effect regardless. NSC wants something more concrete I guess.



We got lucky that the recipient of their help is such a transparent idiot and buffoon. Trump's stupidity will expose the depths of the Russian conspiracy and help us be better prepared for next time.

If they'd picked a competent person, they'd have gotten away with it... Now, there's gonna be a huge backlash against Trump, Republicans and Russia. You can already feel Europe is done taking Trump's shit and Putin's shit.

I dunno,

Because Trump is such a buffoon, there is a constant indecision as to whether his actions are malicious or idiotic.

Your allies are leaving you, and worse yet they don't currently trust you.

Germany and mainland Europe is armying up, so they are less reliant on your military efforts.

your diplomatic engine has been gutted and is being blindsided by people like Bannon.

You are removing yourself as the preeminent culture in the world

You are reducing the imperative to produce scientists and engineers by reducing your investment in education and social programs that allow the best and the brightest to advance if they dont come from a wealthy background.

Your best people are being publicly asked to move to other continents and they are by and large considering it.

You are decreasing the capability for the middle classes to have wealth and are moving to some sort of serfdom.

Your police force is starting to look like a military state, we have hundreds of videos of the cops killing civilians and not even remotely being forced to pay for their crimes.

I dunno man, this looks like it will take years to sort out and possibly decades before America moves back into that role within the world stage and even then, because of the failings within your democratic system a buffoon like trump has outlined in such a public and embarrassing way you would need to demonstrate that any amendments to the system are:

a) Non partisan
b) Binding
c) Totally in the best interests of the country and its peoples

Right now, as a Brit I am looking at America and I don't see it as the leader of the free world which makes Brexit all the more galling.

Caja 117

There's nothing he could do to stay in power if he loses. If he doesn't step down, he'll be removed
I hope it will be like that. but he can start beating drums of Electoral fraud and use that office he created to try and disrupt the whole proccess.

He wont let it go without creating a big headache for everyone.


Yeah, McMaster is in a tight spot. If he resigns he doesn't just lose his post. Tillerson is just a piece of shit. He seems to have a lot of people fooled.

He really isn't in a tight spot at all.

He can resign from the military and given his high profile will probably easily make high 6 figures on top of his pension.

At worst, he is trapped there for about a year, if his detailing process works similarly to most people in the military. But I expect that position has some special caveats attached since it is such a high level and unique.
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