I wouldn't take it over CV, but I'd take it over 5/6 in a heartbeat.
The flak it's getting ITT is full of hyperbole like "Door transitions are 60% of the playtime", and people are making the game seem like Big Rigs.
Zero is flawed without a doubt, but people finished it just fine. So either they're amazing, or maaaaaybe people are being a teeny bit dramatic. Like with the item dropping. Let's do a thought experiment.
In REmake, a game hailed as one of if not the best in the franchise, you have the item boxes everyone craves. How far are you from an item box at any given time in the mansion? You can easily be 6 rooms away, right? In Zero, you'd be hard pushed to find a location 6 rooms away from a central location like the main hall, which is the safest room in which to drop items. In fact, the Hookshot, even when you have to run back to the train, is barely more than 6 rooms away as the map opens up a direct line back to the main hall. So what's the issue? Why is item management god tier in REmake but it's complete and utter dogshite in Zero? Is it because some items take 2 slots? That's sad and all, but you spend most of your time with 2 characters.
I freely admit that Zero is more enjoyable when you know how to play around its flaws, but let's not get over the top and pretend it's a 0/10 game