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RibbitKing: Any good?


It's quirky and fun, but I found it to be too damn random for my taste. It doesn't take much strategy, and if your frog lands near a fly, well, it can end up anywhere, especially if there's a web or portal nearby.


That's about the most salient point you can level against Ribbit King -- it's incredibly charming, the characters are fantastic, the localization/voices/goofy humor retention are top notch, and while the mechanics of the play itself are very well done, they're also sort of the game's only downfall.

You can set up a shot as carefully as you'd like, your X can be right smack dab in the middle of the damn hole, but any number of factors can some along and muck everything up. You don't hit the strength meter 100% on target, so your frog lands just shy of the hole, jumps clear across it, where it spots a fly and nabs it, when suddenly a snake comes out and tosses it several feet away, where it lands in a pond and swims a hundred feet and suddenly your perfect shot lands you on an opposite quadrant of the field.

Granted, that's the whole point -- but if you're down by a few points and really needed to nail this one to give yourself a leg up, it can also be really, really frustrating, especially given that the animations can't be skipped and you're forced to watch victory slip through your fingers for a full minute and a half. On the other hand, though, I've hit shots that were meant purely to pick up a few points before moving on toward the hole and set off chain reactions that have netted me accidental frog-in-one's.

If you've got your anger management in check and/or are just looking for a whacked game to chill out to, the Ribbit's deffo your man.

Musashi Wins!

This game should have been so much better. I only kept it from work for 2 days, but that was enough. I'd agree with a lot of what brandonnn says except I'd go with the reviewers and say it fails to come together in any sort of desirable whole. I hate when wacky games don't pan out.
I agree with Brandon, though I'm still holding out hope that it's possible to "get good" to the point where you understand every field obstacle and can use them to your advantage. Or aim away if you know they'll screw you over. Regardless, even getting screwed is absolutely hilarious and does make for some really enjoyable party fun.
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