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Riddick would be a great mahjong game if you could play mahjong

But no, it seems those frisky Swedes have deemed it appropriate for me to face 14 guards (and counting), 2 mech guards, 3 prison workers, and one guy with a giant fucking drill. What ammunition do I have to take out the listed legion of enemies?

A shank.

Now I knew there were going to be areas where you had to rely on stealth, and areas where you had to rely on hand to hand combat (which is pretty fun so long as your enemy is delegated with weapons that don't shock you when you try to pick them up), but there's really not much I can do against a fucking mech guard with a god damn piece of metal. Did I mention they're one hit-one kill if they get close to you?

Fucking Christ, I really want to like this game, but this is not fun at all.


For crying out loud they give you the Killing Game Show Mech at the end what more could you possibly want{yes I spoiled the ending for you since you probably won't make it that far}.

Damn it Be a man and shank them all to hell!
Wow, they're going to give me some apparently indestructable weapon at the very end of the game after I walk through the entire fucking planet killing guards with a small piece of metal.


The graphics and presentation in this game is top notch, but the innaccuracies featured in the weapons and the LACK OF BEING ABLE TO USE SAID WEAPONS (which lead to friggin inane circumstances in regards to both level design and enemy numbers) is really hurting this game in my eyes.


The game is a hybrid. You had to know this going in. Where did it say that you get to shoot stuff throughout the whole game? I agree with many others in that the differnet gameplay mechanisms work very well. After all you are in a galactic prison where the rifles are DNA encoded. Transalation; you can't use them. I don't see what the problem is. The game sticks to it's story line.


How is that any different from Metroid Prime where you had to go backtracking to oblivion to obtain things you practically had at the get go?

Don't worry you should be shooting shit in no time in Riddick.


Street Fighter IV World Champion
Mike Works said:
But no, it seems those frisky Swedes have deemed it appropriate for me to face 14 guards (and counting), 2 mech guards, 3 prison workers, and one guy with a giant fucking drill. What ammunition do I have to take out the listed legion of enemies?

A shank.

Now I knew there were going to be areas where you had to rely on stealth, and areas where you had to rely on hand to hand combat (which is pretty fun so long as your enemy is delegated with weapons that don't shock you when you try to pick them up), but there's really not much I can do against a fucking mech guard with a god damn piece of metal. Did I mention they're one hit-one kill if they get close to you?

Fucking Christ, I really want to like this game, but this is not fun at all.

This game is a first person action game. It's about stalking the enemy and cunning. You can take out all the lights and fuck em all in the dark or simply not attack them. Don't go near the mech guards - that's just dumb. If you want to kill them, lure them near barrells or Fire Extinguishers. Or shut down security to give you a stealth advantage.

Sir. You are simply not hardcore enough. Be more resourceful and stop bitching like a pussy ;)
Sysgen said:
After all you are in a galactic prison where the rifles are DNA encoded. Transalation; you can't use them. I don't see what the problem is. The game sticks to it's story line.
If you think that's anything close to a worthy excuse...

The whole system with the DNA encoded rifles is pretty cool in my opinion. The problem is I don't have a gun of my own. I get a gun, oh, whoops, it was all a dream. I get another gun, oh, whoops, you got caught, no gun for you anymore. I play through the prison courtyard areas without a gun, and that's cool, because the people who I'm fighting don't have guns either.

Then I go to escape the prison, and encounter a guard or two. It takes some effort, but I kill them both. Looking forward to getting a gun.

3 hours later, I'm still walking around with 1 fucking health bar and a fucking shank. I knew there were stealth aspects of the game, but it's just no fucking fun when you've got to kill all the enemies in a room.

For instance, I'm at an area where I'm getting out of a freight elevator. There's a prison worker working on some forklift thing, a patrolling guard, and a patrolling mech. I wait for the guard and mech to go down a walkway before I attack the worker. I start beating him up, he yells for the guard. I have to run back in the elevator and hide behind a crate. There's an invisible wall blocking them from coming inside. I wait for 30 seconds until the guard gives up and walks away. I do the same thing again, this time killing the inmate. I turn off the security system at a nearby panel.

The guard then walks into the room and sees me. I dash into the shadows. He walks right up, turns on the flashlight, starts shooting. I pull off a weapon reversal and kill him with literally one tiny shred of life left. I walk down the corridor he was patrolling, and the mech guard is right around the corner, no way getting past him, no way to kill him. I lure him out into the hallway, scramble up some boxes, latch onto a horizontal ladder attached to the roof, wait for him to be directly under me, and fall on him. Doesn't do an ounce of damage, so hey, great, there's absolutely no way of hurting this guy. I sprint past him, turn the corner, and oh look, another room. With 4 guards. With the mech guy chasing behind me, this alerts the guards, and 3 of the 4 of them shoot and kill me within seconds.

This is simply not fun. I've died and re-started this area 15 times now, with the same eventual result, and this is not the first, nor the second, nor the fucking fifth area that has been like this. Give me a fucking pistol, give me a fucking health station (hasn't been one for hours), or at least give me a room with only two guards or better design stealth/shadow packets.

I really hope the game gives me a gun of some sort soon, as I'm about ready to just give up on the title, which is really unfortunate, as it really gets you invested and engrossed into the surround characters and area (and I really like the Pitch Black and Chronicles of Riddick movies).

I'm sorry dude. But you just suck.

I thought the game was way too easy especially with the tranq gun since it has unlimited ammo. Maybe you missed getting it or something.
KAOS said:
How is that any different from Metroid Prime where you had to go backtracking to oblivion to obtain things you practically had at the get go?
Hmm, well I can think of one discernable difference.


boutrosinit said:
This game is a first person action game. It's about stalking the enemy and cunning. You can take out all the lights and fuck em all in the dark or simply not attack them. Don't go near the mech guards - that's just dumb. If you want to kill them, lure them near barrells or Fire Extinguishers. Or shut down security to give you a stealth advantage.

Sir. You are simply not hardcore enough. Be more resourceful and stop bitching like a pussy ;)
1) Explain to me how I can take out the lights if I don't have a gun, there are no light switches in the room, and no panels allowing me to turn the lights off. Honestly, if there is a way, please fucking tell me.

2) First off, I HAVE to go near this mech guard, as he's kind of standing in the hallway I have to go through. Second, what am I supposed to do once I lure them near a barrel or fire extinguisher? Throw my shank at them??
seismologist said:
I'm sorry dude. But you just suck.

I thought the game was way too easy especially with the tranq gun since it has unlimited ammo. Maybe you missed getting it or something.
Yeah, the game kind of never gave me a tranq gun. Maybe you should re-read the thread, as I might have mentioned not having a gun 1 or 2 times in my post.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Mike Works said:
For instance, I'm at an area where I'm getting out of a freight elevator. There's a prison worker working on some forklift thing, a patrolling guard, and a patrolling mech. I wait for the guard and mech to go down a walkway before I attack the worker. I start beating him up, he yells for the guard. I have to run back in the elevator and hide behind a crate. There's an invisible wall blocking them from coming inside. I wait for 30 seconds until the guard gives up and walks away. I do the same thing again, this time killing the inmate. I turn off the security system at a nearby panel.

The guard then walks into the room and sees me. I dash into the shadows. He walks right up, turns on the flashlight, starts shooting. I pull off a weapon reversal and kill him with literally one tiny shred of life left. I walk down the corridor he was patrolling, and the mech guard is right around the corner, no way getting past him, no way to kill him. I lure him out into the hallway, scramble up some boxes, latch onto a horizontal ladder attached to the roof, wait for him to be directly under me, and fall on him. Doesn't do an ounce of damage, so hey, great, there's absolutely no way of hurting this guy. I sprint past him, turn the corner, and oh look, another room. With 4 guards. With the mech guy chasing behind me, this alerts the guards, and 3 of the 4 of them shoot and kill me within seconds.

or, being that its partly a stealth game, you could get through that whole area by only killing a few of those guys...

try sneakng up on the mechanic and breaking his neck, then dragging his body into the shadows. turn off the security system, and advance down to the next area in shadows. chat with the guy you need to on the right hand side, and continue to sneak through that area from shadow to shadow as guards walk their patrol. get to the next area, shove the guard into the grinding machine and your through.

really, i'll have to agree with seismologist, you suck.

that, or your just bitching cause you wanted a full on fps


That area with the worker, the guard and the mech guy has two ways to access it. I played through the game 2x and used each approach once. The way you are doing it you missed the tranquilizer gun, but you don't need it. The mech guy patrols a huge area and he will leave your area. You just need to take down the worker and the guard. Take the worker down first. Then there is a switch panel where the worker was working that cuts the light sor the surveilance (can't remember) and makes that area apiece of cake. To get the tranq gub from where you are just go through the door to your left and double back till you run into the inmate that gives it to you. Then go look for that guy that you need to find.


Street Fighter IV World Champion
Mike Works said:
Hmm, well I can think of one discernable difference.


1) Explain to me how I can take out the lights if I don't have a gun, there are no light switches in the room, and no panels allowing me to turn the lights off. Honestly, if there is a way, please fucking tell me.

2) First off, I HAVE to go near this mech guard, as he's kind of standing in the hallway I have to go through. Second, what am I supposed to do once I lure them near a barrel or fire extinguisher? Throw my shank at them??

You can stab the lights. You won't get a gun again until you go underground I believe. And you should have more than one health bar. Honestly dude I think you just suck at the game. Perhaps you are unaware of the counter moves? Go up close and when the guards attack you, press R at the last moment to blow their own heads off with their own guns.

Basically, avoid the guards until you go underground. Then you'll get a gun.
Phew, thank the fucking lord, I accidentally discovered where the tranq gun is. The place I described in my posts above was the main room where the door to the tranq gun was, I just never saw the door on my left, since the flashing panel and hallway was straight ahead. Went through the section like a breeze now that I've got it.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Err, there is a rather lengthy section about an hour from the beginning when you try for your first escape. You get to use several different guns during the whole run.

Don't tell me you made it all the way to the Tranq gun section with no gun?!?


dark10x said:
Don't tell me you made it all the way to the Tranq gun section with no gun?!?

From what I can gather, Mike is already past the part where you can first get a Tranq gun. I'm pretty sure I had the gun in the part that he's describing. I don't think he's necessarily sucking at the game (as some people are saying), I just think he missed an opportunity somewhere to get the Tranq gun, and is now blaming the game for poor design. I agree that the game could've used a more obvious way to get a weapon once you get recaptured the first time, but I don't believe the game is poorly designed because of it.

edit : I just read that Mike found the Tranq so.. erm well everything is ok again in the universe and Riddick still rocks :)
It's technically impressive but its gameplay could have been turned up a notch.
So far I think the fun factor is a notch below a game like Ratchet and Clank: GC, Metroid Prime, Halo, Metal Gear Solid, Zelda .
There's just something missing. They give you such a technically impressive engine and solid controls yet the game feels like a chore to connect plot points and getting to watch Vin Diesel posture in virtua form is more punishment than payoff. This is no Deus Ex.
I'm kind of wishing I had bought Thief: DS or PSI Ops instead.


First time I played through I missed the tranq gun entirely in that section and I actually enjoyed it more. There's nothing quite as satisfying as shanking some poor sap in the neck or making him blow his grey matter out with his own gun; much more fun and challenging than just tranquilizing everyone and crushing their skulls under your boot.

And for those that don't know, you can shoot lights out with the tranq gun. I didn't realize that until my second playthrough.

It's technically impressive but its gameplay could have been turned up a notch.
So far I think the fun factor is a notch below a game like Ratchet and Clank: GC, Metroid Prime, Halo, Metal Gear Solid, Zelda .
There's just something missing. They give you such a technically impressive engine and solid controls yet the game feels like a chore to connect plot points and getting to watch Vin Diesel posture in virtua form is more punishment than payoff. This is no Deus Ex.
I'm kind of wishing I had bought Thief: DS or PSI Ops instead.

Bah. Riddick is easily far more fun and exciting than at least four of the games you mentioned.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Bah. Riddick is easily far more fun and exciting than at least four of the games you mentioned.

Whoa whoa whoa...

I liked Riddick, but that's going way overboard. Better than R&C2? Sure. ...but those other games?! No way...


Gamefly just dropped this off a day or two ago. I've put in 3 hours so far and am having a good time. Not quite the 8 hour orgasm that Bishoptl seems to advertise, but it's still pretty cool. :)


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
In a market flooded with traditional first person shooters, you figure people would be more excited when one defies the norm. I suspect alot of the Riddek naysayers get pissed off at the game because they try to play it using traditional FPS conventions. This isn't a "run forward in a straight line whilst mowing down enemies with obligatory chain-gun" kind of game." (Although there is some chaingun action, and lordy is it sweet.) Just because the path ahead looks like the way to go doesn't me it is, in fact, the way to go. ;) Yeah, I got pissed off a time or two playing Riddek, but then wound up kicking myself because it was my own fault for trying to take the usual linear FPS path. This game aspired to be unique and was pretty damn successful at it.


dark10x said:
Whoa whoa whoa...

I liked Riddick, but that's going way overboard. Better than R&C2? Sure. ...but those other games?! No way...

I didn't say better, I said more fun and exciting. :)


I think you have a rifle, shotgun, or tranquilizer gun through more than half of the game. Most of the riot guards can be defeated. Some of the DNA locks on the guns seem to be turned off - you have to try though. I've picked up weapons successfully that appeared to be DNA locked.

I just rented and beat the game this weekend (on normal). It was damn easy on normal. I probably died less than 12 times total. In every single fight, you can just swing once (as they charge) and then dodge. Or, if they have a weapon, get close and just counter on their first attack. Try to pick up every gun (if you don't have one) and shoot out every light (that you can).

It was a great rental.


Street Fighter IV World Champion
Redbeard said:
Bah. Riddick is easily far more fun and exciting than at least four of the games you mentioned.

I would say Riddick is not better than those games, as it's simply not comparable in that it's a very unique experience. I know I got more joy from Riddick than I did from Metroid Prime (which I loved) and Zelda (which I wasn't too keen on). I would say it's quality and consistency is up there with any of Nintendo's best and Halo.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I would say it's quality and consistency is up there with any of Nintendo's best and Halo.

...but it lacks one important aspect: polish. Riddick isn't necessarily UNPOLISHED, but it just doesn't feel as solid as those other games. The framerate is far from perfect and a lot of little things just don't look right in motion (though the actual animation in game is shockingly good for this type of game).


Banstick Emeritus
Slo said:
Not quite the 8 hour orgasm that Bishoptl seems to advertise, but it's still pretty cool. :)
That's a 10 hour orgasm, friend...not 8. Don't sell Riddick short!

And Mike, you are an idot. Run and gun (er, shank) doesn't work in this game!


Street Fighter IV World Champion
dark10x said:
...but it lacks one important aspect: polish. Riddick isn't necessarily UNPOLISHED, but it just doesn't feel as solid as those other games. The framerate is far from perfect and a lot of little things just don't look right in motion (though the actual animation in game is shockingly good for this type of game).

Strangely I think I'm the only guy who had no problem with the Frame Rate. It seemed smooth as butter when I played it.


Cant this game just be released in Europe already... I hate waiting!


Mike Works said:
Fucking Christ, I really want to like this game, but this is not fun at all.

bishoptl said:
And Mike, you are an idot. Run and gun (er, shank) doesn't work in this game!


The only thing we can do now is hope the kids pull through alright.


"Please, please don't split us up."


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
boutrosinit said:
Strangely I think I'm the only guy who had no problem with the Frame Rate. It seemed smooth as butter when I played it.

Well, that's you...not the game. :p The game has slowdown, but it seems that you are unable to see it (which is almost lucky).


Street Fighter IV World Champion
dark10x said:
Well, that's you...not the game. :p The game has slowdown, but it seems that you are unable to see it (which is almost lucky).

Maybe it's because I was playing the last build off a dev machine's HD. Would that make a difference?

For reference, I played Deus Ex: Invi War and found Riddick's frame rate to be superior.


Although it wasn't much of an fps because of the lack of shooting people and abundance of shiving (sp?) instead, that actually wasn't my problem with the game.

My problem was the story. I haven't seen the Chronicles of Riddick, but I've seen Pitch Black, and in both that movie and the game, Riddick is made out to be the ULTIMATE BADASS. If he's such a badass, how does he manage to get caught 4 or 5 times in the length of the game? The game wasn't that long to begin with, but if Riddick was as bad ass as he was made out to be, the game would've only lasted 1-2 hours.

I mean, Riddick gets captured time and time again, more than once by that little bitch "friend" of his. Riddick sucks (the character, not the game).


Riddick has as much slowdown as Halo (excluding the warthog run at the end) which is hardly any. 2 or 3 spots and that's it. When it happens it is noticeable but many might not remeber it as it is very inconsequential.


Don't be a damn wimp, the game is pretty easy if you just understand that when you have no weapons you need to avoid the enemies, and then actually know how to avoid them (i.e. ducking in shadows).

As for framerate problems, I didn't really have many problems after getting a little ways into the game. Maybe after about 3 hours, and for those first few hours its not like they were anything very bad, just a little stuttering when a lot of action was going on.

Awesome game, definately the best movie licensed game ever, and should be a serious GOTY candidate regardless of what else is released this year.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Sysgen said:
Riddick has as much slowdown as Halo (excluding the warthog run at the end) which is hardly any. 2 or 3 spots and that's it. When it happens it is noticeable but many might not remeber it as it is very inconsequential.

...but that isn't actually true. The game never really holds a steady framerate, but the drops are generally small enough that most won't notice. The game runs slower than Halo, on the whole (by a lot). It isn't that it runs at unplayable levels or anything...it just isn't as quick as one might hope.

For reference, I played Deus Ex: Invi War and found Riddick's frame rate to be superior.

Oh good lord, DXIW on XBOX has a TERRIBLE framerate. Almost unplayable, I'd say...
dark10x said:
Good lord, that's hardcore... (though, seemingly not on purpose ;P)
Kabuki Waq said:
Mike: You didnt find a gun until the Tranq gun? wow thats an OPA type blunder.
Yeah, except Opa had to walk 5 feet in the game until he was faced with his problem. I had to go through 30 fucking guards with a god damn knife. There are some sections where it's just not possible to hide in the shadows.

For instance, when you're riding down on top of the elevator, there are two guards in it. They get out, and walk down this giant catwalk. There are no shadows on the catwalk, and there's always a guard there looking in your direction. I eventually passed that area by luring him as close to the elevator as possible without getting shot much, then sprinting at him and performing the suicide move. Lost some health, but there was no other way around doing it that I could see (there was some vent in the elevator, but I needed a vent tool to open it).

calder said:

The only thing we can do now is hope the kids pull through alright.


"Please, please don't split us up."
A 20 year old white guy and a 30 year old black guy gave birth to 22 year old red-head swedish twins? Makes sense I guess.

Drek said:
Don't be a damn wimp, the game is pretty easy if you just understand that when you have no weapons you need to avoid the enemies, and then actually know how to avoid them (i.e. ducking in shadows).
Look, I get the whole hiding in the shadows thing. The problem is I was playing through areas where I was apparently supposed to have a gun. Many of these areas did not have shadows for the player to hide in, as the developers assumed the player would have a gun. Understand?

The Promised One said:
Yeah Mike, god forbid someone not design a FPS that plays exactly like every other FPS out there. Innovation and creativity be damned :rolleyes:
Yes, that's exactly what my complain was, there was too much innovation and creativity. I'd suggest you not post again in this thread.


innovation and creativity that...uh....where all done before in the same genre?

I didn't get the tranq gun until I was leaving that area :\
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