If you know me at all from these threads you know I love obscure AF games. The types of games 99/100 have just straight up never heard of. I especially love when I mention one and someone goes and plays it and finds a new game to enjoy. Like a weird gaming sommelier lol
I also legit LOVE Metroidvania when a game hits that "obscure as hell" category while also being a GOOD game in a genre I's even better
So let me introduce Rurula Ra Rura; hard to pronounce but super fun to play and enjoy! Yes it's a bit of an ugly game but once you get past the less than stellar graphics its a legit intriguing Metroidvania game on a console barely anyone has ever played. It's got some shades of Castlevania III with new character discovery / switching an a fully open map that lets you go in pretty much any direction you want...until you hit an obstacle you CANT bypass until you obtain the right character / power up to move forward. Classic Metroidvania formula on a console you'd NEVER expect it to appear on. Plus it emulates perfectly so you DONT have to be like me an own an original console lol
Plus its been translated to english which means you literally have zero obstructions to play it, which is a LOT more than you can say for most obscure and rare Japanese exclusive games.
But I'd love to hear some other DEEP CUT Metroidvania recommendations as I am always looking for more. What do you have for me GAF?
I also legit LOVE Metroidvania when a game hits that "obscure as hell" category while also being a GOOD game in a genre I's even better
So let me introduce Rurula Ra Rura; hard to pronounce but super fun to play and enjoy! Yes it's a bit of an ugly game but once you get past the less than stellar graphics its a legit intriguing Metroidvania game on a console barely anyone has ever played. It's got some shades of Castlevania III with new character discovery / switching an a fully open map that lets you go in pretty much any direction you want...until you hit an obstacle you CANT bypass until you obtain the right character / power up to move forward. Classic Metroidvania formula on a console you'd NEVER expect it to appear on. Plus it emulates perfectly so you DONT have to be like me an own an original console lol
Plus its been translated to english which means you literally have zero obstructions to play it, which is a LOT more than you can say for most obscure and rare Japanese exclusive games.
But I'd love to hear some other DEEP CUT Metroidvania recommendations as I am always looking for more. What do you have for me GAF?