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Sam Fisher announced for Rainbow Six Siege

Evangelion Unit-01

Master Chief
Update: I was slow on the news. Leaked last night. Officially announced today as I created the thread.

Source: Reddit

We knew we were getting a Splinter Cell operator via data mining. I think most expected generic Third/Fourth Echelon ops but today's leak shows that next season will be titled "Shadow Legacy" and will bring Sam Fisher into Siege.

Note the DedSec overlay is not part of the leak-something the leaker added.
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Very nice. Makes me want to play R6 again.

When I played my favorite was Caveira to "cosplay" as Sam in the game.

Would him not be too OP though? If they make Sam Fisher in the game as he deserves to be, he can take an entire Siege team effortless.

Evangelion Unit-01

Master Chief
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Update: I was slow on the news. Leaked last night. Officially announced today.

Source: Reddit

We knew we were getting a Splinter Cell operator via data mining. I think most expected generic Third/Fourth Echelon ops but today's leak shows that next season will be titled "Shadow Legacy" and will bring Sam Fisher and a new character named Zero into Siege.

Note the DedSec overlay is not part of the leak-something the leaker added.

Also, looks like Sam IS Zero, not that Zero and Sam are Two characters

Super hyped ❤
Ubisoft using Splinter Cell as a "bait to buy" is disgusting right now.
Ubisoft dragging out their little whore Sam Fisher and having him dance for you so you’ll buy one of their other games. Ubisoft, the digital pimps.

Poor Sam, I’d send Snake to come rescue you but he’s retired and disappeared. Maybe Sam Porter Bridges can get it done.
........Huh? what exactly is the harm in adding him to an already extremely successful MP non cannon (to splinter cell) game? You do know that all of these Tom Clancy games are supposed to take place in the same universe, hence why Caveira appeared in sub story mission in one of Ghost Recon's Wildlands expansions.

But i guess there's no keeping down that Ubi hate boner some people have no matter what, i mean fan service? fuck you Ubi!

Evangelion Unit-01

Master Chief
Also, looks like Sam IS Zero, not that Zero and Sam are Two characters

Super hyped ❤
That would make sense-Zero as his callsign for Siege. Updated OP.

Wasn't sure what direction they were going with that. I thought call sign at first but he hasn't used that one before so I assumed it was a new character but I think you're right-they never use the same callsign anyways.

I wonder who the second operator will be.
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........Huh? what exactly is the harm in adding him to an already extremely successful MP non cannon (to splinter cell) game? You do know that all of these Tom Clancy games are supposed to take place in the same universe, hence why Caveira appeared in sub story mission in one of Ghost Recon's Wildlands expansions.

But i guess there's no keeping down that Ubi hate boner some people have no matter what, i mean fan service? fuck you Ubi!
It’s cynical and manipulative. That’s why I don’t like it.

I’m a big Splinter Cell fan. I caved and played Blacklist (which I liked) since I hadn’t had anything since Chaos Theory that was good. Ubisoft knows how badly people want a new Splinter Cell but they haven’t figured out a way to turn it into some MTX littered GaaS bullshit, so it’s on ice. Then they roll out Sam because of the high demand when they need a sales boost (see Breakpoint). He’s their little sales bump tart they trot out when they want to take advantage of the SC thirst. It’s gross, so yeah, I‘m a little salty about it.
Haven’t fired up siege in a minute. Man that game was so amazing the first couple of seasons. I revisit every now and then but I feel like there is just too much going on. I miss the simplicity of a select few operators with very clear counters depending on the team setup. It’s gotten really messy. Are there legacy servers?


Not sure I like his design to be honest. There voice didn't match the appearance (voice is too young).
I will agree with you there I kind of wish he had the classic stealth suit. But I think you and me both know what his Legendary skin will be, better buy some in game currency.


Everyone is expecting a totally new Splinter Cell game.
But the last 3 years, the only thing related to splinter cell is DLC.

I can bet, we will not have a new splinter cell in 2020 and 2021.


Why does Sam look like The Punisher?



It’s cynical and manipulative. That’s why I don’t like it.

I’m a big Splinter Cell fan. I caved and played Blacklist (which I liked) since I hadn’t had anything since Chaos Theory that was good. Ubisoft knows how badly people want a new Splinter Cell but they haven’t figured out a way to turn it into some MTX littered GaaS bullshit, so it’s on ice. Then they roll out Sam because of the high demand when they need a sales boost (see Breakpoint). He’s their little sales bump tart they trot out when they want to take advantage of the SC thirst. It’s gross, so yeah, I‘m a little salty about it.
Yeah, it's retarded. Even worse, the dude looks and sounds nothing like Fisher (where is Ironside?). Also, all of Fisher's tech and skills, and the best they could think of was a camera as his operator ability? He should have been some kind of stealth op. It's like they've spent this entire gen parading his corpse through every property they own other than Splinter Cell. Assassins Creed, Far Cry, Rainbow 6 Siege, Ghost Recon Wildlands, Ghost Recon Breakpoint, the Division, Watch Dogs, and probably more I'm forgetting.

Yes, it's cool to have Fisher in Siege. I love Siege too. Still, this is getting ridiculous.

Anyone think this hints at a proper Splinter Cell game reveal happening soon?
I've been thinking this for the last 4 years lmao
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Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
I used to love Ubisoft games, but they have fucked up over the past few years. Too much focus on parading around long-loved characters in mediocre GAAS titles. I can't say I am surprised that they are still doing this shit.
It’s cynical and manipulative. That’s why I don’t like it.

I’m a big Splinter Cell fan. I caved and played Blacklist (which I liked) since I hadn’t had anything since Chaos Theory that was good. Ubisoft knows how badly people want a new Splinter Cell but they haven’t figured out a way to turn it into some MTX littered GaaS bullshit, so it’s on ice. Then they roll out Sam because of the high demand when they need a sales boost (see Breakpoint). He’s their little sales bump tart they trot out when they want to take advantage of the SC thirst. It’s gross, so yeah, I‘m a little salty about it.
SC is on hold for the same reason PoP is on hold it doesn't sell very well, stealth games in general don't have mass appeal (see Thief 2014,etc).

Blacklist was an amazing game and IMO the best playing game in the franchise but the so called "hardcore" fans got their panties in a twist because: 1- the game had multiple approaches to the missions (Ghost/Panther/Assault) and because it was as flashy as Conviction, and 2- Sam wasn't voiced by Michael Ironside who was dealimg with cancer at the time.

Blacklist ofcourse wasn't successful as it only sold 2M on 4 platforms, so if you want to blame anyone blame the SC fans, If I was Ubi i wouldn't listen to them too! since recent examples of fan outcry for a new game in a long dormant franchise almost always Turns out to be a complete dud!

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
SC is on hold for the same reason PoP is on hold it doesn't sell very well, stealth games in general don't have mass appeal (see Thief 2014,etc).

Blacklist was an amazing game and IMO the best playing game in the franchise but the so called "hardcore" fans got their panties in a twist because: 1- the game had multiple approaches to the missions (Ghost/Panther/Assault) and because it was as flashy as Conviction, and 2- Sam wasn't voiced by Michael Ironside who was dealimg with cancer at the time.

Blacklist ofcourse wasn't successful as it only sold 2M on 4 platforms, so if you want to blame anyone blame the SC fans, If I was Ubi i wouldn't listen to them too! since recent examples of fan outcry for a new game in a long dormant franchise almost always Turns out to be a complete dud!

Good stealth games sell well. Look at MGS. THI4F didn't sell well as it was a mediocre stealth game and an even worse Thief game. Double Agent, Conviction, Black List, all had major issues that pushed players away.
I used to love Ubisoft games, but they have fucked up over the past few years. Too much focus on parading around long-loved characters in mediocre GAAS titles. I can't say I am surprised that they are still doing this shit.

Sasuga Fate/Seiba fan!
Good stealth games sell well. Look at MGS. THI4F didn't sell well as it was a mediocre stealth game and an even worse Thief game. Double Agent, Conviction, Black List, all had major issues that pushed players away.
MGS sold on it's name and Kojima's name alone and V later was ripped to pieces for the sold mechanics but utterly mediocre world, gameplay loop and story, MGS Survive proved that, InB4 side game since MGSPW was also a spin off that did gangbusters on the PSP!

What are these "good" AAA stealth games that sold over 2M? And i mean pure stealth, not open world/rpg stealth ie Deus Ex/Assassin's Creed?
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Good stealth games sell well. Look at MGS. THI4F didn't sell well as it was a mediocre stealth game and an even worse Thief game. Double Agent, Conviction, Black List, all had major issues that pushed players away.
Blacklist is pretty much the best Splinter Cell game. In that case, players were just being idiots. Same thing happened to PoP 2008 as well.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit

Sasuga Fate/Seiba fan!

MGS sold on it's name and Kojima's name alone and V later was ripped to pieces for the sold mechanics but utterly mediocre world, gameplay loop and story, MGS Survive proved that, InB4 side game since MGSPW was also a spin off that did gangbusters on the PSP!

What are these "good" AAA stealth games that sold over 2M? And i mean pure stealth, not open world/rpg stealth ie Deus Ex/Assassin's Creed?

MGS garnered a following because of the fantastic stealth gameplay and Kojima made a name for himself because of the continued success of those titles. As for others? Thief? Dishonored? Hitman? Alien Isolation? There are plenty to choose from.

Also yes, I would consider Rainbow Six Siege to be a mediocre game (and a terrible Rainbow Six game). Just as I would consider TLOU2 to be a bad one and GT Sport to be a great one. Y'know opinions. Which should go without saying or clarification.

Blacklist is pretty much the best Splinter Cell game. In that case, players were just being idiots. Same thing happened to PoP 2008 as well.

I can't agree. I still hold that Chaos Theory is a better game all around. The focus on unlocking equipment and gear in the manner you do with Black List ruined much of my personal enjoyment - and I see this echoed by others in the fanbase. Definitely not a *bad* game and I still enjoyed it a good amount - but it still had that major issue, alongside the lack of Ironside and the characterization of Fisher.
MGS garnered a following because of the fantastic stealth gameplay and Kojima made a name for himself because of the continued success of those titles. As for others? Thief? Dishonored? Hitman? Alien Isolation? There are plenty to choose from.
I know what MGS popularity was bulit on since i'm a big fan but i specifically mentioned V for a reason since we are talking financial success here, after Kojima's departure no MGS would sell as good and that's a fact and Konami knows it, the MGS games should've ended with 4, as utterly shit as it was it was conclusive.

As for Hitman/Dishonored i love the games to death but again financialy they were a disappointment.

I haven't played Alien even though i own it but no sequals and it being a horror game first tells me it wasn't either, Thief 2014 was an Ok game nothing special (it was my first game in the franchis) and again it didn't meet expectations.

So my point still stands stealth games are niche so big companies won't risk making them anymore, one could argue the genre was always niche and MGS was the poster franchise of the genre and it success was in part due to it's story and amazing presentation.
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Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
I know what MGS popularity was bulit on since i'm a big fan but i specifically mentioned V for a reason since we are talking financial success here, after Kojima's departure no MGS would sell as good and that's a fact and Konami knows it, the MGS games should've ended with 4, as utterly shit as it was it was conclusive.

As for Hitman/Dishonored i love the games to death but again financialy they were a disappointment.

I haven't played Alien even though i own it but no sequals and it being a horror game first tells me it wasn't either, Thief 2014 was an Ok game nothing special (it was my first game in the franchis) and again it didn't meet expectations.

So my point still stands stealth games are niche so big companies won't risk making them anymore, one could argue the genre was always niche and MGS was the poster franchise of the genre and it success was in part due to it's story and amazing presentation.


Stop moving goalposts. You asked what stealth games sold more than 2 million, I provided a number of titles. Also there has only been *one* MGS game released since Kojima left and it wasn't even a stealth title. It was a survival title. MGSV sold well, even if the developers think it was a disappointment. Just as games like Tomb Raider sold well, even if Square Enix wasn't happy with the number sold.

Stop moving goalposts. You asked what stealth games sold more than 2 million, I provided a number of titles. Also there has only been *one* MGS game released since Kojima left and it wasn't even a stealth title. It was a survival title. MGSV sold well, even if the developers think it was a disappointment. Just as games like Tomb Raider sold well, even if Square Enix wasn't happy with the number sold.
There's no goal post moving going on, look at my posts in this thread from the beginning.
post #1- why are you guys upset about Sam being an operator in this very successful and loved game?
post#2- SC didn't have a new game since 2013 because BL didn't sell well despite being a great game.
post#3- AAA companies realized pure stealth games don't sell well (above 2M since their budgets are high) and are niche.
post#4- the only game that was very successful in the last decade critically and financially was MGSV, MGS was as a series owed part of it's success to it's movie like presentation and story and once it's creator was fired it's essentially dead.

So where's the goal post moving ?


SC is on hold for the same reason PoP is on hold it doesn't sell very well, stealth games in general don't have mass appeal (see Thief 2014,etc).

Blacklist was an amazing game and IMO the best playing game in the franchise but the so called "hardcore" fans got their panties in a twist because: 1- the game had multiple approaches to the missions (Ghost/Panther/Assault) and because it was as flashy as Conviction, and 2- Sam wasn't voiced by Michael Ironside who was dealimg with cancer at the time.

Blacklist ofcourse wasn't successful as it only sold 2M on 4 platforms, so if you want to blame anyone blame the SC fans, If I was Ubi i wouldn't listen to them too! since recent examples of fan outcry for a new game in a long dormant franchise almost always Turns out to be a complete dud!
So, don’t give it a $200 million budget. Make a smaller budget, tight, focused, level-based Splinter Cell. You don’t need to spend a ton of money to make a game for a niche audience. Spintires does just fine and it’s way more niche than stealth games. Budget appropriately. You can’t use just sales to determine success. If they only spent $60 million to make and market it but sold 2 million copies, I’d say they did fine.

I was excited when Clint Hocking returned hoping he was gonna revitalized Splinter Cell, only for him to work on that pile of garbage called Watch Dogs: Legion. I was one of those fans who decided not to pick up Blacklist because they lead with action-packed showings, which is not what I go to Splinter Cell for. I wouldn’t hold it against a CoD fan that didn’t buy the next one because it decided it was now focused on stealth. Ubisoft marketing is at fault for part of the sales failure because of what they decided to highlight.


There's no goal post moving going on, look at my posts in this thread from the beginning.
post #1- why are you guys upset about Sam being an operator in this very successful and loved game?
post#2- SC didn't have a new game since 2013 because BL didn't sell well despite being a great game.
post#3- AAA companies realized pure stealth games don't sell well (above 2M since their budgets are high) and are niche.
post#4- the only game that was very successful in the last decade critically and financially was MGSV, MGS was as a series owed part of it's success to it's movie like presentation and story and once it's creator was fired it's essentially dead.

So where's the goal post moving ?
It might be successful and loved, but that’s something else wearing the skin of Rainbow Six. Rainbow Six died on that tanker, 2 years ago.
So, don’t give it a $200 million budget.
You and i know that will not happen, case in point Rayman Origins/Legends.
It might be successful and loved, but that’s something else wearing the skin of Rainbow Six. Rainbow Six died on that tanker, 2 years ago.
Eh you're right but times change, some fans of R6 Rouge Spear hated R6 Vegas/Vegas 2 and the cycle continues with Seige.


Thank god Siege's engine isn't capable of fancy lighting. When I first heard of Sam coming to Siege I was worried his gadget would revolve around working in darkness. Darkness has no place in a competitive game.
Were those Rayman games expensive?
I don't think they were buuuuuut.

Rayman Origins:
"Despite the game's positive reviews, it did not live up to its sales expectations. It sold 50,000 copies in its first month in the US.[37] However, Ubisoft revealed that the game has been profitable.[38][39]"

Rayman Legend:
"Although Legends outsold Origins in its first week from international sales with the Wii U version selling the most copies,[51] the game failed to meet sales expectations.[52] As of November 2013, the game's sales were approaching one million units, according to Ubisoft.[53] However, in early November 2014, Ubisoft reported that Rayman Legends was still selling well and contributing to the company's earnings.[54]"

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
There's no goal post moving going on, look at my posts in this thread from the beginning.
post #1- why are you guys upset about Sam being an operator in this very successful and loved game?
post#2- SC didn't have a new game since 2013 because BL didn't sell well despite being a great game.
post#3- AAA companies realized pure stealth games don't sell well (above 2M since their budgets are high) and are niche.
post#4- the only game that was very successful in the last decade critically and financially was MGSV, MGS was as a series owed part of it's success to it's movie like presentation and story and once it's creator was fired it's essentially dead.

So where's the goal post moving ?

You asked me: "What are these "good" AAA stealth games that sold over 2M? And i mean pure stealth, not open world/rpg stealth ie Deus Ex/Assassin's Creed? " To which I gave you numerous franchises and games that did so. You then moved the goalpost to being "sold more than 2M [and met the publishers/developers expectations]". Which isn't to say a number of those games absolutely *did* meet expectations and *crushed* them. Especially when Thief 1 and 2 are involved.

Evangelion Unit-01

Master Chief
I have no doubt that Splinter Cell will return. Would rather not have a new game than have a bad one.

I'm just happy Tom Clancy games are still around. Siege and Wildlands were great this gen. The Division was fun, shame the second one has struggled. Breakpoint was a big miss but respect to Ubi for sticking with it.
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Well we know who is gonna get banned in ranked matches then or the cause of vote to kick bans in normal
its a cool game but the online community is literally cancer
You asked me: "What are these "good" AAA stealth games that sold over 2M? And i mean pure stealth, not open world/rpg stealth ie Deus Ex/Assassin's Creed? " To which I gave you numerous franchises and games that did so. You then moved the goalpost to being "sold more than 2M [and met the publishers/developers expectations]". Which isn't to say a number of those games absolutely *did* meet expectations and *crushed* them. Especially when Thief 1 and 2 are involved.
We are talking about the present day games not those from 20 years ago.

Secondly you just proved my point that I didn't move any goalpost since all i asked is what are the games that sold over 2M unites.

Any way this is incredibly silly an waste of both of our times, SC is still dead and Sam/Zero will be released for R6S to the delight of R6S fans and SC fans who play the game.

Good day to you.
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