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Shadow of the Collossus is so simple.. Why hasn't anyone been anylblevto replicate it?


What time is it?
Praey for the Gods is a SOTC clone and also one of the worst games I’ve ever played; one of my few 1’s I’ve ever given a game.

Still want to try it at some point but the crafting mechanics completely put me off.


The nicest person on this forum
Here is the thing even they do try to copy SotC I highly doubt it’s gonna be as good and what the clone add to make it different that original game? It just pointless.


Gold Member
Don’t know about boss rush, but I always thought of Breath of the Wild as being Link’s Climbing Simulator. Open the map and find a path through the mountains? Nah, just climb straight over everything.


I'd say SOTC is deceptively simple, which is why it's so hard to copy: what, exactly, are you copying? So much of why SOTC works is in its art direction, music, and environmental world building. For as much as it's looks like a game about stabbing monsters in their ouch spots, SOTC is more than the sum of its parts. Part of why I have a love / hate relationship with the Bluepoint remaster; the OG on the PS2 evokes a tone through its execution that's lost in the march for photorealism.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not


I'd say SOTC is deceptively simple, which is why it's so hard to copy: what, exactly, are you copying? So much of why SOTC works is in its art direction, music, and environmental world building. For as much as it's looks like a game about stabbing monsters in their ouch spots, SOTC is more than the sum of its parts. Part of why I have a love / hate relationship with the Bluepoint remaster; the OG on the PS2 evokes a tone through its execution that's lost in the march for photorealism.
very much so, it a case of everything being carefully linked together, storytelling without words, open interpretation, and being radically different from other games,
trying to replicate shadow of the colossus will inherently feel derivative and pale as an imitation


THE Prey 2 fanatic
Mods, please do NOT fix the title :lollipop_smiling_face_eyes:

No one's been anylblevto replicate Shadow of the Colossus because they're all punks. Team ICO weren't punks.
I dunno man. Addictive aspects of game design, like scattered collectables, numbers go up, and endless map icons all spread like the flu, but maybe real creativity just isn't infectious. I mean, it wouldn't be creative to just replicate Shadow of the Colossus, but surely there are many innovative ways to design a similarly amazing boss rush game.
The only other game that gave me similar feelings is Darksiders 2 while tackling a certain boss with epic music. There's something that's always outside of human grasp that makes you yearn for fantasm and adventure. Game design was the pinnacle of that forefront before it got invaded by commerce, after holly wood and literature etc. Everything happens quick so enjoy it while you can
The only other game that gave me similar feelings is Darksiders 2 while tackling a certain boss with epic music. There's something that's always outside of human grasp that makes you yearn for fantasm and adventure. Game design was the pinnacle of that forefront before it got invaded by commerce, after holly wood and literature etc. Everything happens quick so enjoy it while you can
for example. Jasper Kyd is amazing for game music



I'd say SOTC is deceptively simple, which is why it's so hard to copy: what, exactly, are you copying? So much of why SOTC works is in its art direction, music, and environmental world building. For as much as it's looks like a game about stabbing monsters in their ouch spots, SOTC is more than the sum of its parts. Part of why I have a love / hate relationship with the Bluepoint remaster; the OG on the PS2 evokes a tone through its execution that's lost in the march for photorealism.
The reality is you can't mimic it. I tell people all the time that once the moment is gone, it's GONE. The best games from N64 to the ps2 existed because they had to max out what resources were available. Even Silent Hill as a series exist strictly because they couldn't draw the game world like they wanted too. Now it's "if you wanna do it, you can likely do it" which is a blessing and a curse. There's something to be said about working within limitations because you tend to become more creative as a result.
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The reality is you can't mimic it. I tell people all the time that once the moment is gone, it's GONE. The best games from N64 to the ps2 existed because they had to max out what limited resources were available. Heck Silent Hill as a series exist strictly because they couldn't draw the game world like they used too. Now it's back "if you wanna do it, you can likely do it" which is a blessing and a curse. There's something to be said about maxing out limited resources and working within limitations
Absolutely man. How many people want a return to the eery stranded vibes of original tomb raider instead of uncharted garbage
Because it sold like shit.
and it was sh... okay not good is what I would call it. A few boss battles, scattered around an empty pointless world with a barebones artsy predictable pseudo emotional story and terrible controls in the original and remake.
Horse riding was the only good thing about it, with a horse that had its own mind, mostly going where it even cant go- must have been some inclusive thing going for a mentally challenged horse-, but still, those floaty controls made at least some sense. Being unable to climb because the character, the figure I actually suppose to control, unlike the horse, wiggled around all the time was utterly annoying and game breaking because that's what most troubles in the battles were about, struggling upwards and not beating the actual huge creature.
It's like Journey, overhyped by those who "get it", even if there is nothing to get, so of course no one else does the same since there is nothing worth copying and those were fluke games.


and it was sh... okay not good is what I would call it. A few boss battles, scattered around an empty pointless world with a barebones artsy predictable pseudo emotional story and terrible controls in the original and remake.
Horse riding was the only good thing about it, with a horse that had its own mind, mostly going where it even cant go- must have been some inclusive thing going for a mentally challenged horse-, but still, those floaty controls made at least some sense. Being unable to climb because the character, the figure I actually suppose to control, unlike the horse, wiggled around all the time was utterly annoying and game breaking because that's what most troubles in the battles were about, struggling upwards and not beating the actual huge creature.
It's like Journey, overhyped by those who "get it", even if there is nothing to get, so of course no one else does the same since there is nothing worth copying and those were fluke games.
So how does it feel to not have a soul?


Gold Member
Because it’s too short, too limited in scope, not bombastic enough, and nobody wants to be called out for making the controls intentionally clumsy. It’s a game from an era that doesn’t exist anymore, where deliberately imperfect games were tolerated. It was never really limited in scope, just in tech (on PS2 they went for effects that tanked an already precarious framerate). The character and controls were laggy and clumsy on purpose because the character wasn’t an indestructible superhero, but this wouldn’t fly in the age of gamers demanding 60+ fps and perfect responsiveness.

I never cared that much for SOTC precisely for these reasons, I never enjoyed playing the game but on PS2 you could see the vision behind it. The best current tech can’t reproduce that feeling, and nobody would spend full price for a game like this today.
and it was sh... okay not good is what I would call it. A few boss battles, scattered around an empty pointless world with a barebones artsy predictable pseudo emotional story and terrible controls in the original and remake.
Horse riding was the only good thing about it, with a horse that had its own mind, mostly going where it even cant go- must have been some inclusive thing going for a mentally challenged horse-, but still, those floaty controls made at least some sense. Being unable to climb because the character, the figure I actually suppose to control, unlike the horse, wiggled around all the time was utterly annoying and game breaking because that's what most troubles in the battles were about, struggling upwards and not beating the actual huge creature.
It's like Journey, overhyped by those who "get it", even if there is nothing to get, so of course no one else does the same since there is nothing worth copying and those were fluke games.
Agreed, the game seems like everything Gaf should hate but somehow that’s not the case. Empty world with nothing to do except a boring ride to the next boss, terrible controls, climbing consists of pressing the analog stick and holding R, no story to speak of up to the point I played. The only interesting part is figuring out how to mount the boss.
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