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Sonic Team is Dead

I know this is old news, but as of yesterday, Sonic Team, and every other internal dev was shut down. If you to Sonic Team's homepage, you'll see some curious things, such as a commerative pin...


... and a CD?


What are these about? Does anyone know?


works for Gamestop (lol)

TOKYO--Sega’s Sonic Team announced that it will continue to keep its “Sonic Team” brand name after merging with Sega’s main branch tomorrow.

To commemorate the studio’s move to Sega headquarters, Sonic Team will be giving away decorative pins to 3,000 visitors of its Web site that fill out a quiz based on Sonic Team games. One thousand of the pins will be a special golden version with a printed serial number, which will be awarded to those with quiz scores over 100 points. Winners will be chosen by a random drawing.

The Sonic Team will also be releasing a commemorative CD album called Sonic Team Unplugged 2004 that contains six tracks from a live Tokyo recording in March. Sega’s online store Sega Direct will begin taking preorders for the album tomorrow. The album will be priced at an affordable 1000 yen ($9). The tracks included in the album are as follows:

* "Chant this Charm" (Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg theme music)
* "I Just Smile" (Burning Rangers ending theme)
* "Sonic Heroes" (Sonic Heroes theme music)
* "This is My Happiness" (Space Channel 5 Part 2 ending theme)
* "World with Me" (Phantasy Star Online Episode II ending theme)
* "Dreams Dreams" (NiGHTS theme music)


Can somebody explain what the hell is going on at Sega right now? I know Sammy took over a large portion of the company so are they running things now? What is the plan for Sega right now?

I doubt it would be true...but does this mean no more Sonic games?


Can somebody explain what the hell is going on at Sega right now? I know Sammy took over a large portion of the company so are they running things now? What is the plan for Sega right now?

I doubt it would be true...but does this mean no more Sonic games?

As Sega prepares to merge with Sammy under the Sega Sammy Holdings Corporation, new details indicate this preparation isn't exactly painless. It was revealed today that under the new company, Sega's seven development subsidiaries - Sega WoW, Sega AM2, Hitmaker, Sonic Team, Smilebit, Amusement Vision and Digital Rex - will be merged into a single entity.

"I feel that Sega has high individual capabilities, but it's too separated into different subsidiaries," commented Hajime Satomi, chairman of Sammy and Sega. "Sega wasn't able to create an overall corporate strategy or uniformity because of that, which is a major reason behind the company's stagnation. Oguchi himself has been feeling the same way. It's about time that we returned back to the old Sega."

Sega's boardroom will also see changes as four board members will be stepping down this October, to be replaced by three new members. For the curious, Hajime Satomi, Hisao Oguchi, and Yoshiharu Suzuki will retain their seats.

"Unfortunately, Sega has been in the red for nearly 10 years. It would tighten things up if the members that had directing position and representative rights took responsibility," justified Satomi. "Oguchi is still young, so he should be able to do more things with new board members."

So what does this all mean? Well, we just don't know yet. There have been rumors hinting at an exodus of talent from Sega, but for now they're still rumors. We'll have to wait until this fall to get a grasp on how this really affects things, but for now we know one thing: this certainly isn't the Sega we once knew.

6/2/2004 Chris Faylor


Remember when going thrid party was supposed to bring in a new, great era of Sega videogames? Never quite worked out...


Can somebody explain what the hell is going on at Sega right now? I know Sammy took over a large portion of the company so are they running things now? What is the plan for Sega right now?

I doubt it would be true...but does this mean no more Sonic games?
in 2000 the studios were spun off as seperate companies. now they're just being brought back into the fold. sonic team will be called sonic team in the future, it'll just be owned by sega. there were plenty of sonic games between 1991 - 2000, so it stands to reason there will be plenty of sonic games between 2004 - teh future.


Only good games that came from Sega as far as this generation were Shenmue series, Skies of Arcadia, and JGR/JSRF IMFOKTHNXBYE.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
So wait, Sonic Team gets to keep their name but the other groups don't? That's bullshit.


Some additional info about the CD: It was recorded during a Tokyo bay cruise party for Sonic Team/Sega staff.
Yeah I was going to say...Aside from Billy Hatcher, Sonic Team has done nothing original this generation...They ported two Sonic games from the Dreamcast to the GameCube...Ported two PSO's to the GameCube and Xbox...PSO3 offered some new stuff, but wasn't really accepted too well...They compiled a bunch of old Sonic games for the GameCube, and now PS2 as well...Hmmm...They are rehashing Puyo Pop for Puyo Pop Fever...Astro Boy...Well who cares. And Sonic Heroes was undoubtedly a dissapointment...I personally thought it was pretty lame.

All in all, I say it's been a bad generation for Sonic Team, Billy Hatcher aside, which didn't sell too well.


Culex said:
I always thought Sonic Team was it's own section, even during the mid 1990's.

It is, and will continue to be. Sonic Team wasn't it's own company till 2000. It was still it's own development team though. It will still be like that. They will still be their own dev team, just not their own company. Just like all the other Sega teams. Am2 and stuff like that will all still be their own dev teams. Just like how it was back in the early dreamcast/pre dreamcast days.


What is the plan for Sega right now?

To develop and publish games on a worldwide basis for home/handheld consoles,PC and arcade.

So wait, Sonic Team gets to keep their name but the other groups don't? That's bullshit.

Sonic Team were Sonic Team before the development teams were split up. They changed their name from AM8 to Sonic Team in the early 90's.


Yeah I was going to say...Aside from Billy Hatcher, Sonic Team has done nothing original this generation...

PSO Ep. III, a great game people shunned because cards were involved.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
So they stay in their teams, just all release under the Sega name (except Sonic Team apparently)? Who gives a crap then, it's not like they're forcing them all into one huge team.

Unless I've misunderstood.


I kinda wished ST would splinter off into their own company now that Sega is no longer standalone, but I'm glad they're not "dead," at the least.


Mama Smurf said:
So they stay in their teams, just all release under the Sega name (except Sonic Team apparently)? Who gives a crap then, it's not like they're forcing them all into one huge team.

Unless I've misunderstood.

I think you got it right. After reading everything I could find on the matter, I'm under the impression that the development houses are being merged together finacially. ST, AM2, AV etc will now operate like teams and not like seperate software companies managing their own budgets and what not. This does mean that some creative control is being given up, but that would be inevitable in this kind of situation.

The bottom line is that Sammy wants Sega to be a united front and not a fragement mish mash of different creative and finicial philosophies.


in 2000 the studios were spun off as seperate companies. now they're just being brought back into the fold. sonic team will be called sonic team in the future, it'll just be owned by sega. there were plenty of sonic games between 1991 - 2000, so it stands to reason there will be plenty of sonic games between 2004 - teh future.

sounds reasonable to expect such a thing.
nitewulf said:
didnt yu suzuki leave and form his own company or something? how many people left so far?

No, during the last restructuring, the one where UGA was merged with ST, Wow with Overworks etc. Yu left AM2 to form a new team/company called Digital Rex, who were supposedly to make cinematic online games (which was their temporary name for a while). Still with Sega though as of the last I heard.


nitewulf said:
didnt yu suzuki leave and form his own company or something? how many people left so far?

Yu Suzuki is still part of Sega. Only guy that left was Mizuguchi but that was probably because Sega wouldn't let him do any more of this crap selling games like Rez and he wanted to. He'll figure out there is no market for them eventually and come crawling back and realized the freedom Sega gave him.


retardboy said:
Yu Suzuki is still part of Sega. Only guy that left was Mizuguchi but that was probably because Sega wouldn't let him do any more of this crap selling games like Rez and he wanted to. He'll figure out there is no market for them eventually and come crawling back and realized the freedom Sega gave him.

This is somewhat speculative, but I was under the impression that Mizuguchi left because he didn't want to deal with Naka.
just like in the old days.. people will work with various other people on various games..

sometimes a group of people miught come together for a game, and then name themselves something.. ie: Team Andromeda for Panzer Dragoon games...

sonic team will be the team doing the sonic games, but that doesnt mean they'll all be the same people for all the sonic games, just mostly the top people will be the same sometimes.

in 2000, individual teams were made with groups, and they thought they'd be more accountable this way, as they had their own budgets for games and would work with all the same people consistently..

they are now bringing everyone back into the same fold, they are all just SEGA employees basically, and then people will be assigned various teams/tasks and share employees amongst games, most likely...


Unconfirmed Member
All the doomsday people make me laugh. Honestly, this isn't really a very big deal at all. It's a corporate reorganization. Nothing more, nothing less.


AssMan said:
Only good games that came from Sega as far as this generation were Shenmue series, Skies of Arcadia, and JGR/JSRF IMFOKTHNXBYE.


for all you idots: the DC is part of this generation =\


Street Fighter IV World Champion
retardboy said:
Yu Suzuki is still part of Sega. Only guy that left was Mizuguchi but that was probably because Sega wouldn't let him do any more of this crap selling games like Rez and he wanted to. He'll figure out there is no market for them eventually and come crawling back and realized the freedom Sega gave him.

Actually, this is incorrect. REZ - according to Miziguchi in an interview he did for Kikizo.com - sold over 300,000 units worldwide. Not a bad figure if you ask me. From what others - aside from Ge-Man - have said, he left because he didn't want to deal with Naka.

john tv

AssMan said:
Only good games that came from Sega as far as this generation were Shenmue series, Skies of Arcadia, and JGR/JSRF IMFOKTHNXBYE.

Whoops, typo -- you wrote "Shenmue" and "good" in the same sentence. Your bad!
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