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spong-GBA Evolution in development?

This is spong but here it is:

GBA Evolves, Nintendo Admits to Developing Another New Handheld
Advanced handheld war stretches beyond horizon.
18th Jun 2004

David Gosen, head of Nintendo Europe, has admitted at the recent ELSPA conference that the next Game Boy console is already in development. Yesterday, Famitsu published a report suggesting that the DS would make a bigger impact on the industry than the PSP, so news that another new, even more advanced Nintendo handheld is around the corner will cause Sony some concern. Indeed, this may even prompt Sony to start leaking details about a possible PSP2.

A new GBA was an inevitability, with many observers speculating that it would be called GBA Evolution (which corresponds to a recently trademarked acronym) and we can now confirm that the console does feature in Nintendo’s immediate plans. If the DS was conceived in part to take the wind out of the PSP’s sails, then the GBA2 is doubtlessly designed to crush it. Nintendo rules the handheld roost at the moment, and the company is evidently poised to fend off anyone encroaching on its territory.

As soon as there are any more details regarding the GBA2, GBA Evolution or whatever it may be called, expect to read them here first.
"Indeed, this may even prompt Sony to start leaking details about a possible PSP2."

Then maybe they can start leaking info on the PS4.


N-Sider broke the "GameBoy Evolution" stuff awhile back, complete with fuzzy specs.

edit-here's what they said...

Next Generation Game Boy

We don’t have any specific numbers for the next Game Boy, but we’ve got plenty of information nonetheless. Do note, this isn’t information about the DS. The next Game Boy will supposedly launch some time in 2006.

-The working title is "Game Boy Evolution".
-The system will have a flip-top design, similar to the GBA SP.
-Games will come on mini-discs, as opposed to cartridges.
-The graphics will be slightly better than those found on the Sega Dreamcast.
-Bluetooth wireless networking will be built in.
-The system will feature backwards compatibility, but not in the same way the GBA plays old Game Boy games. Supposedly there will be a device that will allow you to download games from their carts into a harddrive-like element of the new Game Boy. Confusing, yes, but that's all we've managed to gleam. Speculate as you like.
-The system's screen will be lit, similar to the GBA SP.


(more a nerd than a geek)
I've always assumed it was bad form to begin promoting the successor to a system you haven't even launched yet.
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