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State/Local income tax levels predict sports team performance outcomes (NYT)


Interesting sports Op-Ed today from an economist who looked into the relationship between taxation levels and sports performance and found repeating patterns of high-tax areas ending up w/ poorer sports team performance. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/12/opinion/another-terrible-thing-about-taxes.html?_r=0

It's important to note that he's not advocating for cutting taxes, he instead advocates for making salary caps post-tax instead, due to there being minimal impact shown in MLB, where there isn't a cap.

His paper and research is here on his website: http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/~hembre/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/TaxesTeamPerformance.pdf

As a sports nut attending St. Olaf College in rural Minnesota, I jumped on the Timberwolves basketball bandwagon during their peak Kevin Garnett years of 2002 to 2004. But with or without Garnett, the franchise has been hopeless. Between 1989, when the team entered the N.B.A., and this season, the Timberwolves have the worst record in the league.

It might be easy to lay the blame for the team’s woes on the owner, Glen Taylor, or their coaching carousel, but I blame the state. After all, Minnesota’s aversion to winning is not restricted to basketball. In a state synonymous with hockey, neither the Wild nor the Stars (while in Minnesota) has won the Stanley Cup. Same for the Vikings and the Super Bowl. The Twins did win the World Series, but that’s the exception to the losing rule.

Why all the losing? After becoming an economist, I wondered if there might be a more systematic economic explanation. Eventually, after years of research and number crunching, I found the answer. Or at least a culprit: state income taxes.

Minnesota has one of the highest top marginal income tax rates for any state at 9.85 percent. For most normal people — i.e., non-sports nuts — this is a worthy investment in great public services. Minnesota is routinely listed as a place with an excellent quality of life, including a strong public education system and a well-maintained parks system. Some of the happiest people in the country — even some long-suffering Minnesota sports fans — call it home.

It’s unclear how much professional athletes value these public goods, but the Timberwolves still have to pay extra to offset those taxes. And given the competition under a salary cap, it means Minnesota teams spend almost 10 percent less than teams from Florida or Texas, which have no income tax. This could be enough money to upgrade from an average player to an All-Star.

To test my theory, I gathered data on the outcomes of every professional sports game over the past 40 years as well as data on state and local tax rates each team member faces. I then computed how much taxes predict winning for each league in every year while controlling for other factors such as population, income, franchise age and local amenities (i.e., weather).

Results of the analysis show that higher taxes consistently predict worse performance in every league — not just the N.B.A. but also Major League Baseball, the N.H.L., and the N.F.L. over the past 20 years. The findings do not change if I use championships or finals appearances instead of regular season wins, and no single city, team or year drives the results.

It’s in the N.B.A. that I find the largest effect. If Minnesota eliminated its income tax, the Timberwolves might win two to five more games each year. This may not sound like much, but the price for victories is quite high. Last summer the Washington Wizards signed Bradley Beal to a five-year, $128 million contract, and if things go well, they should expect him to contribute two to five wins per season. I find a much smaller effect in M.L.B., which has no salary cap, where a similar income tax change for the Twins would result in winning only about one more game each season.
Several other factors connect the income tax effect to my theory. Comparing player salary to player value measures provides evidence that higher-taxed teams in baseball and basketball pay more for players of similar quality, suggesting tax compensation is real. The income tax effect also relies on the assumption that players and teams are responding to income tax rates when negotiating contracts. This explains why the effect arises only in the wake of collective bargaining agreements in the late 1980s and early 1990s that allowed players to become unrestricted free agents and have teams compete to sign them.

The income tax effect could also be explained if people in low-tax states such as Texas and Florida just enjoy sports more and support their teams more and this translates to more winning. But I found that in college football and basketball, where athletes are not paid and should not care about income tax rates, teams from lower-tax states do not perform better than teams in higher-tax states.
But the real solution lies within the salary cap rules intended to level the playing field in the first place. Why not attack the imbalance at the source? Adjusting the salary cap or luxury tax using expected post-tax instead of pre-tax dollars eliminates this competitive advantage.

Do that, and I can return to just blaming the cold weather as the reason the Timberwolves are staying home during the yet another N.B.A. playoffs season.
Don't most of the teams that win come from the west coast or north east? Seems mid level state income states do the best. It's been a while since the Mavericks, Rockets, Spurs, Stars, Rangers, Astros, Cowboys, and Texans have won a championship.
This guy is completely ignoring the importance of an ownership which is willing to spend whatever money it takes to win? What about a competent management staff which can properly identify prospects, draft rookie players, and attract talent through free agency? He's just going to discount the importance of good a coaching staff? He's pretending there isn't a difference in facilities and stadiums between franchises?



This guy is completely ignoring the importance of an ownership which is willing to spend whatever money it takes to win and a competent staff which can properly identify prospects, draft rookie players, and attract talent through free agency? He's just going to discount the importance of good coaching?

He tested this across multiple leagues. The patterns don't show up at the college level, They barely show up in MLB, which doesn't have a salary cap. But in the other pro sports, they're quite visible.

So yes, "good coaching" is irrelevant to the analysis given how many data sets he was looking at.

To put it simply: Teams w/ a higher income tax have a lower effective salary cap.


He tested this across multiple leagues. The patterns don't show up at the college level, They barely show up in MLB, which doesn't have a salary cap. But in the other pro sports, they're quite visible.

So yes, "good coaching" is irrelevant to the analysis given how many data sets he was looking at.

To put it simply: Teams w/ a higher income tax have a lower effective salary cap.
Doesn't Massachusetts have high income taxes? Same with California I thought. Doesn't seem to stop the Patriots from winning (or making and losing) the Super Bowl. The Lakers and Warriors have won 6 of the 16 championships in the NBA since the turn of the century (appearing in 9 of 16 finals series). Not sure I really understand.
He tested this across multiple leagues. The patterns don't show up at the college level, They barely show up in MLB, which doesn't have a salary cap. But in the other pro sports, they're quite visible.

So yes, "good coaching" is irrelevant to the analysis given how many data sets he was looking at.

To put it simply: Teams w/ a higher income tax have a lower effective salary cap.

I guess I see this mathematical argument but if he thinks another 10% of effective salary under the cap is going to magically make the T-wolves good, boy does he have another thought coming. All the stuff I mentioned is much more important than how much space you have under the salary cap due to effective tax rates.

Also the Vikings make pretty regular playoff appearances.


Florida teams definitely try to offer players less money while advertising to the players that they'll make up the difference with no state income tax.


Don't most of the teams that win come from the west coast or north east? Seems mid level state income states do the best. It's been a while since the Mavericks, Rockets, Spurs, Stars, Rangers, Astros, Cowboys, and Texans have won a championship.

Spurs won in 2014, it is not that long ago.


Spurs won in 2014, it is not that long ago.
Mavs 3 years before that in 2011 and until recently were in the playoffs basically every year in recent memory
Rangers made the World Series 2 years in a row recently
Texans consistently make the playoffs
Rockets are consistently in the playoffs
Cowboys struggles are due to Jerruh and incompetence more than anything


I guess I see this mathematical argument but if he thinks another 10% of effective salary under the cap is going to magically make the T-wolves good, boy does he have another thought coming. All the stuff I mentioned is much more important than how much space you have under the salary cap due to effective tax rates.

Also the Vikings make pretty regular playoff appearances.
Stop thinking in individual outcomes and look for the larger patterns.


I guess I see this mathematical argument but if he thinks another 10% of effective salary under the cap is going to magically make the T-wolves good, boy does he have another thought coming. All the stuff I mentioned is much more important than how much space you have under the salary cap due to effective tax rates.

Also the Vikings make pretty regular playoff appearances.
Saying "this is a factor" is not the same as saying "this is the only factor". The article is arguing that state tax income levels correlate with professional team performance and suggests why that is likely to be the case. That doesn't mean that the author doesn't also believe that coaching staff is relevant, nor does it mean that the author believes that this is more or less relevant than any of the other factors that we all know to be involved in the success of a professional sports team.
Spurs won in 2014, it is not that long ago.

Yea, but for the past 3 decades, it's been the Lakers at the top most consistently though that was mostly due to Kobe. In NFL, it's been patriot domination for what seems like Forever. Baseball I don't care to watch but I know Yankees have been a consistently dominant force. Hockey has been mostly dominated by 🇨🇦.


Yea, but for the past 3 decades, it's been the Lakers at the top most consistently though that was mostly due to Kobe. In NFL, it's been patriot domination for what seems like Forever. Baseball I don't care to watch but I know Yankees have been a consistently dominant force. Hockey has been mostly dominated by 🇨🇦.

A Canadian team hasn't won the Stanley Cup since 93.


Yea, but for the past 3 decades, it's been the Lakers at the top most consistently though that was mostly due to Kobe. In NFL, it's been patriot domination for what seems like Forever. Baseball I don't care to watch but I know Yankees have been a consistently dominant force. Hockey has been mostly dominated by 🇨🇦.
When was the last time a Canadian team won Lord Stan Lee's Cup? 1993?
A Canadian team hasn't won the Stanley Cup since 93.

Okay, mostly california, new jersey, and pa.

I'd be more inclined to say the trend of where players go is based on migration patterns of the general population.

The best teams for the past 2 decades have been in the following areas

California (high state income tax but people want to live in california). Also california is on the coast.
Texas( Houston, Dallas, and Central Texas - No State Income Tax ) - Major metro areas with ties to oil and tech.
Washington state - Seattle/Redmond are big draws for tech
North East - Goes without saying
Chicago - major metro area thats still booming
Florida - Good for retirees as well its a coastal state
North Carolina - Charlotte is a good place for tech companies and the like. Also, its coastal.

Minnesota fails cause right now no wants to live in Minnesota. So, they have to rely on those very rare talents that go "Eh, Minnesota's good enough I guess" or someone was born in Minnesota and wants to stay close to family.
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