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Streets of Rage 4 - Behind the Music.


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

Dotemu, Lizardcube and Guard Crush Games are honored to announce Olivier Derivière, the talent behind soundtracks for A Plague Tale: Innocence, Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, Dying Light 2 and more, is serving as Streets of Rage 4’s main composer with support from an roster of international guest musicians. Streets of Rage 4 will also include new contributions from Scattle (Hotline Miami 1 & 2), Das Mörtal (Hotline Miami 2), XL Middleton, and Groundislava.

Derivière’s musical vision echoes the philosophy at the heart of Streets of Rage 4: infusing the timeless, classic elements of the original Streets of Rage games with a modern approach to gameplay, art and design, channeling the nostalgic glory of the genre-defining beat-em-ups through the music of series composers Yūzō Koshiro and Motohiro Kawashima, along with featured Japanese composers, while instilling a unique spirit throughout Streets of Rage 4 via Western artists and Derivière’s sonic creations.

In celebration of today’s announcement, four tracks from Streets of Rage 4’s soundtrack courtesy of Olivier Derivière, Das Mörtal, and Groundislava are now streamable on Dotemu's Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/dotemu-games
From the various videos over the last few months and the tracks available on Soundcloud, my impression of Derivière's music has ranged from indifference to mild dislike (his "Funky HQ" has its moments, but the full track isn't working for me). This in mind, I wasn't exactly thrilled to hear in the video that music from the guest composers is only being used for boss battles, with Derivière scoring the individual stages.

I can appreciate not wanting to copy what's come before and create something overly derivative, but like with other aspects of SoR4, I'm not certain the music has managed to retain the series' spirit.
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Everything shown about this game makes it seem less and less like streets of rage. The bad character designs, the off putting art direction, and now this wrong music. These guys really should've just did their own thing instead of trying to piggy back off of a very old and very nostalgic property.


I'm loving everything about Streets of Rage 4....but some of these tracks are really out there. I appreciate what Olivier Derivière is doing, but I'm not feeling his stuff. I would like to hear the compositions of the original 4 (Koshiro, Kawashima, Yamagishi, Shimomura) with Fujita (Naganuma dropped out).


I can respect people who are fans of the old games being a bit disappointed.
They do look quite different.

But as someone who never played the old games I am really hyped up for this and I love the artstyle.
It's nice to see a game that embraces the cartoony again that isn't '' PG-13 '' for a lack of a better term.
Usually in the West I think that cartoony games nowadays tend to be more cutsey and more like childrens cartoons, the industry has gone really hard in the '' realism '' direction which is kinda dull imo.
This game looks awesome!


It's fine for a 2020 Streets of Rage game ! We all know from the beginning that's going to be different & inferior to original 2 releases even if Yuzo did the whole thing

Old Retro

It's pretty good for 2020. You can never ever recapture the zeitgeist of early 1990s house/dance music influence...



Usually in the West I think that cartoony games nowadays tend to be more cutsey and more like childrens cartoons, the industry has gone really hard in the '' realism '' direction which is kinda dull imo.
This game looks awesome!
This is about as gritty and realistic/non cartoony as BroForce, Hotline Miami, or Neon Drive (very cartoony)

Where the fuck is Yuzo Korshiro?
Doing a boss theme for this game but tbh it isn't like he's been composing any good music since streets of rage 2
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This is about as gritty and realistic/non cartoony as BroForce, Hotline Miami, or Neon Drive (very cartoony)

Doing a boss theme for this game but tbh it isn't like he's been composing any good music since streets of rage 2

Those are all old games.
I didn't mean that there are no games like that, just that in comparison with Japan for example.
Japan puts out a lot of realistic looking games but also a ton if not more cartoony games that aren't mainly indie games and even a lot of serious ones.
There's Borderlands and Fortnite I guess?
But in general if a game isn't indie or lower budget they tend to get the '' realism '' treatment.

I realize that this game isn't a huge budget game or anything, but I still appreciate seeing it. Even with Indie games I find it hard to find games that appeal to me like this does.
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what the fuck? Street Of Rage for genesis was basically 16-bit deep house instrumental. All they had to do was just put in deep house instrumental music of today:



what the fuck? Street Of Rage for genesis was basically 16-bit deep house instrumental. All they had to do was just put in deep house instrumental music of today:

Not sure about this, your example (but most deep house tunes) sound too chic and too clean, in some way, to be in Streets of Rage. The soundtrack of Streets of Rage is much more urban and "dirty", while keeping many of the same basic sounds. Deep house makes you think of people at night on clean furniture, while Streets of Rage is neon lights reflected on a puddle in the city street, just before the fight.

From the latest trailers, I think they did a fairly good job replicating at least the original atmosphere. We'll see how that sounds in-game.
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Not sure about this, your example (but most deep house tunes) sound too chic and too clean,

Streets of Rage 2: Dreamer, Slow Moon, Go Straight, says Hi

Hell even Capcom Vs SNK has that awesome deep house options music:

and this remix sounds awesome:
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I’m keeping an open mind and I won’t judge until I’ve heard the music in context, and I’m sure they’ve done their best based on the OP video. But hearing the word dubstep anywhere near this made me concerned.

I love that Yuzo has a framed copy of the Data Disc vinyl release that he helped with, that’s cool. Glad I own that. And speaking of originals, we will have those in the game too in case we really don’t like the modern OST.


Streets of Rage 2: Dreamer, Slow Moon, Go Straight, says Hi

Hell even Capcom Vs SNK has that awesome deep house options music:

and this remix sounds awesome:

I get what you're saying, sadly I'm far from a music expert and it's almost 1AM so I can't really articulate a better response, but your own examples, like slow moon:

(heck, I love this one)
sounds like a more underground variation and inspire a pretty different mood than the other ones you posted (while your examples are still on point, so I'm just talking about my tastes really... please bear with me) but that could be simply due to the selection of sounds and instruments.

More than deep house, I've always found this kind of tunes more "Streets of rage-y"

just speed it up a liitle and you're done.

Or, really, british new-wave:

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Dotemu, Lizardcube and Guard Crush Games are honored to announce Olivier Derivière, the talent behind soundtracks for A Plague Tale: Innocence, Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, Dying Light 2 and more, is serving as Streets of Rage 4’s main composer with support from an roster of international guest musicians. Streets of Rage 4 will also include new contributions from Scattle (Hotline Miami 1 & 2), Das Mörtal (Hotline Miami 2), XL Middleton, and Groundislava.

Derivière’s musical vision echoes the philosophy at the heart of Streets of Rage 4: infusing the timeless, classic elements of the original Streets of Rage games with a modern approach to gameplay, art and design, channeling the nostalgic glory of the genre-defining beat-em-ups through the music of series composers Yūzō Koshiro and Motohiro Kawashima, along with featured Japanese composers, while instilling a unique spirit throughout Streets of Rage 4 via Western artists and Derivière’s sonic creations.

In celebration of today’s announcement, four tracks from Streets of Rage 4’s soundtrack courtesy of Olivier Derivière, Das Mörtal, and Groundislava are now streamable on Dotemu's Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/dotemu-games

Just outstanding


Gold Member
Got back into playing this recently and have definitely noticed the music keeps getting better and better as the game goes. I didn't think they'd be able to keep up the pace but almost every track is great to play to.


Never in a million years did I think this game would turn out as it did. The devs and everybody associated with it did the IP proud and I think that's the biggest compliment you can pay SOR4. It's a masterpiece, my game of the year by an absolute mile.
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