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Super Mario All Stars |OT| Kickin Shells Like It’s 1993


Release Date: 7/14/1993 (SNES), 9/3/20 (Switch) Also seen on the Wii 🧐









Hot damn I love throwing an OT together in a few minutes.
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I think they nailed the visual upgrade on 2 but I prefer the original assets on 3.

Saaaaame. Especially the underground stuff, world 8, and for some reason the ice world.

Oh and the sweet orange/red Fire Mario, I want that one again.

You know what nevermind fuck Mario All-Stars.

Will download at home later.


this is one of those games i got DAY ONE when it came out. i can still remember walking to Software Etc. and everything. what a glorious day.

i never had an NES until i was much older. we had an SNES only. so this was like the Holy Grail. also one of the first compilations i ever bought! still one of the best.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Got the original game at Toys R Us back in the day.

Not sure if I'll pick this up, considering there are much better ways of playing this.


Gold Member
So Nintendo being Nintendo, they’re gonna remove the originals from the NES app soon enough, right? :messenger_winking_tongue:

I don’t think I can express how disappointed I was with All-Stars having played the NES originals. I’ll never forgive myself for wasting my parents’ money on this over the myriad better SNES games available that year.

And then there’s the fact that I bought it mainly for Lost Levels and that game sucks donkey balls.
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Gold Member
Does anybody else experience this bug on docked mode: it sounds like one of the sound channels malfunction. It can be easily heard when losing a life, or during fanfare after you beat Bowser (in SMB1). When I play the game undocked, all the music play as they should.



Honestly the part about level 1-2 supposing to be a pipe isn't necessarily correct as the pipe could lead to underground sewer type of a thing.

However, I've never liked any of the updates on Super Mario All-Stars (liked the inclusion of Lost Levels though), not even back in the day.
And I like to think 1-2 should be something else than a cavern.

But the worst thing, and which is not even mentioned in that picture, is how they absolutely ruined the feeling of the dark levels in SMB3's World 8.
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