smh, good lord man. Unnecessary but ok lol
I'm not debating how the pirate got there, I'm merely pointing out that you purposely tried distance that idea in your little list when you listed the setting and the race of the character.
Its clearly because you fucking know that you can just be like "Italy setting, Italian character, French setting, French Character, Carri....oh, wait, um" and then fucking list some weird shit like
sir, we clearly know why suddenly, you don't want to list that setting and race of the fucking boiled it down to WHAT they were doing to avoid that.
I'm not debating you on if a fucking pirate existed, my point is that the setting of that area, did not have a main character THAT ORIGINATED IN THAT SETTING.
He traveled there, sure, he is a pirate to raid and steal and loot, ok. No one is debating any of that, but clearly you can build that bridge of historical fiction and make a story where he goes to those islands he is not native to.
Even in Valhalla, the character isn't native to those lands, as to why you state "Viking land" cause clearly it doesn't fit the narrative you placed above.
Why is this some wild concept when we throw that into Japan? Person came from a different place, to go do assassin things in a different place....we already have that in several AC titles, I don't see that as some wild thing to try to cover up by naming a whole ass setting "Viking land" cause you don't want to list some different group of people, its not that fucking serious man and its weird you even did that as if we wouldn't look thru that list and realize such a weird change.
Look, its ok to be wrong, its ok to realize maybe this was done before and Shadows already fits something they've done.
Nope and stop making it sound like someone fucking disagreeing with you is "trolling" as I don't think you are trolling cause you have a different opinion then my own, have that respect sir.
I highly fucking doubt that as you easily could have looked it up and it just happens that those exact 2 games are settings where the main character is not native to those lands
That is why you singled them out and tried to boil it down to "Viking land" and "Pirate world" cause clearly saying the race of the character and setting of the game wouldn't match.
So....I'm very much aware of why you cherry picked those 2 to have amnesia on lol
So look
I have no issue with an AC having a character that is a different demographic then the actual setting, if it can be explained, I don't really care tbh. My issue was never with Pirates, my issue was that you could accept that, yet Shadows doesn't fit this despite it being based on a factual person that existed. AC IV, Valhalla and Shadows have settings and characters that make sense based on circumstances of the time of how they get to the setting of the game.
smh, AC has never really sold that much in Japan as that has never been some region that would determine a win or loss for the publisher.
AC Shadows when it opened for pre-orders was sitting at number 1 on Amazon think you need to realize most don't care about some of the things you saying, like majority don't care lol Look at Battlefront 2015, look at Far Cry 5, look at Valhalla, sir...set aside some hate or bias or internet shit for a bit and realize NeoGaf will not determine AC Shadow's numbers man, I don't see any evidence AC Shadows will suffer in Japan, its likely going to become the best selling AC in Japan at this point as I don't even recall another AC debuting number 1 on pre-orders in that country on Amazon, as this might be a first tbh. I also agree with
, this very much is creeping into that " jack thompson" area.