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Watch Dogs: Legion: Gameplay Overview Trailer


Just listening to Giant Bomb - they had some time to sit down and play the game prior to this event.

Changing characters is fun, adds variety.

So to recruit people isn't just a one shot thing - they have a join probability and that value drives what type and how many sub-missions you'll have to do to get them into your group.

Characters can be injured or arrested in which case they can't be used for a period.

Gameplay basically similar to WD2 in terms of mechanics.

World theme is like a mix of the sinister elements of 1984 (actually they mentioned Children of Men - but 1984 is the archetype) but then the hacking group is a cool/wacky hacker bunch and the two don't seem to fit that well.

That's about all I got - zoned in and out of the conversation a bit heh.


lThe thing that I got out of it, Watch Dogs: Legion is really has this saints row feeling with a serious tone to it's backstory.


Waifu collector. Nice. I hope we will be able to have any character in any role. And now the hunt for the perfect Charlie's Angel's squad begins...


The gameplay variety looks insanely good.

That John Wick wannabe, damn!

Gotta say this looks fun! I was skeptical when the game was first shown cause it didn't have a single protagonist like WD1&2 but this seems like every one of these characters have a name and backstory which is good but i would've loved if it was a group like WD2.

INB4 this turns into ANOTHER culture war battle ground.


Are we allowed to post gameplay footage from YouTubers who’ve played it?
Release the Attack Bees

A little bit of Parliament

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I really liked what I saw. Its a very rare thing to say but looks like Ubisoft really worked their hardest on this one

I enjoyed Watch Dogs 2 a lot and Legion looks like going to be double the fun!


Gold Member
I think it looked great, fun and London. Am I mistaken or was there a Brecit slant earlier that now seems missing?


I feel offended by the lip sync/animations/motion capture.
And i was just watching some deadly premonition gameplay, sure didn't feel like that much of a gap in quality...


The hiring mechanics in this game are utterly crazy, because not all npcs have skills and some people actually have "negative" conditions tied to them, yet if you get into their routines / deeper routines you can track where they go to work or do what it is they do and from there, theres a whole layout of possible shit that makes this game basically one of the most sandbox-ish open world ever created. Its gonna be a sleeper hit for sure

edit : Oh neat Karak is showing these

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Would keep my expectations very low, Watch Dogs 2 was good but had some big issues. This will likely be the same, all the switching is just window dressing, we gotta see how it really plays first.
This is going to flop hard imo. Looks terrible, the saints row vibe isn't helping it either. Looks last gen, unfocused, cluttered, and boring. They should have brought the main characters from 1 and 2, connected their stories and gone from there.


Gold Member
If you want woke garbage/politics in your games then spend your money on this trash. But I doubt many will. This has flop written all over it. :messenger_savoring:
Hey man if you say something as if it's true just maybe it will be in your mind.

They chose a political story theme and you're making if fit whatever your views are.
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Hey man if you say something as if it's true just maybe it will be in your mind.

If you can't see the woke politics increasing in games for the past few years then you are blind.

It's not something that's made up. It's real. Many developers freely admit doing it. But I won't be spending any of my money it.

Maybe one day soon you'll wake up to it.
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All the different characters look pretty cool. I really appreciate the variety.

Looks pretty good actually, and I enjoy Watch Dogs as a series.


Man, Ubisoft have lost all their tech ambitions after Watchdogs downgrade and Unity premature release. Watchdogs E3 2012 vertical slice looks so much better, as does Unity running on Xbox One.

Sorry, this looks, below par visually, even for 2013.


If you can't see the woke politics increasing in games for the past few years then you are blind.

It's not something that's made up. It's real. Many developers freely admit doing it. But I won't be spending any of my money it.

Maybe one day soon you'll wake up to it.



Graphically it doesn't look amazing but it looks cool IMO. I liked watchdogs 1 but never played 2, might have to play it since its on PS now
If you can't see the woke politics increasing in games for the past few years then you are blind.

It's not something that's made up. It's real. Many developers freely admit doing it. But I won't be spending any of my money it.

Maybe one day soon you'll wake up to it.

People oppressed by a fascist police state rebel against it. I don't see what's crazy about that. Happens any time people feel oppressed. Have you seen Braveheart?


Just listening to Giant Bomb - they had some time to sit down and play the game prior to this event.

Changing characters is fun, adds variety.

So to recruit people isn't just a one shot thing - they have a join probability and that value drives what type and how many sub-missions you'll have to do to get them into your group.

Characters can be injured or arrested in which case they can't be used for a period.

Gameplay basically similar to WD2 in terms of mechanics.

World theme is like a mix of the sinister elements of 1984 (actually they mentioned Children of Men - but 1984 is the archetype) but then the hacking group is a cool/wacky hacker bunch and the two don't seem to fit that well.

That's about all I got - zoned in and out of the conversation a bit heh.
Did they talk about how the characters intersectionality plays into there gameplay? Like if you are a black character your life is always in danger of a cop killing you? Do white characters have an ability where they automatically finish a mission without having to do anything?
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