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what do you people think of Xenoblade X?

Ulysses 31

Gold Member
The best Xenoblade!







Probably my favorite Wii U game. I won't say its anywhere near close to perfect, as it has its fair share of issues, but once you get a flying Skell... Man, flying through that enormous world feels so awesome.

The story took a backseat here, and the music is a mixed bag, but the gameplay more than makes up for it. Flying around in your skell for the first time felt just as great as entering Stormwind for the first time or running around in the garden of Peach's castle. The world they created is breathtakingly beautiful, even in all its 480p glory.

Once this game gets ported to Switch I can sell my Wii U with no regrets.


Resident Cheap Arse
Great open world and fun as hell to play. Garbage main storyline and some unsettling character models.

I really enjoyed it despite wanting to punch someone for *That* ending.
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It was ok. I think they should have turned it into a full-fledged MMO. I like the other Xeno games more though (Even XS2).


Big empty dead world with nothing and nobody interesting to find. All that empty space with no reason to go anywhere but points A B C. I thought the overworld could have been so much more interesting. Give me the chance to find treasure, people, quests, personality... something. There's just unintelligent bullet-sponge creatures to find, nothing more. It's tedious.


Gold Member
I tried it, but it didn’t grab me. It’s one of those games I kinda wish I enjoyed more, because I love the mechs.
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Xenosaga Episode 2 is irredeemable trash that basically tanked the franchise. It's easily the worst of the bunch.

I don’t know - Chronicles X is pretty awful. At least saga 2 had a few likeable characters and an interesting story. The extreme grind, ridiculous Skell repair mechanics, overabundance of fetch quests, and gated story progression of X bothered me much more than the issues I encountered with Saga 2.
Absolutely love it.

But it is weird. And you may need to be weird to love it so much.

Its strengths are different from the other Xenoblade games as well... Story and characters, while enjoyable in my opinion, are not as good as the first Xenoblade which has very strong characters and story.

I like to put it like this: the main character in Xenoblade X isn't any of the people or aliens but rather Mira, the planet you're exploring, is the main character.

I always post this picture posing with my customized mech whenever I talk about it
It was awesome when it was awesome, but it was pretty shit when it wasn't. Overall I had a good time playing it for over 300 hours.

- The world was phenomenal, full of things to do, places to see and monsters to fight.
- The music was mostly really good save the shitty New LA theme and the battle music when piloting the skell was pretty awful.
- The Skells looked awesome and were fun to fly around the world in as they opened up places all over the map.
- The overall story, the mystery of Mira was compelling (and still is) and the adventure the game presented was massive in scale and scope as is expected from Monolith Soft
- I liked the world management stuff
- Collecting rare Skell parts gave me a reason to go back over and over hour after hour (even though the skells tend to pop like pinatas in a fight resulting in a massive repair bill)

- The character creator was a mistake. You should have just played the game as Elma. Your character was literally just along for the ride with nothing to say.
- A lot of the story was dragged down by cartoon-tier villains.
- Unlocking the flying skells happened so late in the game they're really only needed in post game but even then you're better off fighting on foot than in a skell which would break immediately when an end-game boss looked at it.
- The multiplayer stuff was half-baked.
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I'll take the other side here and say I just couldn't get into it, the dialogue, the dead eyes, the systems, it just felt dated even when it was new and kludgy to me as much as people held it up as an example for the Wii U's capabilities. The early missions at least felt like a go here and do this kind of chore a few times over.
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poor, homeless and tasteless
I'll take the other side here and say I just couldn't get into it, the dialogue, the dead eyes, the systems, it just felt dated even when it was new and kludgy to me as much as people held it up as an example for the Wii U's capabilities. The early missions at least felt like a go here and do this kind of chore a few times over.
To be fair, your ship of survivors recently crash landed, what would you think the priorities were? Resources, personnel, and security. Your escape pod, IIRC, was farthest one out from New LA so you're the last new recruit, so to speak and since you seem to be the only one whom lost their memory, their need of field agents (especially capable ones) combined with your two other permanent members being among their best, means they put a bit more effort into your character and their team.

By the way, the story (which gets points for originality and big plot surprises from me, even if there were issues to it's implementation) would need to be scrapped completely if we followed a character whom knew it all. So I vote no on getting rid of the character creation situation. It's really fun getting "blown away" by the first surprise. :D
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I was really disappointed in XB2 after XBX because of how great traversal and exploration is in XBX. The story is definitely worse, but everything just moves so smoothly, and I liked combat more too.
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I was really disappointed in XB2 after XBX because of how great traversal and exploration is in XBX. The story is definitely worse, but everything just moves so smoothly, and I liked combat more too.
Yeah, I loved X so much that going back to the generic anime trappings of Xenoblade 2 bored the hell out of me.


Unconfirmed Member
the last interesting game that is stuck on the Wii U probably.
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I've been trying to play XCX. The story quality and the way the characters don't even animate are really difficult to get past. I'm not a graphics snob, and I love the creativity of the world itself, but these factors, plus the idea that I am going to have to spend 60-100 hours like that to finish the game a bit difficult to deal with.

That and Bayonetta 2 are some of my last games I need to play on the Wii U.
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I truly enjoyed it and I would play it again if Nintendo releases a remaster.

The presentation and narrative might be worse than Xenoblade Chronicles, but the sci-fi and more dark story combined with the mechas is amazing.


I truly enjoyed it and I would play it again if Nintendo releases a remaster.

The presentation and narrative might be worse than Xenoblade Chronicles, but the sci-fi and more dark story combined with the mechas is amazing.
Takahashi does want to do a sequel. I just hope XC3 comes before an X 2...


To be fair, your ship of survivors recently crash landed, what would you think the priorities were? Resources, personnel, and security. Your escape pod, IIRC, was farthest one out from New LA so you're the last new recruit, so to speak and since you seem to be the only one whom lost their memory, their need of field agents (especially capable ones) combined with your two other permanent members being among their best, means they put a bit more effort into your character and their team.

By the way, the story (which gets points for originality and big plot surprises from me, even if there were issues to it's implementation) would need to be scrapped completely if we followed a character whom knew it all. So I vote no on getting rid of the character creation situation. It's really fun getting "blown away" by the first surprise. :D

I get this a lot. How long do I need to play before it's fun?

I just couldn't shake the feeling that it felt even older than a 2015 game and the dialogue trees were a chore

Astral Dog

Its a difficult game to rate, i was expecting more Xenoblade but this is an unique beast. Plot is shit, characters all ugly, hud is difficult to read. But the world is gorgeous, the music rad, gameplay fun and exploring with your mech doesn't get old.

I think the problem is that og Xenoblade style is still superior for gamers who want a more traditional jrpg experience, if Monolith makes a new ip it should be less Xenoblade and try new things (instead of the X spin off)


poor, homeless and tasteless
I get this a lot. How long do I need to play before it's fun?

I just couldn't shake the feeling that it felt even older than a 2015 game and the dialogue trees were a chore
As someone who doesn't like the combat system to the xenoblade series (xenogears is my #1 all time favorite game, and I really enjoyed the xenosaga games, would prefer this combat system over blade's), I'd say it depends on if you're enjoying any of it. X's story isn't the greatest, but I still enjoyed most it (music, most characters, plot, etc), especially the mecha (along with the plot suprises) and I could manage the combat system well enough that I could power on through the game (and I think I did all of the side quests, at least the ones that maxed out my associations with the extra characters). Can't say the same of FF13's combat system... ugh!
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One of the best RPGs ive ever played. While it has its issues, leveling your mech by finding rare parts and mastering the combo system for examples, I still have a great time with it. Especially with side quest. Some of them get whacky and a lot of them grow the community of the game. New areas and objects start appearing when you do them so it's interesting to find them.

Ulysses 31

Gold Member
Plot is shit
What was so bad about the plot? The execution? I thought it was quite original that earth was destroyed, human "digital" copies were put into cyborgs and that the Mira planet doesn't let you escape. There were also hints that other ark ships escaped the massacre.
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