Getting Skyrim as a Switch launch title and having it shown in the initial console reveal video was pretty important to Nintendo, which is why they
put a lot of effort into building an ongoing relationship with Bethesda (a relationship which has now been cut short).
They got mostly late ports of Skyrim, the Elder Scrolls game for smartphones and the cards ones, the Dooms and Wolfensteins. There's nothing else from these IPs cut from Switch. ESO maybe, but I don't see it scaled down and put in a portable that depends on wifi (and not the newest one) so I understand to don't include it on Switch.
In terms of lost games, I don't think anything has been lost yet but I do think it will in the future. Switch got the latest entries in the Elder Scrolls, Doom, Wolfenstein, Crash, Spyro, Hellblade, Overwatch, Diablo and Tony Hawk Pro Skater series. I would have expected Switch or its successor to get the sequels to all these games, but after the acquisitions I don't think that is the case (with the exception of Overwatch 2 since that is already announced.)
If upcoming sequels of these games aren't released on Switch will be because Switch may not be powerful enough to run next gen games so downports would be too difficult/costly/severe, not that MS cockblocked them. If they get crossgen releases/on PC are scalable enough to look acceptable on low specs and a Switch port would be decent enough and doable, pretty likely will be there.
Or well, same goes with Switch 2: some of these games may not run on Switch but may run well on Switch 2 so would be ported there instead. Same goes with the upcoming Dooms, Wolfenstein and ESO.
I see Cuphead and Ori being different situations, since those are not from studios that Microsoft has acquired.
MS didn't acquire them but published them and had the exclusive rights, and in the case of Ori was MS themselves who published it on Switch. In the same way that Microsoft also published the Minecraft updates, plus Minecraft Story Mode and Minecraft Dungeons on PS and Switch.
Your initial statement was : "If MS or Sony launches their own handheld, you can bet the switch 2 is not going to get Minecraft or anything else from that company."
My arguement is that Switch 2 will probably not get things from those companies anyway, regardless of whether they have a handheld or not.
Well, I meant Switch 2 won't get the full Steam/PC catalog from all companies (not specifically MS or Sony), as the Steamdeck and PC handhelds from other companies will get.
MS said they were going to keep supporting the acquired communites in non-MS platforms (Switch and PS) when they acquired Mojang, Zenimax and ABK and if with Mojang and Zenimax they kept releasing on PS and Switch the new games, dlcs and updates of their top franchises that already were there, I assume they will continue doing it with with ABK. In fact Spencer begged to allow them to put Gamepass on PS and Switch.
I assume MS support as 3rd party won't end with PS5 or Switch 1, I understand they mean future Sony and Nintendo consoles too. So -always considering that not every game can be ported to Nintendo devices due to lack of horsepower-, when possible and makes sense the MS games will be on Switch 2 too.
Steamdeck and the other PC handhelds instead since they are basically a PC they are able to run any PC game with no porting or extra approval needed, so any game released by Sony or MS on PC that runs on these specs will be there.