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Which of the big 3 PS2 platformers will you pick up this fall?


Mistaken iRobbery!

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Jak and Sly as soon as possible, Ratchet sometime later. I have only started playing R&C2, the other day, and I like it so far, but not so much more than the first one. Can't wait to get to the Insomniac Museum, though :p Also, I wasn't much of a Sly fan earlier, but now that I started playing where I left off (and that was actually pretty close to the beginning of the game), I don't even understand why I didn't like it. It's actually a pretty damn fun, and polished game. I guess it was just a mood of the moment, or that I initially was expecting something entirely different from it, I don't know.
Marconelly said:
Jak and Sly as soon as possible, Ratchet sometime later. I have only started playing R&C2, the other day, and I like it so far, but not so much more than the first one. Can't wait to get to the Insomniac Museum, though :p Also, I wasn't much of a Sly fan earlier, but now that I started playing where I left off (and that was actually pretty close to the beginning of the game), I don't even understand why I didn't like it. It's actually a pretty damn fun, and polished game. I guess it was just a mood of the moment, or that I initially was expecting something entirely different from it, I don't know.

The museum is not that great unfortunately. It's kind of cool to play with some of the features / weapons that were dropped from the game, but ultimately it's not a big deal.

Of course, it's completely worth it to fully upgrade the weapons, get all the nanotech upgrades, etc just from the standpoint of the gameplay.


Sly 2 is a LOCK. I might get R&C3, too, but I haven't tried the first ones yet. When GC drops, I'll get it, try it, then decide on Up Your Arse.

White Man

If I manage to get my grubby paws on my PS2 in a timely manner, I'll go for Sly 2 first. I'm kind of R&Ced out after the past two years. I was never a regular Jak fan to begin with, so unless Jak 3 starts getting game of the millenium reviews, I'll likely keep it on the ignore list.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
R&C3 is a definite.

The museum is not that great unfortunately.
Hardly an absolute for everyone, sonycowboy. It's one hell of an easter egg/extra and insightful into the design process for those who enjoy the series.
kaching said:
R&C3 is a definite.

Hardly an absolute for everyone, sonycowboy. It's one hell of an easter egg/extra and insightful into the design process for those who enjoy the series.

OK. Didn't mean it as an affront. I personally enjoyed it but I had heard so much about it I guess I was expecting too much. I loved the water demo.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Jak III was 'meh' at E3. R&C3 and Sly 2 both looked much nicer. That being said, this fall I'll be picking up R&C2 (I'm a little behind)

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
The museum is not that great unfortunately. It's kind of cool to play with some of the features / weapons that were dropped from the game
That's exactly what I'm looking forward to. I'm really into that kind of demo-development stuff.


i had a lot of fun with Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando, so i'm lookin forward to picking up Up Your Arsenal when it comes out.

will also pick up Sly Cooper 2

i havent played any of the Jak games, but if Jak 3 gets great reviews or something i might give it a try


All 3, of course. Who would deny themselves any of these great games? :D

Unless of course, you couldn't afford them..
I mistakenly erased my R and C2 save. I had to start over. I haven't even beaten it yet.
I'll probably wait a sec on that one. Jak 3 could be a must play though since ND has voiced a willingness to fix jak2's problems in recent articles. If they do fix it up it's going to be one FINE game.
I dig the world of sly cooper. If the game evolves a little I'll pick that up eventually.

Platformers are among my favorite games, going by genre. It's interesting to see these giants getting outhyped by certain FPS coming out, especially when pound for pound I'm not sure those mega hyped FPS will be the better games. But just the same, I'll get jak3 right away. Wait and see on how much different R and C3 is(loved the second one, first one was o.k). Sly was groovy. But there's a lot of goodstuff for xbox, ps2, and gamecube this year which necessitates waiting for a lot of stuff to drop to $20.


I'll be picking up Jak II and R&C 3 once they're out, so I can see how they both finish up their trilogy's.

I hope R&C3 is better than 2 though. Gameplay wise 2 was great, but I thought the storyline was pretty damn dodgy, and none of the characters seem to really connect with any of the others. So many one-shot characters which could have easily been used a few more times.

A lot of the weapons were completely underused too, like the Tractor Beam. The game only felt it was half done to be honest :(

Ranger X

Actually i'm gonna try the 3 games before buying them.
Most probably i'll buy Jak3 since i still feel like "ok then what's after" with Jak2.
Ratchet 3 and Sly 2 i can't say. Didn't buy the first Sly.. i don't don't want to buy Sly2 on a guess. And Rachet 2 is so fucking great and i feel i came at the end of it's style so what's left for the third one?...
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