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Who are the most influential people in your life?

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I meant to repost this from my blog for a while, since I'm curious about the influences on GAF members around the world, and the "Who were your biggest disappointments in life" thread needs some countering. So:

I’ve been doing some thinking about how important early influences are on people, and how simply having a different set of inputs into your developing brain can radically change who you are, what you believe in and what you goals you set as a measure of success for when you are an adult.

Who were your biggest influences when you were growing up? For some people it’s family members, or musicians, or politicians or athletes. Mine were complete strangers a world away working in fields that I thought I would never be allowed to join.

Dave Sim


Dave Sim is a Canadian comic book artist most well known for creating, writing, drawing and self-publishing Cerebus for 300 issues over 26 years.

To say Dave Sim is the biggest influence in my young life would be a severe understatement. The scope and craft in his groundbreaking masterwork was a major achievement in the world of comics and he opened my eyes to the power and potential of the medium. Complex storylines, hidden Easter eggs, a cohesive story only possible when an entire run of a comic is written by one creator, heck even the way he did word balloons really changed the world of how comics are read and created. Further, he was one of the main instigators of the the comic creators bill of rights, which directly lead to creator owned comics becoming the standard and not just an aberration.

It was kind of a big deal. He was a big deal to me.

More than the talent displayed in the comic, he taught me the fundamentals of life and business that I use every day. Things like how important it is to maintain control of your work or how you don’t need a fleet of middle men to handle the ‘business side of things’. Moreover, he instilled in me a deep seated work ethic. He taught me to discard distractions, create something every day and never EVER miss a deadline. I applied that both in my comics work and in my fledging journalism career. I know for a fact that if not for the lessons he taught me I would have never amounted to anything.

Cerebus was a huge constant in my life for the better part of two decades. I don’t mind admitting that most of it went way over my head on the first or second or even third time I pulled an all-night complete read through, but I learned a bit more every time I tried. Cerebus was always there for me through crappy relationships or living dirt poor or being alone and it was the high point of the month.

Sim’s conversion to religion and its head-on collision with the Cerebus comic storyline saw me losing interest in reading it and, subsequently, my interest in him as an artist and unknowing mentor. By then I had grown up, gotten married (which I’m sure he would have disapproved of anyway) and basically sorted myself out. I stopped reading it at issue 275, 25 issues short of the finale that I had been looking forward to reading since I was 15. Yeah, I was kind of surprised I let myself let it go by too.

Julian Rignall


Julian Rignall is a video game journalist that worked initially in the UK before moving to the US. One of his many career highlights is being one of the founding and longest-serving writers of the legendary Zzap! 64 magazine.

Let me tell you something about my home town. It is a God forsaken backwater that is stuck in the stone age. It’s mostly an industrial / manufacturing area and for a fat lazy kid who just wanted to play computer games and read comic books (like me) it was a scary place to grow up in.

When I was 13, I had no idea what I wanted to do when I became a grown up. If you wanted to make comics you had to live in New York and hang out with other comic artists, so that was obviously out. They didn’t have computers in my school so the idea of being a programmer or something just never occurred to me. So that left me with the jobs available in my local area. These jobs were all basically being a boilermaker or a house painter or a brick layer. These options scared the crap out of me.

Shortly after getting my own Commodore 64 (the first of many) I was reading my first issue of Zzap! 64 and really, really digging everything Julian Rignall was writing about these games. I’d read the occasional copy of the mag beforehand at school – the C64 was the gaming system of choice and the magazine was passed around a lot during lunch breaks. It become obviously pretty quickly to me that Rignall wrote exactly how I felt about the games I had played and I came to rely on his opinion before making that next big purchase at the games store. He really got what made you excited to be into computer games and what’s brill and what’s naff.

Then, like a bolt of lightning, I made a realization while I was reading a review of Apollo 18 of all things.

Reviewing video games is a job. It’s an actual job I can go do.

The concept of doing a job that didn’t require me to be outside doing actual, you know, work blew my entire freakin’ mind. It was the concept of being a knowledge worker. Something that my hometown still do this day finds weird and not really right. But man oh man, the idea of being a video game reviewer just excited me too much to bother worrying about the practicalities of it all. And it was something that I pursued relentlessly until it actually came together a decade later. And from there I had all sorts of amazing adventures and ended up getting into design and PR for even more crazy adventures and achievments.

All the while I was trying to just emulate how Rignall wrote…maybe it shows. I used the word Superlative a lot in my early stuff. At any rate, I owe pretty much my entire video game industry career to that guy. That’s a lot to be thankful for.

Jeff Minter


Jeff Minter is a video game programmer, designer and all round zarjaz dude who isn’t afriad to show the world what his passions are. He’s made a lot of great games including Space Giraffe, Sheep In Space and Attack of the Mutant Camels. Yeah, there’s lots of animals in his games and that’s no accident. He loves animals, lives on a big farm with a heap of them and shares them with the world via his work.

Minter, like Sim, was a huge influence on me growing up because he did his own thing and made a viable business around it. He wrote and published his own games and they were all unique. He introduced to me the concept of finding what makes you different and instead of shying away from it, embracing it and making it your trademark. I think of Minter and I think of shoot ‘em ups, fluffy animals and the integration of psychedelia into gameplay. Hopefully when you think of me you think of Commodore 64, chocolate milk and my love of all things Alyson Hannigan. It’s good to have those things to help identify yourself.

He also introduced me to a lot of great things that I would never have discovered otherwise. Things like how great it was to listen to Pink Floyd while watching computer generated light shows on your TV, the power and glory of Eugene Jarvis and this weird thing from Japan called Super Mario Brothers. All those things had a huge impact on me and changed the way I saw the world afterward.

For a lot of people they don’t get the chance to ever say thank you to people like these. I mean, it’s not like they were up the road or even knew who I was, right?

I met Sim once at a local comic store appearance in the mid ‘90s. I gave him some of the mini comics I had made (which were terrible, looking back, but hey), I said nice things about his work, he thanked me for coming out and signed my books. Afterwards I saw him again outside the store having a smoke and I got the chance to go all fanboy on him again. That was pretty damn cool.

I’ve exchanged a couple of friendly messages with Rignall over Twitter over the last few months, and he’s always been cordial and kind to his fans. I’m sure he’s tired of people pestering him about the good old days, though.

I met Minter at E3 2000. He was demonstrating Tempest 3000 on the Nuon system and I got the chance to talk to him about the good old days and thank him for everything he’s done. I even offered to buy him a drink to start trying to make up for all the games of his I had to pirate back in the day. Then many years later he sent me an email thanking him for a review I wrote of Space Giraffe saying it made his week to see it. That was a huge, huge deal to me.

Thanks again, you three. You were there for me when nobody else was and showed me the world that was out there while I was stuck alone in the suburbs. You saved me from being a boilermaker…whatever the hell that is.

So…who were yours? Did you ever get a chance to let them know what they meant to you?


I don't think I have anyone that I look really look up to. I've always tried to do stuff by my self and learn things as I go. I don't remember ever looking at someone at thinking that I want to be like that or do that.

But I think this both hurt me and helped me. As a person going out I don't fear being independent or working things out by myself but on the other side of things I have a hard time thinking about my path and what I really want to do because I don't really have anyone to go off of which probably puts me behind others with plans.
My mum and dad
The few things that people like about me, I get from them. The kindest, most selfless parents that I could have wished for.

My brothers and sister
One brother is a drink guzzling brick-layer and the other is a little gambler (poker), who's good at it and likes games as much as I do. My older sister has recently divorced from the biggest wanker I have ever met, but she had a gorgeous little boy with him that made the whole thing worth it. They are all really funny and good to hang out with, and again, some of the stuff that people like about me, I get from them.

My wider family
Drink and drug addiction has really affected my wider family, killing three of my mother's siblings, and that has coloured how I view addicts and problems. I have cousins in the Army who have done (and are doing) tours in Afghanistan, and that gives me a more emotional stake in the war, to the extent that I am always concerned that they come back safe.

Rolf Harris
Rolf's cartoon club got me into drawing

Got me into playing guitar

Matt Bellamy
Got me into playing keyboard / piano

Shigeru Miyamoto
Got me hooked on Mario / Nintendo / Digital Crack™


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Eminem, the guy got me through my teenage years.. through the ups and down's , through the good and bad.


My best friend, Francesca, helped me move to America and was the one that pushed me to learn English. She also inadvertently is pushing me to learn Japanese now. Without her peptalks I'd probably still be twiddling my thumbs back in France right now.

She moved with me here, and we had the time of our lives, soo many memories. We went drinking together (probably a little too much :p), Cedar Point & Anahiem's Disney together, and we learned so much about American culture. She recently moved back to France to be with her familia, and I cried all day the day after she left. Had to be the shittiest week ever. I'll never tell her that though!! Bitch hahaha! ... :(

I took for granted how she was pretty much the only person I could talk to in Amurica without worrying if I said something wrong or just got lost in translation. Maybe you wouldn't think it, but I'm not as fluent with English vocally as I may be textually on neoGAF, hehe. I do work on it though, my accent isn't as thick as some other French people I know. I guess I'm still a little self conscious about it. BUT that's why i enjoy posting here so much, no awkward language barrier. Anyway, she is the most influential person in my life. I think I'm going to Skype her butt soon :D

Edit: Also, OP is space lesbian?? Call me ;) we can share a jar of peanut butter... One spoon.


My dad is the man I want to be.
My girlfriend helped me grow up more than anyone ever did.
My sister helped a little in that.

Larry David is my sense of humor and inspires me to always speak my mind, even if it might get my ass kicked.
RZA makes the music I like and inspires me.
Jason Dill has the anti-life of my dad, and leaves me interested to no end. A lot of skate culture does this for me, lets me feel rebellious.
Jon Mak, Pixel, and others like them give me hope that DIY will continue to exist and inspire me.

That's it for now.


I've gotta say my parents for the whole "difference between right and wrong thing", but my Grandpa's up there... that guy lived for 94 years, and I don't think that he ever once sweated something that didn't really cosmically matter or was negative about something just for the sake of being negative, so I try to borrow some of that whenever I can. Came to realize after growing up on the Internet that a thing like that is a pretty awesome trait to try to emulate ;-)


Water is not wet!

Dr Milton Erickson

His works and lectures opened my eyes to the potential that hypnotic therapy held. His determination, high ethical character, and compassion for people played a huge part in my worldview. Instead of WWJD ive asked myself WWMED.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I really can't point to many people. I've never had personal heroes or role models or people I looked up to, really. My mom was a very influential person in my life, but not necessarily in a positive way. Other than that, maybe my best friend.


1. My dad - He's awesome.. 100%.
2. My older brother - Has always set an example for me, even to this day I wish I was half of him. Dude is VP of a major real estate firm in LA/OC area and makes several million a year at the age of 36.
3. My son


I don't have a role model but the most influential person in my life is obviously my mother who raised me.


My parents
The Giant Bomb crew (they got me into non-fiction writing, and listening to their podcasts helped me through a dark time in my life in a weird way, plus I once saw Brad Shoemaker on a bus, even though I only spent like 3 days in SF on holiday. He looks taller irl)
My University supervisor



He got me into music and he's the reason I learned to play the guitar. It definately influenced my life a lot.


These two got me into motorsports, especially Kubica since he started F1 when I started watching and I pretty much found him to be my favourite after his first race I saw.

And family offcourse.
My mother and my sister are the biggest influences in my life and my biggest supporters. I literally wouldn't be alive today if it weren't for them.

A few good professors have kept me sane throughout high school and through college so far, as well as good friends.


My mum, despite the fact we barely talk I've taken after her in almost every way, which reminds me of something I need to do.

My Dad, many a life lesson learned through the last 5 years, and for getting me into motorsport.

My sister, just downright hilarious, although I'm jealous of the fact she's living a direct contrast of my life.


I think I started watching F1 around ~1999 so I would have been 7, but Schumacher & Hakinnen just amazed me at the time, they pretty much got me interested in F1 in the first place.


And then these two pretty much solidified my love for F1.
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