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What Japanese games would you most like to see on the PC?

Resonance of Fate
Star Ocean 4

You know, I'd like to see both of these games a lot. I know that Star Ocean 4 isn't perfect. But it has a lot of nice things. And it's a new game so the graphics would be really wonderful.

Though.. I tend to like Star Ocean 4 more than most people..

I'd love to see all of the Star Ocean and Wolf Team games. All of the Tales games, other Namco Bandai RPGs, Star Ocean, Phantasy Star Nova, Baten Kaitos and Valkyrie Profile.

I happen to be a really big fan of Wolf Team. And I guess what you could say is their family now. Like Tri-Crescendo, lots of people from Namco Bandai, and Enix. Oh, and there's Camelot Software, too.


I'd like Sega and Square to port more of their stuff, realistically. Sega in particular, as they've made some very aggressive moves toward capturing the PC market with owning several major RTS devs and franchises. So they clearly know the value of the PC, so I'd like to see more of their Japanese stuff hit, especially with the Atlus purchase. Square isn't quite as aggressive but puts out pretty much all of their western stuff, and they're good ports too,

I mean, I, like others, have some pretty pie in the sky desires too but I think we could actually someday see movement from those two.


Above all else, I want to see more and more releases initiated by Japanese developers themselves. Releases like Ikaruga, which came from Treasure wanting to try a new market. These are far more exciting than ports that come from the whims of some European publisher, because it shows the developer has a genuine interest in the platform, might continue releasing games on it in the future, and might be mindful of it when structuring future games.

I need Vanquish and Bayonetta for my life to be complete. Vanquish not having a 60fps version available is an absolute travesty.

But you know what? Let's start here. Vanquish and Max Anarchy.
My very first thought was Tales games. I have no idea why, but I feel like Tales game would just be great to play on PC. I mean, I'm a big Nintendo fan and all, but I really feel like I would prefer that over Mario or Zelda on PC if I could only choose one.

Besides that, I was thinking Vanquish.
Vanquish. I'm already getting Bayonetta on a system I (currently) own, so now i just need Vanquish to leave the dual stick ghetto.
Yeah but, the vast majority of Sega's PC power is western games. Only Japanese Sega titles I can name off the top of my head that are recent and on PC are Binary Domain and Jet Set Radio HD.
SEGA doesn't seem to support their Japanese stuff in the West in general..

This seems to have been something they did since the SEGA Saturn, maybe earlier...
But I guess it's not so great now, maybe worse.

But there are more Japanese SEGA games on Steam than that. And if count the PC, there's a few more that were never ported to Steam.

There's NiGHTs into dreams..., lots of Sonic games, Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg, lots of their 2D 16-Bit games, Space Channel 5, and a few others I'm probably forgetting.


Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate or 4 Ultimate on Steam would be my ultimate fantasy. Will never happen because Capcom wants to make sure the series sells poorly in the states.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
The Atelier series
Valkyria Chronicles
Dragon's Dogma
Monster Hunter
Anything Miku or Chibi Miku
That is an amazingly long OP.
You're right, I'm sorry. There were a lot of games to talk about.

I should have just made a small post and then said the others later.

Just seeing Japanese games getting on Steam is pretty nice, even when they're games that I don't particularly care for. It both helps set a precedent for more Japanese games on Steam and hopefully shows that there is a market for these games on Steam.
That's kind of how I feel.

I noticed how I always say "this is nice, I'm happy to see more Japanese games come to Steam". Even if the game isn't one I'm very interested in, I try to support it hoping more games I love will come to Steam. Instead of saying things like, "wow, this is a dream come true, this is one of the games I always wanted to Steam".

So I thought to make this thread about the ones that I always did want to eventually come. Ones that would make me say "This is a dream come true! I always wanted this game on Steam! I'm so happy!".
Rather than "oh, I'm not a big big fan of this game or series, but I'm happy because seeing other Japanese games on Steam is nice. I hope this means there will be more Japanese games on Steam."

Also, this. More shmups on Steam is always good, especially from Cave.
Yay, more STG fans. I'm a big fan of both Cave and Touhou.

I really hope that someday both Cave and ZUN put their games on Steam.

Nyoro SF

Thanks for this thread OP. You've basically covered almost all my bases. It's just my sincere hope that these Japanese companies understand our desire for more of their catalog on the PC.





But it'll never happen :(
I'm surprised no one has mentioned it so I'm going to be that guy.

Shenmue. Being on pc would benefit a lot from modding I think.

Same with ryu ga gotoku. Seems it would fix a lot of small problems people have with the series and quests could easily be added.

As much as I like rpgs, I'm not sure there would be any benefit to porting them. You'd get to play them on pc... that's about it.

I was surprised and happy that samurai dou 4 is getting a pc port. With the amount of customization in that game, you could easily add more stuff. I think the game would benefit from additional content as well but it would be tricky to add.
Isn't Sakura Wars 1-4 PC version already available? It might not be in English but there's a fan translation project going on as well.

Sakura V hasn't made it to PC but with mini games cut out I really didn't replay it as much as Sakura 4, which had the best mini game in my opinion. Oh, I did buy a PS2 just to play Sakura V, Sakura V episode 0, Sakura 1 remake, and Sakura Mysterious Paris because I couldn't wait for a PC version of those.

With Hatsune Miku Diva stuff, in a way you can already "play" with Hatsune Miku Diva version... with MikuMikuDance and this.
You're right, some of these games are already on PC, so that's great.

I wish they were on Steam.

There are lotsa great Japanese games that are luckily already on the PC. I wish they would get a Steam update.


Okami was the one that popped into my head straight away.

Also: Ico, Shadow of the colossus, Fatal frame, and....

...every Nintendo game ever (a man can dream right?)
Guilty Gear Xrd
For recent games, that would be really nice.

It would also be nice to see Final Fantasy XV, Kingdom Hearts 3, Persona 5, Tekken 7, and lots of other games I'm forgetting for some reason.

It seems like a lot of these new games it might happen, too. I sure hope so. Even if I'm not a big big fan of the way Final Fantasy XV looks, it would be great to have it on the PC. And Square Enix seem a little interested in bringing their new games to the PC. And Tekken 7 sounds like Namco may be interested in bringing that to the PC, too.


Calling out first party games is nonsensical so from the Japanese third parties, I want basically every fighting game released, in addition to the Atelier series, ATLUS and Touhou games.


-The entire Final Fantasy series
-The entire Breath of Fire series
-The entire Kingdom Hearts series
-The entire Star Ocean series
-The entire Valkyrie Profile series
-Mega Man games (Original, X and Legend)
-Guilty Gear Xrd
-The entire Metal Gear Solid series
-The entire Castlevania series
-The entire Tales Of Series
-The rest of the Ys series
-The rest of the Legend of Heroes series
-Suikoden series
-Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross
-Parasite Eve series
-The entire Shin Megami Tensei series (Including Persona as well)
-Proper port of DMC3 along with DMC1 and DMC2 (might as well just port in the DMC HD Collection)

So many :(


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Ports are fine but I don't think I'd want to see too many PC-exclusive Japanese games, since I'm not a fan of gaming on the platform. Would just prefer they stuck with consoles/handhelds. And if they were PC exclusive, then not saddled down with Steam - GOG releases or (even better) boxed, drm-free releases.


More than anything else, everything made by Gust.

In fact, if Tecmo Koei asked me today to work with them to port those to PC I'd quit my job tomorrow :p


Anything by Cave. Shooting games have been shown to sell pretty well on PC, I'm sure people would buy it. I certainly would.

Guilty Gear Xrd and other fighting games.

Those are the games that I'd personally want, but to be honest any console game would be better on PC.
They'd have to be games a PC audience could dig into, along with promoting that kind of gaming style within the Japanese development community. All of the Japanese Wizardry games, for example, would do well on Steam and GOG, though I hear the official Japanese branch and clones like Raidy vary in quality. Many of the classic '80s and early-'90s Japanese PC games would fit this description (Star Cruiser, Lord Monarch, Eternible, Robot Construction R.C., Tokio, &c.). I can't see Yakuza getting the necessary push (SEGA sure doesn't notice Japanese players for the platform), but SEGA has good presence on Steam and should cave in to the petitions for conversions.


OK let's see:

Ninja Gaiden Black & Ninja Gaiden II (the original version, not that Sigma crap)
God Hand
Anarchy Reigns
Dragon's Dogma

Too bad it will never happen though. :(


More widely available classic REs and Silent Hills, Onimusha, Metal Gears. Updated with better pad support.
Virtua Fighter 5.
Metroid friggin' Primes HD mouse input and simultaneous strafe and turn.
Not Japanese but following on from Nintendo, Zombi U.


Neo Member
Under Night In Birth, the most recent Blazblue release, the most recent Guilty Gear release, the most recent Persona 4 Arena release. Basically any recent 2d "air dash" fighting game. We have Skullgirls but that is more like Marvel Vs. Capcom (also isn't a Japanese developed game).

This genre of fighting games has virtually 0 presence on PC other than emulation of old games. There are old versions from before like the first Blazblue, very old Guilty Gears and Melty Blood but they either have no online or only peer2peer online where you need the other person's IP address. I really do think there is a huge opportunity to port these games to PC and Steam specifically as people do want them. Someone just has to take the bite. It probably won't be Arc System Works though considering how little faith they have in PC gaming demand and the only bones they are throwing on Steam to judge demand are the 10 year old PC games that no one will buy.
Vanquish, new Gundam games, new Medabots games, new Digimon games, the Valkyria Chronicles games, any upcoming mecha games...

A lot of stuff, really.


Cool Facts: Game of War has been a hit since July 2013
Kingdom Hearts
Metal Gear
More Final Fantasy's
Pretty much every old playstation series that is no longer exclusive.

ffs, we got fantastic games lost in consoles limbo for decades.
Plus, they can make a lot of money with little effort.
I wish the big ones (Capcom, Konami etc) can realize that one day and put all their classics on Steam.
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