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Woman records boyfriend after getting shot by the Police on Facebook

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I never cry for real tradegies, but this video broke me. I feel so heavy, even more powerfully after she was so calm and after being in the car starts screaming out of pain, suffering, her daughter a child counseling her....

What can I do to help?

Join the riots and spread the word?

I can't let hate get to me, but I feel like I've been given a reason to fully support black movements 100% now.


Besides the kid trying to comfort her mother....that is probably the most infuriating thing.

A man is sitting there fucking bleeding out, barely able to hold himself up and the coward fucking cop is just pointing a gun at him and yelling at everyone.


This is the biggest WTF here. You have to be a real idiot to screw up and shoot, but you're a bigger idiot if you refuse to help the guy you accidentally shot.

Anyone know if he survived?

Died at hospital.

There was a small crowd of onlookers recording during all this. Plenty of people were already in the parking lot charging phones in their cars because the apartment complex on Fry St. is without power after the storms the other day, so there were a lot of witnesses.

Hopefully all the witnesses will make it impossible to explain away.


The most disturbing part is probably the cop still pointing his gun at the guy while he bleeds everywhere, and the sound in his voice like he thinks the driver is somehow going to do something horrible to him. I don't know what would lead him to shoot at all, let alone four times, and then just stand there while he dies without even trying to help.

I don't even feel that much watching the video. This shit happens way, way too often. I guess the only real bright side is that it continues to be brought to attention, but so far that doesn't seem to be helping much.
The cop was tripping hard in his voice, I just don't get it. I mean, like, I am having trouble digesting this at all. It's just fucked up.


The cop shot four or five times? Why? Even if it was necessary to shoot at all, which it probably wasn't, why fucking four times?!
Once is enough, surely. Jesus.
Or use a taser at least, no? But apparently most American cops don't know how to use their brain...
Thinking about it, if the cop is indeed an Asian male, he won't be protected. There won't be any Gofundmes or support from his "brotherhhod." They'll throw his ass undr the bus quickly and parade him around as an example of cops "doing the right thing, guys!" Whereas if he were white, we'd already havery that 20k defense fund page set up.

Well, if Peter Liang is anything to go by, I wouldn't be so sure of that.

Ploid 3.0

Twitter pointing out the taillight looks fine on the car. Smfh their bullshit story is falling apart.

Check out @RashadsRepublic's Tweet: https://twitter.com/RashadsRepublic/status/750900353529368576?s=09

Wow the media seem to be all over this, asking for interview, and permission to use the photo. I guess in some cases, the media is that watchdog that puts the police in check, when they aren't brown nosing them that is. So maybe online independent news and some major news channels when it doesn't conflict with sponsors or parent companies.


This will be huge.
Maybe even be breaking point of sorts.
Once that video spreads, things will get rolling. This is just the start.

Lan Dong Mik

And why would I want them?
Because it is a recent event.

This is still in the breaking phase for national.

I would expect it to be national news in the US by morning.

Twitter is blowing up. Will definitely be headline news in a few hours. Of course sites like CNN don't have a fucking clue at the moment.


Definitely not an STD, as I'm a pure.
Thinking about it, if the cop is indeed an Asian male, he won't be protected. There won't be any Gofundmes or support from his "brotherhhod." They'll throw his ass undr the bus quickly and parade him around as an example of cops "doing the right thing, guys!" Whereas if he were white, we'd already havery that 20k defense fund page set up.
You must not have any clue how historically Asians have always been let go for murdering innocent blacks.

Oh no! Glad I'm safe and away from America! Come on. You must live an incredibly sheltered life if you think America is a bad place to live. It's not perfect obviously, but you could be in the middle east being stoned to death for being a women.

Pft, don't assume the military will do any better. As someone in the armed forces there are cops I trust more than some of my fellow soldiers.

Yes, I'm glad I'm safe and away from America. It is a bad place to live, compared to a dozen or so countries. Of course it's better than most, but it seems to be slipping more and more every month.

I assumed military would at least be trained better and have much more respect for their firearms and the lives of American citizens as a whole vs the horrible examples that we see so frequently from shitty cops. Obviously there are good cops, and I'm not talking about those people. They would be back on the force quick enough after being evaluated.
The cop shot four or five times? Why? Even if it was necessary to shoot at all, which it probably wasn't, why fucking four times?!
Once is enough, surely. Jesus.
Or use a taser at least, no? But apparently most American cops don't know how to use their brain...

Cops in the U.S are trained to empty their magazine or to at least put multiple shots on target. Even at point blank range etc, once they've escalated force to lethal they damn sure aim to make sure it's lethal essentially. I don't necessarily agree with it but it's how they're trained.

I personally think the U.S has got some massive reforms ahead but at the same time I think everyone in charge is to petrified to make them. I mean everything from hiring to training to commonly used techniques needs to be looked at because at this point the writing is on the wall and the system is clearly broken.
Never helps, you only pour the fuel into the fire and harm people and their business who have the same viewpoint but get fucked over when their livelihood is threatened.

So where does change come from?

Im not saying this to be edgy,I totally understand the arguments against rioting. I just really think about this question a lot and I don't see how change is going to come. Its fucking tragic that this is such a common occurrence.


Two in two days.


I'm glad these people are catching this shit on camera, but still.

When will enough be enough?


From the periscope feed somebody in the crowd to cops ... "You want to talk about gun control?? Control your fucking gun"

Powerful moment
Oh no! Glad I'm safe and away from America! Come on. You must live an incredibly sheltered life if you think America is a bad place to live. It's not perfect obviously, but you could be in the middle east being stoned to death for being a women.
It sure is a good thing that I live in America where I can be shot to death for being a person of color
This will be huge.
Maybe even be breaking point of sorts.

yes it has to precipitate things. Hopefully good things. It comes too hard on the other shooting. The cop was terrified. Anyone watching this knows instantly that there are huge problems that must be addressed. Half of america will end up watching it.


Holy shit.

Boy does this look bad for the police. I dont want to base all of my assumptions based on 1 witness testimony but considering it happened moments after her boyfriend was shot, I'm pretty inclined to believe her.

It was so chilling watching her be so casual while her boyfriend is literally dying right next to her. I guess that's a person in shock for you.

How sad.
They have more rights than us. The fuck we supposed to do about it without getting killed ourselves.

My only answer would be riots and marches. It gave some improvements in the 1960s, but it didn't go far enough.

I also don't think the coordination and leadership that existed then exists now. In the sense there isn't a central handful of leaders to rally around to start disrupting basic civil services to help force change. It happens in flurries for sure, but I dont think it's anywhere near critical mass.

Ploid 3.0

The fact that these murders are coming to light in the last few years is maybe the greatest thing technological advancement has brought about in terms of bringing outright racism and hatred into the forefront of American minds. It's undeniable, it's obvious, and it's disgusting.

It's been feeling like I have all the reasons in the world to make a body cam product for normal citizens. Don't leave home without it. We have the technology, heart rate activates it automatically. Manual activation available, including discreet activation. Green light signify it's recording to prevent espionage of sorts, and as a bad cop deterrence.


So where does change come from?

Im not saying this to be edgy,I totally understand the arguments against rioting. I just really think about this question a lot and I don't see how change is going to come. Its fucking tragic that this is such a common occurrence.

Peaceful protest


Cops in the U.S are trained to empty their magazine or to at least put multiple shots on target. Even at point blank range etc, once they've escalated force to lethal they damn sure aim to make sure it's lethal essentially. I don't necessarily agree with it but it's how they're trained.

I personally think the U.S has got some massive reforms ahead but at the same time I think everyone in charge is to petrified to make them. I mean everything from hiring to training to commonly used techniques needs to be looked at because at this point the writing is on the wall and the system is clearly broken.

That explains it... But yep, that's a fucked up system alright.


I think you may want to rethink this comment.

Our country has failed it's citizens, it's mission, and it's ability to be called a country where people should strive to want to live in it.

The USA does not deserve and has not earned any compliment towards it's existence.
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