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Elden Ring To Launch In April 2020; Combat Mechanics Explained.


You get a AAA shooter every month, a FROM SOFTWARE ARPG you only get one per year, also the audience for each game is very different.
But do you get a huge first person action RPG from an acclaimed studio every month? ;)
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Gold Member
We've never had to wait a terribly long time to get a new quality From Software experience. Especially not in the Soulsbourne arm. (ahem, where you at Armored Core)

I was really hoping to learn more about the story as I'm sure it won't be as cryptic as previous games given Martin's involvement.


Gold Member
Nothing big is going to launch in April unless they want to be destroyed by Cyberpunk.
Souls games will compete. Especially the first open world souls game written by Martin. It may not do as well as Cyberpunk, but I know I'm buying em both. I'll sell something to do it if I have to but I must have both.

JK, I can afford it...but just trying to illustrate how much I want both games.


If you notice in all his previous works regardless of how violent they are they are never gory and never in bad taste.Even Bloodborne.
This is from his Dark Souls Design works interview:
"Miyazaki: You may not believe me, but I always tried to maintain a certain level of refinement and elegance in all the designs. I often told the artists muddy or messy is definitely *not good*. I think this carries through the entire game, of course if you asked me to describe what this "elegance" is… well I think you just have to look at the designs and judge for yourself, but it really is one of the most important factors in everything I oversee.

Waragai: I remember you said that to me when I was working on the zombie dragon. Originally it was covered with maggots, but you told me that I needed instead, to try and capture the sadness of this great creature as it marches towards extinction.

Miyazaki: As I said before, everything has it's particular shade or tone, blight town for example is the rawest, most disgusting area in the game, but looking at the area as a whole, I wanted it to feel both bitterly cold and possess a deep sadness, and that's the atmosphere I tried to build on. You could say I have a habit of working in this way, and I think you can really see that in Dark Souls' art direction.

I dunno but having dismembered limbs flying all over the place sounds like something a 12 year old would find cool but not someone like Miyazaki.

I'll be honest that stuff reads more about the character designs in terms of appearance versus anything else. Dismemberments is a technical hurdle and has a development cost. Probably wasn't viable with DS.


But do you get a huge first person action RPG from an acclaimed studio every month? ;)
is there a Cyberpunk thread u can go to to talk about your great Cyberpunk game?

you do realize this is a thread about Elden Ring?

From has never really tried to compete vs other games, that is why they do the things they do. that is what gives them a unique vision, one that so many have tried to copy. sales dick measuring is not even a concern for them.
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Nothing big is going to launch in April unless they want to be destroyed by Cyberpunk.

I'm way more excited about a game by a company that basically only makes games with good gameplay than some crappy Euro dev that's never made a game that actually played well.

Cyberpunk doesn't even register compared to this.


maybe wait for a hefty sale on Dark Souls 2 / Dark Souls 2: SotFS
With some thrifty shopping should be able to get ds2:softs and ds3 with dlc for ~20$ on pc
DS1 turned me into a From fanboy, still haven't played Sekiro but it's on my shopping list, maybe Xmas


is there a Cyberpunk thread u can go to to talk about your great Cyberpunk game?

you do realize this is a thread about Elden Ring?

From has never really tried to compete vs other games, that is why they do the things they do. that is what gives them a unique vision, one that so many have tried to copy. sales dick measuring is not even a concern for them.
So far this is a loose rumor thread, not an actual confirmation thread. I know that some of the people here dislike Cyberpunk for various reasons, won't stop me from posting my opinions though. ;)

Also GAF (or ERA for that matter) was never a great barometer for what's popular and not. Personally I wish good luck to both games, but if I had to pick a clear winner in terms of sales it'll definitely be Cyberpunk. And c'mon, good sales matter to everyone, potentially going against one of the biggest launches of the year is not a wise move.
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You're in for a massive treat. All of the games in the series are masterpieces in their own right.

Just take your time and savour each moment.

What i appreciate about myself is that i don't feel frustrated at all in Dark Souls: Remastered wen i die. It's partly because the death loop is in the lore, which is a strong motivator to push on, and also because i know why i died and i can figure out ways to improve. I've died at least 30 times, 15 at the same exact spot, but there's absolutely no built up stress or frustration compelling me to drop it.

IMO Dark Souls is better than Dark Souls 2 in every aspect that matters and some. Lore, level design, encounter design, bosses, overall atmosphere, NPCs, etc.

But Dark Souls 2 continues to be one of the best games of previous generation, easily. Other franchises wish they got a "black sheep" like DS2 in their portfolios.

That's basically what i've heard, as well. It's an inferior game as a sequel, but still one of the best games ever made; which is peculiar, but very curious. So there's no doubt in my mind i'll continue with Dark Souls 2 after i finish Dark Souls: Remastered.

the interconnected world made a bit of a comeback in Sekiro, and there have been same-zone shortcuts in Bloodborne, Dark Souls 2 and 3. though nothing that reaches even close to the highs like Dark Souls 1/Remastered's first loop back to Firelink, sadly. any complaints about the subsequent games' lore might be because Dark Souls 1 works fine for the most part as its own self-contained story but the sequels have to tread some of the same ground. sometimes it treads a bit too far but sometimes it's juuust right. fortunately the subsequent games certainly made up for it in the combat, as you have suspected.

i'm cheering right there with you hoping Elden Ring scratches that metroidvania-like world design itch that Dark Souls 1 so thoroughly scratched. these games are definitely worth your time if you are enjoying Dark Souls 1. maybe wait for a hefty sale on Dark Souls 2 / Dark Souls 2: SotFS, though, haha!

After i successfully finish the Dark Souls trilogy, i'll give Sekiro another try with the experience of the trilogy under my belt. I did not like Sekiro at all, i found it far too difficult for its own good.

Airbus Jr

I dont trust this rumours

Game seems to be far from finished

Maybe they will show something on E3

Betting on 2021 releases


aw man, and i was pondering about making a poll out of boredom if it will be shown at the game awards. good to finally have it confirmed.

sekiro game of the year + elden ring gameplay reveal :messenger_sunglasses:
I know I'm in the minority on this given by comments all over the internet, but I do not want it to be like Sekiro. I don't hate Sekiro, but it's not the kind of game for me. It's very different than Dark Souls and more akin to Ninja Gaiden/Devil May Cry. I don't want that kind of game, but if they make it like that, more power to them. But I won't buy it if it ends up like that and/or trade it in like I did with Sekiro. Whereas Dark Souls 1 I've bought 3 times, DS2 twice, and DS3 twice, I just can't do that kind of game (Sekiro). I want more rpg, less action game. If it leans into more of an action game like Sekiro/Ninja Gaiden, I'm out.

And that's okay, there's obviously an audience for it, just is not me at all. I respect those kind of games, it's just not my preference for Elden Ring.


So is this Dark Souls 2 or Dark Souls 3 production ?
Was Sekiro astop gap before big release or is this some off hand game ?


The game is being developed for this gen hardware? That's kinda shitty

Like it'll make a difference. The leap from each generation to the next gets less and less noticeable. That's why their selling points are things like "no loading times" and ram jargon/ stats. Graphics will be more or less the same - you'll just have more shit on-screen.
I know I'm in the minority on this given by comments all over the internet, but I do not want it to be like Sekiro. I don't hate Sekiro, but it's not the kind of game for me. It's very different than Dark Souls and more akin to Ninja Gaiden/Devil May Cry. I don't want that kind of game, but if they make it like that, more power to them. But I won't buy it if it ends up like that and/or trade it in like I did with Sekiro. Whereas Dark Souls 1 I've bought 3 times, DS2 twice, and DS3 twice, I just can't do that kind of game (Sekiro). I want more rpg, less action game. If it leans into more of an action game like Sekiro/Ninja Gaiden, I'm out.

And that's okay, there's obviously an audience for it, just is not me at all. I respect those kind of games, it's just not my preference for Elden Ring.

That's understandable. For a souls-like as people tend to call them, Sekiro is the Fromsoft game that strayed the most from the formula and was very skill based. From the sound of things with Elden Ring though, I wouldn't worry too much as it seems much closer to Souls albeit with some of Sekiro's ideas integrated into it.


Neo Member
  • Most of the combat is built upon the foundation of Souls series.
  • The powers you get from the bosses are integrated to combos like the prosthetic in Sekiro but for all weapons.
Yeah i'm not surprised about this stuff made by fromsoftware anymore...
Hope story + drama is good instead lore like classic souls? Gameplay? It's a "souls" like a usual so what do you expect.


I know I'm in the minority on this given by comments all over the internet, but I do not want it to be like Sekiro. I don't hate Sekiro, but it's not the kind of game for me. It's very different than Dark Souls and more akin to Ninja Gaiden/Devil May Cry. I don't want that kind of game, but if they make it like that, more power to them. But I won't buy it if it ends up like that and/or trade it in like I did with Sekiro. Whereas Dark Souls 1 I've bought 3 times, DS2 twice, and DS3 twice, I just can't do that kind of game (Sekiro). I want more rpg, less action game. If it leans into more of an action game like Sekiro/Ninja Gaiden, I'm out.

And that's okay, there's obviously an audience for it, just is not me at all. I respect those kind of games, it's just not my preference for Elden Ring.
You are not the minority.
Miyazaki said that Elden Ring will offer a huge variety of different playstyles and approaches which itself is in direct contrast to what Sekiro is.

Like you said Sekiro is great for what it is but has absolutely nothing to do with Souls. It should not be considered as Souls-like.
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You are not the minority.
Miyazaki said that Elden Ring will offer a huge variety of different playstyles and approaches which itself is in direct contrast to what Sekiro is.

Like you said Sekiro is great for what it is but has absolutely nothing to do with Souls. It should not be considered as Souls-like.

Its not Souls like, that shit is hard af lol. Souls games are challenging but Sekiro takes it to another level.


It's not hard at all. But it forces you to learn enemy attacks and how to counter attack. It's the perfect combat game. Unfortunately it forces people to use their brain. And that's where the problem is. Sekiro's combat is fantastic.

I agree the combat is great. Some of the counters tho I rarely used. I got stuck fighting those big guys that make everything go in slow motion. Can't remember what their called rn.

Bloodborne I got stuck on a boss on my first playthrough and after a little break i came back and easily beat him and did 3 playthroughs. But Sekiro really got me fucked up lol.


Sekiro brought a ton of traversal options to the table beyond the famous grappling hook. A real jump, ledge scaling, stealth mechanics, swimming, etc. It really opened up exploration and I can’t wait to see how those ideas are developed in this next one.


Gold Member
As much as I hate to admit it Sekiro was too hard for me. Got quite near the end and then gave up. I missed not being able to summon if you can't beat a boss so I'm hoping that Elden has some kind of online co-operation.


No indication to what you can or can’t grab/push. By that I mean no text when you stand in front of a lever to activate it.

If they're going this route, they really need to nail down the thing a lot of games do wrong where if you're not at the right angle from an object it doesn't recognize it as something you can interact with until you turn around near it a few times (I'm looking at you, The Witcher 3, especially with Gertalt controlling like a garbage truck)


From Software wouldn't be foolish enough to launch the same month as Cyberpunk. Definitely a September - November release.


Gold Member
I think why most people didn't like Sekiro is because they couldn't summon people to do their fighting for them and all they were left with is their lack of skill.

You are probably right. I've played and finished all the Souls games apart from Demons and typically I'll attempt a boss a number of times before summoning help. Sekiro is still easily my goty and I haven't completely abandoned it yet lol.


Sekiro is so dope. im planning on replaying it around Christmas. i beat that game 5 times but goddamn it is so much fun to play. it is really really hard though. that final boss had me struggling for real in a way i haven't since first fighting the Four Kings.

i have to commend Sekiro, ever since i beat the first Souls, i felt like i had "figured it out" and rarely struggled during boss fights in Dark Souls 2, 3, and Bloodborne. they were still difficult but didn't have the "OMG this boss is an impassable wall" feeling i got in my very first playthrough. with Sekiro they managed to nail that difficulty once more. i remember fighting that seven spears guy who is just an optional side dude and spending like a full hour fighting him over and over and having an absolute blast. From's difficulty fine tuning is ON POINT
As much as I hate to admit it Sekiro was too hard for me. Got quite near the end and then gave up. I missed not being able to summon if you can't beat a boss so I'm hoping that Elden has some kind of online co-operation.

While I missed Demon's, I've beaten all the other Souls games and BB (though I never could beat Kos...) and I also thought Sekiro was just too tough. Thankfully I bought it on PC, and it was an easy enough matter to grab a cheat editor and adjust some values so I could make it through the last quarter of the game. Glad I did too, cause some of later areas and big boss fights are amazing.
Even with the editor it was still tough, I wonder what percentage of people that play it actually beat it.
March - Final Fantasy: VII Remake, Half-Life Alyx, DOOM Eternal, Animal Crossing.

April - Elden Ring, Cyberpunk 2077

May - The Last of Us Part II

= Fuck me sideways.

What alternative universe is this???

At this point, I am convinced that the Gaming Messiah is real.

You have 3 most influential franchises in the world that pushed gaming hardcore in the 1990s all coming out in same month. Unreal.
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Unfortunately it forces people to use their brain. And that's where the problem is.

I disagree with this. I understand it's combat, I just don't like those kinds of games. It's a twitch reflex action game moreso than requiring you to use your brain.

I mean, I have wins in Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup and Tales of Maj'Eyal, those require a ton of thought to pull off a win. Sekiro is as you said in the post after, skill-based, and heavily so I might add. It's twitch-based action like Ninja Gaiden Black. And like I said, I respect those kind of games, but I don't often play them myself.

There's most certainly a place for games like Sekiro, but if the Souls formula turns more into that, I will move on to other games.


Gay porn is where it's at.
It's not hard at all. But it forces you to learn enemy attacks and how to counter attack. It's the perfect combat game. Unfortunately it forces people to use their brain. And that's where the problem is. Sekiro's combat is fantastic.

ItS NoT hArD aT aLl



I think why most people didn't like Sekiro is because they couldn't summon people to do their fighting for them and all they were left with is their lack of skill.

Ok? Some of you act like finding a video game difficult is a personal human flaw.

I found the game difficult too. The end boss took me too many tries where I was too frustrated to be having fun. Now, I can do it, even in NG+, but at the time, the difficulty spike was too much imo.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
IMO Dark Souls is better than Dark Souls 2 in every aspect that matters and some. Lore, level design, encounter design, bosses, overall atmosphere, NPCs, etc.

But Dark Souls 2 continues to be one of the best games of previous generation, easily. Other franchises wish they got a "black sheep" like DS2 in their portfolios.
I wish I could agree with this, but I can't. Dark Souls 2 wasn't all that good IMO. I tried to like it and give it the benefit of the doubt, but I simply couldn't get into it and found it to be a very average game at best and bad for a Souls game. The environments was where it suffered the most.

Thankfully DS3 and Bloodborne redeemed this game.


I wish I could agree with this, but I can't. Dark Souls 2 wasn't all that good IMO. I tried to like it and give it the benefit of the doubt, but I simply couldn't get into it and found it to be a very average game at best and bad for a Souls game. The environments was where it suffered the most.

Thankfully DS3 and Bloodborne redeemed this game.

I understand your point.

I started Dark Souls 3 for the first time one, two months ago, after a lot of time playing DS2 and DS2 Scholar of the First Sin and I was blowed away by how the level design, encounters and lore are better in Dark Souls 3. Felt like I was coming home. Miyazaki and his team makes a huge difference.

But if we compare Dark Souls 2 with other games its clear how the game is great. Huge amount of weapons, each one with its own attacks, stats which is masterfully tied with your character as an action RPG should be, huge amount of itens, armors, magic, lots of enemies with interesting attack patterns. Someone can argue "This is obvious, he is in the shoulder of a giant. They just add quantity to DS already great mechanics." and I agree. But fair or not, most action RPGs doesn't have even half of the mechanical deep that DS2 has. How many games have a boss as great as Fume Knight?

Dark Souls 1 and 3 are near perfect games IMO, so Dark Souls 2 had a huge shoes to fill. But when I judge it without comparing to its brothers I see its greatness. I would never think about buying and finishing again a slightly different version of a 80+ hours game if I didn't think it was a great game.
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