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IT'S OFFICIAL reviewers that gave TLOU 2 positive reviews were afraid of being blacklisted by Sony and had to "keep with good terms with Sony"


I hate the game. But its a great game.
I dont care who died. But I do care greatly who didnt die. It’s stupid.

The SJW agenda hate and the homophobic rants is all little boy shit. The valid criticism of this game, there is zero pay off in the end. Its a great story about hate, hate. hate, hate, hate, but then they dared mercy? Nah fuck that. Happy you liked it though.

Oh god I haven't finished yet but I was super pissed they didn't kill Negan after everything he did on the Walking Dead. I hope I don't feel the same here 😂


SBI’s Employee of the Year
Sure, they love it so much that People who werent informed now return the Game en masse after one day, when they get to the shit part.
Stores like JB Hi-Fi now refuse trade ins for last of us 2.
But hey, when the Game "Journalists" or rather, paid Political Activists all praise a game, while the Players who actualy have to pay money for it say its shit, i know which one i believe.

That pic was taken out of context.
One user already put that one into perspective in another thread: Due to Covid-19 all trade ins are forbidden right now in Australia, it has nothing to do with TLoU2.


Sure, they love it so much that People who werent informed now return the Game en masse after one day, when they get to the shit part.
Stores like JB Hi-Fi now refuse trade ins for last of us 2.
But hey, when the Game "Journalists" or rather, paid Political Activists all praise a game, while the Players who actualy have to pay money for it say its shit, i know which one i believe.
Sure, "en masse".
A bazillion copies sold and the masses are lining up to such an extent, that the BLM protests pale in comparison. 😏

People can dislike the game as much as they want. But claims like that are just pathetic.

To be fair, nobody has played it the moment they have bought it. If there is a backlash over the next few weeks that will be more reliable.
Sure, but that goes for saying the majority of people hate it as well.
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Boss Mog

You 'trust the opinion' of people that say things like "or a woman that looked like a real woman, " .... please, do tell, what does "a real woman" look like? (this is rhetorical).
I've been on Earth for a few decades now and I've never come face to face with any real woman that looks like this:


They made her look even more like a man in the final game than in her initial reveal teaser:



I’ll preface this post with stating again this game is tip top in many ways, just not gameplay. Graphically it’s stunning, and the scene execution for hero asset cinematics is second to none. Without question. The only game I feel that is graphically superior is RDR2, and that’s because they push almost this level of detail but over a full world.

The story is personal preference. People hate it because it’s got lesbians, or because Joel dies, or because the actual lead character is a man (when she isn’t). That’s up to them. For me, I just hate the respect they have these characters, and while I actually side more with Abby than Ellie and Joel’s crew, I just feel the way this was all done was wrong. You don’t build up an amazing father figure like Joel that resonates with so many people in the first and then let him go out like a bitch. That screamed the sort of plot point you give a character when an actors decides he doesn’t want tk come back for series 2. It just felt bad.

But the gameplay? That’s an area that’s a hot topic.

See for me, the gameplay didn’t evolve, at all. And it was basic in the first one, and was the worst part of the package there too. You now have ropes, that all work the same way and essentially work like a slower ladder. They are used in some puzzles but the “puzzle” is so basic it can’t really be called one. And you have boats/horses, which... Well let’s be honest they consist of pushing forward.

And that’s your gameplay evolution form the first. There’s a jump button, but to be fair it’s not even used for anything, it’s the same as just having a context jump before.

The actual gameplay itself, and this is ME taking not a collective thought, it’s just shallow. 10 minute cutscene, walk forward for 10 minutes, and then shoot 4 guys. Repeat. That’s it. The actual way you battle in these encounters is aways the same... Go in quietly for as long as you can. Humans? Sneak. Infected? Sneak. Tank? Shoot it until it dies. This is all cemented in with very, very stiff control that is only second to a rockstar game, and really lose feeling aiming.

For me, the actual gameplay loop isn’t enough. There’s nothing incredible there. If you stick this gameplay in any graphical engine, would it still be enough?

So as I said, the visuals are a clear 10/10 and if you disagree sorry but from a technical standpoint you’re absolutely wrong.

The story is debatable but again for me, it’s like a 3 maybe? These characters just don’t hit home with me, I don’t care, I don’t feel. Compared to other games like RDR2 where the ending left me genuinely sad, or Ori where when that event happens at the end I was shocked... I just don’t feel for these people now. It’s the video game equivalent of when the stupid character does the stupid thing in a horror film. I’m just like “meh”. Not because of lesbians, or SJW. But because of just “meh”.

But for me, this isn’t a 10. It’s not. I’ve played better games this gen, easily, that will last in my mind longer.

Don’t get me wrong though, this Is a game I’ll be coming back to just to and it’s visual design. It’s absolutely top tits. But it’s GAME part of it isn’t even close to being the same quality, for me.

I don't think you get my point. You find it boring. I don't find it boring.

Its subjective. Its preference. Im cool with you thinking I like boring games.
Im not saying your wrong.

Your explaining the mechanise like Its gonna convince me why its bad,

Other games
Gears of war.... run, cover, shoot. Cut-scene, repeat.

Witcher- talk....shitty combat scenario. Go to next marker.

Call of duty.... shoot.. move onto next scene, shoot.

like other games don't have repetitive mechanics that haven't advanced in years?

If you find it boring, that is cool.
My brother says the same thing. Which. I tell him, you dont have to play it, go play something else.

He said the exact same thing, snacks and ladders gameplay and puzzles. Well clearly millions of people love it....

Are you gonna go and convince someone why fornight isnt the best game ever when its their favourite game?

Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
Mate I’m not trying to convince anybody of anything. Anybody can think whatever they want of the game. It would be utterly stupid to try and force somebody to change their mind, that’s their call.

But what I will say, is that a 10/10 is a game that is without question flawless, it has no issues, no bugs, no problems. It does everything perfectly.

This game doesn’t do that.

So as I said again, for me and the way they have done the full package, it’s a 6 or a 7 at absolute best. That’s for me. It’s an average game, in a very sexy wrapper. And I can’t change my mind on that.
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Neo Blaster

Calling it an attack by salty Xbox fans doesn't make sense. By that logic, it should also have occured with other PS exclusives. This attack seems to be politically motivated by far right activisits rather than console wars.
Yes, but here in Brazil I've seen evidence of organized fake bot Metacritic reviews by a certain Xbox fans group.


Yes, but here in Brazil I've seen evidence of organized fake bot Metacritic reviews by a certain Xbox fans group.

Sure. I'm not saying it doesn't exist. There are undoubtedly PS-fan groups that review bomb Xbox games as well.
However, in the specific case of TLoU II is seems that far-right activism is the common denominator of the haters rather than console allegians, in general.
In other words, I think the haters are rather homophobes that happen to be Xbox fans as opposed to Xbox fans that happen to hate-bomb the game.
Sadly, there are also simply Xbox-fans that review bomb the game.
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Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
Roblox is the number one played game in the world, and I can sleep soundly knowing every one of you will be playing it and loving it.

Likewise, Animal Crossing sold gang busters and has been the runaway success of the year, and know every one of you loves it and finds no fault with it.

See what I did thar?
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At my local gym, the only women that go don’t work out. They have their hair done, full on makeup, stand on their phones and chat to guys. I very, very rarely see a girl at the gym actually doing gym-like things. You know, work out and stuff.

It’s a bit sad really but there we go...

Yeah they are usually walking on treadmills or doing some variation of an ass exercise.

The women in my gym are generally in very good shape but I very rarely see them actually working out. Wonder if they do their workouts at home and then just go to the gym to get attention.


At my local gym, the only women that go don’t work out. They have their hair done, full on makeup, stand on their phones and chat to guys. I very, very rarely see a girl at the gym actually doing gym-like things. You know, work out and stuff.

It’s a bit sad really but there we go...
Lol fair enough.

Yes and I've never seen a woman that has the frame of a man in real life before. The only thing I can think of is Chyna from WWE:

Guess that's proof enough already then, isn't it?

Or we could use Rhonda Rousey or whatever.


I've been on Earth for a few decades now and I've never come face to face with any real woman that looks like this:


They made her look even more like a man in the final game than in her initial reveal teaser:


You need to get out more.

Hell...you don't even have to do that....watch MMA if you only see women through a digital signal and have no access to 'real women'. Please visit a MMA match and let them know they are not 'real women'.

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"an Asian site"


you notice when the guys are losing badly, when they need to change the fake.

now it is a fact that the analysis of fakes users on the metacritic has flopped, if now they need to invent "sony bought the note, a reddit asian said"


Watching reviews from reviewers I trust has me highly suspicious of this games Metacritic score. If I knew nothing of TLOU2 and just played the first, it would make since, I and wouldn't blink twice at how high the critics score is, but after watching reviews and listening to the opinions of people who have finished the game, most don't seem to think this is a 10, 9 or even an 8/10.

It's stuff like this that just compounds the stroeotyoe that the mainstream game review sites are just thrid party marketing wings for big game studios. How many people just saw the score, bought the game and feel mislead (probably not a lot with how big TLOU 1 was, but still). It's sad how these sites just sell their credibility.

I'm just thankful for the smaller reviewer that can afford to give a balanced perspective and still have integrity.

Boss Mog

Lol fair enough.

Guess that's proof enough already then, isn't it?

Or we could use Rhonda Rousey or whatever.
Yeah but I've never met a woman that looks like that in real life. Like a regular woman with a regullar job that isn't a bodybuilder/MMA fighter/Wrestler, etc...


Yeah but I've never met a woman that looks like that in real life. Like a regular woman with a regullar job that isn't a bodybuilder/MMA fighter/Wrestler, etc...

Again with the 'regular woman'...fuck me, this is hopeless.


Ok and? Point is its not a natural look for a woman and it required drugs to get that frame and build.
Point is that woman and men have a broad range of body types, whether chemically enhanced or not, and to include 'woman that looks like a real woman' in your (not YOUR) commentary if fucked up.


Go Go Neo Rangers!
Watching reviews from reviewers I trust has me highly suspicious of this games Metacritic score. If I knew nothing of TLOU2 and just played the first, it would make since, I and wouldn't blink twice at how high the critics score is, but after watching reviews and listening to the opinions of people who have finished the game, most don't seem to think this is a 10, 9 or even an 8/10.

It's stuff like this that just compounds the stroeotyoe that the mainstream game review sites are just thrid party marketing wings for big game studios. How many people just saw the score, bought the game and feel mislead (probably not a lot with how big TLOU 1 was, but still). It's sad how these sites just sell their credibility.

I'm just thankful for the smaller reviewer that can afford to give a balanced perspective and still have integrity.

Following the mainstream is tough as they have a group of writers and usually are very careful about who they pick to review which title where as a smaller site/outlet usually has 1 or 2 at the most reviewing things. IGN for instance is extremely picky about who reviews. They keep certain people employed specifically because they like a game like Pokemon.

The approach isnt outright bad but it is obviously a breeding ground for an opinion that is slanted because they love the IP. You could make the argument that it could also mean they are more critical but I would have to think that would the exception and the rule.
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Ok and? Point is its not a natural look for a woman and it required drugs to get that frame and build.

so are all female athletes drugged?
the problem is that she is stronger than you.

analysis fakes in metacritic already flopped then? because if now they saw that it was no use, they need to change the narrative to "everyone gave 10/10 for fear of Sony"


Go Go Neo Rangers!
Point is that woman and men have a broad range of body types, whether chemically enhanced or not, and to include 'woman that looks like a real woman' in your (not YOUR) commentary if fucked up.
I never said they didnt. It was a simple question. If you are taking anything to chemically enhance your body type then its not natural. Thats it. Stop trying to turn this into something I didn't say.
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Go Go Neo Rangers!
so are all female athletes drugged?
the problem is that she is stronger than you.

analysis fakes in metacritic already flopped then? because if now they saw that it was no use, they need to change the narrative to "everyone gave 10/10 for fear of Sony"

The fuck are you on about?


I am playing and it is the GOTY. Maybe Ghost or Cyberpunk can steal it.... But so far it is the GOTY!

I guess some people just can't handle it Sony, potentially, winning another GOTY.

Haters right now:
Sure....but arent you the same, just reverse ?


Ok and? Point is its not a natural look for a woman and it required drugs to get that frame and build.

so are all female athletes drugged?
the problem is that she is stronger than you.

The fuck are you on about?

what's the difficulty?


Go there and show her how male you are, and call her a drug addict in her face LOL

now tell me there, do you weigh 30 or 300kg?
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I never said they didnt. It was a simple question. If you are taking anything to chemically enhance your body type then its not natural. Thats it. Stop trying to turn this into something I didn't say.
I specifically made the point that the word your was (not YOUR). So...I didn't. Cheers. My point started with the concept of 'real woman'...by pointing out that men take drugs to look like that too I was further positing that there is no 'real woman' look and perhaps the fellow that is listening to reviews that include such statements should question the veracity of the complete review when the writer is unaware of what 'real woman' look like....


Yeah but I've never met a woman that looks like that in real life. Like a regular woman with a regullar job that isn't a bodybuilder/MMA fighter/Wrestler, etc...
Pretty much 80% of lesbian women looks like a man.
Then put them in a post-apocalyptic world where you have to fight to survive and it's pretty realistic to have women like that.

Besides, implying women like that don't exist while posting a pic of a women that looks like that isn't helping your point get across.
It is clear now that Neil had little to do with the original game:

And lol at people claiming there is no agenda - the guy literally came out and told you in plain English that he has an agenda.
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