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NPD/Circana US March 2023: PS5 #1 (now ahead of PS4 when aligned), RE4#1, MLB#3 and TLOU #5


I love my PS5 to bits. Awesome machine.

But watching Sony fanboys flex sales figures whilst conveniently forgetting that the Switch has been pumping everyone for half a decade is rather funny.

Let me guess. It doesn’t count because it’s not akshully a console.
Switch didn't pump everyone until pandemic, it didn't outsell ps4 consistently even in 2019.
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I love my PS5 to bits. Awesome machine.

But watching Sony fanboys flex sales figures whilst conveniently forgetting that the Switch has been pumping everyone for half a decade is rather funny.

Let me guess. It doesn’t count because it’s not akshully a console.

LOL the only reasons why Switch was ahead of PS5 were COVID and chip shortages...

That's why now you get a +400% vs -13% sales compared to last year...

PS4 also came out almost 4 years before the Switch....
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Yes it’s different, there’s even less games

Yeh and you don't need one because of their big push for day and date on PC.

This is one of the main factors of why Series will struggle to pass 55-65m lifetimes installbase. PS5 and Switch + PC ownership trend? with XBS sidelined.

The other is a rampant Nintendo this gen, which shit the bed during Wii U gen to allow Xbox to hoover up some secondry sales.


No, their business model is NOT Game Pass.

Game Pass makes up for only 10-15% of Xbox revenue, as Phil Spencer said that they are happy with that ratio, so they don't envision it to grow. How can a component that only generation 10-15% of revenue can be their main "business model?"

On the other hand, Microsoft continues to subsidize Xbox consoles and bears a loss of $100 - $200 per unit sold, in hopes of selling more consoles and capture the market share. If console sales is not their focus, why are they willing to sell consoles at heavy losses?

This narrative that "consoles sales do not matter to XBox; Game Pass is their main business model and focus" is just a baseless argument that is often used to downplay console sales.
I am not gonna get too much into it, or talk like I am an authority on it, but this is what I think.

I think GP is MS true current business model now and end game. As in, MS would rather have 50M GP subs spread across consoles and PC and sell 30M consoles while at it, than say have 50M consoles sold and only 5M GP subs.

And I draw this concussion based on the fact that they do day one releases on GP, you don't do something like that if the sub-service isn't your primary focus. Also, its how they market Xbox, at the end of every PS game commercial, you see the PS5 console and a price. Xbox however, its all gamepass, times its so bad you would be forgiven to think you don't even need the xbox console for it.

To me,I think MS now sees consoles more as a gateway into gamepass in the living room. And not that they see GP as a value add for Xbox.


Gold Member

Dude needs to learn to just admit when he is wrong.


Gold Member
I guess this is the result of paid/bribed shills spreading FUD? All of those mentions of PlayStation 5 seemed to have helped with marketing.


Gold Member
No. He changed it because it was brought to public light when it wasn't supposed to. But it doesn't matter your buddy DeepEngima called him a liar anyway without any proof or... anything

I never called him a liar, you asserted that yourself. I said, they obfuscate and are ambiguous.

You, are the liar.

What's truly ironic about all that is bxrz bxrz is basically saying that the guy changed that bullet point in his linkedin profile to a lie.

So your accusing this employee of Microsoft of lying on their professional Linkedin account? 😂

Cracking Up Lol GIF
Show me a photo of the Switch 2 from Nintendo. And show me where Nintendo said the Switch 2 will have anything from Nvidia. In fact, show me where Nintendo has acknowledged the Switch 2 at all. Since you "know it exists". I would like to see your proof

Oh yeah, sure. Lemme just go ahead and violate the NDA, risk going to jail, get fined for $50 million and get garnished for 50% of my salary for the rest of my life 🙄.

OR...let me just use common sense and assume Nintendo would continue their partnership with Nvidia if they want a BC Switch 2, and assume they would not publicly acknowledge it until they are ready to officially announce it.

If you're thinking they are suddenly going to switch from Nvidia to AMD or Intel "just because", then you don't understand the business.

Going by your logic then (which is stupid btw), MTX is Xbox's business model. Which is still not console sales. So your still wrong.

You realize you need to sell consoles in order to sell the software and services that provide the content for people to purchase via MTX, right? If their logic is stupid (it's not), then yours is so logic-defying you're two steps away from a lawsuit from the MCU ripping off their multiverses to hop dimensions with how far you're moving goalposts.

Not salty at all. Why on earth would any sane human care? These companies are absurdly wealthy (although Xbox, as a division, has clearly lost its way. Just don’t think Gamepass cuts it).

But Sony fanboys are objectively the cringiest.

Let me introduce you to this thing called Twitter, and these rabid Xbox fanboys named PeterOvo, Colteastwood, Destin Legarie, Timdog, Jez Corden, FOSS Patents (campaigner-for-hire), Xbox 007, Andrew Pachinininini, Post Up, and a whole lot more!
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Gold Member
Bro, not happening.

The only change this generation has been that XBS is selling even less than Xbox One.

As much as we all thought before Nov. 2020 that Xbox will perform better this generation, it’s not happening as per the data, evidence, and trends we have.

Yeah. Momentum doesn't swing that suddenly mid-generation either. Any moves Microsoft has made this generation will take years to bear fruit. That assumes said fruit isn't spoiled.

It also relies on Sony absolutely shitting the bed at some point. Xbox could release some truly banger titles this gen that might get people to take more notice of it, but that's just going to help the next gen Xbox more than XBS.

Xbox ultimately still has a global perception problem that they have not been able to shake.


It's on the PC as well, on Steam.

Stray charted for Sony, even when it launched on PS+ day to date.

It's almost like marketing can be important and one should not cut that budget.
Which month did Stray chart in and at what place? I looked at both the July 2022 and September 2022 NPD charts and couldn't see stray anywhere.
I love my PS5 to bits. Awesome machine.

But watching Sony fanboys flex sales figures whilst conveniently forgetting that the Switch has been pumping everyone for half a decade is rather funny.

Let me guess. It doesn’t count because it’s not akshully a console.
I mean...good for the Switch. But no one is talking about it...no one is saying anything good or bad about it. Why bring it up? It's a non-factor for what's being discussed. It's not a new console. People are talking about the most recent releases and comparing them like always.


I love my PS5 to bits. Awesome machine.

But watching Sony fanboys flex sales figures whilst conveniently forgetting that the Switch has been pumping everyone for half a decade is rather funny.

Let me guess. It doesn’t count because it’s not akshully a console.
People are allowed to comment on the success of the PS5 without also mentioning the success of the Switch. Its not mandatory to mention both.
Switch didn't pump everyone until pandemic, it didn't outsell ps4 consistently even in 2019.
Switch was the best selling console in the US every month in 2019. I'd say that's pretty consistent.


So where are all the phil spencer fans now?

Spending extra time at the shrine trying to put a hex on Jim Ryan.

Seriously though, I'm not sure what Phil Spencer has to do with PS outselling Xbox, which was kind of expected anyway. If there is any gripe with Spencer regarding these sales numbers it is just that they need to pump out more XSX units to try and take advantage of the PC gamers that might be looking for a new console home.

Plus, the GP lineup has been sweet this year, making sure I've got plenty to play. No complaints there.
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People are allowed to comment on the success of the PS5 without also mentioning the success of the Switch. Its not mandatory to mention both.

Switch was the best selling console in the US every month in 2019. I'd say that's pretty consistent.
I'd say that the world is slightly more than just US.
Switch was the best selling console in the US every month in 2019. I'd say that's pretty consistent.

Great, so a console in his third year sold better than the ones in their sixth and a half

Big deal...

Still doesn't change the fact that Nintendo was lucky that the pandemic/chip crisis killed PS5 sales in 2021 and 2022. Two years they never would have won otherwise


I would lay a golden egg if Xbox goes past 60M.... and I am being generous.
It could but that's up to Microsoft to make a different approach because as is Switch 2 or whatever it will be called & PS5 V2 will eat Series S lunch & a PS5 Pro would finish Series X off if they are not able to get the price down.

If MS target the casual & kids market with a mini Series S they could see an uptake in sales because they will not get anywhere going head to head with PS5.


I'd say that the world is slightly more than just US.
Yes, but this is an NPD thread so we are discussing data from the US.

If we look at shipment data then Switch also consistently outsold PS4 worldwide in 2019, so I'm not sure what your point is.

Great, so a console in his third year sold better than the ones in their sixth and a half

Big deal...

Still doesn't change the fact that Nintendo was lucky that the pandemic/chip crisis killed PS5 sales in 2021 and 2022. Two years they never would have won otherwise

I never said it was a big deal, I was just pointing out that your statement was incorrect.

Given the different launch times, yes there was also going to be a point when the PS5 overtook the Switch consistently. And without the pandmeic that probably would have been end of 2021/early 2022 rather than 2023. Fully agree with you there.
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LOL the only reasons why Switch was ahead of PS5 were COVID and chip shortages...

That's why now you get a +400% vs -13% sales compared to last year...

PS4 also came out almost 4 years before the Switch....

Switch might take the lead in May with the new Zelda game even without the pandemic or shortages


Gold Member
What surprises me is that with these results no one is asking Spencer and her Xbox management for explanations, there are no press reports questioning anything, etc...if these results were to the contrary, everyone would clamor for the dismissal of Ryan.
You usually get criticized when a platform is on success period.
Jim Ryan is handling a PS which had 117m ps4 sold as life time.


You know things are really bad when the biggest fanboy starts criticizing Xbox:

He went from Xbox being the true market leader with the best first party lineup to this in a matter of days…

This is actually what Xbox need but instead these people kept hyping stuff up & ignoring the problems now they want a change when they see PS5 is taking off on a different level while Series consoles are falling behind.


What surprises me is that with these results no one is asking Spencer and her Xbox management for explanations, there are no press reports questioning anything, etc...if these results were to the contrary, everyone would clamor for the dismissal of Ryan.
Phil Spencer wore a battle toads shirt once they've crowned him king evere since.


Yep. They finally decided to try keeping it real.

But they finally decided too late.
The biggest problem I see is that MS been watching this for the last few months & they are not saying anything to build confidence for Xbox fans . Like I made the thread about PS5 being in the perfect storm in February so I know Microsoft seen this coming but they're not doing anything to offset this & giving PS5 an open floor for the next few months not telling people a change is coming or anything. PlayStation boldly said they will sale 6 million in this usually slow quarter & Xbox didn't even put up a fight.
It's not a wishful thinking.

Their bad gen with Xbox one had 50+m sales.

It's logical that their good year sells a good amount of consoles.

X360 sold 85m (??) from 30+m OG Xbox.

It's possible that they hit 80m.
Dude, their absolute best gen was the 360, which is when Sony stumbled out the gate. The PS5 is firing on all cylinders, now (the Slim + price cut will be the like a turbo boost), and is gaining sales YOY, while XSX is dropping in sales. There is no way the Series sells 80M. It'll probably end at ~50M-55M like the One. There's even a chance it's only 40M-45M if sales continue to decline.
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It could but that's up to Microsoft to make a different approach because as is Switch 2 or whatever it will be called & PS5 V2 will eat Series S lunch & a PS5 Pro would finish Series X off if they are not able to get the price down.

If MS target the casual & kids market with a mini Series S they could see an uptake in sales because they will not get anywhere going head to head with PS5.
Console generations are won and lost within the first 2-3 years of their launch. I mean for the might that is the PlayStation brand, they never really recovered in the PS360 gen. The problem with all these what-if scenarios is that the only way they are relevant is if the competition is just sitting there and doing nothing.

The PS5, is currently at the most expensive price point it is ever going to be. Chances are, that by this time next year, or Xmas next year, there could very well be a $299 PS5 on the market. Its like people forget that you can already get a Series S for under $299 right now, say they get it down to $199, and get the Series X down o $299, those consoles will be competing with a $299 PS5. But think about this, who would you put your money on on being able to get the prices down faster?

The other problem and this is the bigger one, is with consoles, success breeds more success. What is the market gap going to be between the PS5 and the Xbox by the end of this year, what about next year? The more successful the PS5 becomes, the harder it becomes for the series consoles to do well. Saying the XS consoles will break past 60M this gen is to say we expect them to sell significantly better this gen than they did last gen.... why? What are doing dining now, or have they done, or has happened, that would make anyone believe that they are going to sustainably perform in a way that pushes those kinda numbers? Expecting it to do 80-90M is flat-out ridiculous.

To me, if I were Xbox or just a practical human, my measure of success this gen would be to sell at least as many xbox consoles as I did last gen(so around 50M) and have a GP sub base of around 45-50M too.


Gold Member
Dude, their absolute best gen was the 360, which is when Sony stumbled out the gate. The PS5 is firing on all cylinders, now (the Slim + price cut will be the like a turbo boost), and is gaining sales YOY, while XSX is dropping in sales. There is no way the Series sells 80M. It'll probably end at ~50M-55M like the One. There's even a chance it's only 40M-45M if sales continue to decline.
50m-60m won't happen.
Plus the sale of Xbox could pick these remaining years.
Right is not any indication for their future sales.


Gold Journalism
Yeah. Momentum doesn't swing that suddenly mid-generation either. Any moves Microsoft has made this generation will take years to bear fruit. That assumes said fruit isn't spoiled.

It also relies on Sony absolutely shitting the bed at some point. Xbox could release some truly banger titles this gen that might get people to take more notice of it, but that's just going to help the next gen Xbox more than XBS.

Xbox ultimately still has a global perception problem that they have not been able to shake.
Both good points. I’ve been saying the same.

1) Just because MS will now be releasing games doesn't mean things will change for them. Those games need to be fantastic enough to take over the industry. Redfall, for example, is the opposite example of what they want.

2) And just because those games are good doesn’t mean that people will easily abandon PS. Yes, Starfield is coming in September, but people forget that so is Spider-Man 2.

It’s going to be a long journey for MS consistently releasing 10/10 games that are significantly better than PS Studios titles if they want to make a dent in the current market landscape.


Console generations are won and lost within the first 2-3 years of their launch. I mean for the might that is the PlayStation brand, they never really recovered in the PS360 gen. The problem with all these what-if scenarios is that the only way they are relevant is if the competition is just sitting there and doing nothing.

The PS5, is currently at the most expensive price point it is ever going to be. Chances are, that by this time next year, or Xmas next year, there could very well be a $299 PS5 on the market. Its like people forget that you can already get a Series S for under $299 right now, say they get it down to $199, and get the Series X down o $299, those consoles will be competing with a $299 PS5. But think about this, who would you put your money on on being able to get the prices down faster?

The other problem and this is the bigger one, is with consoles, success breeds more success. What is the market gap going to be between the PS5 and the Xbox by the end of this year, what about next year? The more successful the PS5 becomes, the harder it becomes for the series consoles to do well. Saying the XS consoles will break past 60M this gen is to say we expect them to sell significantly better this gen than they did last gen.... why? What are doing dining now, or have they done, or has happened, that would make anyone believe that they are going to sustainably perform in a way that pushes those kinda numbers? Expecting it to do 80-90M is flat-out ridiculous.

To me, if I were Xbox or just a practical human, my measure of success this gen would be to sell at least as many xbox consoles as I did last gen(so around 50M) and have a GP sub base of around 45-50M too.
I was talking about Xbox Series reaching 60m

To have the cheapest console but not doing anything to make the casual/ non gamers rush out to get it is pretty dumb.

Get a cheap camera & sell a Just Dance bundle, put together a Minecraft Legends bundle sell a Roblox edition Series S.


Gold Member

good vibes and promises?
No. There is no good vibes or promises.

I am basing this on their current position and their upcoming content.

We may shit on their current sales, but that is the result of their studios unable to deliver those games/content on time.


UK, July 22. 3rd place.
Exactly, the physical release of Stray charting in the physical UK weekly chart was the only thing I could find as well . Obviously Hi Fi Rush never did that since it never got a physical release.

Neither Stray nor Hi Fi Rush charted in any NPD chart, and no one should have expected them too. That's what I was training to explain.
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No. There is no good vibes or promises.

I am basing this on their current position and their upcoming content.

We may shit on their current sales, but that is the result of their studios unable to deliver those games/content on time.

GOW, FF, Hogwarts, SM... those are console sellers. Those are the e kinda games you need in your library to move consoles. Those kinda games have mass market appeal and recognition. And I only mention the ones that are either here, oncoming or did more for PS then they did for xbox.

What does Xbox have? Starfield? Hellblade?

What about their current position and upcoming content leads you to believe they could do like 60M+ in sales? I am not trying to be funny, just really curious to know.

If they get Activision, and the next COD is exclusive to Xbox, fine that would mean something.
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