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Loyal Xbox Gaf Fam- how are you feeling right now?

Xbox fam- whats your move going forward?

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I’ll use an Xbox as my main platform as long as it’s an option, it’s been like that for over 20 years now. I still buy other consoles (all of them in fact) but don’t use them nearly as much or find games I like.

If at some point they drop out of the hardware race I’d just go PC I guess.


Do I count as loyal if I’ve owned every Xbox and also every PlayStation? I definitely don’t see a point in owning an Xbox anymore unless you’re convinced they’re going to release an exclusive you can’t live without. Which to me might be something like CoD or Elder Scrolls, but even then I don’t see either series regaining the hype they used to have. Especially if they were to go exclusive.
I own all consoles and a pc. I play most on my Xbox. I’m pretty loyal, but they do need to get their act together and give us some really good new ip.


Gold Member
How the hell does anyone come to the conclusion that the xbox hardware was better? lol
I think the Series X is a nice piece of tech, to me looks miles better than the PS5, I 100% prefer the controller and their elite controller is hands down better than the edge just because if has the extra paddles and the wireless headset has never given me any issues and the pulse "elites" keep disconnecting from the Playstation

All just my opinions though obviously


Still doing what ive been doing since the first Xbox, using my Xbox as a main for multiplats and my PS5 for Sony exclusives. The question will be what I will do when I get the PS5 Pro. If its going to be a lot better than the Series X I might have to get GTA6 for the PS5 Pro which would be the first time I've bought a multiplatform game on a Sony console. I might have to double dip because I dont want to play GTA online on PSN. Decisions, decisions...


Reverse groomer.
Nintendo don’t nickle and dime. They charge a reasonable rate for extremely fun and complete games that hold their value. Microsoft nickle and dime.
They hardly drop prices on their games, their controllers are busted to the point you need to buy another controller just to have a fun time using the console, they make you pay a subscription to play their older games unlike wii and wii u where it was a one time purchase as well as make you pay for online now, oh yeah did I mention that even third party games on their store cost more than on other platforms?

Don't act like Nintendo is cheap, now. You pay 300 bucks because they extort you later. Like all consoles.
To be honest, yes, I do find it difficult to understand given the fact that there are three other viable options that have existed for a very long time now which don't exhibit the same ongoing (and repeated) issues that Xbox has over the last decade plus. One of those options plays exactly the same games plus a whole lot more and doesn't come with any additional baggage/fees.
Almost everyone that enjoys Xbox has come to that conclusion after trying everything else. Its last system to try on almost everyone’s list outside US at least.

You won’t change anyone’s mind. This gen they have some legit advantages like BC, gamepass, some exclusives (timed?) etc.


My XSX is still perfectly functional and one of the best pieces of hardware I've ever purchased. Nothing they do on the back-end changes that as long as the games I care about continue to be published on there.

In terms of new hardware, I'll make my decision based on what is available and what software is available on what and so on, I'm very value based in that way.


They hardly drop prices on their games, their controllers are busted to the point you need to buy another controller just to have a fun time using the console,
wtf does that even mean? I play handheld 100% of the time, controllers are great.

they make you pay a subscription to play their older games unlike wii and wii u where it was a one time purchase as well as make you pay for online now,
Don’t pay for the old games then?

oh yeah did I mention that even third party games on their store cost more than on other platforms?
That’s not Nintendo’s fault is it?

Don't act like Nintendo is cheap, now. You pay 300 bucks because they extort you later. Like all consoles.
Overall I’m happy paying £800 for a Switch and lots of quality games over the consoles life span when I’d pay more than that just for a Series X or PS5 and their slop tier subscription services with rubbish game rentals.


The bear of bad news


I'm not an Xbox loyal, I just pick the best console for my tastes every Gen, but While it's a fucking shame that those studios were closed, it's clear that something needed to change in the studio and resource management in Microsoft because too many first party 'bombshells' missed the mark completely.

A restructuring of said studio is what could bring the quality up, but I'm perplexed by the choice of getting rid of some of the studios that had more of a 'voice' and left Bethesda proper untouched, which has been very 'bland' recently.

I would have used that big portfolio of artist to try and give some big franchises to some new names and try to find some new creative inputs.


Reverse groomer.
wtf does that even mean? I play handheld 100% of the time, controllers are great.
It means drift and terrible ergonomics.

Don’t pay for the old games then?
But I want to play them. And they used to offer them as a one time purchase on the eshop at some pretty low prices. Now they're a subscription. 500 bucks in your hand if you can somehow prove that's not nickel and diming.

That’s not Nintendo’s fault is it?
Still more expensive on their platform.

I’d pay more than that just for a Series X or PS5 and their slop tier subscription services with rubbish game rentals.
As opposed to paying for a subscription which has decade old games on it... dude comeon


800? You sure you got that right man? 😂

Got my Oled for £240 a month after launch - 3 x years of the standard subscription @ £12 a pop from CD Keys is £36, now stacked 3 years of the expansion pass at £24 a pop from CD Keys so a further £72.

That’s £348 right there for the console and 6 years worth of subs.

I’ll happily got through games if you like but they’re a fantastic price in the UK at launch: Tears of the Kingdom was £45 for example, got a digital copy of Splatoon 3 at launch for £28 from Amazon Japan.


Not sure I’m loyal but I used to main Xbox when One X arrived. I’ve already jumped to PC but I put my vote on that because today’s news makes me question everything I thought I knew about the company. I have no idea what they want anymore. Their actions from a platform holder perspective makes no sense. Even as a 3rd party publisher it makes no sense. Is the plan to create a multi CoD studio scenario for Bethesda as well? Close all studios that don’t make enough money or let teams work on bigger Bethesda games. Less studios. Less games. Less unique games. Great idea. Not!
Let me be real with you. Entertain the idea that MS has paid people to work this forum. You would be the sloppy kind who desperately tries to cover the tracks.


It means drift and terrible ergonomics.

Drift is a free repair in the US and EU. My first joycon had it, my Oled ones haven’t despite over 500 hours play time. Ergonomics are subjective, like how I didn’t like grasping Sony’s big dildo handles.
But I want to play them. And they used to offer them as a one time purchase on the eshop at some pretty low prices. Now they're a subscription. 500 bucks in your hand if you can somehow prove that's not nickel and diming.
Well if you want to buy them buy a 3DS for £50 - I’m not sure what you want me to say, you clearly don’t want to play them that much.

Still more expensive on their platform.

Again, nowt to do with Nintendo.
As opposed to paying for a subscription which has decade old games on it... dude comeon
Dude Sony want £70 a year just for access to my own internet connection and won’t let me use cloud saves without it :messenger_tears_of_joy: I’d rather play decades old Nintendo games than Plus slop


Don’t buy the re-releases if you’ve already played them. Keep your original hardware and software.

Xbox did that from the middle of the Xbox One gen only. Nintendo have a long history of providing back compat (GB to GBA, GBA to DS, DS to 3DS, Game Cube to Wii, Wii to Wii U).

The games cost a lot because they are very good and continue to sell at full price for years following release. The benefit to that is you can sell them on for only a minor loss when you are finished.

MS nickle and diming? Are you real? Xbox Live Gold, 360 Wi-fi adapter being sold separately, 360 HD DVD add on being sold separately, locking Netflix, free to play games and cloud saves behind Xbox Live Gold for the vast majority of Xbox’s existence, DLC crap thrust in to nearly every major first party release for years, pay £30 for a deluxe rental game pass upgrade for a game you don’t own for 1 week early access.

Good grief.
Xbox One was my first Xbox, so most of that you listed predates my own personal experience but thanks for listing the things you feel they have nickel and dimed on, valid points. Like I said I have felt I've had good value for money especially with having access to tons of games on gamepass. All 3 charge for online so that point is moot really even though MS were first to do it. I still have all my old Nintendo hardware going back to SNES but definitely don't want to have all that setup under my TV at the same time just to play the occasional old game.

Thinking about it I am pretty thankful for Gamepass. It means I can walk away without having to worry too much about leaving behind a large collection of owned games.


As things stand I am mostly PC, as I have always really mained PC and used consoles for exclusives. I have always bought all the consoles and gravitated to the exclusive games on those consoles. There was a time where I would buy the the better framerate/graphics on the console that had them but lately the differences are not worth it. This gen I own Switch/PS5/XboxSX in that order but hardly used them in comparison to older gens, mostly used Switch in it's early life then PS5 second but only for the exclusives. I bought an Xbox series X with 2 years gamepass and hardly used it, mostly for demoing games on gamepass and even then I would just install them on PC.

The good games that Xbox had this gen I was not interested in. I have tried Sea of Thieves on gamepass many times and just bounce off it. I bought it recently on the steam sale but I guess its just not for me or maybe I need some friends to play with, I dunno. I have never been a Bethesda fan, starfield bored me and I am not convinced about Hellblade 2, first one was ok but overated imo.

I am gutted that Xbox has gone this route tbh, I feel we needed Xbox to compete with Sony to keep Sony from becoming too anti consumer, a competative market is good for consumers. The 360/Ps3 era felt like the golden age, I would love that back.

I know it's not a popular opinion but I loved that consoles had exclusives, it gave me a reason to collect them and some exclusives brought out the best in games. This is all just personal opinion though.


Gold Member
Will always prefer my xbox over my playstation, ill be with xbox until they quit. I already own both so ..


I love the Xbox Series X. It is one of my favorite consoles I've owned in terms of hardware and OS. It innovated like the Xbox and Xbox 360. With that said, I'm going to move to my PC at this point. It's not just Xbox, it is also Sony. Most games today aren't ready for day one. I can wait for PC release for Sony products. For now it is PC (Steam Deck included) and Nintendo. I have owned all three consoles and PC for the last three generations. I like the games each one offers. With PC releases, why buy the next Xbox or PS unless you aren't building a gaming PC ?
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Xbox just downright sucks this generation in my opinion.

Microsoft just seem hell-bent on making a dog's dinner of the brand. The hardware was excellent but almost four years on from release (and almost three years since I bought my Xbox Series X as a temporary replacement for my then-ageing gaming PC) the console still lacks anything approaching a "killer app" game. And as a result GamePass has been underwhelming despite the promise of dozens of new games to try but the reality is that these are mostly third-party indie titles with a few new third party games but most of them are actually older releases.

As such, I have cancelled my GamePass Ultimate subscription tonight and it lapses on 14th of this month. I've been looking for an excuse to cancel and this is it. I'll just buy the (few) exclusives that get released on Xbox for my PC where the games look and run better anyway (I own an i5-13600KF, 32 GB, RTX 4080, Windows 11 Pro PC). I'll look at selling my Xbox Series X in the next few months.

Good luck, Microsoft. I think you're going to need it because at the moment you are just doing everything possible to kill off the great reputation and fan base you built up with original Xbox and Xbox 360.
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I mean, i jumped ship from playstation 4 to xbox one x when gamepass was introduced, had good value from that service, never really cared much for their exclusives etc.
I also appriciate their xbox play anywhere ability, got Yakuza LAD 2 for both PC and Xbox with one purchase with cross saves that synced. so i could play while traveling between two places, my pc at home, and my xbox series x in the other place.

Will probably just go all into PC, buy gamepass for PC and keep my series x as a KODI box and occational games, sure as hell wont buy the next xbox, whats the point?
they will lose marketshare and probably get more shoddy ports, if sarah bond and nadella is in charge you know it will be extra shit as they have NO CLUE about gaming.
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I am a very loyal console owner. I’m so loyal in fact, I choose the consoles that offer the most for my loyalty.


I've got my koolaid and nike decades ready for when the last console rolls off the line.

Till then, game pass is an INSANE value.


Went to PC ages ago.

Xbox consoles now are about as useful as PS consoles for me.

Used mainly only for back compat.
I have all current gen systems, but I'll be real, the physical games on Xbox go on sale or clearance way faster than the competition, which means I can get some banger titles 30-40%, or even 50%, cheaper than on my other consoles. :p

However, since the next Xbox will probably be digital-only, the Series X I currently have will most likely be my last Xbox console.
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Gold Member
I am loyal to all consoles as I have a massive peen.

I'm not rushing to sell the xbox or anything, and I've only just reupped 3yr core -> GPU. GamePass is a bit of a double edged for me. Like it pushes games to me, that maybe I wouldn't buy, but end up playing because they're there. It stops me buying 'tide me over' games, and I still buy the quality first party stuff from Sony. As a result I end up spending more time on the Xbox this gen purely because of this. And Sony's output has largely been disappointing in terms of their flagship IPs.

Equally some of the games Microsoft have put out have really fell flat. FH5 was great, Halo Infinite is good online (FF) but I don't get much time for any competitive FPS any more and only a decent BF game will pull me back in. Forza is disappointing so I play ACC and GT7. I'm interested in Fable, Avowed less so now, Starfield I really do like for some reason. Hellblade I like, State of Decay 3 and Indiana Jones. Contraband sounds interesting and STALKER 2 should be good. 33 Immortals intrigues me so objectively there's a lot on the slate that I am actively interested in, but on the flip side I am thinking that most will be a bit janky and lack that Sony gleam.


Gold Member
The OG Xbox and 360, pre Kinect were awesome. I did stupidly think that Phil was brought in to turn things around and bring back those days. Actually believed his bollocks for a couple of years.

They are arguably in a worse position now than when he took over, even though they bought half the industry.

I went PC/Switch/PS5 a long time ago, soon to be PC/Switch 2 the way things are going.


i did t vote because i have both xbox and pc although most of my gaming is on pc. when i saw they closed those studios my first thought was wow, those games sucked anyway, no loss there.


The bear of bad news
The OG Xbox and 360, pre Kinect were awesome. I did stupidly think that Phil was brought in to turn things around and bring back those days. Actually believed his bollocks for a couple of years.

They are arguably in a worse position now than when he took over, even though they bought half the industry.

I went PC/Switch/PS5 a long time ago, soon to be PC/Switch 2 the way things are going.



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You will be there. The next controversy. Defending Microsoft. Won't you?
Not if I don’t think it’s deserved. I’ve been a fan but I don’t sit permanently in any camp, I just go where I get what I want, and now I get nothing of value from MS besides day 1 PC ports. Been flip flopping all over the place over the years and today I’m on Steam and don’t really care about consoles. Been here for nearly 20 years, and no I’ve not even received a cent from anyone and certainly don’t work for anyone either, that’s me being real. What about you?


Not if I don’t think it’s deserved. I’ve been a fan but I don’t sit permanently in any camp, I just go where I get what I want, and now I get nothing of value from MS besides day 1 PC ports. Been flip flopping all over the place over the years and today I’m on Steam and don’t really care about consoles. Been here for nearly 20 years, and no I’ve not even received a cent from anyone and certainly don’t work for anyone either, that’s me being real. What about you?
I will be right there with you.


I have Game Pass on my PC until april 2026, so i'll see then if the subscription is worth renewing.
I play a few games on there from time to time, but most of the games I play is on Steam.
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