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In a hole in the ground, there lived a HOBBIT TRAILER

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After re-reading that quote, I'm pretty sure the choice of upping the shutter angle is what's annoying me in the current look of the 24fps version. So whatever the pulldown process was has pretty much no impact, now.
In terms of 24fps version, it's actually lower shutter angle.
For them to get standard image quality of 24fps 180 shutter, they would have needed to shoot it with 48fps with 360 shutter.
In terms of 24fps version, it's actually lower shutter angle.
For them to get standard image quality of 24fps 180 shutter, they would have needed to shoot it with 48fps with 360 shutter.
Well I guess you'll have to explain it to PJ and his cinematographer, since you're basically saying the opposite they're saying. Or you're saying that the 24fps version would look stutter-ish a la Saving Private Ryan, which doesn't concur at all with what we're seeing right now.
I want this movie now! Watching this trailer brought back so many great memories about the LOTR trilogy. I almost lost it when Gollum showed up and the sweeping music kicked in at the end. Here is hoping that the two movies deliver!


The first 5 seconds made me turn back into a little kid, excited for something beyond belief. I can't believe I'm watching a LotR trailer. This is amazing.


Well I guess you'll have to explain it to PJ and his cinematographer, since you're basically saying the opposite they're saying. Or you're saying that the 24fps version would look stutter-ish a la Saving Private Ryan, which doesn't concur at all with what we're seeing right now.
Ryan and Gladiator used shutter angle of 45 degrees, so it's quite different to 135 degrees that 24fps version of hobbit has. (it's actually the exact difference to what hobbit has to a normal 24fps/180')

They talked how smooth it looks in 48fps which is true as they have more visible light in secound and that it gives crispy image in 24fps, which is true as there are slightly less motion blur.
This movie trailer is also great for weeding out the bro-dbags on facebook. Whenever I see, "Dude this hobbit shit is real gay, nerds" I know there is someone I forgot to delete!
I liked the Hobbit more than the main LOTR series.

eat it nerds

I can certainly say that I remember is sticking with me more in my youth than the trilogy. I haven't read them since I was in high school though. Really should reread on a kindle or something...


I can certainly say that I remember is sticking with me more in my youth than the trilogy. I haven't read them since I was in high school though. Really should reread on a kindle or something...
LOTR and the Hobbit were more-or-less my first serious attempts at reading "adult" books (in other words shit that isn't goosebumps) when I was in the 5th grade. The hobbit resonated with me on a very large level. Re-read it somewhere in early highschool and LOTR was more kind. Guess we'll see how they come off 5 or 6 years later.
My fuck, so amazing. I can't wait. I just HOPE there is more movies regarding these stories after part 2 of The Hobbit releases. No other movie warms my heart and tickles my pickle like the Lord of the Rings. Well, maybe a few others.

Considering of picking up the Hobbit tomorrow at Barnes since I've never read the damn thing...


I very much like that the dwarves who are closely related resemble each other; Fili and Kili look like brothers in their style of dress and hair, for example, and of all the dwarves Oin and Gloin are the only ones that
really look like Gimli.


The music sounds sooo good. Howard Shore rises to a whole new level when he's composing for a Tolkien movie.


I liked the Hobbit more than the main LOTR series.

eat it nerds

I agree.

The casting for Bilbo is perfect.

It being 2 movies, the digital effects, the elements added/subtracted to make it a paint by numbers 3 act robert mckee style screenplay and the way the story is told will ruin it for me. :(


LOTR and the Hobbit were more-or-less my first serious attempts at reading "adult" books (in other words shit that isn't goosebumps) when I was in the 5th grade. The hobbit resonated with me on a very large level. Re-read it somewhere in early highschool and LOTR was more kind. Guess we'll see how they come off 5 or 6 years later.

I read them at a later age (about 15 I think), but I made the mistake to read LOTR first and then the Hobbit.
The Hobbit, while it was a fun book, seemed so small and 'insignificant' storywise compared to LOTR. I have re-read LOTR a couple of times, both in English and Dutch, but I never bothered to re-read Hobbit.

I really should though, since all I remember about that one is some dwarfs and a dragon.


It being 2 movies, the digital effects, the elements added/subtracted to make it a paint by numbers 3 act robert mckee style screenplay and the way the story is told will ruin it for me. :(
There are still a ton of real sets and practical effects and most shooting is done on real New Zealand locations. It's not all CGI.


Just looking through the cast list... I've re-read the Hobbit recently and there are characters credited that I don't recall appearing in the book at all. Are some liberties being taken?

(Not hating, just curious)

EDIT: Also, really happy Richard Armitage is there.


Really looks wonderful. I'm in the process of lobbying my daughter to read the book, I think she'd love it. It's a requisite for me to let her see the movie; I suspect the trailer will motivate her a bit.

I particularly enjoyed the long, quiet moment set aside for the Dwarves' song. Very unusual for a trailer, and it worked well.


Just looking through the cast list... I've re-read the Hobbit recently and there are characters credited that I don't recall appearing in the book at all. Are some liberties being taken?

(Not hating, just curious)
They are expanding the book by taking bits from The Appendices of LOTR and so on.


There are still a ton of real sets and practical effects and most shooting is done on real New Zealand locations. It's not all CGI.

And those look great, but the films do/will make heavy use of CGI and digital effects (filters/tinting/etc). I know a lot of folks like that stuff, and that's cool; I just have a different opinion. To me the first 20 min of the first LotR film was so amazing; very emotional, expressive, character driven storytelling/filmmaking. Then the fellowship enter those mines of moria and the whole trilogy goes down the toilet IMO.


They are expanding the book by taking bits from The Appendices of LOTR and so on.


I now hope they release a single film version in 2014 that has everything from the book and nothing else. (A guy can dream...)


Chills. Chills all over my body! Looks really good and Martin Freeman looks like a great Bilbo. Dwarves looked bit too prosthetic/ make upped.

My most awaited movie in years.
Haven't seen trailer yet, but holy shit @ PJ's photo in the OP! I did not recognize him! When did he become not fat?

Can't wait to watch it. Artwork making me swoon.


Really looks wonderful. I'm in the process of lobbying my daughter to read the book, I think she'd love it. It's a requisite for me to let her see the movie; I suspect the trailer will motivate her a bit.
I'm working on this as well, I can't get my eldest to commit to a "proper" long book. :(

They are expanding the book by taking bits from The Appendices of LOTR and so on.


I want to be excited however have any of you read The Hobbit? It's really really shit. The story is boring as hell.
Liked the book more than any other Tolkien, have little interest in the movie. Wasn't terribly enchanted by the LOTR series either, so maybe it's just natural.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't think WB will let anyone see 48fps footage outside of theaters on release. It would put a lot of people off if they let small does out early.
Haven't seen trailer yet, but holy shit @ PJ's photo in the OP! I did not recognize him! When did he become not fat?
During the making of King Kong.

He's getting a little pudgier now. I think after the lengthy post-production he'll look more like he did circa Return of the King.


i thought big hollywood action and melodrama had no place in LOTR, but it REALLY has no place in the hobbit. it was a lighthearted and fun children's book; not an epic. there is no way that it needs two movies.
A lighthearted and fun children's book featuring prominent death, war, racism, foul and scary creatures, and bitter ends for some. If your issue is with action and melodrama, take it up with the source material.


Is Peter Jackson really saying it's impossible to release a 48fps version on the internet? o_O

Surely, that can't be right...?


And those look great, but the films do/will make heavy use of CGI and digital effects (filters/tinting/etc). I know a lot of folks like that stuff, and that's cool; I just have a different opinion. To me the first 20 min of the first LotR film was so amazing; very emotional, expressive, character driven storytelling/filmmaking. Then the fellowship enter those mines of moria and the whole trilogy goes down the toilet IMO.

You're aware the first 20 minutes of the first LotR film features extensive CGI and digital effects (filters)?

Plus the Mines doesn't happen for at least 2 hours in the film.


And those look great, but the films do/will make heavy use of CGI and digital effects (filters/tinting/etc). I know a lot of folks like that stuff, and that's cool; I just have a different opinion. To me the first 20 min of the first LotR film was so amazing; very emotional, expressive, character driven storytelling/filmmaking. Then the fellowship enter those mines of moria and the whole trilogy goes down the toilet IMO.

Considering the film keeps that "very emotional, expressive, character-driven storytelling/filmaking" throughout its entire 3 hour (3 hours and 45 minutes, in the case of the EE) duration, I can say I don't agree with your opinion. At all.

Trailer is amazing, btw. Riveting, moving stuff.


I do not like the fantasy genre and I have no emotional connection to the LOTR trilogy so I'm sort of the perfect acid test for this trailer.

Personally it felt refreshingly different and set up the characters nicely. No doubt we'll get the action heavy 'money shot' trailer in the summer.

But this feels like a trailer that skillfully drives the sizeable crowd of LOTR fanatics wild while interesting all the casual audience members as well.

A good first trailer.


My god, those colors are horrible. Everything looks so fake! The saturation is way to high, hope they will/can change that :(
A lighthearted and fun children's book featuring prominent death, war, racism, foul and scary creatures, and bitter ends for some. If your issue is with action and melodrama, take it up with the source material.

despite your list, the hobbit is undeniably lighthearted. it's a violent world, but bilbo takes a backseat through all of it. you see the world through a hobbit's eyes, which is basically when can i eat and/or sleep. and it is a children's book seeing as how tolkein did write it for his children.

when it comes to war, prominent death and bitter ends, that all occurs in one battle at the end. beforehand, bilbo took a ride in a barrel.

as for racism, well, that's tolkien for ya

foul and scary creatures... you're not trying to pad that list, right? ;)

tolkien's stories have very little melodrama... one could even say that it's lacking in even drama. the LOTR movies are ridiculous with its melodrama, but since the book trilogy is an epic, i'll pretend to forgive it. the hobbit is not an epic, it's a story and it shouldn't even last three hours. and i can verify that galadriel doesn't lovingly brush away gandalf's hair.
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