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ABC says MTV sucks

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About time. My sister watches this channel and it show sin her attitude that she's developed, "sweet 16", "real world", "laguna beach" GTFO!


Professional Schmuck
This is hilarious honestly. People are legitimately complaining on one side that MTV doesn't show enough videos, and on the other side people are saying that even if they did their music would blow anyway. FUCKING DUH.

I actually remember a time when I could sneak downstairs at night and watch YO! MTV RAPS in all its ghetto goodness. A time before gay Pedro and snot-rocketing Puck. I remember seeing Metallica's Enter Sandman, GnR's November Rain, and I can remember how important that was at the time, how impactful. I remember the day that Cobain died, and I remember how awesome Unplugged was. The MTV News segments were fucking awesome.

I also remember the day that MTV really started to decline. It was the day Biggie died. Some may not acknowledge it, but it was that event and the rise of bling-Puffy videos combined with the huge success of The Real World (which was then in its 4th or 5th season) that really destroyed MTV.

Now if you look at it from a larger perspective, you see that it's also the year (1996) that the internet became relevant and MP3s had more downloads than CD purchases. Napster was huge. For the first time, johnny-suburban could idolize more than rock gods in drag or rappers pretending to be criminals. They could download anything they wanted, at any time...and the veil began to tear. Normal kids (you know, suburban whiteys that actually had MTV and cable wasn't a requirement for normal living) were no had to choose what MTV fed them--look to the rise of indie (which is disgusting to me, but w/e). See YouTube.

Someone earlier stated it, but I'll expound upon it: even if MTV started playing more of its corporate-pushed soulless music, it would still be irrelevant. MTV started the path, and its only fitting that their lack of music diversity, and lack of actually playing music, led to the rise of outlets like YouTube where people can watch music videos all day long.

I loved MTV once, but I'm glad its dead.
Wow, ABC proving how hip and cool they are by coming up with some statements and opinions most of us have had for about 10 years.

Come on guys, MTV was never really about the music videos, it was about the boobies. Back when they showed lots of boobies, the network was cool. Now it's all stuff for/about teenage girls, not legal = not cool.
Guzim said:
Also, does anyone have The Tube? All they do is play music videos.
The Tube is on the WB on one of their other high-def channels. It's awesome alot of classic rock concerts besides music videos. I put it on when I am doing monotonous things like cleaning and such.
What gets me is that Adult Swim seems to have taken that feeling MTV had in the early 90s and ran with it, even without videos.
surrealist said:
What gets me is that Adult Swim seems to have taken that feeling MTV had in the early 90s and ran with it, even without videos.

MTV a long time ago has a subversive feel to it. That left a long time past but that ghost remnant of it remained in some of their programming. By the late 90's and into this decade they had excorcised all remaining elements.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
PantherLotus said:
Now if you look at it from a larger perspective, you see that it's also the year (1996) that the internet became relevant and MP3s had more downloads than CD purchases. Napster was huge.
I think you're confused.
I could tell you a few things about MTV, but I'll hold off since they've been pretty good to me over the years. Still, there's a reason I hardly ever go to that award show of theirs.
MTV needs to become a virtual concert hall from indy bands or something, they can provide exposure world over and help flesh out the flailing meaning of the M in Mtv. It would also mean they weren't reliant on the megacorps, and if they can get the whole find new bands / sound culture thing going it could blossom (if handle sanely) into a huge resurence and maybe a record label of their own. Or something along those lines.
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