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ABZÛ |OT| A Journey into an ocean of wisdom


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Any screenshot of PC settings? Hearing they didn't even add in the proper controller prompts does not make me feel very good about purchasing this before seeing more info on the PC port.

I'm no longer at my PC, but:

There are not many graphic options (render res, fish, shadows, reflections, vsync) and you can't change controll layouts.
It's interesting to me that, despite having a female protagonist, they deemphasized her secondary sexual characteristics to make her appear more androgynous. It's possible they wanted a wide variety of people to identify with the diver. Also possible that they did this because it's very uncommon in video games. (Female characters almost always have very exaggerated body types.)
Did you beat the game yet?

Mega Spoiler (Seriously, don't click this):
I'm not so sure I'd consider the Diver to be female. They are an artificial construct of some sort. I'm currently coming down on the side of calling them an android, but I've only fully played through once.

Wonderful game, but it didn't hit me as hard as Journey did. The fact that there are secrets for me to discover still will bring me back. I do like that collectibles stay collected, from what I can tell.
It's interesting to me that, despite having a female protagonist, they deemphasized her secondary sexual characteristics to make her appear more androgynous. It's possible they wanted a wide variety of people to identify with the diver. Also possible that they did this because it's very uncommon in video games. (Female characters almost always have very exaggerated body types.)

I think it was mentioned that The Diver was female was mainly to throw players off the twist that it's actually a machine. Being that it's a machine, that makes it androgynous and whether the player is male or female - it could be either one, so that makes a powerful connection with the player. That's just my opinion, BTW.


Screenshot of PC settings:


Display resolution is locked to "Native" but is rendering at 1080p on my 1440p display. Seems this is already a fucking shitshow on PC.


I haven't beaten the game yet, though I accidentally read the spoiler above from Teriyaki Blues. I'm using the gender used in the first post of this OT. Given that the author of the OT was in communication with the Dev team, I'm assuming it is at least nominally correct.
I need help! Late game spoilers!

Im at the part where you are riding the great white shark and you've come across some blue whales and a really large prism, I can't work out what to do for the life of me! The diver won't go in the prism entrance.

Loving the game otherwise.

Nevermind. I was going too fast!


If anyone wants to listen/watch the brilliant theme from the credits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BM-3oMljoSY

I need help! Late game spoilers!

Im at the part where you are riding the great white shark and you've come across some blue whales and a really large prism, I can't work out what to do for the life of me! The diver won't go in the prism entrance.

Loving the game otherwise.

You can swim in. It's just difficult for some odd reason. Swim back a bit and then approach it.


Screenshot of PC settings:

Display resolution is locked to "Native" but is rendering at 1080p on my 1440p display. Seems this is already a fucking shitshow on PC.

I found no way to get higher than 1080p and it seems like changing "Render Res" does nothing at the moment.

Why do game developers still struggle with one of the most basic things?


I found no way to get higher than 1080p and it seems like that changing "Render Res" does nothing at the moment.

Why are game developers still struggle with one of the most basic things?

In C:\Users\<you>\AppData\Local\AbzuGame\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor there is a file called "GameUserSettings" which has "bUseDesktopResolutionForFullscreen=False", but changing it to "True" does nothing.

Full file:



This is ridiculous, though. Nobody on the steam user forums has figured out how to enable higher than 1080p resolution, either. This is quickly headed towards a refund. Thank goodness Steam added the ability to do that.


I know render res 200% had me droppin frames like crazy. Maybe it's because I turned vsync on in the nvidia control panel (in game vsync didn't work). I didn't have triple buffer turned on it may have just been dropping to 30/60 30/60, wasn't sure but I put render res back to 100% and haven't had a drop. So it definitely does something. gtx 1080 6700k

Seems cool though. Very tired and only played about 20min or so though, gonna pick it up later in the week.
In C:\Users\<you>\AppData\Local\AbzuGame\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor there is a file called "GameUserSettings" which has "bUseDesktopResolutionForFullscreen=False", but changing it to "True" does nothing.

Full file:



This is ridiculous, though. Nobody on the steam user forums has figured out how to enable higher than 1080p resolution, either. This is quickly headed towards a refund. Thank goodness Steam added the ability to do that.

I'm able to use DSR in game, but currently resolution and fullscreen settings does not save correct for me at all, every time it defaults to fullscreen and gives me a black screen.

I know render res 200% had me droppin frames like crazy. Maybe it's because I turned vsync on in the nvidia control panel (in game vsync didn't work). I didn't have triple buffer turned on it may have just been dropping to 30/60 30/60, wasn't sure but I put render res back to 100% and haven't had a drop. So it definitely does something. gtx 1080 6700k

Seems cool though. Very tired and only played about 20min or so though, gonna pick it up later in the week.

I think the cutscene/transition is locked to 30fps, I have vsync on. In gameplay my 4.4GHz 4790K and 1080 can not hold 60fps so I think the render percentage works.


So I just refunded the game, I had to many games the last few months that had problems with basic things, sadly I have no more patience with this.

EDIT: I still want to play this badly, loved Journey and Flower.
Neither editing the ini file or set fullscreen mode in game does anything. Windowed fullscreen only work during the logo screen, once it reaches the main menu it forces fullscreen, and it gives me a black screen with that, the only way to play it correctly is windowed which sucks, and borderless gaming is inconsistent with it. This is a busted port people. I'm posting a PC performance thread now.


Just finished, I enjoyed the game. I'd rate it just below journey with flower being my #1 of these kind of games.


What a mesmerising game! Enjoyed every second, finished it in one sitting. Definitely improves on Journey in my opinion, and one of the most beautiful games ive ever seen in places. Stellar work everyone involved should be proud, from the music to the artwork, bravo!


The resolution issue sounds like it's from Unity but ABZU is using Unreal Engine 4.

That said, has anyone tried increasing their monitor resolution first, then going in game to set the matching resolution? You have to do this with some Unity made games.

Also, anyone playing with an Xbox One controller on the PC? I heard the game isn't playing nice with it but the PS4 controllers on PC are working perfectly...
The resolution issue sounds like it's from Unity but ABZU is using Unreal Engine 4.

That said, has anyone tried increasing their monitor resolution first, then going in game to set the matching resolution? You have to do this with some Unity made games.

Also, anyone playing with an Xbox One controller on the PC? I heard the game isn't playing nice with it but the PS4 controllers on PC are working perfectly...

That solution is usually meant for using DSR in borderless and is pretty suboptimal. For controllers my Xbox Elite and Dualshock 4 both work very well.


That solution is usually meant for using DSR in borderless and is pretty suboptimal. For controllers my Xbox Elite and Dualshock 4 both work very well.

Awesome, thank you!

So what's the max resolution that people are able to play on PC? Sounds like 1080p? Perfect for me as I game at 1080p(I'm an old timer....no 4K.....yet) lol
Another sign of a sloppy port is if a game uses Windows' region settings to determine its language without any way to change it. http://steamcommunity.com/app/384190/discussions/0/353915847943386111/ At least they responded but still, if you're a dev never ever do this.

They didn't even localize the whole thing. In the Chinese version only the main menu is translated, the options menu remains English.

PC perf thread here by the way: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=212262750


Found how to change the resolution via the config file.

Go to:


And edit the "GameUserSettings.ini" file. Add the following lines under [/Script/AbzuGame.AbzuGameUserSettings]:


Where X is your horizontal resolution and Y is your vertical resolution. Example entire contents of my file:




ABZU is great, really enjoyed it, ran better than I thought too (PC version).
Although for some reason I can't unlock the last door (I assume it's a last door,
one in hologram room
) and I'm not sure what I am doing wrong.
Just finished, I enjoyed the game. I'd rate it just below journey with flower being my #1 of these kind of games.

I'd rate it above them personally. I felt like it merged the best parts of both together into a really great ride. I won't lie, it feels a little pricey for it's length which is very short but I love these games for just sitting back and playing through when you're having a bad day and this one will be a perfect addition to that list. My only real complaint would be
the lack of, well anything in the ending. I know you read between the lines for a bare essence of a story but there really was just nothing here and without the same aspect Journey had, there's less payoff. Shark being your BFF and alive again was great though.


I wanted to love it, but I just couldn't stop thinking "this is nowhere near as good as Journey." Maybe if it so obviously wasn't trying to just be Journey I wouldn't have had that issue, but as it is it was just a good experience that I probably won't go back to.

I did really like the ending section with
the shark though. Loved that guy.


Man looking at that PC settings file gave me the idea of a "reef builder" mode that would have been awesome for this game. Basically give the player a big pool of water and let them drop in fish, rocks, plants, etc. and customize their own reef to dive in and share with people.

Can't wait to pick this game up after work.
Just finished it, last section was my favourite part (like Journey), absolutely stunning.

I didn't think they'd be able to top the ending section to Journey but they just might have done with that, well in the visual and audio aspects at least, ABZU didn't have the same kind of emotional impact for me.

It was a nice surprise to see some
prehistoric fish
in the later stages, i don't think i'll replay it immediately but i might if there's unlockables.
Just finished it, last section was my favourite part (like Journey), absolutely stunning.

I didn't think they'd be able to top the ending section to Journey but they just might have done with that, well in the visual and audio aspects at least, ABZU didn't have the same kind of emotional impact for me.

It was a nice surprise to see some
prehistoric fish
in the later stages as well.

They absolutely nailed the atmosphere in that last section, especially with the whales, nightsky and sleeping polar bear on the ice shelf with penguins.
Honestly, I got just as many Flower vibes as I did Journey. Especially with the last section
destroying the triangle mines felt very reminiscent of the last city section in Flower.
Journey might be a tighter package but I feel I prefer this overall. I enjoy taking my time and love the open areas where you can just mess around.


Just finished it after 2.5 hours. It's a visually striking, beautiful experience of a game with a great soundtrack and art design. The last level was breathtaking. Emotionally it doesn't hold a candle to Journey imo.

Great game if you want to relax and forget about the daily stress, so in that regard it does a somewhat better job than Journey, which made me very emotional towards the ending.


Journey might be a tighter package but I feel I prefer this overall. I enjoy taking my time and love the open areas where you can just mess around.

Agreed. I was tired so I only played for about 90 minutes last night with more than half of that spent doing leaps with my dolphin bros and just swimming about, which feels absolutely majestic btw. Can't say enough about how gorgeous this game is. It gave me 'butterflies' on more than one occasion already.


Pc performance seems a bit hard. On my new 1070 (keep in mind I'm on a 2600k still) I was getting drops into 30 fps in the main first area with all the fish/turtles/lighting and everything going on.

Still I tweaked a few things, dropped shadows back to high and turned on adaptive vsync for a smoother performance.

Still, the game bounces around from 60 fps to low 40's/high 30's at times.

The game itself I am enjoying, one of these types of games you can just sit back and relax to and enjoy taking it all in.


Pc performance seems a bit hard. On my new 1070 (keep in mind I'm on a 2600k still) I was getting drops into 30 fps in the main first area with all the fish/rutles/lighting and everything going on.

Still I tweaked a few things, dropped shadows back to high and turned on adaptive vsync for a smoother performance.

Still, the game bounces around from 60 fps to low 40's/high 30's at times.

The game itself I am enjoying, one of these types of games you can just sit back and relax to and enjoy taking it all in.

Yeah, performance ain't too hot right now. I had to scale back some things and had to turn vsync off, but it's beautiful at any setting anyway


Finished it. Well...masterpiece. Two of my favourite games of last gen were Endless Ocean and Blue World. I bought a Wii U hoping for another and I did not get one.
ABZU is, in my opinion, even better than both. The beautiful graphics, the amazing soundtrack, the tight controls, everything is near perfect. I only wish it would be longer.

I took my absolute time with it. Just swimming around and, surprisingly, meditating. I am so glad games like this and Journey exist. I cannot wait for many more hours with this game. Amazing.



If you get the game, go in knowing as little as possible. Shut off your mind and enjoy.

I've just completed it in one sitting, spoiler free impressions below.

This is the best underwater based game I've ever played. It's majestic. Abzu is one of the most beautiful games I've played, the experience is so dazzling that the only emotion I can express is one of joy. There are moments where I just had a big grin on my face and I just felt happy playing it, genuinely happy. It's so colourful and vibrant like nothing else I've played in such a long time. The artistry and the music in combination create an intoxicating mix that I was happy to be swept along for the two hours it took for me to get through.

I've played Journey, of course, and that game may be better due to its brilliant multiplayer experience, but this deserves to be mentioned in the same breath and I think that's praise enough. Journey's journey also had more of an ultimate impact but please do not underestimate Abzu, this is second best in that little, weird genre. Also perhaps worth mentioning is Journey was the first of its kind I've played so it had that advantage of being unique, Abzu is following in a footsteps of giants and came up very well indeed.

I knew absolutely nothing about the game until this weekend when I stumbled upon a trailer. Upon a quick read about the game I learnt that the score was done in conjunction with the game, that the world designers felt compelled to make the world more beautiful due to the score and vice versa, and my God does it show. This may be the soundtrack of the year and it fits the game perfectly.

The game has its problems of course - it goes through a number of distinct phases and in my opinion the experience does drag more in the middle, which is where the game is left to its gameplay devices more than the spectacle. Also note the game is only a couple of hours long for £15. I try not to judge a game by its cost as it's up to me how much I spend, but please bear the length in mind before you buy. I thought it was worth it.

There have been some really good indie games this year, most recently Inside, but I honestly enjoyed this one the most.
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