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Anyone here go to church?

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I used to be a regular member at my Seventh-Day Adventist, but as I grew older, the service slowly became a blemish on my Saturday itinerary; track practice/meets, organization meetings, honoring events, etc. suddenly became high priority.

I went today with my mom and my brother (my dad had to stay with the dog after he fucked up his paw this morning. :(). Before a few weeks ago when I went with my mom, I hadn't gone in a few years (My mom goes every Saturday since she one of the many teachers in Sabbath School). There were many new faces, and a LOT of familiar ones. It was good to see that the teenage crowd was surprisingly in attendance--in large numbers--and that my more pious friends were there. We've all known each other since our early diaper years.

All the girls are fine as fuck.

Anyway, the service today was amazing. I mean, we had, "Chuuch." :) It was Youth Day today, a Sabbath in which the young adults replace the older adults in coordinating and presiding over the service. When I was younger, I once did the Prayer of Intercession (the really, really, REALLY long prayer), the Scriptural Lesson, the Call to Worship, and the Benediction.

The choir today, comprised of 19-year-olds and on down, was simply amazing. And it's great that each and everyone of them has a sublime, gospel singing voice. When I was in the choir, I once sang the solo part in "His Eye Is On The Sparrow" and my brother did the solo parts in "Wade In The Water."

We also had a performance by a few of the 12 through 15-year-olds. They did a mime performance...none of that white-faced, trapped-in-a-box type stuff. It was more like a spiritual, unspoken performance that dramatized the words of a song. It brought a few people to tears.

Anyways, it was great to go back...to hug and talk to all those people who haven't seen me in so long and just to be there.

Anybody else go to church (and this isn't excluding the other places of worship...I simply don't know there respective names)?
I've been thinking of going to 1/2 hour mass to ease myself back into the world of practicing faith.

The last mass I've been to was a baptism and a wedding before that.

way more

No, I'm too much of an atheist. I always thought some other sort of other service for non-believers would be nice. Some organizaton that would throw BBQs and pie raffles but with services in the afternoon. And I'm not about to be a unitarian.


mac said:
No, I'm too much of an atheist. I always thought some other sort of other service for non-believers would be nice. Some organizaton that would throw BBQs and pie raffles but with services in the afternoon. And I'm not about to be a unitarian.

If it's free, I would be there every week.


I was an altar boy for 7 years. I don't feel right going to church any more for some reason. Like I don't belong there or am somewhat ashamed that I've stopped going for as long as I have. My belief structure has slightly been altered too.

Doth Togo

The American Baptist church I went to in Charlotte, NC growing up as a kid was completely fucked up. At the time (1980s), our senior minister (married with kids) had an affair with a member of the choir. So did the associate minister (also married with a 10 year old son at the time) ...with the same woman. Story goes that the senior minister was visiting her for pleasure when the associate minister showed up unannounced. Not sure of the outcome, but both resigned thereafter.

Then, there was the youth minister who was later convicted of child molestation on a number of the church youth. He'd take certain boys back to his condo in Charlotte to have counseling sessions, play with the ferret, etc. I'm totally not making any of this up or trying to be funny as I was there once. (Wasn't molested.) However, word got out that this happened and eventually charges of child abuse were filed against him. Another resignation shortly thereafter.

Next, there was the music director who resigned in disgrace for physically abusing certain members of the youth choir with yard sticks and rulers. I got hit several times because I thought he was being overly mean to some of the other kids. That fucker needs to be hung from a tree, IMO.

Anyway, those are my memories of church growing up in elementary school - high school in Charlotte, NC.

Next, we have the college years...

I went to college in South Carolina in an area known as the "Bible Belt." I'm sure most folks have heard of this area. Anyway, I went to college at Furman University (www.furman.edu). The school, while it has an excellent academic reputation, is known to be conservative for its homogeneous student body (aka mostly white rich kids). I had a mega scholarship to attend there... and I quickly found out that the student population, by in large, was religious. So, I thought, hey, what the hell, I'll go to church again to make some new friends...I'm SURE that things are different down here.


The people that I went to college with would have Bible study every Monday evening. By Wednesday they'd be at be bars, fucking their fraternity/sorority buddies and doing hardcore drugs. This would go on until early Sunday morning, where almost everyone would dust themselves off and go to church, toss their hands in the air, sing songs, dance a jig and praise Jesus. (NOT AN EXAGGERATION.) WWJD types, etc. I quickly realized that either I could subscribe to this idea and conform to the "Jesus freaks" standards or do my own thing and know that it'd be much harder to make friends. There were a few of us that didn't do the religious thing, but sadly, I can say that I don't talk with anyone that I went to college with anymore. Most all of my friends from back then are from high school...as I talk with them more than anyone I went to college with.

So, in short, I've had several bad experiences with churches, so I don't go. I, personally, don't feel the need to feel like I have to worship God by sitting with a bunch of other people and sing praise hymns. I'd rather go for a jog, look at the beauty of nature and think my own thoughts as they come to me.


I'm a reformed Athiest. I used to be some christian denomination when I was little and under the influence of my parents but as soon as I was able to think for myself I knew there was something that didn't quite sit right with me and I haven't been to any church since except a wedding last year. I don't care so much about "faiths" really, it's the organized part of religion that i'm against. I heard last week about a girl that my GF works with and she was talking about how the preacher would use his position and pretty much campaign for Bush in 04. Saying junk like if you wanna be a good person, be sure to vote Bush, that's messed up.


Hehe.....my girl asked me if I wanted to go to church with her today. I told her no. She still went though.


Doth Togo said:
The people that I went to college with would have Bible study every Monday evening. By Wednesday they'd be at be bars, fucking their fraternity/sorority buddies and doing hardcore drugs. This would go on until early Sunday morning, where almost everyone would dust themselves off and go to church, toss their hands in the air, sing songs, dance a jig and praise Jesus. (NOT AN EXAGGERATION.)


One of my church's long time members died a few weeks ago, and one of the girls showed up to the funeral with a pink, mid-drift shirt that said: "Put It Inside."

At least she isn't a hypocrite. :p

So, in short, I've had several bad experiences with churches, so I don't go. I, personally, don't feel the need to feel like I have to worship God by sitting with a bunch of other people and sing praise hymns. I'd rather go for a jog, look at the beauty of nature and think my own thoughts as they come to me.

I totally agree. I just love our choir.


I cant remember when the last time the minister's daughter had a sober saturday where I go to college. I remember walking her back to her dorm once and she was so messed up that she started hitting on the guard and at the same time saying how great jesus was.

Now that was some funny shit. Bitch eats all my snacks too.

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
If you can find me a church in the north east of England that's as much fun as this one, I may just convert:


Time ta STEP IT UP
I used to go to church. I like church, and for some reason whenever mass is finished and I walk out of the church, I feel clean. It's weird, but it feels good knowing that I went to church for the week and cleared my head.

Well, a few years ago during the Bishop's Annual Appeal (or something to that affect) where the parish is supposed to gather X amount of dollars and donate it to the local Bishop... the parish didn't get as much money as they expected. The church's goal was in the thousands of dollars mind you, but the parish only donated half of what they expected. The monsignor got fucking pissed off, and the next week at church, at every mass he attended (he attended every mass mind you, which is unusual because he usually only attends the 9:30 and 12:00 masses) he said, and I quote:

"I am ashamed and disgusted to be your monsignor. We were supposed to gather a certain amount of money for the Bishop, and we failed. This is an embarassment to me and the Bishop."

Welp, ever since then, I haven't gone to church, and now you know why. Jesus wouldn't want to hear that, and man, neither do I. If I want to be closer to Jesus from now on, I don't think I'll be using this particular church as a mediator.
I've been to church once. My ex-boyfriend did the powerpoint for his church. He sort of had to, his Dad and Mom are avid church goers and his Dad did the blueprints for a reconstruction of the entire church. I went to support him, and it was awkward and down right scary. I'll never go back. I felt bad for him too.


Has problems recognising girls
Although I haven't been to one as of yet, I'm halfway into the faith of a Buddhist religion based on a Japanese philosophy (I forget the name of it, hence the "halfway") but apparently the temples of worship seem pretty cool.

Maybe I had the better priviledge in that neither my mother nor father forced any type of religion onto me. Of course we were taught christianity and the likes at school every so often, but it never got me.


I go to church, but not that often. I usually accompany the choir/organist/pianist on my instruments (usually saxaphone or guitar). There's usually a couple girls in the congregation who are just visiting, and it's REALLY easy to meet them.

I probably won't go to church a lot when I'm in my 20's, but in my 30's I'll probably pick up more.

Oh yeah, any other Organist's sons? Represent!


I dont go to church, i go to a temple. I'm buddhist, but I hardly pray or go to temple, probably once every four months.


Go to Church at Christman maybe...once every few years.

I've kind of gone "meh" on religion...these kids I babysit are growing up a bit more religious than I've ever been, and it kind of freaks me out at times.


Junior Member
Soon after I was babtised the Minister or whoever was latter found hanging from his kid's tree house naked. Yeah....we stopped going to church after that. True story, not even I believe it until I dug up the newspapers on microfilm at the library.

<- Evil racing spawn

Ironically I have slightly larger canine teeth than most people. Hmm.


insert blank space here
Haven't been to church in...... 8 years.
God dammit ;) church is boring.

#1. If there is a God, which I'm doubtful there is, he would not want us to suffer through 2 hours of BS and gossip...


I cant remember the last time I went to church. I think it was in 1991 or smth when my cousin got married

I never went to church except for "special events" type of stuff. Like Marriages and so on


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I used to be Catholic, but I've lost all belief in any of that crap and am an athiest, occasionally bordering on pure existentialist. I've been to church twice since truly deciding to 'get out' and that was for my brother's confirmation and a funeral, and both occasions were terrible times. Being inside a church sickens me now. I cannot stand the hypocrasy and the voluntary ignorance and blind optimism. I cannot stand the things the Catholic church does in order to teach its lessons and keep its members faithful. It's also terrible to be 'outed' as a non-believer in front of a couple hundred people at a Catholic funeral. That was one of the worst days of my life. I'm mourning my aunt and then I'm suddenly selected to be pallbearer and then I have the attention of all my extended family and friends watch as I avoid taking a blessing and doing all the rest of that. Religious folk aren't too tolerant of those who choose not to be, especially when they're forced to recognize such a fact, at least in my experience.
i'm trying to envision a time when i would ever be compelled to go to church, and i can't think of one. i don't mean to diss on god or jesus or allah or whoever is involved with whatever church, but any relationship with whatever god or goddess or whatever that you have can be had in the comfort of your own mind.

p.s. there is no way in fuck i would ever do anything on a sunday in the fall but watch football, church or otherwise.


FrenchMovieTheme said:
i'm trying to envision a time when i would ever be compelled to go to church, and i can't think of one. i don't mean to diss on god or jesus or allah or whoever is involved with whatever church, but any relationship with whatever god or goddess or whatever that you have can be had in the comfort of your own mind.

p.s. there is no way in fuck i would ever do anything on a sunday in the fall but watch football, church or otherwise.


Jesus agrees!

Look at that lateral!


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
"#1. If there is a God, which I'm doubtful there is, he would not want us to suffer through 2 hours of BS and gossip..."

Amen to that. :p

Well I believe there is some sort of higher being, but regardless.

About to go to bed, and I'm sleeping in. AHhhhhhhhh.....

You guys enjoy your cheesy music and propaganda. :p


Nope. I have my faith, and I don't believe church is a must like some people do. It's just too fucking boring. When I want to worship or read up, I can do it myself.

Besides, I work every sunday.
Yeah, I go every Sunday unless I'm sick or something. I live in a small town and go to a small church. It's a good week if we have 20 people there, it probably averages about 15. It's mainly full of old ladies, although they're all nice so I can't complain about that. We have a song leader who can't sing and a piano player who just hasn't played the same since she had a stroke. We haven't had a real preacher in many, many years since it's such a small town and church. Pretty much we'll have different speakers from different towns make a trip down to our church to deliver a message every week. It actually works out pretty well that way. You get to see different view points, and you can really spot some differences between the older retired speakers and the young ones just starting out.

I don't think I could ever go to a large church. It just seems like it would be so impersonal, not to mention they tend to a bit more... outspoken and think if they haven't converted someone, the day's a waste. That's generalizing, sure, but that's just how I see it. This guy who used to own a bank here bought enough tickets for the whole middle and high school student body to be able to see "The Passion of the Christ" for free. You just had to sign a permission form if you wanted to go. He even rented Greyhound buses to pick us up and bring us back. I didn't have a problem with that. In fact, I thought that was a great way to get the word out. You offer people something, not shove it down their throats. Well, I decided to go, since I wanted to see the movie anyway. After the movie was over, though, things took a turn for the worst. The youth pastor for the church the rich guy attended had them turn the lights back on and turn the sound down as soon as the credits started rolling. Then he preceeded to impart such jewels of wisdom as "If you're bad, you're going to go to a place called Hell." Then, you had to fill out a card with your name, address, phone number, church's name and adress, and choose the effect the movie had on you. The choices were really out there, and it didn't really have an effect on me except it made me fully appreciate what happened. Of course, that wasn't an option. The youth pastor is a really nice guy, but the whole thing was just so condescending and ridiculous. The movie would have had such a more profound impact on the people if he would have just left them alone and let them think about it on the ride home.

aoi tsuki

i've gotten a lot of offers to go to various churches, but the truth is, the only reason i'd even think of going is to bang some hot church chicks. Like i said in the pet peeve thread, all the women in my city are taken, jailbait, Christian, or unnattactive. i know the first two groups are getting laid, and even some of the last group. There's got to be something to this local contemporary Christian thing that i'm missing.


I went last xmas, as a favor to my mother, once for high school graduation (which was non-religious - it was just a nice building, and my school didn't have a place in the building to hold the ceremony), once for my grandfather's funeral. And that's been about it for the past couple of decades.


Steroid Distributor
It's odd being the minority. But I go to church every Sunday. I teach Sunday school to the 15 and 16 year olds. I really like going to church. It gives me a chance to refocus. Take a break from what the world offers and concentrate on the spiritual things that I feel are important to me. I sure miss a lot of good football games though. :D I need a tivo.


Doth Togo said:
The American Baptist church I went to in Charlotte, NC growing up as a kid was completely fucked up. At the time (1980s), our senior minister (married with kids) had an affair with a member of the choir. So did the associate minister (also married with a 10 year old son at the time) ...with the same woman. Story goes that the senior minister was visiting her for pleasure when the associate minister showed up unannounced. Not sure of the outcome, but both resigned thereafter.

Then, there was the youth minister who was later convicted of child molestation on a number of the church youth. He'd take certain boys back to his condo in Charlotte to have counseling sessions, play with the ferret, etc. I'm totally not making any of this up or trying to be funny as I was there once. (Wasn't molested.) However, word got out that this happened and eventually charges of child abuse were filed against him. Another resignation shortly thereafter.

Charlotte REPRESENT! Where in Charlotte was this? Born and raised there, don't remember this story, but I was just a kid in the 80's too. PM me if you don't feel like posting it. Actually, I'll PM you.


Gold Member
trippingmartian said:
I've been thinking of going to 1/2 hour mass to ease myself back into the world of practicing faith.

Good idea:


Saudi plan would send Muslim troops to Iraq

One of the main prophecies that Left Behind series used as a basis was one that speaks of Israel being attacked by an enemy from the North.

SO if what the Saudis want comes to pass, you'll have a very very large Muslim army stationed to the north of Israel.

That could NOT be good...


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Yeah, and any fictional book is fiction....based on human life.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Yeah, I was raised pentecostal charismatic but never really bought into it, in jr high I stopped going to church and studied the many different worldviews in existence, eventually getting back around to christianity and finding out what it actually teaches and it's supports (nobody at my church really explained to us kids very well) and in highschool I think truly became a christian. After lots and lots of studying and being involved with various of ministires I've eventually found my way to a PCA (presbyterian denomination) church which is pretty far from what I was raised when it comes to nonessential doctrines. Though I still only mostly agree with it, there are a few things on which I am undecided.

Currently I go to church every sunday as I have the last 5 years, help with a college ministry and attend another bible study, and durring the school year I'll probably continue to help teaching the jr highers at my church. I've been very involved over the years and I plan on becoming a missionary, perhaps in South Africa (where my great uncle who is a minister is from) helping with the AIDS crisis and whatnot, but I'm still considering my options. So yeah I'm very serious about Jesus Christ and can't see myself living the american dream. I'll likely end up either as a minister in a church or planting them, and either way in some other country.


I'm totally an on-and-off'er when it comes to church, I'm a Roman Catholic, and in during fall/spring semesters attend occasionally, and haven't really attended regularly since HS (when I was volunteering and mass was part of the Sunday Catechism school), even tried a Presbytarian church a couple of times (which didn't really suit my tastes)...


When I went to church as a kid, all I would do was draw pictures of stick-figures killing each other. I made sure to bring my red pen every sunday!
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