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Army Corps halts Dakota Access Pipeline work

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No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
It's like a stand-your-ground law except with cars. Wonderful.


Girl got arse pubes.
Does he know a woman lost her arm protesting this? That the pipeline was set to go through an Indian reservation and there was a risk it could contaminate the local drinking water?

I saw the pictures of Sophia Wilansky's injuries and it looked brutal, so brutal that it made me a little sceptical, can a police issue concussion grenade really do that kind of damage? especially in the underarm region?

After some googling I came across this New York Times article from November: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/24/us/dakota-pipeline-sophia-wilansky.html

One part of the article states:

Around the time of the explosion, Lieutenant Iverson said, officers fired sponge and beanbag rounds at three people who had shielded themselves behind a length of plywood near a burned vehicle on the bridge. The three were thought to be acting suspiciously and refused orders to emerge, he said.

Officers saw someone roll metal cylinders to the protesters by the burned vehicle, Lieutenant Iverson said, and then heard an explosion. Afterward, he said, several protesters ran up, pulled a woman from under the vehicle and ran off. Three propane canisters were recovered from the vicinity of the explosion early Tuesday, he said.

Lieutenant Iverson said that officers did not use concussion or flash grenades at any time. Instead, officers used tear gas, pepper spray canisters and what are known as stinger balls, round grenadelike objects that spread tiny rubber pellets to try to disperse protesters, he said.

Mr. Wilansky said that doctors in Minnesota had removed fragments from his daughter's arm that he hoped could be used to find out what caused the injury and to hold someone responsible.

So my main question is, have these fragments been analysed yet to find the source of the blast? as I can't find any followup, my googlefu is failing me.


Just another reminder that people who vote for that party are either stupid or evil. The fact that people who support that and seem to have an IQ over freezing aren't banned automatically on GAF blows my mind.

If you are smart enough to know what they stand for and still vote for them you are a bad person.

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