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At what point does a game no longer need to be remade?


Realistically speaking, what does that look like?

Couldn't say.
But I think as times goes on and graphics continue to improve we'll just get to the point where visuals won't change that dramatically, and improvement will slow down to the point it's going to take a long time for the upgrade to be big enough to justify a full remake.

I think it is already slowing down a bit. Take a gap of 2 generations for example.
IMO PS3 era games are still fine with a remaster. Improve some textures here and there, make them 4K60fps and we are good to go. Like I played the Uncharted 2 remaster not too long ago and I honestly think it still looks and plays great.
But then take Ps2 to Ps4, which is also 2 generations, and I think the visual jump was significant enough that a full remake feels more justified. Same with Ps1 to Ps3.
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When playing it 20 years later and it's just as good as you remember it, graphics notwithstanding.
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All I know is that there are plenty of games that deserve a remake and will never get it (xenogears) and a lot of games that got a remake that didn’t deserve it (turtles in time reshelled or even pac man for the 2600)


That's debatable, which is why I'm asking it in the first place. No one else seems to have any trouble understanding the gist of the question other than you.

And yet you have multiple times come in to further clarify, asking more specific questions to some responses. And the responses are all over the road. The reason for that is basically that these are not very good answers, because your question is not very good.

Your question presumes a NEED to remake a game, but no such need exists -- some games are very popular, they are available to be remade and owned by companies interested in making money, gaming is based hugely on technology which advances dramatically over time... thus, the most popular games will be updated as that technology improves, aka being remade. That's really simple. What does "NEED" have to do with it.

There is no point at which A game no longer NEEDS to be remade because there is no NEED to remake games... it's just something which happens when there's a market for it.
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Writes a lot, says very little
As much as I enjoy playing new IPs, I can also appreciate well realizied remakes of classic or beloved titles.
I can appreciate the passion and attention to detail that go into most remakes.

Although I have to wonder, at what point is a remake no longer necessary? At what point is a proper port more than enough?
Can any title be remade indefinitely, or is there a threshold where the defining elements of a title are lost through multiple remakes to better suit contemporary trends?

I don't believe such a point will ever even happen. Gaming advances all the time.

To even believe any game could jsut be a "port" and be enough is to argue some perfect game that had future advancements that can't be beat or something lol

Even if I tell you my favorite game of all time or even just last gen, nothing in that game is evergreen to the point of not needing better fps or resolution etc I might love The Last Of Us 2, is it in 4k? 8k? 60fps? Brain implants? lol

TGO TGO "Like people have said, Dead Space still looks good and plays good.
But evidently it can be better."

Agreed. I love Dead Space, top 5 favorite horror of all time, but it doesn't have any type of volumetric smoke, 4k resolution, 4k tessellation, new character models, ray tracing etc.

I don't even know why gamers get so triggered when someone suggest something needs a remake, the fucking game isn't perfect, it doesn't have FUTURE TECH, it wasn't a game chucked out of a fucking time machine folks, a remake will always have its place in gaming as its a medium that advances every single generation. We know not of what will be in gaming in lets say 100 years, but we fucking know TODAY no one is making some game that will have tech that won't be seen until 100 years or something lol

Anything can be better in gaming.

Wanting a remake doesn't mean we are shitting on the original, that game clearly wasn't running on the new Frostbite engine, in 4K, running on a PS5 FOH lol

EruditeHobo EruditeHobo Agreed. Best answer thus far.

Tech advances, companies want to make money, they will remake popular games using that advancement, thats it. Not sure where this whole "need" thing came from as its not like a company can ONLY remake based on some criteria or something lol Even funnier are the people that even fucking think BC will magically change that, as if remakes are made SOELY to give you a way to play a game and NOT to make money or something. You seriously can't make this shit up
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Honestly, even though we got some amazing looking and well reviewed remasters, id rather not have any. Main reason because it prevents the game from having a sequel as they just pour all the new assets in the remake. I really dont mind having fond memories of my past playing a certain game and then today look at them and wonder what is this shit.

Shadow of the Colossus is amazing remake...but, id rather wish we got a SotC 2 in that same engine. I dont mind remasters because it makes the game playable on modern hardware but actual remakes, you will always have a divided fanbase about it. Instead of going forward we are going backwards due to resources put into this new remake. We heard rumors about Legacy of Kain getting remade. Ok great but why not make LoK3 with a modern setting and gameplay elements. Because now you have to juggle with the fanbase not to change too much so it still resembles the original so basically as a developer you are holding yourself back.
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Writes a lot, says very little
it prevents the game from having a sequel
Massively unlikely. I'd argue, you have a better chance at a sequel happening BECAUSE of a remake's success in the first place showing many still care about a series. You can't put the cart before the horse on this one...

Shadow of the Colossus is amazing remake...but, id rather wish we got a SotC 2

Bluepoint's job was to remake that game, not make a sequel from the ground up, the team literally doesn't do this, thats not their job, they don't even fucking have the staff to do what you are talking about. So a sequel of SoTC isn't fucking happening with 1 years worth of work, maybe some of you should look up what is done with those remakes, especially how Bluepoint did SoTC and Demon Souls.

Instead of going forward


Its not a either or, a different team would simply do those sequels, my god....thats like fucking saying they could have done 3 Uncharted games in 1 year and here we have Bluepoint games going backwards "instead" lol I mean shit, they could have made Uncharted 5,6 and 7 doe right?

Scotty W

I think there's no point in remakes at all.

If you want to "modernize" a specific title its better to just reboot it altogether, make it a completely new game from the ground up kinda like they did with RE2 or Wolfenstein (though its preferable if they make the name sligthly different). And those can be made indefinitely since there's pratically no obligation to keep the same elements, only being a matter of how much interest there is on it.
I mostly agree with you.

I find when I go back to the 8 to 64 bit eras, almost all the classics are unsalvageable.


I’d say the line is drawn when the technology can finally realize the fullest potential of the initial creative vision.

For example, look at Fallout 2. I badly want a remake of this game, remaining functionally similar to the original, but with all the accoutrements present tech can afford: still an isometric perspective but fully 3D (destructible) environments, a full physics engine, orchestrated soundtrack, full voice overs, etc.

‘Course this would be difficult to define, as many concessions made in these games’ designs were necessitated by technological limitations of the time of their creation. But still, if we’re talking remake, then the design should adhere to those restrictions, only realizing them to their fullest potential within them.
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