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Autumn Anime 2015 |OT2| It'll at least last longer than Steve.

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When Marnie Was There


Yeh I'm a sucker for these more low-key stories and this was a very good one. Was crying twice or thrice. Concerning the story, I'm not quite sure if
I think it really benefited from the grandmother connection between Marnie and Anna. It makes sense to give more of a reason as to why this is happening to Anna and it's also been properly foreshadowed but I wonder if it wouldn't have been just a tad more poignant if the two weren't related at all, letting Anna compare their lives and grow without unknowingly directly relating to her. That said, this sorta does already happen as she recognizes Marnie as her grandmother only at the very end, after having made up with her adoptive mother, and it merely feels like a bonus revelation.

Visuals were gorgeous once again with some strikingly beautiful scenery and just generally very highly detailed backgrounds. Some of the first shots that took place in the playground where also very impressive as there were so many different kids animated at once, all doing there own thing.



The slight difference in how characters are drawn( and shaded I think) as well as Ginko going from that completely mellow persona of his to someone who could exhibit anger and other negative emotions are probably the biggest difference I found between two seasons.

Not sure how I feel about this!
Haikyuu S1

I loved every second of it. This show is fantastic and, honestly, it's not hard to see why it's so highly rated by everyone. The animation is good, the characters are brilliant, the story is good. It's just pure fun to watch above all. It's a testament to how likeable the characters are that while watching the season I was hoping they'd lose against Blue Castle because I felt like it would have been cheap for everything to click for them at their first try and yet in that match against Blue Castle, even though I felt like that, I found myself willing them to score the winning point.

Hinata might be the main character, but Tanaka is the true star of the show. Every scene he's in is hilarious, especially when he combines with Hinata/Nishinoya. Can't wait to start S2 and hopefully it's just as strong.

Don't worry, if anything season 2 is stronger.

BTW, what'd you think of the Umetsu OP?

It's great! It's similar in concept to Umetsu's other Shaft OP for Soremachi, but in some ways even better. I like how fantastical the setting is, starting with the nod to Alice in Wonderland at the beginning, and continuing with the bright and cheerful colors. There's a variety of striking sets, yet all linked together with the basic concept of enjoying food that is the core of the series. The main characters's motions are well choreographed and attractively animated. The visuals link up with the music very well, down to Ryo bobbing to the beat in her last scene. And the song itself is exactly the sort of enjoyable pulsating electropop song I'd expect from Rasmus Faber. Definitely a keeper.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I'm more surprised at the recent surge of anime rec threads. Maybe people have anime on their resolutions for 2016.

Though I cannot for the life of me figure out what would cause someone to wake up and go "I need anime this year".


I'm more surprised at the recent surge of anime rec threads. Maybe people have anime on their resolutions for 2016.

Though I cannot for the life of me figure out what would cause someone to wake up and go "I need anime this year".

Yeah, there seem to be a lot of those threads lately... It's nice and all, but it's a shame that they usually just want something after the most common ones like FMA or Cowboy Bebop. Or that they don't ask here for that matter.
I'm more surprised at the recent surge of anime rec threads. Maybe people have anime on their resolutions for 2016.

Though I cannot for the life of me figure out what would cause someone to wake up and go "I need anime this year".

I mean this specific case may not apply, but I wouldn't be surprised if One Punch Man did it for many.

Just like Simpsons always did it.
Yeah, there seem to be a lot of those threads lately... It's nice and all, but it's a shame that they usually just want something after the most common ones like FMA or Cowboy Bebop. Or that they don't ask here for that matter.

No matter what the thread creator asks for, you can always count on people coming in and saying Death Note.


Maturity, bitches.
I'm looking for an anime for my mother. She absolutely detests blood, violence, scenes where the characters are coloured in one hue and heavy metal OPs. Any recommendations?

Death Note
No matter what the thread creator asks for, you can always count on people coming in and saying Death Note.

I'm looking for an anime for my mother. She absolutely detests blood, violence, scenes where the characters are coloured in one hue and heavy metal OPs. Any recommendations?

Death Note

It already happened someone recommended Attack on Titan and I lol'd

I mean shit I liked it and all, but it has like nothing to do with what OP wants. If he had said "I want dark and edgy AF anime with blood and shit" then yeah.

edit: good point I guess it fits the Horror element criteria.


It already happened someone recommended Attack on Titan and I lol'd

I mean shit I liked it and all, but it has like nothing to do with what OP wants. If he had said "I want dark and edgy AF anime with blood and shit" then yeah.

To be fair it does have horror elements

The best recommendation in terms of hitting every criteria he asked for is probably Madoka.


No matter what the thread creator asks for, you can always count on people coming in and saying Death Note.

To be clear, I had just posted a lol comment and Death Note was the first thing that I thought based on just drama and horror, that would also be okay for a newcomer. Yeah, I guess it wasn't the best of the recommendations for what OP wanted. lol



Until episode 6, Space Dandy was pretty mediocre though. I mean, you had episode 3, which is one of the worst things I've seen animated. 6 was also boring as hell. If I didn't have GAF hyping it up and a few good episodes, I doubt I'd keep watching till S2.

I liked Akemi Hayashi's episode 5.

But in general, sure. Space Dandy hadn't had any of its really good episodes yet (the first being Eunyoung Choi's episode 9), and the general reception of the show here was quite negative, as you can see in the other posts in that thread. But it's amusing to look back on.

*Remembers Episodes 1,2,4,5,7*

Nah Dandy started good and only got better with time. Episode 4 was probably one of the funniest episodes of anime I've ever seen. I still remember it vividly. I don't wanna call y'all a bunch of monocles but........you may want to check what's over your right/left eye

It seemed like Koufuku Graffiti had plenty of its own brand of "action" and it's part of what made me stop watching it. Presenting it as something deep or meaningful seems kind of disingenuous when its 4koma roots are so visible, and the interpretation is so simplistic. Like, I don't think it's awful or anything, which is a step up from a bunch of other stuff Shaft did recently, but who is going to actually go to bat for that show being poignant when you have those scenes with girls eating bananas in a bathtub?

Thank you. Some weird lack of self awareness hosannainexcelsis's part.
"classy" LMAO
To be clear I'm not saying Graffiti sucked per say though. I just watched the first few episodes and lost interest in it.

OH MY GOD! I just saw the PV for Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress and I am hyped! It's basically Attack on Titan with Zombies and Snowpiercer but it's the exact same team so I'm super excited for it!


I'm hoping it can retain all the appealing parts of AoT without all the terrible flaws since its an original work. Probably hoping in naught.


Next week:

ayyyy lmao

Listen to DTL if he tells you to watch Haikyuu or Tribe Cool Crew tbh

Broken clock, etc., etc.


Maturity, bitches.
On the flipside, as I am a fan of equal opportunities, I should also point out some of you have posted shows which don't have English dubs, which is one of the things the OP asks for.


*Remembers Episodes 1,2,4,5,7*

Nah Dandy started good and only got better with time. Episode 4 was probably one of the funniest episodes of anime I've ever seen. I still remember it vividly. I don't wanna call y'all a bunch of monocles but........you may want to check what's over your right/left eye

Episode 1 was mediocre and I didn't like the ending back then, 2 was okay-ish, 3 was terrible, 4 had a great ending, 5 was good, 6 was terrible. All in all, it wasn't that Space Dandy started terribly, but that it didn't really deliver what I hoped for. Even 2 and 5, that were the greatest of the bunch, were mostly just overused sad stories. This is not really bad per se, but even Gintama can do that. Episode 4 was actually the one I remember the best, because the ending was really surprising and it was really different for, such an overused trope.
So I guess the new season begins this week. I've kinda been away from the internets these past couple of days and I've missed a ton of discussions on here. When is the OT switch up happening?
*Remembers Episodes 1,2,4,5,7*

Nah Dandy started good and only got better with time. Episode 4 was probably one of the funniest episodes of anime I've ever seen. I still remember it vividly. I don't wanna call y'all a bunch of monocles but........you may want to check what's over your right/left eye

The monocles/mustaches distinction is now in the distant past of AnimeGAF, but I am happy to be counted among the monocles. There are times when I'm tired and just want some mindless entertainment, but for the most part I always try to engage my brain and turn the experience of art into a two-way communication with the work and its creator instead of a one-way thoughtless acceptance of anything I see.

Thank you. Some weird lack of self awareness hosannainexcelsis's part.
"classy" LMAO
To be clear I'm not saying Graffiti sucked per say though. I just watched the first few episodes and lost interest in it.

I have not seen the scene dimb describes. But here is a representative example of the erotic content in Soma (not coincidentally also the exact moment where I decided to drop the show):

(Imagine Nikumi's breasts wildly jumping up and down.)

And here is a representative example of the erotic content in the first three episodes of Koufuku Graffiti:

I would not hesitate to call the first image trashy and the second image classy.
Can we lobby to the mods to make recommending School Days, Boku No Pico and the like a bannable offence?
There was a discussion about that actually, least in School Days case.

I think it went going "school days lolololoolol" was something they didn't think was funny but it actually is possible to recommend School Days honestly to someone.

Like if someone asked for harem anime that the MC actually gets with all the girls who clearly want to fuck then School Days is a spot on recommendation.
There was a discussion about that actually, least in School Days case.

I think it went going "school days lolololoolol" was something they didn't think was funny but it actually is possible to recommend School Days honestly to someone.

Like if someone asked for harem anime that the MC actually gets with all the girls who clearly want to fuck then School Days is a spot on recommendation.

No one here is genuinely recommending Boku no Pico. As for School Days, even if they someone was honestly recommending School Days, the usual context it gets recommended ruins any serious attempt to showcase it.


Not sure how I feel about this!

I mean, it's not like his persona changes, he just has a few instances (in appropriate situations) where he shows off a bit more forceful behaviour, if I were to call it that. I'd say it makes him more human if anything.

(Imagine Nikumi's breasts wildly jumping up and down.)

And here is a representative example of the erotic content in the first three episodes of Koufuku Graffiti:

I would not hesitate to call the first image trashy and the second image classy.

I await your impressions of episode 6 !

Which I hope, though I'd say it was still classier than some of Soma, is the lowest this show will descend to.
I really do appreciate that we have a few 'the monocles' in this thread to add background to the production and team members. Even their opinions and reviews are appreciated. Lord knows my knowledge of the production and ability to give thorough analysis is diddly squat, so reading things like Jexhius' post over Log Horizon were great.


Huge Nickleback Fan
Can we lobby to the mods to make recommending School Days, Boku No Pico and the like a bannable offence?

School day is an entertaining trash. I will recommend it to someone who want some trainwreck. Or someone who want to see insane harem.

Boku no pico... i doubt someone will ever request yaoi/shota hentai in this forum, so yeah...


The monocles/mustaches distinction is now in the distant past of AnimeGAF, but I am happy to be counted among the monocles. There are times when I'm tired and just want some mindless entertainment, but for the most part I always try to engage my brain and turn the experience of art into a two-way communication with the work and its creator instead of a one-way thoughtless acceptance of anything I see.

The problem I have is the ease and predilection people have to dismiss specific types of entertainment as "mindless". The overarching purpose of art (as far as I can see it, I dunno if there is an objective purpose to art :p) is to communicate and provoke thought or emotion.Making someone excited through exhilarating, well choreographed action and/or making someone laugh with well-time comedy aren't any easier or a lesser endeavor than a strong deconstruction of a particular genre or a carefully woven character study. Love, passion and skill goes into the creation of the higher quality examples of any form of art. It's that same mentality that precludes most comedies or action films from getting Oscar recognition regardless of whether or not it may deserve it or if the pool of films in other categories is weak in a particular year. As if Drama is the only/primary genre/style of film worth acknowledging. I highly respect works that not only offer many avenues for interesting analytical thought but also those that succeed in garnering the strong emotions from me they intentionally sought to invoke (laughter from good comedy; hype and excitement from good action, etc.). A "monocle" isn't someone who expects or strives for quality in the art they consume, I'd like to think that should be everyone even though I know its not :p, its someone I feel acknowledges only the analytical aspect of art and downplays the emotional aspect of art - especially when those emotion fall outside the realm of contemplative drama.

I have not seen the scene dimb describes. But here is a representative example of the erotic content in Soma (not coincidentally also the exact moment where I decided to drop the show):

(Imagine Nikumi's breasts wildly jumping up and down.)

And here is a representative example of the erotic content in the first three episodes of Koufuku Graffiti:

I would not hesitate to call the first image trashy and the second image classy.

SnS and Graffiti aren't the same in this regard but I don't think they are different enough to call one "classy". I feel that isn't sending an appropriate message to others/onlookers.


Towa no Quon - Episode 1

This was a hell lot better than I remembered lol. Granted, the overall story framerate feels really derivative and there's nothing very original about the idea of mutants hiding in plain sight as a secret resistance force trying to protect their own kind against some evil organization who seeks to hunt them down, but the execution is pretty solid here. The characters and setting are introduced in a way which doesn't have much exposition, there's a lot of action, there are character interactions which suggest things about their relationships without stating it outright, and a lot of how things work and how their powers are used rely more on showing than telling, which is always nice to see.

Fantastic animation, really nice color design, and sharp direction. This is a pretty solid start! Aside from the lack of originality, I would say my only other minor complaint is that Kenji Kawai's music is a little -too- Hollywood. It's clear what he's going for, and it's effective at that, but I tend to prefer his more melodic compositions rather than the louder and bombastic ones.
No one here is genuinely recommending Boku no Pico. As for School Days, even if they someone was honestly recommending School Days, the usual context it gets recommended ruins any serious attempt to showcase it.

Is School Days that bad? The manga wasn't terrible and I hadn't even realized there was an anime.

It's interesting.
It's worse.

Sounds like my kind of shit-tier anime. I'll give it a shot. Right now I'm just rewatching Chuunibyou to cope with the terror that was waking up to see my car payment taken from my account twice and having to go fix that.


Is School Days that bad? The manga wasn't terrible and I hadn't even realized there was an anime.

It's not bad, but can be really painful for the unsuspecting soul. I fell victim to it (I think I was the last before the new rules kicked in)

Makoto is a real harem MC. He is the realist there is since actually takes advantage of his harem's capabilities. My man getting his.


Is School Days that bad? The manga wasn't terrible and I hadn't even realized there was an anime.

It's a pretty great comedy.

And it has the decency to off itself within 12 episodes.

And it really nails the ending.

... Man that's better than quite a lot of shows I've seen.
Towa no Quon 1

That was actually pretty solid, even outside the eye candy of the opening scene. It's pretty X-Men in setup, but there are nice touches which elevate this above generic superhero stuff. The drama surrounding the girl's awakening of her powers was well handled - touching without being too melodramatic. And, even if some of the character and costume designs made me raise an eyebrow, the visual depiction of body transformation was really great. I love that stuff. I also appreciated the acknowledgment of the importance of teamwork, and that a solitary hero can't do everything by himself.

Towa no Quon - Episode 1

Fantastic animation, really nice color design, and sharp direction. This is a pretty solid start! Aside from the lack of originality, I would say my only other minor complaint is that Kenji Kawai's music is a little -too- Hollywood. It's clear what he's going for, and it's effective at that, but I tend to prefer his more melodic compositions rather than the louder and bombastic ones.

Kawai's best music is neither of those, but the ambient and atmospheric compositions that Oshii asks of him (e.g., Ghost in the Shell, Patlabor movies). That style wouldn't have fit with Towa no Quon's more lively and action-focused approach, though.
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