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Avengers Endgame (SPOILER THREAD)

I'm not even sure how they can continue to make interesting movies without keep raising the stakes. They already dealt with a wipe-out-all-life-in-universe threat with Thanos, where do they go from there? And add in the time travel stuff as well, what can they even do as a follow up? Even someone like Dr. Doom or Galactus will seem like a downgrade compared to Thanos+Infinity Stones. Seems to me it would be a lot easier to wipe the slate clean and start over.

Yeah I don't know about raising the stakes, that could get into (silly)silly territory. At the very least I still think they can still craft a smaller scale story with a threatening villain that you want to see defeated and requiring the a major team-up to do so. A planet level emergency is still viable so long as they get people to care about the proceedings and any lives at stake.

Though the Avengers straight up have a time/timeline machine to solve all their woes so I look forward to the cheap write-off reason they won't be able to use it again. Or if they end up using it down the line to bring "retired" characters back for a single movie return. ;)
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Next phase is Disney and Kathleen Kenedy using the time stones to correct the non wokeness of the past. Iron Man is changed into a female, Captain America becomes Captain Migrants a Transgender activist and Thor is re casted as a gay hispanic native American.

AntMan is erased from the timeline and replaced by the superior Wasp, and Dr. Strange sacrafices himself so the ancient one can star in HER own movies.

Quill is replaced by a non-binary alien, and Drax's is safe since he is half filipino, but they will need to asian him up more because Batista still looks like a white guy. But both will take a back seat to Gamora and Nebula the true leaders of the GOTG.

Nick Fury being a POC is safe, but CM will actually replace him in 50% of his scenes and be the one who forms the avengers.

With the power of time travel Marvel can finally correct the mistakes of the past and make sure they up the wokeness content.


Is she powered by it like a battery, or is it that she gained her powers by siphoning off some of its power? That character is such a train wreck. Does anyone know exactly what her power set is? Does SHE even know? Outside of superhuman levels of condescension, a vast insecurity that manifests as a superiority complex, the ability to stay stone faced in any conceivable situation, flight, and blowing shit up real good by hurling her body through it, of course.
I believe her power is the ability to absorb and redirect energy. In the beginning the Kree implant a device in her that prevents her from being able to access this energy, so she is limited to photon blasts. Then at the end of the film she absorbs the power from the ship where she is held and she is able to overwhelm the device and take her Binary form. At the end of Endgame, she is absorbing the full power of all the infinity stones, which is why she so strong.

Her weakness is presumably that she needs a source of energy in the first place. Hence, she can probably be worn down by hand to hand combat. I imagine that a character like Hela would be able to kill her. Or Thanos if he fought her intelligently, rather than trying to blast her with energy.

I'm still 100% convinced that Thanos did nothing wrong. If he would have just sterilized a large portion of the population (same end result but might take 30-40 years to achieve) then nobody would have been pissed off to the point of wanting revenge. Or if we would have just gone with his backup plan of re-making the entire universe so that people didn't remember the ones that were snapped, problem solved.

This world (and presumably most other post-industrial civilizations in the universe) would easily absorb a loss of half their population. In fact, I would venture to guess that it would take humanity less than 50 years to return to "pre-snap" population levels.
That makes his plan even more stupid. Since, if you are right, murdering half the population would have only postponed whatever terrible fate was to await us by 50 years, and then after destroying all the stones he would have no way to stop it.

And really any sufficiently advanced civilisation is only limited by the amount of energy it can harness, since energy can be used to produce whatever molecules are required. And if the stones can generate infinite energy, then we are good forever. So great job Thanos for destroying them…

True of the Pym particle time machine. But they, at the same time, heavily implied that using the Infinity stones and snapping could basically do whatever the hell you want.
They couldn't do what the hell they wanted since Banner was unable to bring back Natascha. Clearly the stones operate according to certain rules. And allowing the new infinity gauntlet to prevent the last snap would have created the very kind of time paradox Banner rules out in the film. Since the new gauntlet would not have existed if the snap hadn't occurred...

Personally, I don't think the time stone allows the user to move along the timeline itself. For then in the Dr. Strange film they could have simply gone back in time and prevented Kaecilius from stealing the pages from the Book of Cagliostro in the first place. Rather I think the time stone allows the user to "take" elements from along the timeline, and bring them into the present. That's how it could be used, along with the other infinity stones, to restore the people that were snapped.


Can someone explain how Thanos becomes Thanos if he travels forward in the future and then dies in the future? Doesn't that mean past Thanos is killed in 2023 and this 2014 to 2019 Thanos never exists? Confused....


Gold Member
Can someone explain how Thanos becomes Thanos if he travels forward in the future and then dies in the future? Doesn't that mean past Thanos is killed in 2023 and this 2014 to 2019 Thanos never exists? Confused....

There are now 2 instances of thanos in our time line, and a new branched off timeline with no thanos.
So let me get this straight. The future MCU films set on earth going forward including Spiderman are now set in 2023 onwards?

Assuming the next Avengers comes in 2022. What year will that be set in???! :messenger_face_screaming:

+ Time travel is now in the MCU. How will they get around that?!

+ They could have just gone to New York in 2012 and used the time stone??!!!
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The vehicles in Ant-Man and the Wasp were specifically designed to shrink though. I suppose you could argue that Scott and Tony outfitted the Benatar for the mission but it makes zero sense for the Sanctuary to be able to shrink.

Future Nebula's equipment reengineered? It wasn't really clear in the movie whether the Pym particles were for shrinking down to quantum realm size, then the rest of the equipment for managing being in the quantum realm or not - I figured the former, and Nebula's time GPS as allowing the Sanctuary II to be brought back. /Shrug


Random thoughts/nitpicks (sorry if these have been posted a bunch I went back several pages but not all the way)
  • Three hours went by like that (snap)
  • I liked the somber first act
  • I completely missed the girl power scene because I was focused on Mantis and wondering WTH she was going to do in battle aside from getting smash flat by one of those creatures.
  • Did Hawkeye keep paying for his wife's cell phone for 5 years and leave it where she could find it just in case? And did she instantly wake up and realize something had happened and call him within seconds? I guess if he let the house go to shit that'd be a clue.
  • Speaking of Hawkeye I thought his scene with the fam to open the movie was perfect. Although props to Half in the Bag for a good nitpick about the fact that it was somehow high-noon at both Hawkeye Ranch, USA and Wakanda, Africa at the same time.
  • Do you think Nebula could have mentioned the soul-for-a-soul thing to the group while they were planning everything? Maybe they could have brought someone's cat or something. Also, what if it had been Rocket and Tony there together? I don't think Tony hucking the build-a-bear off the cliff would have counted as sacrificing something you love. And of course you can very easily argue that someone flinging themselves off a cliff does not count as someone else sacrificing something they love. Boy that'd suck if after Black Widow chucked herself down there Red Skull was like "Ooooh sorry it only counts if you push her."
  • I liked the Captain Marvel movie pretty well, but man it seems like she was shoehorned in here last minute. The Avengers are dealing with the destruction of half the universe, and she's got something else to attend to? It appears that she'll be the new Scarlet Witch in phase four - the character that is basically an all powerful god that can defeat anyone, so we'll just make her disappear during battle scenes so there can be some tension. If Carol can blast through Thanos's ship, she can certainly blast through Thanos himself. At the very least she can grab the glove and fly into space.
  • People are still playing Fortnite 1 on PS4 five years from now? Sony's computer entertainment department must have been hit hard by the snap.
  • How many Spiderman Homecoming characters are the same age in Far From Home? Anyone feel like doing the odds on them all being dusted?
Specific Time-Travel questions:
  • Cap went back to return the stones. Did that instantly obliterate the alternate timelines created by the time heists? I'm mainly wondering what happened to past Gamora that showed up in the main timeline to knee Starlord in the nerts. Was she dusted by Iron Man with the rest of Thanos's crew, blinked out of existence by the stone being returned, or somehow survive in the main reality of the movie? I feel like we weren't shown her dusting for a reason.
  • Cap went back in time to live with Peggy. I had assumed he went back after his sacrifice at the end of The First Avenger, but we're never told for sure, right? I saw an explainer somewhere that stated he went back to 1940, met/married Peggy, lived happily ever after etc. But it seems pretty weird that in that reality a guy that looks just like him becomes Captain America, becomes famous, fights in the war, etc. Alternately he came back after TFA but then is just awaiting how to explain the Capsicle that will be thawed out of the ice eventually in the future.
  • So the assumption is that cap lives out his life with Peggy in the alternate reality he travels to, but then jumps back to the main timeline to say hi to the old gang and hand off the shield to Falcon. Does he have a plan to jump back again? Even if Peggy is gone we can assume he has kids/grandkids/etc right?
I liked the movie OK, but man it was a letdown after the near perfection of Infinity War.
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Regarding all the time travel questions, I need to watch it again to confirm, but I honestly understand it that the pasts they travel too are just all separate realities. The comics have a multiverse and so too do the movies. There can basically be an infinite amount of realities set in 2012 and 2014 etc. This is why "the past" doesn't affect the present.

When the Ancient One was talking about branching off if an Infinity Stone goes missing, I think she meant from her realities intended flow. Each reality has 1 time flow and that can't be changed, remove an Infinity Stone and that reality crumbles. In terms of time, Steve probably returned each Infinity Stone 5-10 minutes after they were taken.

The people asking why they don't go back in time to resurrect Loki/Heimdall/Gamora/Vision/Natasha, are these the same people complaining about "no stakes" in the MCU films? I hope it's not because if they are, they are complaining just for complaining sake. I'm fine if in 5-10 years they find a way to bring them back but not in the next/same film that they die in. It would come across as incredibly cheap if they just easily resurrected these characters. The fact they are staying dead is a real impact and it was high stakes.

My explanation above is a good enough reason for them not being brought back if you ask me as well.

I'm incredibly impressed that a time displaced character is in the films. I honestly thought something like this would never happen.
It's like the 60's Jean Grey in the more recent comics of X-Men.

*EDIT 2*
Does this make more sense for you guys?


"A time traveler does not truly travel straight backwards or forwards in time, but backwards or forwards and a bit off to the side to a divergent timeline now running parallel to one's timeline of origin. Since this timeline will have been identical to the "virgin" timeline until the moment of divergence, there will be virtually no differences between the two timelines until most time travelers have no reason to be aware that they are not on the "virgin" timeline.

If one travels a second time to an era one has already been to, one will not materialize on the "virgin" timeline nor the timeline diverged by one's previous trip, but a third timeline diverged from one or the other. A time traveler can never travel back to the exact same timeline more than once. Again, since the second and third divergent timelines are identical until the time traveler's arrival, they will be indistinguishable at first."
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If Cap returned the stones and hammer to the point in time that they were taken and nothing was altered there would be no branch in the timeline according to the movies logic.

When Cap went back to live out his life there was probably an extra timeline created where whoever peggy originally married got burned but probably wasn't significant enough to change anything major like the disappearance of an infinity stone would so these two timelines would likely play out the same in terms of major events. In Winter Soldier there are pictures of Peggy with two children, no husband. So congrats cap you erased 2 kids. In that timeline there were two Caps, the time travel Cap and the frozen in ice cap. I think the double cap thing goes against the movies time travel logic he would have been in an alternate timeline. Had this been better planned it would have been cool if there were hints that he had actually done this all along, like an old Steve Rogers at Peggy's funeral just sitting at the church or an aged Chris Evans in a photo or something. I could barely tell that old man was Evans so it would have probably gone unnoticed.

When Thanos left his timeline a new branch would be made where he no longer existed. The events surrounding infinity war would have never happened. There are a bunch of potentially alive heros in that timeline and a full set of infinity stones.
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Haven't watched the review but do they say that Cap shouldn't have randomly shown up on the bench? He still teleported back, just because he didn't land on the teleport pad doesn't mean he didn't teleport. There is no teleport pad and any of the past timelines they travel to.

You guys are getting it all wrong.
The main time line would not have frozen Cap and time travel Cap. The alternate time line would have frozen Cap and time travel Cap.
No kids were erased in alternate time line because Peggy stayed with Cap before she met her potential husband.

I'm not sure what you are trying to say about 2014 Thanos. Past reality has no impact on present reality.
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Regarding all the time travel questions, I need to watch it again to confirm, but I honestly understand it that the pasts they travel too are just all separate realities. The comics have a multiverse and so too do the movies. There can basically be an infinite amount of realities set in 2012 and 2014 etc. This is why "the past" doesn't affect the present.
That wasn't my understanding (same caveat - I too need to watch again to be sure). My understanding of the "multiverse" angle is that it involves diverging realities, not unlimited precise copies of the "main" timeline for time travelers to visit. The idea that they're going to the past in their own timeline then creating a branch reality makes as much sense as I think can be made of the time travel here.


Nitpick #312:

I never liked how in the movies they turned the finger "snap" into some sort of activation method for the Infinity Gauntlet. It just seems cheesy. In the comics the "snap" was just a cool way to show how powerful the gauntlet was, that you can do anything with "the snap of a finger". It wasn't meant to be taken literally.

Nitpick #313:
Also I never liked the whole "u have to be a god to use the gauntlet" rule they added in the movies. It just doesn't make sense. If the gems gave you enough power to wipe out the universe, wouldn't it be at least powerful enough to protect you from dying when you use it?


After seeing both films is this supposed to be some Trump metaphor?

IW is how they felt when he got elected and Endgame is how they wished they could deal with it?
After seeing both films is this supposed to be some Trump metaphor?

IW is how they felt when he got elected and Endgame is how they wished they could deal with it?

I did get a vague "sometimes the bad guys win" message from IW that did feel like it was meant to be Trump era social commentary.

Just vaguely though, keep in mind "the snap" is what happens in the comic story from the early 1990s though.


I just realized Nebula at one point had the chance to take the Gauntlet and use it herself, just like in the comics. Too bad it never happened.
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if they were gonna rob thanos of all his development and personal connection to the avengers by replacing him with a younger version via time travel, there was an opportunity to finally give a comics accurate costume.

So let me get this straight. The future MCU films set on earth going forward including Spiderman are now set in 2023 onwards?

Assuming the next Avengers comes in 2022. What year will that be set in???! :messenger_face_screaming:

+ Time travel is now in the MCU. How will they get around that?!

+ They could have just gone to New York in 2012 and used the time stone??!!!

Does anyone want to chime in on this?
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I'm not sure what you are trying to say about 2014 Thanos. Past reality has no impact on present reality.

There would be a separate branch created in 2014 that contained no thanos, no infinity war, intact infinity stones. It would not change the timeline the main cast was in.


OK. Time Travel in this movie.

Probably I am going to fuck this up but at the current time this is my best understanding.

The timeline we have been watching all along for all these movies is Timeline 1 (TL1).
In TL1 Thanos gets the stones and does the snap. Then 5 years later the Avengers invent/discover time travel. OK.
The events of Endgame are TL1s present.

Can they just go back and kill baby Thanos? No.
Why not? Because that won't change their future. It will create a kind of branching timeline. So, a potential Timeline X that has no Thanos but that will not be TL1 so it doesn't work. That's some other timeline NOT our TL1. Good, I got it.

So the Avengers go backwards in TL1 and remove the Infinity Stones from various points in TL1.
As the Ancient One explains to Bruce Banner, this will create branching timelines (TL2, TL3, TL4, TL5 and TL6) for the removal of the time and mind stones from NY, the space stone from the 1970s, the power stone from Morag, the soul stone from Vormir and the reality stone from Asgard.

So now the present TL1 has all of the stones but there are 5 new timelines out there going along without their stones. Got it.

Then Thanos also removes himself from one point in TL1 and inserts himself at a different point in TL1. Thus creating another timeline TL7 that now does not have a Thanos.

In TL1 Thanos lived, snapped and died AND ALSO jumped forward in time and died again thus creating but not closing off TL7.
Thor kills TL1 Thanos and Tony also kills a younger version of TL1 Thanos. This second death leaves TL7 without a Thanos (I will come back to this).

After the big battle Captain America goes back in time and returns Mjolnir and the six stones to the exact points where they were taken and thus closes TL2, TL3, TL4, TL5 and TL6. That's fine. Those 5 loose ends are tied up since now those timelines never came to be. OK. Or at least those 5 alternate realities have their stones back.

In theory this should mean that Black Widow never dies because Cap replaces the stone just before Hawkeye gets it. However this leaves her stuck in the past of TL1. Cap also decides to deliberately leave himself stuck in the past of TL1 after he returns the stone in the 70s.

Does this mean that they have created a branching TL8 and TL9 since Cap and Widow were removed from their TL1 present thus creating 2 alternate timelines where they didn't just live on and die of old age in like 2070 or something? Instead they lived on in TL1s past instead of TL1s future. Thus creating two new branches, TL8 and TL9. Hm?

Sooo... there is a timeline/reality out there, TL7, without a Thanos that broke off when Thanos left TL1 at an earlier point and never returned to close that loop. That means TL7 has no Thanos, no collecting the stones, no snap.


Does this mean that when Dr Strange looked at 14,000,605 possibilities in Infinity War he was looking at approx 14 million alternate timelines?
And the only one where the snap doesn't happen is the one that has no Thanos?

At the conclusion of Endgame the TL1 Avengers didn't really win. The undid the snap and they killed Thanos for a second time BUT Thanos already did the snap and the sheer number of casualties and consequences of removing 3.5 billion people for 5 years and then popping them back into existence will have bad consequences.

HOWEVER by doing all this they did manage to goad Thanos into a confrontation that ultimately left a single timeline without a Thanos.

Since that Thanos never did return to his rightful place in time, and since we know what we know from Banner and the Ancient One, there has to have been a timeline now going along where Thanos has been removed. So this is the one in 14 million chance that Dr Strange saw.

Ultimately the Avengers victory was two-fold. They undid the snap for their own timeline BUT the real victory was that they managed to goad a version of Thanos away from TL1 and kill him, thus creating the ONLY timeline/reality where they never even had a snap.

I think I got it.


I don't think the Thanosless timeline is what Strange is talking about. I remember Strange looking at Tony and raising his index finger to signal that that moment was the 1 chance he had of fixing everything.


Then Thanos also removes himself from one point in TL1 and inserts himself at a different point in TL1. Thus creating another timeline TL7 that now does not have a Thanos.

In TL1 Thanos lived, snapped and died AND ALSO jumped forward in time and died again thus creating but not closing off TL7.
Thor kills TL1 Thanos and Tony also kills a younger version of TL1 Thanos. This second death leaves TL7 without a Thanos (I will come back to this).
I don’t think this is correct. The Thanos in the fight at the end of the movie isn’t TL1 Thanos, as evidenced by when he says “I don’t even know who you are” to Wanda. He’s 2014/TL4 Thanos. His death leaves TL4 without a Thanos, but of course TL4 is blinked out of existence when Rogers replaces the stone(s) at the end of the movie.

Ultimately the Avengers victory was two-fold. They undid the snap for their own timeline BUT the real victory was that they managed to goad a version of Thanos away from TL1 and kill him, thus creating the ONLY timeline/reality where they never even had a snap.

I think I got it.

The movie was very clear that the snap still happened in TL1.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
Question about Cap returning the stones to the correct place and time...

  • Did he shove the red stone up Natalie Portman's butt or just leave it on the floor?
  • How did he get the stone back into the Tesseract?
  • How did he get the stone back in Loke's sceptre?
  • How was Cap the right choice to move through time and navigate aliens worlds and not get killed or spotted in say Asgard?


Question about Cap returning the stones to the correct place and time...

  • Did he shove the red stone up Natalie Portman's butt or just leave it on the floor?
  • How did he get the stone back into the Tesseract?
  • How did he get the stone back in Loke's sceptre?
  • How was Cap the right choice to move through time and navigate aliens worlds and not get killed or spotted in say Asgard?
White privilege


My problems with it:

- Time travel is almost always a poor storytelling device and this movie suffers greatly from it. I could go on and on here, but needless to say, this was a huge mistake.

- Captain Marvel sucks and her measly 3 minutes of screen time is grating, as expected. Yay, I fly through Thanos' capital ship with ease, hurray, look I pressed the win button. She's horrible with absolutely zero charisma. Again.

- Hulk sucks in this movie. HUGE uncanny valley thing as they try to make him literally Mark Ruffalo but 9 feet tall and green. Also keeping Ruffalo's voiceover without obviously deepening it or adding heavy effects was a terrible idea. A nine-foot tall monster wouldn't sound at all like a six-foot man. The voice didn't match the face speaking only adding to the awkward uncanniness, forget the lame dialogue. (They nailed the voice in Ragnarok)

- The woke moments were super stupid, including:
-- The completely unnecessary scene with the gay guy telling Cap he went out on a date and Cap encourages him as to how great it is. Gag.
-- The scene where Mrs. Marvel is flying with the gauntlet and all the marvel women back her up in a cheesy hamfisted girl power display. Distracting, obvious, lame.
--When Thor gives the crown to the obnoxious (let's not forget former [like 5 years ago] slaver and murderess traitor) Valkyrie. She's brown, so no prerequisites I guess. I hated this character in Ragnarok more, but she still does nothing for me.
-- When old Cap is sitting on the bench and Falcon goes to talk to him instead of Bucky is wrong. Cap hands Falcon the shield/mantle in a huge slap to Bucky's face. I just don't get this scene. "Here you go Falc, the Russo brothers want a black Captain America, so screw my best friend and near equal in combat, I choose you."
--Paltrow in Iron Man armor fighting at the end? So, so cheesy. (I admit that at first, I thought this was Tony's daughter in some weird time thing [see Ant-Man's daughter], which would have probably been cooler than Pepper). And yes, I know she's worn the armor before. That was cheesy too.

The movie is often a bore and the end does have some absolutely fantastic moments. Not as good as Infinity War. Not as good as Iron Man. Not the great ending we all hoped for.
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Unconfirmed Member
Can someone explain how Thanos becomes Thanos if he travels forward in the future and then dies in the future? Doesn't that mean past Thanos is killed in 2023 and this 2014 to 2019 Thanos never exists? Confused....
Time travel is always bullshit.


Question about Cap returning the stones to the correct place and time...

  • Did he shove the red stone up Natalie Portman's butt or just leave it on the floor?
  • How did he get the stone back into the Tesseract?
  • How did he get the stone back in Loke's sceptre?
  • How was Cap the right choice to move through time and navigate aliens worlds and not get killed or spotted in say Asgard?

You are spot on with the first 3 points. It makes no sense how he would reconstitute the various objects that housed the infinity stones.
On the choice of cap. What were the other options? A huge green dude, a man with a totally inconspicuous metal arm, a guy wearing a bird costume with no other abilities, cripple in a robot suit, a bumbling goofball that can shrink down, a dead assassin, a blue robot lady, a trash panda, a guy who kept his wifes cell plan active while he went to kill yakuza, a fat emotionally destroyed thor that already bailed to hang with the GotG. Nobody else was really briefed on the whole time travel thing. Even if they expanded it out to the heros that came back and weren't on the original mission your options don't get much better. Guy in a cat suit, a wizard, scarlet witch, Captain Marvel.


How was Cap the right choice to move through time and navigate aliens worlds and not get killed or spotted in say Asgard?

Because they wanted to give Cap that specific ending.
It seems sensible that the final shot of Cap and Peggy would have been something that had been decided on some time ago.

The only reason they introduced "time travel" at all was to have this sort of "greatest hits" movie to wrap up the series.

I don't fault them for that. On a subjective level it worked incredibly well.

A lot of the things that happened though don't make much sense beyond "it was good fan service".

Which I am totally cool with by the way.
Compare Cap and Iron Man's endings in the MCU to what Star Wars gave their fans with Luke and Han.

Sensibly it would have been Captain Marvel returning the stones but then you lose Captain America's ending so...


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
You are spot on with the first 3 points. It makes no sense how he would reconstitute the various objects that housed the infinity stones.
On the choice of cap. What were the other options? A huge green dude, a man with a totally inconspicuous metal arm, a guy wearing a bird costume with no other abilities, cripple in a robot suit, a bumbling goofball that can shrink down, a dead assassin, a blue robot lady, a trash panda, a guy who kept his wifes cell plan active while he went to kill yakuza, a fat emotionally destroyed thor that already bailed to hang with the GotG. Nobody else was really briefed on the whole time travel thing. Even if they expanded it out to the heros that came back and weren't on the original mission your options don't get much better. Guy in a cat suit, a wizard, scarlet witch, Captain Marvel.

Dr. Strange could mask his clothes and hide in plain sight, magic is a get out jail card so he is a perfect choice.


A lot of things that don't make sense tend to be overthinking it though.The stuff Cap does at the end with returning the stones could easily be written off as him using the stones to to aid in that. The Tesseract not in the cube? Use a stone to put it in a cube before returning it, for example.

They could easily do a sub-series or even a movie about him returning the stones if they wanted, not that they would. However, not knowing how he returns them isn't a problem with Endgame at all since it's just clean-up. It's just putting the dishes in the sink so you can wash them later since you want to relax after having a feast.
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Because they wanted to give Cap that specific ending.
It seems sensible that the final shot of Cap and Peggy would have been something that had been decided on some time ago.

The only reason they introduced "time travel" at all was to have this sort of "greatest hits" movie to wrap up the series.

I don't fault them for that. On a subjective level it worked incredibly well.

A lot of the things that happened though don't make much sense beyond "it was good fan service".

Which I am totally cool with by the way.
Compare Cap and Iron Man's endings in the MCU to what Star Wars gave their fans with Luke and Han.

Sensibly it would have been Captain Marvel returning the stones but then you lose Captain America's ending so...

Oh and the little thing of reversing the previous films snap.....aka the main reason for time travel in this movie?!!

Also how out much of a cunt for Captain Marvel to quip early on that the events wouldn't have happened if 'she' was there. I mean WTF. :sick:
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I get that we are all geeks on a gaming forum so obviously we are going to nitpick shit in a borderline autistic manner because that's how we are but...

What about the glaring flaw with the movie that at least 60-90 mins are just boring? Once they kill Thanos and start with the time travelling shit the movie takes a huge nose dive in terms of quality and doesn't pick up until the last 40 mins. I'm def not the only one that noticed that, right. How does this shit stand up on rewatch?

I imagine that once the film releases on home media people will be shipping the first two hours, right? Infinity War def didn't have that problem...


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Once they kill Thanos and start with the time travelling shit the movie takes a huge nose dive in terms of quality and doesn't pick up until the last 40 mins. I'm def not the only one that noticed that, right. How does this shit stand up on rewatch? imagine that once the film releases on home media people will be shipping the first two hours, right? Infinity War def didn't have that problem...

I definitely got this feeling after finishing the movie, because the final act is so much better than the first two. I'd never skip past it on a rewatch, but IW is definitely a lot better than most of Endgame.


I definitely got this feeling after finishing the movie, because the final act is so much better than the first two. I'd never skip past it on a rewatch, but IW is definitely a lot better than most of Endgame.

That's easily my biggest issue with the movie. I absolutely loved every minute of Infinity War. I'm not saying it was perfect at all but I saw it three times in theaters and two time at home and was never bored. That 2.5 hours just zipped by faster than most 90 min movies.

Endgame simply doesn't live up to that and that's a big deal. You release a movie in two parts then I expect the second half to deliver big time. Endgame simply isn't better than Infinity War and that's why ultimately I think a lot of people feel let down and are maybe now nit-picking at Endgame.


I don't understand the issues people have with Thor giving Valkyrie the throne. She has been running things for 5 years. Thor just lost it and she stepped up. Sure we didn't see her leading, but it was heavily implied, and even had one scene with her giving orders if I remember right, that she was the one keeping New Asgard together for the 5 years.
I don't understand the issues people have with Thor giving Valkyrie the throne. She has been running things for 5 years. Thor just lost it and she stepped up. Sure we didn't see her leading, but it was heavily implied, and even had one scene with her giving orders if I remember right, that she was the one keeping New Asgard together for the 5 years.

Valkyrie stepping up is nothing compared to Sam Wilson becoming Captain America. At least that makes sense.


I get that we are all geeks on a gaming forum so obviously we are going to nitpick shit in a borderline autistic manner because that's how we are but...

What about the glaring flaw with the movie that at least 60-90 mins are just boring? Once they kill Thanos and start with the time travelling shit the movie takes a huge nose dive in terms of quality and doesn't pick up until the last 40 mins. I'm def not the only one that noticed that, right. How does this shit stand up on rewatch?

I imagine that once the film releases on home media people will be shipping the first two hours, right? Infinity War def didn't have that problem...

2nd time around 1st part is still just as boring. Time travel is boring except for Thor's scene with his mom and Cap/Stark in 1970 and "Hail Hydra".

Picks up once Thanos's ship travels to the present, and the fight is still just as good and Cap's moments are even better.

All female team up is double cringy the second time around.

But ya pretty much skip the first 100 minutes or so and just watch the end battle.


2nd time around 1st part is still just as boring. Time travel is boring except for Thor's scene with his mom and Cap/Stark in 1970 and "Hail Hydra".

Picks up once Thanos's ship travels to the present, and the fight is still just as good and Cap's moments are even better.

All female team up is double cringy the second time around.

But ya pretty much skip the first 100 minutes or so and just watch the end battle.

I saw Endgame at midnight on opening night with all the other super geeks (because I loved Infinity War and was really fucking hyped) but after it was finished I swore that once was enough and that I wouldn't bother to watch again.

I now have a few people asking me to go see it with them and I do remember the final battle being pretty awesome so I have been thinking about watching it again.

The problem is that I genuinely think I will be bored for the majority of the run time. I now need to decide whether 100 or so minutes of boredome are worth sitting through again for that final battle :unsure:
I saw Endgame at midnight on opening night with all the other super geeks (because I loved Infinity War and was really fucking hyped) but after it was finished I swore that once was enough and that I wouldn't bother to watch again.

I now have a few people asking me to go see it with them and I do remember the final battle being pretty awesome so I have been thinking about watching it again.

The problem is that I genuinely think I will be bored for the majority of the run time. I now need to decide whether 100 or so minutes of boredome are worth sitting through again for that final battle :unsure:

Thought you downloaded it? :unsure:


I saw Endgame at midnight on opening night with all the other super geeks (because I loved Infinity War and was really fucking hyped) but after it was finished I swore that once was enough and that I wouldn't bother to watch again.

I now have a few people asking me to go see it with them and I do remember the final battle being pretty awesome so I have been thinking about watching it again.

The problem is that I genuinely think I will be bored for the majority of the run time. I now need to decide whether 100 or so minutes of boredome are worth sitting through again for that final battle :unsure:

Final battle is a ton of fun but not sure if its worth sitting through the first 100 minutes.

IW was way more rewatchable. I think its because of no Spiderman, no Strange, and no GOTG.

AntMan and Hulk are fun, but not as fun as those other guys. Also Thor was way more interesting in IW. Fat Thor was a good gag, but Thor in IW harnessed the power of a star for fucks sake, kinda hard to compare with fortnite mopey Thor LOL.


Valkyrie stepping up is nothing compared to Sam Wilson becoming Captain America. At least that makes sense.

Sam getting the mantle makes sense though? In fact, the story line between the 3 as Captain America in the MCU takes most of the key story and character beats from the comics. The thing they took out was Bucky becoming Cap after Steve supposedly dies. Not the case in comics obviously but it's because the government goes after Bucky for what he did as the Winter Soldier that he gives up the Cap mantle then. He didn't feel like he deserved it. Falcon was given the mantle later after Cap decides to retire which is exactly how this films ends, lol.

Sam being the new Cap in the MCU makes a lot of sense because he basically walked the same path Steve originally did. Bucky's history and abilities would qualify him for it but Captain America isn't just about that, it's what the name stands for. I mean, do you really think Bucky could be doing those PSAs or that support group Steve did in the movie? Actually, I'd like to see what that would end up looking like. :pie_thinking:
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Sam getting the mantle makes sense though? In fact, the story line between the 3 as Captain America in the MCU takes most of the key story and character beats from the comics. The thing they took out was Bucky becoming Cap after Steve supposedly dies. Not the case in comics obviously but it's because the government goes after Bucky for what he did as the Winter Soldier that he gives up the Cap mantle then. He didn't feel like he deserved it. Falcon was given the mantle later after Cap decides to retire which is exactly how this films ends, lol.

Sam being the new Cap in the MCU makes a lot of sense because he basically walked the same path Steve originally did. Bucky's history and abilities would qualify him for it but Captain America isn't just about that, it's what the name stands for. I mean, do you really think Bucky could be doing those PSAs or that support group Steve did in the movie? Actually, I'd like to see what that would end up looking like. :pie_thinking:

He is not super human....so cinematically that is rather crap and very boring. So he is going to give up flying or is he going to fly with shield?

Yeh. Great. (y)

Final battle is a ton of fun but not sure if its worth sitting through the first 100 minutes.

IW was way more rewatchable. I think its because of no Spiderman, no Strange, and no GOTG.

AntMan and Hulk are fun, but not as fun as those other guys. Also Thor was way more interesting in IW. Fat Thor was a good gag, but Thor in IW harnessed the power of a star for fucks sake, kinda hard to compare with fortnite mopey Thor LOL.

How the hell can you come to any real conclusion like this from a cam??? :unsure:
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