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Awesomenauts |OT| - 2D MOBA - [PC/XBLA/PSN] Now on PS4!


So Kewn one of the dev's in the chat was talking about Stealth orb pickups being added and another map being added soon.
May have to reevaluate my stance on Genji v. Voltar after these matches. The combination Voltar + Tanks with Regen is looking very potent.


I decided to start playing this today after picking it up on sale a while back in preparation for the Mac release, but I still have the same problem that arises in every MOBA I play... nobody goes after the damn objective (in this case, turrets)! Everyone I get paired with thinks it's team deathmatch or something...

But that's what you get for playing with randoms, I guess.


I decided to start playing this today after picking it up on sale a while back in preparation for the Mac release, but I still have the same problem that arises in every MOBA I play... nobody goes after the damn objective (in this case, turrets)! Everyone I get paired with thinks it's team deathmatch or something...

But that's what you get for playing with randoms, I guess.

It gets better once you get into higher ranks.

Speaking of which does anyone want to start a team to play with online. I'm currently a 2 and i'd rather play with a team than go in with random's. Doesnt really matter what rank you are as long as your willing to play as a team.
Add me if you wanna team up. http://steamcommunity.com/id/equil/
Maybe we should start a gaf awesomenauts group.


I swear, I just can't win. I've started playing with a friend which solves my first problem, but now the game has taken to disconnecting at the most random of times, through no fault of my own. I can play L4D or TF2 for hours on end but I'm lucky if I manage to stay in a match more than 15 minutes in Awesomenauts. And because the game thinks I ragequit even though I'm disconnecting, I can barely unlock new characters/abilities since it lowers my Solar gain at the end of the next match I finish.

At least the game is fun, I've been running Voltar and trying to get good with him. I've mainly been starting off with solar gaining abilities so I can heal my team/droids from the back of the fray while I save up to become an unstoppable droid-pusher, it seems to be a pretty good tactic so far.


I finally started playing this more consistently and getting the hang of Voltar at the moment... Soo much fun! I would love to play in a team as a healer. Not so good with any other role as I haven't dabbled on any other than Voltar hehehe
I finally started playing this more consistently and getting the hang of Voltar at the moment... Soo much fun! I would love to play in a team as a healer. Not so good with any other role as I haven't dabbled on any other than Voltar hehehe

There's nothing I hate more than joining a game as Voltar with 2 bots for teammates. Hard times.

You should try Genji as well since he can upgrade his auto attack to have healing (doesn't heal bots) and his monarch blessing has a burst heal upgrade as well.
The main difference between Genji's healing and Voltar's is that Voltar is a dedicated healer who can heal anything on your team and recieve cash for it. Genji is better at burst healing, but it only affects your team members and not bots. You also have to build around it with Genji, since his healing isn't something you can just chuck a few points in.


There's nothing I hate more than joining a game as Voltar with 2 bots for teammates. Hard times.

You should try Genji as well since he can upgrade his auto attack to have healing (doesn't heal bots) and his monarch blessing has a burst heal upgrade as well.

Oh yes I had some of those. When there's an opportunity to breach and push they teleport to the store and let me hanging out to dry! hehehe

Add me then steam id: corto1976

I have a somewhat flexible schedule but I am GMT (Europe)



New map
So, a few things.

1. Genji is actually fun when you stop trying to play him as a support character, who knew?

2. New map is out, despite being a 2 tiered map ala "That other 2 tiered map" it really does find a way to differentiate itself from the other maps in the game. The amount of hiding places, the unique placement of the neutral creeps, and the map's trademark center stage gimmick make for a really fun experience.

3. New skins are awesome.

Card Boy

Awesomenauts is cheap on Green Man Gaming right now. I'm pretty sure I'll get it, but I'm really confused by the DLC (link here: http://www.greenmangaming.com/search/?q=Ronimo Games). What's substantial stuff like extra characters, and what's cosmetic? At the prices listed there, what would you recommend I get, if any?

The game has no paid characters they are all free, those things you see are just DLC skins which is their way of subsiding and paying their wages for making said free characters. I reckon just purchase the base game and maybe Swords and Soldiers HD.

You get a free Necrovoltar skin for Voltar if you own Swords and Soldiers, plus you can get a free skin for Skølldir from the Yogscast boys.


Honeydew Skølldir Skin

Purchase whatever costume you want, up to you man. These guys should be rewarded for all the free content they have being giving us for free. We have received 7 new characters which has more than doubled the Awesomenauts cast and there is at least one more Awesomenaut on the way called Admiral Swiggins which is a community Awesomenaut.

Card Boy

There's gonna be a community-made 'Naut? Cool!

Yep. There was 2 competitions over Facebook.

First comp was to submit a idea for a new 'Naut (like the attacks, personality, movement, bio). There where almost 700 entries, Romino choose the best 5 and the community voted.

This is the one that won.

The second comp was to submit a design for Admiral Swiggins. Romino chose the best 5 they liked and the community voted.

This is the one that got the vote.

Prizes where given to the winners and runner ups. I actually liked the top right Admiral Swiggins design.

Card Boy

Big patch including the first Premium skin, which is a Pirate Leon ($5). The skin has a completely new speech bank aswell.


Patch 1.18

New features

- Now available: the first premium skin with custom voice set: Pirate Leon!
Aaaarrrrr, ya scurvy old sea dogs! This here be the most feared pirate of the universe! Wanted on over 500 planets for camenbert plunderin', grog stealin' and sweet talkin', you'd be wise t' to hide your beauties, for leon pirate be comin'!

- New song in the soundtrack DLC: classical Awesomenauts! The Awesomenauts theme as played by the Ludwig Ensemble at the Indie Games Concert!

- A small hidden new feature, can you find it?

General balance
- Baby kuri mammoth divided into two stages 110 Solar per stage
- Baby kuri mammoth ccreduction reduced to 17% per stage
- Reflected bullets won’t fly through turrets anymore
- The stealth from the powerup on Aguillion now only works for 30s
- Power pills turbo price reduced from 150 to 135 Solar
- Power pills light price reduced from 150 to 135 Solar

- Electrify can not be reflected anymore
- Static gloves price reduced from 195 to 185 Solar per stage
- Super conductor price reduced from 175 to 170 Solar per stage
- Increased range of particles of super conductor a bit
- Wetsuit price reduced from 200 to 175 Solar
- Chuck’s board price reduced from 155 to 140 Solar per stage
- Thunderstriker price reduced from 150 to 140 Solar
- Slightly increased basejump height, boots give less
- Silver coating price reduced from 155 to 145 per stage
- Disruptor price reduced from 130 to 120 Solar per stage
- Syphon disruptor price reduced from 320 to 300 Solar

- Fixed that Raelynn could shoot through certain walls by standing next to them.
- Laser pointer blindtime reduced from 2s to 1.5s
- Base speed increased and decreased speed of the boots
- Unknown alien hand price reduced from 210 to 185 Solar
- T-800 dome price reduced from 120 to 110 Solar per stage

- Reduced homing movement of missiles
- Rubber sleeves price increased from 135 to 155 Solar
- Mister tnt price reduced from 140 to 110 Solar per stage
- Extra stick of TNT price increased from 250 to 270 Solar
- Incendiary bomb price reduced from 160 to 150 Solar

- Extra battery pack now also increases the lifespan of dummies by 8s
- Clover of honour now increases the damage of each third successful hit by 6 per level (2 levels)
- Morning star piercing price reduced from 400 to 370 Solar
- Spiked tongue piercing price reduced from 160 to 140 Solar
- Steel false teeth price reduced from 175 to 160 Solar
- Pinot noir price reduced from 190 to 170 Solar
- Backstab blade price reduced from 200 to 180
- Chainsaw addon price reduced from 225 to 210
- Enhanced muscle fibers price reduced from 215 to 200

- Spit damage increased from 30 to 35
- Spike slime added a third stage and reduced price from 210 to 180 Solar
- Weedlings now have a weak healthregen from start without any upgrades
- The placement of weedlings will now do area of effect damage dealing (20 damage)
- Wild growth now increases the placing damage of weedlings by 10 per stage (2 stages) price 175 Solar
- Overgrowth price reduced from 150 to 110 Solar
- Weedlings now start out with 25% hitpoints and regen from there
- Rotten teeth price reduced from 260 to 245 Solar
- Weedlings now aim better at their targets
- Increased base movement speed and acceleration

- Increases heigth of volcano from 2 to 3
- A new pair of boots for Skolldir: League seven boots, increase both normal movement speed as well as a short bonus speed after throwing enemies. Price 155
- Oily spray on bronze speedup reduced from 100% to 75%
- Baby kuri mammoth doesn’t affect throw anymore

- Blueprints container now gives Clunk a reflective shield during explode price 255 Solar
- Medical pump price increased from 210 to 230 Solar per stage

- Reduced the range on sniper bullets from 2.2 to 1.2 and the price from 165 to 110
- Removed stun bullets Added new upgrade: Iron fist missiles, which shoots 4 homing missiles in 4 directions with a slow loading time in turretmode.
- Super powered trap replaced by superpower nuke, which increases the nuke’s speed by 50%, price 165 Solar
- Siegemode cooldown reduced from 5.5 to 4.5
- Combustion lava lamp price reduced from 200 to 185 Solar
- Lead casing now silences as long as the trap lasts instead of a fixed time of 3s.
- Base damage of cat shot increased from 7 to 8
- Bat cat suit damage reduced from 7 to 6
- Bat cat suit price reduced from 380 to 340 Solar
- Longcat range reduced from 4 to 3 per stage
- Longcat price reduced from 190 to 160 Solar per stage
- Slighty reduced acceleration on movement

Froggy G
- Mutant ninja worms damage reduced from 15 to 12
- Base health reduced from 125 to 115
- Baby Kuri Mammoth won’t decrease recovery time on dash
- Bio fuel cells duration decreased from 0.8s to 0.6s
- Increased recovery time after splash dash from 0.15s to 0.2s
- Thornfish sidebullets deal less damage against turrets now
- Tornado damage reduced from 16 to 15
- Mutant worms price increased from 110 to 130 Solar per stage

- Baby yeti effect reduced from 30% to 25%
- Hubble’s lens now increases the minimum damage of laser instead of the max damage
- Cooldown on timebubble increased from 11.5s to 13s
- Hubble’s lens price increased from 235 to 360 Solar
- Flyswatter price increased from 140 Solar to 185 Solar
- Visual size of timebubble now corresponds better with the actual size
- Time primer size reduced from 3.6 to 3
- Chrono rift reduced to one stage of 15% slow for 250 Solar
- Charging speed of laser slighty reduced

Vinnie & Spike
- Base health reduced from 140 to 130
- Removed silence on Alien abduction kit it now adds a lifestealing effect to spike dive, stealing 9 health per target hit within the dash, price 185 Solar
- Withered presidents mask cooldown reduction reduced from 4s to 2s

- Cocoon duration reduced from 3s to 2s
- Spirtual cooking price increased from 165 to 195 Solar
- Collision of the cocoon projectile is now more consistent with the visual
- Storm drum price increased from 145 to 160 Solar per stage
- Cocooned targets now have collision

-The stealth powerup effect on Aquillion now works better with drones

- Improved reconnection system, so that it will often take a bit less time and have a larger chance of succeeding.
- Fixed some issues that hopefully solve the very rare situation that there are four players in a single team, of which one would be invisible (which one was invisible changed whenever someone dies). This also fixes that sometimes the same class would be in a team twice.
- Fixed that sometimes the Leaderboards would show each entry double.

Not sure what the 'new small hidden feature' is in the patch notes but i did notice Local, nearby Region and Worldwide matchmaking search options in the Settings menu. I'm unsure how new that is.
Gnaw has to be one of the swingiest characters I've seen, they seem to be having a lot of trouble figuring out how to balance the durability of weedlings vs. their damage output and ability to tank turrets.

Good to see Genji get some well needed nerfs to the prices of his basic attack upgrades, his offensive capability was waaay too high to be considered anything other than an offensive / gank type character. Hopefully more people use his support skills earlier as a result.

Card Boy

Ronimo have being teasing a new 'Naut and its clearly not Admiral Swiggins by the looks of it. The amount of free support this game has being getting is amazing.



'Another hint at the new character! With another cool Photoshop filter! Because everyone likes Photoshop filters!

More hints in this forum topic: http://www.awesomenauts.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=14472'


I'm thinking it could be a Goblin character.

Card Boy

New 'Naut has being fully revealed

Ayla is a devious little girl. She comes from an old species called the Sadak, known for their great psychokinetic powers. Her parents were killed during the great Sevenelevian Coupon Wars and she was adopted by a sweet alien family. The couple grew fearful, however, when suspicious things started happening around the house: evil drawings on the wall, weird sounds at night and dead rapper frogs in the garden.

When they finally figured out Ayla's "gifts" and dark sense of humor, they turned her over to the Sunny-daisy School of Social Re-adjustment. A few short days and several fires later, she got transferred to a maximum security psychiatric ward where she went berserk and chose the nearest wall for her stage exit.

Using her cute puppy-dog eye routine she managed to hitchhike her way across the galaxy and ended up with the Awesomenauts who, after her tantrums left half the ship in ruins, couldn't wait to get her in a droppod and away from their precious belongings. Still, she's a cherished member of the group, requiring only a gold-star sticker for her efforts on the field of battle!

90minute video on Twitch of the new character

Apparently shes voiced by the same actor that does Tiny Tina from Borderlands 2. She plays like a Dragon Ball Z character by the looks of it.
Another female huh? About time. Haven't played Awesomenauts in a while but when she drops I'll probably go back into it full swing for a while.

Card Boy

Holy shit they are still updating this game?


We have received 7 new 'Nauts since launch, with another 2 on the way (for a total of 15), a new map, features and buttloads of balance changes. All for free i might add.

Buy some costume DLC or gift the game to a friend to support these guys. The amount of support they give both Awesomenauts and Sword & Soldiers HD blows me away.


Junior Member
i fail at hiding stuff

Had it already, so have a free Steam activation code for Awesomenauts. Quote to reveal, write in thread once you use it up.


Pay $1 dollar and get a copy of awesomenauts and the exclusive clunk chicken skin.
If anyone would like to see the new skin in action, Equil and I had a tournament match earlier today in which I played Cluck Clunk:
http://www.twitch.tv/equil/b/409503917 (The first game starts at around 17:30 into the video)

I really like the new skin. It manages to be both super goofy and badass at the same time. My one gripe is that when you upgrade your autoattack the eggs you shoot only go up the size of maybe a goose egg. I want to be splatting ostrich eggs in the opponents' faces!
Really fun and addicting game! I started out on console playing with Voltar, Derply and Yuri. Switched over to PC as there are more characters and content. I main Genji, but am looking to learn more characters. I'm pretty much available to play with anytime. Steam name is Saikogan.

Card Boy

According to the Awesomenauts facebook page they gained almost half a million players in the past 2 weeks. The wonders of humble bundle.
I still play it, and really enjoy it. There seems to be a pretty active community, too; or at least, I never have trouble finding a full game with the matchmaking
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