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Bergdahl not given jail time for desertion, ticks off a certain someone (CNN)



President Donald Trump tweeted Friday that the decision allowing Bowe Bergdahl not to serve prison time is a "complete and total disgrace."

He tweeted, "The decision on Sergeant Bergdahl is a complete and total disgrace to our Country and to our Military."

The judge also ruled that Bergdahl's rank be reduced from sergeant to private. Additionally, he will be required to pay a $1,000 fine from his salary for the next 10 months.

The Army soldier, who the Taliban held for five years after he deserted his Afghanistan outpost, pleaded guilty last month to the charges

For those who forgot, now Private Bergdhal deserted his unit in Afghanistan and was taken by the Taliban, where he was held for 5 years. Americans launched rescue operations over the years etc to try to get him back. Once we did get him back and found out he deserted he was placed in prison as he awaited his hearing.


He didn't willingly go with the Taliban. He was taken at gunpoint.

The man has been a prisoner of war for 5 years. He's suffered plenty enough. He was a young idealistic kid, there's no reason to send him to prison for the rest of his life.


He didn't willingly go with the Taliban. He was taken at gunpoint.

The man has been a prisoner of war for 5 years. He's suffered plenty enough. He was a young idealistic kid, there's no reason to send him to prison for the rest of his life.
Thanks for setting that record straight. Just because moderation is not as aggressive doesn't mean wholesale bullshit is now accepted.

And I agree, dude has suffered enough. Everyone involved including the soldiers injured in the search have suffered enough and have forgiven him. A draft dodging puppet president's feelings are irrelevant to anyone but his zombie supporters.


The cost to rescue him must have been huge, far greater than the fine he is receiving. I'm not sure jail time is appropriate though in this case.


These lives that were lost searching for this pos will never be brought back:



Is it revenge, or justice? His crime cost the lives of 6 people, should he not at least face some prison time for it?

He spent 5 years as a prisoner. What he did was shitty and he probably feels shitty about it. None of us should judge anymore than that.
It's not like he deserted and spent his days chilling on a beach. He was a prisoner of war. He's done his time. It shouldn't matter that it wasn't at the hands of Americans.


He spent 5 years as a prisoner. What he did was shitty and he probably feels shitty about it. None of us should judge anymore than that.

If a criminal gets hurt in the process of their crime, they shouldn't face the consequences for the initial crime, what?
Is it revenge, or justice? His crime cost the lives of 6 people, should he not at least face some prison time for it?

Crimes should be punished for what the crime is, not external factors... no matter how tragic.

If a criminal gets hurt in the process of their crime, they shouldn't face the consequences for the initial crime, what?

If a police officer crashes his car in poor weather and dies on the way to a domestic disturbance call, should the person who started the fight be charged with murder and get life in prison? After all, it WAS their action which led the police officer to die.


If a police officer crashes his car in poor weather and dies on the way to a domestic disturbance call, should the person who started the fight be charged with murder and get life in prison? After all, it WAS their action which led the police officer to die.

No, they should get charged with whatever the crime is, this comparison doesn't even make any sense.


Half a decade a taliban prisoner is a punishment worthy to pedos, rapists, serial killers, ect

The guy already did his time


Yeah jail time does no one any good now. Being dishonorably discharged for desertion will fuck his life up enough.


Is this InfoWars now?

No soldiers died looking for or retrieving him. Jesus.
Thank you for pointing this out. Definitely some misinformed zombies among us I'm not holding my breath as far as the original poster correcting the post but its definitely the right move.


Is it revenge, or justice? His crime cost the lives of 6 people, should he not at least face some prison time for it?

It did not cost the lives of 6 people. The guy who posted that is probably a lost cause, but you can still change your position based on correct information.


It makes total sense. In fact, it's a perfect comparison. In what way does it not match the bowe scenario?

A guy deserts the military = avoids desertion charges due to extenuating circumstances
A guy beats his wife = avoids domestic violence charge because a police officer died on his way

Yep, they are exactly the same and not in fact the dumbest comparison in the history of the site.


It did not cost the lives of 6 people. The guy who posted that is probably a lost cause, but you can still change your position based on correct information.

I honestly don't think the 6 people dying is relevant even if it did happen, I was just using it to drive home the point. A crime is a crime, you shouldn't just avoid punishment for it due to extenuating circumstances


A guy deserts the military = avoids desertion charges due to extenuating circumstances
A guy beats his wife = avoids domestic violence charge because a police officer died on his way

Yep, they are exactly the same and not in fact the dumbest comparison in the history of the site.

You said that he should face prison time because his crime cost the lives of 6 people. That's why people are making the comparison.

Not that it matters, since your original premise was faulty to begin with.

It appears that he was granted leniency in part due to mental health issues and in part due to information he gave to authorities about his time in captivity. I don't see why we need to question the military judge who sentenced him.


I honestly don't think the 6 people dying is relevant even if it did happen, I was just using it to drive home the point. A crime is a crime, you shouldn't just avoid punishment for it due to extenuating circumstances
The crime was desertian, what are we arguing about if its not the 6 imaginary deaths? The punishment fit the crime him being a pow for 5 years factors in, he didn't mean to be captured but he did as a result of his desertion, the court leaned toward leniency based on that and his apology which his brothers in arms accepted. Now that I'm thinking about it Trump himself probably thinks 6 people died.


Yes, for his crime, not for the 6 people dying. If you continue reading, I'm sure you'll get there.

So I'm assuming you're retracting that post? You never mentioned that anywhere.

If you want to argue that he should face prison time for desertion, it's already been pointed out that he suffered for 5 years in captivity, had mental health issues and gave authorities information about his time in captivity which resulted in the military judge giving him a lenient sentence.


So I'm assuming you're retracting that post? You never mentioned that anywhere.

If you want to argue that he should face prison time for desertion, it's already been pointed out that he suffered for 5 years in captivity, had mental health issues and gave authorities information about his time in captivity which resulted in the military judge giving him a lenient sentence.

I'm not retracting anything, perhaps you should read further than a single post.


I'm not retracting anything, perhaps you should read further than a single post.

Literally your first post in this thread:

Is it revenge, or justice? His crime cost the lives of 6 people, should he not at least face some prison time for it?

Come on dude, just let it go. When the imaginary 6 dead were in play , the crux of your argument for all intents and purposes, you were on solid ground with that argument ..but once the truth came out your point is moot.


Literally your first post in this thread:

Come on dude, just let it go. When the imaginary 6 dead were in play , the crux of your argument for all intents and purposes, you were on solid ground with that argument ..but once the truth came out your point is moot.

No, it wasn't. I said as such before the 6 people dying was even revealed to be bullshit.


No, it wasn't. I said as such before the 6 people dying was even revealed to be bullshit.
Your point from your first post before you uttered any other thing in the thread was basically "caused 6 deaths= shouldn't he get jail time?"..why are you still acting like this is a subjective disagreement?


Your point from your first post was basically "caused 6 deaths= shouldn't he get jail time?"..why are you still acting like this is a subjective disagreement?

No, it wasn't. My point was, he committed a crime and he should have to face the punishment for it regardless of the extenuating circumstances. The 6 people dying is ultimately irrelevant, I said as much pretty much immediately after.


No, it wasn't. My point was, he committed a crime and he should have to face the punishment for it regardless of the extenuating circumstances. The 6 people dying is ultimately irrelevant, I said as much pretty much immediately after.
Edit: the argument is moot from the beginning you were in agreement.
The irony is that Trump's first Bergdahl tweets ended up being one of the major arguments for the defense; ie influencing a military trial. Yet here he goes again oblivious to the fact that he helped the defense. I say oblivious but really he probably doesn't care what happens to Bergdahl. He's just in it for the optics; to look like a strongman.


you can't put a price on sparks
i think he probably deserved some jail time, but im not crying foul at this decision either, considering the stupid president affected the trial with his dumb comments


Guy should be serving time. He deserted and soldiers lost thier lives looking for him.

He should have been given the 14 year sentence, with 5 years served and he'd probably be out in 4.
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