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Best current gen Harvest Moon game?


Been wanting to try one of these out for a LONG time.

Anyways, I think there's a couple for the GBA and one on the GCN? Any good? Any recommendations among the three?


The GBA one, which is a port of the solid PSX game. The current gen console versions are trash.


Alex said:
The current gen console versions are trash.
Wait, wait. Who agrees with this?


Running off of Custom Firmware
Friends of Mineral Town, the most recent GBA game, is my top HM EVER. It follows the "traditional" HM evolution, whereas the GCN game is a bit of an experiment. Largely successful, I'd say, but not as fun as the more traditional HM games.
I've owned every game in the series. Been a fan since the SNES days. Love it.

Current gen? GBA version kicks every other version's ass. It's the perfect HM. HM 64 is the best, but FOMT is close. GC version is okay. PS2 version is a rental.


echoshifting said:
Avoid the PS2 version like the plague.

Quoted for emphasis.

Also, in the mature version of Harvest Moon (let's call it "Harvest Crack Spoon"), you have to grow yearly yields of Erythroxylum coca. When the local authorities come by for a visit, you have quickly go around saving as many crops as you can while hiding the rest of your yields in dead horse carcasses. Later on, you'll have to court a sexy latino with a big ass, by bringing her to clubs and buying her "bling." As an optional sidequest, you can participate in hustling mini-games where you have to sell the most cocaine before the morning, or when you have to burn as many crops from your rival drug lord before he wakes up.

Man! What a great game that would be...

...but seriously, I would like the next-gen Harvest Moon to be way more advanced. Like 80-100 crops to choose from per year, the ability to set up and build your own massive Farmer's Market, to hire some workers for your massive farming empire, set up special growing centers which can mature special crops that yield much more cash than usual (for instance, keep these plants at a certain temperature or out of direct sunlight, etc). And courting would be a much more involved process then it currently is. My personal dream Harvest Moon game!


Amirox, you just gave me some sick thought of Sid Meier developing an HM game. Curse you for instilling such fantasies into my head.

Anyway, my vote goes to FoMT as well, even if it has stolen my girlfriend away from me on numerous, extended occasions.


Whatever floats your boat, but I couldn't even make it through a single year in A Wonderful Life. The game is just as unplayable and trashy as the Playstation 2 Save the Homeland. Barren, eventless, uninspiried.

Harvest Moon 64 & Back to Nature/Friends of mineral were entirely on another level. Good, good shit.

I dunno if something happened at Victor when they became Marvelous (must not crack joke...), but outside of rehashing Back to Nature it's been all duds.

I used to be a big time HM fan at GA, but eh, not anymore, and when they dig up and piss all over Lunar come this summer, I will fucking troll Marvelous Soft into the ground. :p I'm so, so highly pissed off that GameArts licensed out a new title to be made.


While I wasn't overly negative towards AWL...the fact that I too didn't finish an entire year has to be quite telling, doesn't it? I mean, I enjoyed it to a certain extent, but it just never really clicked for me. I think it was an interesting experiment with the process, but I didn't really find many parts of it to be GOOD experiments. Like, only being able to sell stuff every now and then? What the hell was that? Ick.

I passed over a $20 Canadian copy of Friends of Mineral Town today, since I'm looking for a GBA game with a bit more of a story, or a bit more of a hook. I love the series, but other than HM64 I've never really gotten hooked into one of them. The kid I babysat last summer borrowed the game, and within a week he had gone through two years. He had killed like 3 animals and all sorts of crap had gone wrong, but he seemed to enjoy himself...somehow.


I liked HM for the GBA more than AWL, it was much more RPGish and had a lot more things to do. However, saying that.. I did just finish AWL.. all 10 fucking years. God, it was a chore at the end.The last 4 or so years I used the Alarm clock and slept most of the days. I really would of quit... but I had already infested a large amount of hours into the game... so I spend an 1hour a day playing the game and I finished it up in 2-3 weeks. While I really liked the hybrid system.. and trees... it just felt a bit un-refined. Milking cows was a chore. Watering was a chore. It just became so boring once you had bought everything and had made a bunch of money. I still like the basics of the game(s) but I don't know if I could handle anouther HM. I'm truely sick to the stomach about playing another game. Its going to be a long time before I start a new one. That being said....Is there even a new one coming out on the cube?(not the girl version)


I made it through 1 year, by 1 single day, in AWL just to see what changed. Didn't find the motivation to move on from there. Of the ones released recently, I like Friends of Mineral Town best.


Teal'c said:
That being said....Is there even a new one coming out on the cube?(not the girl version)

In Japan, it already released. Back to the one camera angle, cel-shaded type graphics...looks really good. It's too bad that there's no confirmed US release, since AWL:G is coming first.
Yeah, avoid Harvest Moon for PS2. What a pile that was.

Its pretty much little/no farming in favor of a plot that is so poorly done, you have to wonder if Marvelous/Natsume was playing a cruel prank on HM fans or just willing to see how well it'd do on PS2 before release a good HM.

I own the GC version and haven't touched it. I might someday and wouldn't mind getting Friends of Mineral Town, depending on my backlog status.


Friends of Mineral Town is the best. Probably the best in the series. Everything is just so polished and the reward system is fantastic and well-paced.

A Wonderful Life is very cool, but has some annoying flaws. It's rather unpolished, IMO. Every action, like grooming your animals, milking them, talking to them, nuzzling them, etc., is really slow, and you have to do it twice a day to every animal. It gets really tedious and there's no help with chores like in Friends of Mineral Town. But other than the daily chores, there's a lot of cool stuff in the game.


Add another recommendation for FoMT is the best.

It's just a simple fact that it's the best designed HM game ever. From solid coding to graphic design to gameplay. Absolutely bang-up job done with this one.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I've always been curious about this franchise, and since I am already in GBA love mode, I will keep the GBA game under consideration.

I notice a sequel is due next month, what's that one all about?


kiryogi said:
Basically you get to play a girl instead, and some other tweaks.

Yep...so it's not really a sequel.

I'm now kicking myself for not grabbing that FOMT copy for $18.83 CDN at Wal-Mart today. But, there was like 8 copies in a giant pile, so I'll consider it and go back next weekend if I decide to pick it up. I was looking into something more story-based, but it was not to be found in the giant pile of cheap-ass games.


Okay, impressions for about 3 years in Friends of Mineral Town!

Holy crap this stuff is addictive!

It was really sad, the way I was pulled into "just a bit more, bigger rucksack" to "just a bit more, better house" to "just a bit more, better tools" to "just a bit more, marriage."

But, now I'm married, with a son, and pretty much have nothing left to strive for but the Mythic Tools and the 100 mil villiage cottage, and I feel like the game is pretty much out of steam. Incentives really aren't that exciting. I think Alex once criticized Animal Crossing (which I am now strangely, sadly, more interested in), but given that the ultimate goal in Harvest Moon is essentially to have a lot of money and pretty houses, I don't see too much of a difference.

I just think the game needs something more. It would be really good as a sorta "make your own villiage" minigame that most RPGS have where growth here lead to something more tangible in the main game, regarding combat. Which isn't to say that it's not a good game as is, but it is a little unsatisfying in the long run.

Oh yeah, and I was reaqlly surprised to see comments that Harvest Moon GC was too radical or whatever. I read about the changes and it seems like the kind of minor, incremental step I would be disapointed not to see in a sequel.

In conclusion, I might be interested in another Harvest Moon game somewhere ten years down the road. Or maybe I'd just rather own my own real farm......
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