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BF6 will also have natural disasters/events to change terrain


Gold Member

Guess this will be a more extreme version of the dynamic weather we saw back in BF4 in Paracel/Oman

yea BF4 weather was pretty scripted. Yknow what i really want....a day night cycle that changes with the game depending on how long the match goes on for. Most of BF4 and 1 ...most games in general bake in the lighting in closed world experiences. this is why we had later "night versions of a few maps. I get there are gameplay aspects to this too but think ahead with that i think its time to get a day night cycle pre planned into the maps instead.

Mikey Jr.

Easily my most anticipated game of the year.

The thought of what BF6 is going to look like on XSX and PS5 makes me rock solid.

Bf1 and bf5 were my most anticipated games and disappointed me immensely.

I am going into bf6 very very cautious.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Bf1 and bf5 were my most anticipated games and disappointed me immensely.

I am going into bf6 very very cautious.

I was disappointed with the single player offerings for BFV and BF1. The campaigns were trash and I couldn't believe they didn't make a few modes offline with bots, especially as DICE were able to do it with the Battlefront franchise. Hopefully, with BFVI, they'll make some of the bigger modes fully playable offline with bots, and split screen local multiplayer.

Online though was what I expected from a Battlefield game. Huge battles with amazing destruction. For the multiplayer, the games did not disappoint.


The last few Battlefields have been disappointing to me as well.
Hardline was ok, but could of been a big DLC for BF4.
BF1 was worse and I didn’t enjoy it very long but not a bad game.
BFV was not that much fun IMO. Worst in the series by far.
Really would like BF6 to be somewhere between Bad Company and BF3.

Naked Lunch

Big scripted events is a main reason this series went to shit.
The stormy weather and sky scraper collapse of BF4 which always happened, the stupid comeback huge vehicles of BF1 like the blimp and train.
Its cool the first couple times - but in a multiplayer game, where youre spending 100s of hours on the same maps - it gets old fast.
This is not good news.


I was disappointed with the single player offerings for BFV and BF1. The campaigns were trash and I couldn't believe they didn't make a few modes offline with bots, especially as DICE were able to do it with the Battlefront franchise. Hopefully, with BFVI, they'll make some of the bigger modes fully playable offline with bots, and split screen local multiplayer.

Online though was what I expected from a Battlefield game. Huge battles with amazing destruction. For the multiplayer, the games did not disappoint.
Who buys BF for the singleplayer?
The first few BF games didn't even have a single player mode!
They should make a global warming battle royale map where an island gets smaller and smaller as the water level rises from melting glaciers floating around the maps edges.
I was disappointed with the single player offerings for BFV and BF1. The campaigns were trash and I couldn't believe they didn't make a few modes offline with bots, especially as DICE were able to do it with the Battlefront franchise. Hopefully, with BFVI, they'll make some of the bigger modes fully playable offline with bots, and split screen local multiplayer.

Online though was what I expected from a Battlefield game. Huge battles with amazing destruction. For the multiplayer, the games did not disappoint.

I absolutely loved BF1's campaign. But I didn't pick up BF5 after how DICE released such a broken game. I would be cautious about BF6, and at least wait to see if DICE will lift their review embargo a few weeks before the release or on the day off.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Who buys BF for the singleplayer?
The first few BF games didn't even have a single player mode!


Of course multiplayer is the meat of any BF game, but sometimes I just want to relax with an offline bot mode.


It’s an unbelievable game changer left out of the last two Battlefield games if these reports are true it can simply help BF6 it’s not like every map will have a natural disaster effect.
Ive played every Battlefield and natural disaster as it is implied here sounds stupid.
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
Battlefield is so dull though. Its always been pretty but honestly I've always found it the most characterless and boring of all the big FPS franchises.

Codes 208

Gold Member
A tornado carving a path across the battlefield would actually be pretty fucking dope, ngl
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This stuff is hit and miss. I liked some of the levolution stuff in BF4 and hated some of it.

The water in Flood Zone was interesting. It changed up the map and the map was arguably better flooded.

The sandstorm on Oman ruined the map. Especially in Obliteration where it happens every time after seemingly 5 minutes. IT's not fun to play in a totally blinding standstorm every round.

Also some of these levolutions would have been better if they didn't distract players from actually playing the game. Especially given that everyone and their little brother and grandma is going to want to do it once. How many rounds on Shanghai did I have where a dude was in a tank etc and just sat there trying to blow out the columns on the skyscraper instead of helping the team win. Countless.

Flood would have been the best if once in awhile the map was flooded to begin with or it happened randomly during the round on occasion. Instead of making players go to the wall and shoot it instead of trying to conquer the enemy.

I preferred the levolutions that just happened without players having to "trigger" them.

Some levolutions did little to nothing. I barely noticed the one on Lancang Dam.

Another like on Paracel Storm was trigged, in Obliteration at least, after 2 mcoms were blown up and that was a preferable way of having one activated. But the levolution in Paracel itself was a mixed bag. The waves were modeled very well. But did anyone like trying to pilot boats across that? I did learn to navigate it decently by riding the waves more or sticking close to the coast rather than pushing through the waves, but it could be pretty tedious/annoying when you just want to have some fun driving around on a jet ski or RHIB or big boat. I would have liked to see it happen less frequently.
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They should make a global warming battle royale map where an island gets smaller and smaller as the water level rises from melting glaciers floating around the maps edges.
And and Greta is a special weapon found in a hidden spot. She can't kill you but she can lock you in place when she screaming "how dare you".
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Personally I don't get the hate over the levolution back in BF4 through BF1 behemoth's. I really enjoyed them especially when it's fun to mess around with snipers in the Caspian Border tower and see it falling down with jets flying around it. It's just epic. How could you not like that?

As a guy who's always top 5 on my matches in most games, the levolutions didn't even affect my gameplay. Was fun to see the disasters in person and such. Oh and players dying on purpose too. Sometimes I would just stay at the Skyscraper when it collapses hahaha.

BUT... the sandstorm in Oman is too much imo. I remember love flying jets in BF3's Gulf Of Oman. Now I don't even touch the jets in BF4's because the sandstorm is just too much imo. I rather add the sandstorm in a infantry only map.


That sounds stupid.
Yup not a fan of random shite in a competitive shooter at all.

Levolution was ok but Battlefield games are already chaotic enough as is. I really wish we could just go back to a really solid BF2/BF3-type of experience.


The dumbest thing about Behemoths the more I played the game was blowing them up and still having to slog through hundreds of tickets knowing one team had no chance to win. Rounds should have ended right after the Behemoth blew up under those conditions. I think that would have made much more sense.

Also they could have put some work into not letting players hold the Behemoth hostage aka never moving it up. Maybe eject them for not moving up after x seconds. Or never letting anyone sit in the driver seat for more than 60 seconds. Maybe put some of them on autopilot.

They should have let players spawn on the Behemoth even when it was full. That would have better helped its purpose as a comeback mechanic.

Behemoths could been stronger the earlier they came out in the round. I mean when one comes out before a team gets ~200 tickets you know that team needs serious help. And the Behemoth isn't enough to give them a chance. Maybe they could have given out extra planes and tanks along with a Behemoth to teams that fall far behind early and otherwise have no chance.

To me I guess I never really understood why they couldn't make some fairly simple/obviously needed improvements to stuff like this.

Cao Cao

Sounds really bad, what's the point adding some random mechanic that can screw you over? Please remove this.
I hope they aren't continuing what they've been doing by reducing the amount of damage the players can do in favor of set piece moments, I miss when you could destroy just about everything. I don't need big city maps where you are confined to narrow streets, I'm fine with villages etc where every house and tree can be taken down.
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